LEDGER LINES SCHOOL of MUSIC and DANCE NEWSLETTER for ALUMNI & FRIENDS September, 2008 Vol. XX, No. 2 LEDGER LINES — SPECIAL EVENTS — is the biannual newsletter of the University of Oregon School of Music Homecoming Weekend and Dance. Letters, photos, and contri- butions from alumni, friends, and faculty Friday, Oct. 10: are always welcome. • UO BANDS TO CELEBRATE address correspondence to: 100th ANNIVERSARY LeDGer LiNeS The UO School of Music and Dance School of Music and Dance and the Oregon Alumni Association invite 1225 University of Oregon all former UO band members to attend a eugene Or 97403-1225 special 100th anniversary celebration din- eDiTOr: Scott Barkhurst ner during Homecoming Weekend, Oct. [email protected] 10–11. The Friday dinner, featuring a special aSSiSTaNT: Carol roth program and performances, will be at Val- ley River Inn at 7 p.m., preceded by a 6:30 CONTriBUTOrS: George evano, Bob Keefer, amy Stoddart, DeNel Stoltz reception. The centennial event is open to all former UO band members, including PrOOFreaDerS: the concert bands, jazz bands, and march- Laura Littlejohn, Carol roth ing bands. The evening’s program will feature live performances, band memorabilia, and speakers. Cost is $35 per person. Reception and COVer PhOTO by Scott Barkhurst: registration details are available on-line at the Alumni Association’s Construction on the new Leona Dearmond academic Wing nears completion website: uoalumni.com MuSic & Dance Saturday, Oct. 11: aDMiniSTRaTion • Ducks vs. UCLA at Autzen Stadium. Alumni Band members can register for the DeaN: Brad Foley weekend’s rehearsal and activity schedule [email protected] by going to: www.oregonalumniband.com aSSOCiaTe DeaNS: ann Tedards–Graduate Studies [email protected] Jeffrey Williams–Undergraduate Studies [email protected] School of MuSic & Dance aDVanceMenT council DaNCe DeParTMeNT: Chair: al King, ’76, vice president/ David hilton, Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.; Jenifer Craig, chair investment officer, RBC Dain Rauscher; Eugene, OR [email protected] Springfield, OR Marilyn Kays, arts patron; Eugene, OR DeVeLOPMeNT STaFF: ViCe-Chair: Niles hanson, NW Stamping & DeNel Stoltz, director Natalie Giustina Newlove, arts patron; Precision Co., Rosen Products Sunvisor [email protected] Eugene, OR amy Salmore, program assistant Systems; Eugene, OR [email protected] Jay O’Leary, M.D., arts patron; Eugene, OR PaST Chair: Mira Frohnmayer, ’60, Main office: professor emerita, Pacific Lutheran Mary Glass O’Leary, ’55, arts patron; University; Eugene, OR Eugene, OR Phone: (541) 346-3761(music) (541) 346-3386 (dance) Jenifer Craig, ’71, ’73, Associate Professor Mia hall Savage, ’72, ’73, Pacific Youth Fax: (541) 346-0723 Choirs; Portland, OR Web: music.uoregon.edu and Chair of Dance, UO; Eugene, OR John Wells, violinist; Springfield, OR Mary ann hanson, President, Eugene Symphony Association Jeffrey Williams, Professor and Associ- and arts patron; Eugene, OR ate Dean of Music; Eugene, OR 1 sound-isolation properties featured FROM THE TOP in those new spaces. ChamberMusic@Beall Brad Foley, Dean As we launch the 41st annual season of the university’s chamber s we approach the beginning music series, you will note that A of a new academic year at the we adopted a new name and have University of Oregon School of Mu- undergone a leadership change. In sic and Dance, we eagerly anticipate March, we saluted Janet Stewart the move into our $19.2 million new for leading the series for the past and renovated MarAbel B. Frohn- fourteen years, continuing the excel- mayer Music Building by the end of lent traditions of Edmund Cykler fall term. and Steve Stone before her. Janet’s Thanks to the generosity of lead leadership was marked by her dedi- donors Lorry Lokey, Bob and Leona cation, love, and passion for music DeArmond, Thelma and Gilbert as she invited the highest quality Schnitzer, and Kathleen Daughterty of performing artists to our series Richards Grubbe as well as numer- over the years. She brought the elite ous others, more than $11 million from the world of chamber music, from private funds and $7.6 million including such groups as the Tokyo, from state bonds have made this Emerson, Juilliard, and Amati ensembles; Christopher Olin, choral project a reality. string quartets. She concluded her music education; Laura Wayte, It has been an exciting process to leadership of the chamber series to voice; and Larry Wayte, music his- observe the day-to-day activities of help with the transition as well as to tory. In the coming year we will the construction crews over the past serve as our music building project launch a search for a new assistant year, and I have enjoyed working manager, prior to retiring next sum- professor in ethnomusicology to with an exemplary team of construc- mer. Janet’s retirement, along with succeed Professor Emerita Anne tion managers whose work will John Evans joining the UO’s Oregon Dhu McLucas, and another assistant culminate in an incredible new and Bach Festival, led me to consider a professor search in dance to replace improved facility for our talented new partnership opportunity and a former Associate Professor Amy students, faculty, and staff. rebranding of the series as Chamber Stoddart, who left us this summer. The true success of the construc- Music@Beall. Across campus, we welcome tion phase of our project is in large We have a great season in store new provost James Bean (former part due to the hard work and perse- for the community, opening with dean of the Lundquist College of verance of Janet Stewart and George the Academy of St. Martin in the Business), Jill Hartz, new director Bleekman from the university, and Fields on October 19. Appearances of the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Brad Tindall and Shaun Nestle from by pianist Jeffrey Kahane (Nov. 9), Art, and new permanent leadership John Hyland Construction. I appreci- and the Portland Baroque Orchestra in the dean’s offices of the College of ate the great care and attention to (Feb. 22), serve as connections to the Education and College of Arts and every detail that has gone into mak- 2009 Oregon Bach Festival lineup, Sciences. And we await with great ing our project the best it can be. as both will return in the summer as anticipation the outcome of a search We will move into the new a part of next year’s 40th anniversary for a new president of the University spaces in December in time to begin festival. of Oregon. winter term of 2009 in our new facil- Time of Transitions Meanwhile, we begin our ten- ity. We plan to invite our various As we begin the new academic year NASM Self-Study process for constituencies to a grand opening year, the university anticipates a sig- renewal of our music accreditation, celebration during the first week of nificant enrollment surge across the as well as a new assessment plan March in 2009. I hope that many campus and we also expect a larger and campus-wide Strategic Academ- of you will plan to join us for the than usual entering class in music ic Planning process. All in all, we ribbon-cutting ceremony and/or an and dance. have a busy and exciting year ahead open house and tour of the facilities, We anticipate numerous other in addition to our usual myriad of so that you may observe first-hand changes and transitions as we wel- 200-plus concerts and programs. I the caliber of new spaces we are cre- come new faculty: Assistant Profes- hope you will pay us a visit in the ating. Besides the new construction sors Molly Barth, flute; Nicholas coming year. itself, our music students will enjoy Isherwood, voice and opera; and an enriched quality of education due Shannon Mockli, dance; as well as to the state-of-the-art acoustical and Instructors Andiel Brown, gospel 2 B. Frohnmayer Music Building. DEVELOPMENT A schematic of the courtyard and building plans can be viewed at: http://music.uoregon.edu. Click on The Final Bricks “Make a Gift,” then “Buy a Named Brick.” Fundraising shifts to furnishing and equipping Bricks are still available for $250 the new $19 million music building and $1000. The first installation of By DeNel Stoltz, Director of Development bricks will be in fall 2008. The next installation will be in summer 2009. even years of anticipation. All proceeds from our “Buy a Leave a legacy and become a part of Nineteen million dollars from Named Brick/The Last Bricks” ini- UO music history today! u visionS to completion, and $10.4 mil- tiative in the Penny Vanderwicken lion from private sources to make it Duprey Courtyard will be put For more information on making a a reality. The waiting is nearly over toward furnishing and equipping gift, contact DeNel Stoltz at (541) for faculty, staff, students, music the new spaces in the MarAbel 346-5687 or [email protected]. patrons, and community musicians. For some, actually thirty years of anticipation—since 1979—which was when the last additions were constructed for the music facilities. The expanded and renovated MarAbel B. Frohnmayer Music Building will open for classes in January 2009, providing new state- of-the-art, acoustically isolated teaching studios, rehearsal/perfor- mance spaces, classrooms and prac- tice rooms that will add half again The new instrumental as much space as the existing music rehearsal room, part facility. Mark your calendar for the of the new Thelma grand opening celebratory events Schnitzer Performance during the first week in March 2009. Wing at the north end The Oregon Legislature ap- of the music building. proved bonding for $7.6 million of the music building project in 2001 —at the time, half of the expected capital project.
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