WHO-UNCTAD_13 Nov_Web proof_f01.indd 1 21-12-2015 04:57:55 PM WHO Library Cataloguing-in-PublicaƟ on Data Status of Tobacco ProducƟ on and Trade in Africa – Factsheets 1. Tobacco. 2. Commerce. 3. Tobacco Industry – staƟ sƟ cs and numerical data. 4. Tobacco Industry - trends. 5. Africa. I. World Health OrganizaƟ on. II. United NaƟ ons Conference on Trade and Development. ISBN 978 92 4 156512 7 (NLM classiĮ caƟ on: HD 9130.6) © World Health OrganizaƟ on and United NaƟ ons 2015 All rights reserved worldwide. This publicaƟ on is jointly prepared by the World Health OrganizaƟ on and the United NaƟ ons Conference for Trade and Development. PublicaƟ ons of the World Health OrganizaƟ on are available on the WHO web site (www.who.int) or can be purchased from WHO Press, World Health OrganizaƟ on, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: [email protected]). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publicaƟ ons – whether for sale or for non-commercial distribuƟ on – should be addressed to WHO Press through the WHO web site (www.who.int/about/licensing/copyright_form/en/index.html). The designaƟ ons employed and the presentaƟ on of the material in this publicaƟ on do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health OrganizaƟ on and the United NaƟ ons concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authoriƟ es, or concerning the delimitaƟ on of its fronƟ ers or boundaries. DoƩ ed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement. The menƟ on of speciĮ c companies or of certain manufacturers’ products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health OrganizaƟ on and the United NaƟ ons in preference to others of a similar nature that are not menƟ oned. Errors and omissions excepted, the names of proprietary products are disƟ nguished by iniƟ al capital leƩ ers. All reasonable precauƟ ons have been taken by the World Health OrganizaƟ on and the United NaƟ ons (UNCTAD) to verify the informaƟ on contained in this publicaƟ on. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretaƟ on and use of the material lies with the reader. In no event shall the World Health OrganizaƟ on and the United NaƟ ons (UNCTAD) be liable for damages arising from its use. Design and layout: WHO (NMH Department), Switzerland ii Table of Contents Acknowledgements ......................................................................................................2 Foreword ......................................................................................................................3 AbbreviaƟ ons ...............................................................................................................4 IntroducƟ on .................................................................................................................5 I Trends in Tobacco ProducƟ on ........................................................................5 II Trends in Tobacco Trade .................................................................................9 III Key ObservaƟ ons .........................................................................................15 References and data sources .....................................................................................16 General disclaimers from the main data sources .....................................................17 Glossary .....................................................................................................................18 Annex I .....................................................................................................................23 Annex II .....................................................................................................................24 Country Factsheets ...........................................................................................25 –132 Acknowledgements This report was developed by the Department of PrevenƟ on of Noncommunicable Diseases (PND) of the World Health OrganizaƟ on (WHO) and the Division on InternaƟ onal Trade in Goods and Services, and CommodiƟ es (DITC) of the United NaƟ ons Conference for Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Geneva, Switzerland. The WHO and UNCTAD gratefully acknowledge the contribuƟ ons made to this report by the following individuals: WHO Regional Oĸ ces: Special thanks to Regional advisors Ahmed E. Ogwell Ouma (WHO African Region) and FaƟ mah El Awa (WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region) for their collaboraƟ on and support. WHO Headquarters and UNCTAD: Vinayak Mohan Prasad, Project Manager, PrevenƟ on of Noncommunicable Diseases, WHO, and Ahmad Mukhtar, Economics Aī airs Oĸ cer, Division on InternaƟ onal Trade in Goods and Services, and CommodiƟ es, UNCTAD conceptualized and supervised the development of the report. Douglas William BeƩ cher, Director of the Department of PrevenƟ on of Noncommunicable Diseases at WHO, Edouard Tursan D’Espaignet, Coordinator, Unit of Comprehensive InformaƟ on Systems Tobacco Control at WHO, and Guillermo Valles Galmes, Director, Division on InternaƟ onal Trade in Goods and Services, and CommodiƟ es at UNCTAD, provided vision, guidance, support and valuable contribuƟ ons to the report. The report was developed by consultants Shakhnoza Djuraeva and Surabhi Joshi. Luv Sharma reviewed and updated the report for latest data. WHO and UNCTAD collaborators involved in development and producƟ on of this publicaƟ on were Sameer Pujari (WHO), Ralf Peters (UNCTAD) and Guillermo Abramowitz (UNCTAD). Special thanks to Vera Luiza da Costa e Silva and Maria Carmen Audera-Lopez from the World Health OrganizaƟ on Framework ConvenƟ on on Tobacco Control Secretariat for overall comments on the draŌ . Thanks also to Benn David Mcgrady who, among others provided much appreciated inputs. AdministraƟ ve support was provided by Zahra Ali Piazza. ProducƟ on of this document has been supported by a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates FoundaƟ on. 2 Foreword We are pleased to present the factsheets on tobacco producƟ on and trade in Africa, jointly prepared by the World Health OrganizaƟ on (WHO) and the United NaƟ ons Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The factsheets present tobacco producƟ on and trade related informaƟ on for Africa. We hope this report will not only enable policy-makers and public health experts to develop a beƩ er understanding of the impact of trade liberalizaƟ on on the domesƟ c producƟ on and consumpƟ on of tobacco, but also of tobacco control measures such as WHO’s Framework ConvenƟ on on Tobacco Control (WHO-FCTC). The country factsheets will help policymakers, civil society, researchers and other stakeholders strengthen support for full implementaƟ on of the FCTC. This collaboraƟ on between WHO and UNCTAD has also advanced the work of the UN Interagency Task Force on the PrevenƟ on and Control of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), which the United NaƟ ons Secretary-General established in 2013 and placed under the leadership of WHO. ReporƟ ng to the United NaƟ ons Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Task Force is coordinaƟ ng the acƟ viƟ es of UN organizaƟ ons to support naƟ onal NCD responses. The joint work demonstrates the beneĮ t of collaboraƟ on between UNCTAD and WHO in terms of accessing and uƟ lizing the technical resources and databases of these organizaƟ ons, and in eī ecƟ vely disseminaƟ ng relevant data and analysis available in the UN system. Data in this publicaƟ on are drawn from mulƟ ple sources already published by WHO, UNCTAD, United NaƟ ons InternaƟ onal Trade StaƟ sƟ cs Database (UN COMTRADE), Food and Agriculture OrganizaƟ on Corporate StaƟ sƟ cal Database (FAOSTAT), World Integrated Trade SoluƟ on (WITS), World Trade OrganizaƟ on (WTO), UN StaƟ sƟ cs Division, UN PopulaƟ on Division and the World Bank. These country proĮ les include trends in current tobacco use, tobacco producƟ on, crop yield, and tobacco trade (including tariī s and non- tariī measures). We hope that this publicaƟ on will be useful to Member States, other partners and stakeholders. Dr Oleg Chestnov Mr Joakim Reiter Assistant Director-General Deputy Secretary-General World Health OrganizaƟ on United NaƟ ons Conference on Trade and Development AbbreviaƟ ons CTS Consolidated tariī schedules FAO Food and Agriculture OrganizaƟ on FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture OrganizaƟ on of the United NaƟ ons FAO) staƟ sƟ cal database GDP Gross domesƟ c product HS Harmonized systems NTM Non-tariī measures MFN Most-favoured naƟ on UN United NaƟ ons UNCOMTRADE United NaƟ ons Commodity Trade StaƟ sƟ cs Database UNCTAD United NaƟ ons Conference on Trade and Development UN ECOSOC United NaƟ ons Economic and Social Council WHO World Health OrganizaƟ on WHO-FCTC WHO Framework ConvenƟ on on Tobacco Control WITS World Integrated Trade SoluƟ on WTO World Trade OrganizaƟ on 4 IntroducƟ on The factsheets on tobacco produc on and trade present summary sta s cs1 on tobacco produc on and trade in the Africa region2 between 1993-95 and 2010-123. Average values of produc on and trade data from 1993-95 and 2010-12 are reported as 1995 and 2012 data respec vely to buff er against year to year fl uctua ons and provide a more accurate representa on of facts and trends. Data on tobacco produc on and trade used in this report is a subset of the data provided by the African countries to UN COMTRADE, World Integrated
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