USRC United Services Recreation Club Hong Kong’s Best Kept Secret Clay Pot Rice Promotion 8 Spring Dinner Menu 9 Valentine’s Day Menu 12 Inter-Club Golf Day 14 Wishing all a Happy Kung Hei Fat Choy! Year of the Monkey… USRC Members’ Bi-monthly Magazine • January-February 2016 Annual Staff New Year’s Dinner – Monday 18 January 2016 All food and beverage outlets will be closed at 6:00pm with the exception of the Gunners Bar which will be manned by Members of the General Committee who welcome everyone to come in for a beer and a chat. Sports facilities will remain open. Club Arrangements for Chinese Lunar New Year 2016 Day before Lunar New Year – Sunday 7 February 2016 All food and beverage outlets will be closed from 6.00pm onwards. Sports facilities will remain open. Lunar New Year’s Day – Monday 8 February 2016 The Club and its facilities will be closed. Kung Hei Fat Choi 恭喜發財! CONTENTS Chairman’s Message 4 General Manager’s Message 5 Executive Chef’s Message 6 1 Gascoigne Road, King’s Park, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: 3966 8600/8611 Fax: 2724 0949 Wine & Dine Email: [email protected] www.usrc.org.hk Clay Pot Rice Promotion at Garden Café 8 General Committee Spring Dinner Menu 9 Chairman Patrick P. T. Cheung, BBS Email: [email protected] Treasurer Felix Hart Winter Warmer Hot Pot Buffet at Email: [email protected] Membership Director K.C. Ng the Garden Marquee 10 Projects Director Les Pearce Grounds, Environment & Security Valentine’s Day Menu 12 Director Zorro Yuen Sports Director Leo De Ruijter Membership Sub-committee USRC Moments K.C. Ng Lily Tam Lavina Advani Kelvin Chan Staff Birthday Party 13 Andrew Kwan Standing Disciplinary Inter-Club Golf Day 14 Sub-committee K.C. Ng Eric Heung Christmas Tree Lighting 16 Felix Hart Ringo Chiu Zorro Yuen Brian McArdle Christmas at USRC 17 Sports Convenors Cricket Ahmed Saleem Football David Buckley Lawn Bowls Kelvin Lin Sports Watch Rugby Fraser Smith Squash Chung Leung Cricket News 25 Tennis Eddie Wu Management Team Football News 26 General Manager Noel Burns Tel: 3966 8600 Email: [email protected] Lawn Bowls News 30 Executive Secretary Irene Law Tel: 3966 8669 Email: [email protected] Rugby News 32 Financial Controller Felix Lee Tel: 3966 8699 Email: [email protected] Facilities & Operations Manager Squash News 33 James Li Tel: 3966 8686 Email: [email protected] Tennis News 34 Senior Marketing & Membership Manager Emile Kwok Tel: 3966 8618 Email: [email protected] Membership & Administrative News Assistant Manager Eva Tsang Tel: 3966 8628 Email: [email protected] Quiz 40 Front Office Assistant Manager Natalie Banday Tel: 3966 8600 Email: [email protected] Three-Minute Puzzles 41 Executive Chef / F&B Manager Marco Veringa Club Exchange – Reciprocal Clubs 42 Tel: 3966 8652 Email: [email protected] Assistant F&B Manager Singh San Tel: 3966 8638 Email: [email protected] Catering Manager Ken Kan Tel: 3966 8633 Email: [email protected] F & B Administrative Assistant Wing Ho Tel: 3966 8632 Email: [email protected] InBloom is a bi-monthly publication of United Services Recreation Club. Sports & Leisure Assistant Manager Ilyas Gull Advertising Tel: 3966 8690 Email: [email protected] To advertise in InBloom, please contact Emile Kwok at USRC. Tel: 3966 8618 • Email: [email protected] 3 Chairman’s Message Dear Fellow Members, 親愛的會員: IT’S hard to believe but amazing to see that 2016 is now upon us. I hope 2016年已轉眼將至,實在令人難以置信,但同 that Members had a wonderful Christmas and were able to enjoy the festive 時亦教人雀躍不已。我希望大家都渡過了一個愉 season with family and friends. The “Year of the Goat” is almost over and 快的聖誕節,並與家人和朋友開懷歡聚。羊年已 we will soon be welcoming in the “Year of the Monkey”, which is time for 接近尾聲,我們亦隨即迎接猴年的到來。這又是 another round of traditional celebration and big feasts for family gatherings. 另一個傳統的節日讓家人聚首一堂,共享佳肴美 饌,慶祝佳節。 First, I would like to thank all of you who supported and helped prepare Christmas gifts from the Club for those less fortunate children who had to 首先,我必須感謝所有曾經支持並幫助會所準備 spend their Christmases in the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This long-standing 聖誕禮物的會員,他們把禮物贈予不幸需要於伊 worthy cause of ours has always been well-supported and this year was no 利沙伯醫院渡過聖誕節的孩子。這項歷久不衰的 exception. Members of the General Committee together with the General 慈善項目一直備受支持,而今年亦不例外。總務 Manager and Staff presented the donated gifts to the Hospital on the 委員會的成員,總經理和工作人員於12月23日攜 23rd of December, all of which were well received. 手向醫院送出由會員捐贈的禮物,所有禮物皆相 當受歡迎。 On a different note, Members should be aware that with a view to ensuring that the satisfactory financial state of the USRC is maintained in 2016 and 另一方面,大家應該留意到,為保持三軍會於 hopefully achieving a modest surplus for liquidity as well, there will be a 2016年繼續維持穩健的財務狀況,並同時希望 modest adjustment of fees, as set out on page 7 of this magazine. The small 得到適量盈餘及現金流,會所將會如於本會刊中 increases are in line with the cost of general inflation and comparable with 第7頁所示之方式稍為調整會費。這項輕微的調 those imposed by other Clubs of similar standing. 整符合社會整體的通脹率,亦與其他等級相近的 會所之加幅相若。 Project-wise, your Club facilities have been much improved during the year with the re-openings of the new Gymnasium and Garden Room. 關於修繕項目方面,隨著新健身室和Garden The usage of them so far has been most encouraging. As of now, Tennis Room重開後,會所設施已於過去一年大為改 Courts 3 and 4 have been suspended temporarily for surfacing maintenance 善。新健身室和Garden Room 的使用率亦相 from 16 December 2015 until 16 February 2016. Additionally the children’s 當令人鼓舞。3 號和4 號網球場由2015年12月16 playground will be under renovation starting from early March onwards 日起至2016年2月16日暫停開放,以進行地面翻 pending finalization of its fresh design. Please check the Club notice board 新工程。此外,兒童遊樂場亦將於3月初開始進 for more details. 行翻修工程,現在正等待全新設計的最終定案。 有關詳情請瀏覽會所的告示板。 And now it’s time for me to gently remind you of contributions to the annual staff cumshaw. This is entirely voluntary as is the preferred amount 現在請讓我在此稍作呼籲,希望各位多多支持本 and is a reflection of your appreciation of the good work that our staff have 會員工的年度福利基金。這項活動完全屬自願性 done throughout the year. Part of the cumshaw will help to pay for the 質,金額亦豐憸由人,目的為表揚會所員工於過 staff annual party scheduled to take place on 18 January 2016. Members’ 去一年的傑出表現。基金的一部分將用作支付於 contributions also go towards the staff gratuity fund and to support staff 2016 年1 月18 日舉辦的員工週年晚會。福利基 activities during the year. 金亦將作為員工的福利金,用於贊助年中舉辦的 各項員工活動。 Finally, I would like to wish all Members and their families a very joyful, healthy and prosperous 2016 and a Kung Hei Fat Choi for the Year of the 最後,我衷心祝願各會員及家人2016年心想事 Monkey. 成,健康快樂,猴年恭喜發財﹗ Best regards, 此致 Patrick Cheung 張伯陶 Chairman 主席 4 General Manager’s Message Dear Members, 親愛的會員: Happy New Year! 我相信各位皆歡渡了一個美好愉快的聖誕節。十 二月是會所最繁忙的月份,期間我們舉辦了各式 I hope that everyone has had a wonderful and happy Christmas. The Club had 各樣的聖誕活動。 a very busy December with lots of Christmas activities. 羊年已接近尾聲,而我們亦即將迎接猴年的來 臨。我們將在會所舉辦一連串活動,以慶祝農曆 The “Year of the Goat” is almost over and we will soon be welcoming the “Year 新年的到來,新春佳節是一個與家人和朋友慶祝 of the Monkey”. We will have a number of events at the Club to celebrate the 的美好節日。 arrival of the Chinese New Year celebration. This is a great time of year to celebrate with your family and friends. 鑑於今年農曆新年會比以往來得晚,一月份我們 將不會有太多的節目或活動。當春節來臨之際, Given that this Chinese New Year falls late in the year, there are not a lot of 會所將會舉辦不同活動,屆時各位將有不少機會 events and activities in January but once we reach Chinese New Year, there 可以把會所舉辦的活動融入你們農曆新年計劃之 will be plenty of opportunities to incorporate the Club into your Chinese New 中。另外,請各位留意會所於春節期間的開放時 Year Plans. Please note the club opening hours during the festive period. 間。 隨著會所越來越受大家歡迎,管理層和委員會希 As the Club becomes more active, the Management and Board wish to remind 望籍此提醒會員注意的事項,以保持會所舒適的 the Members of a few items to maintain a pleasant environment. 環境。 We ask all Members to limit the number of towels used to no more than 2 我們希望所有會員於會所內進行體育活動時,每 per person. With the fitness center, tennis and swimming pool being busier 人每次使用不多於兩條毛巾。隨著健身室,網球 than ever, this is very important to ensure that clean towels are available to all 場和游泳池越趨繁忙,我們必須確保所有會員能 Members and reduces the company¹s carbon footprint. The new towel counter 使用潔淨的毛巾,限制毛巾使用量亦有助減少會 has been generally well received and the next step is to start distributing from 所的碳排放量。會員普遍已注意會所新設的毛巾 reception. 櫃檯,而我們下一步的計劃是開始於接待處派發 毛巾。此外,會員亦必須把使用完畢的毛巾放入 It is also extremely important that Members return used towels to the 設於更衣室和泳池邊指定的收集籃中 – 我們近日 designated baskets found in the locker rooms and at poolside – that this has 接連收到相關投訴,指有部分會員未有遵守此規 not been done by some Members has recently been a recurring complaint. 定。 The renovation of tennis courts 3 and 4 is underway and the work should be 3號和4號網球場正在進行裝修工程,相關工程 應將於一月底前完成。其後我們將會為遊樂場的 completed by the end of January before attention is turned to upgrading the 升級工程進行磋商。(請參照第37頁的設計圖) playground. (refer to the plans on page 37) 我們衷心期待三軍會於來年繼續融入各位的生活 We look forward to another year of making USRC a regular part of your life 之中,並迎接猴年出現的各項挑戰! and embrace the challenges that lie ahead in the Year of the Monkey! 恭喜發財! Kung He Fai Choi! 謹啟 Noel Burns Noel Burns General Manager 總經理 Point of Consideration: (p) Generally a Member may park his or her own motor vehicle in the Car Park subject to the Member remaining on Club 1. No guests to be introduced to the Gym Room Premises. On Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday, this Bye-Laws 43(a & b) – Fitness Centre (the Gym) facility is only available to Members with valid parking a) All Gym Users must be pre-approved users who must labels. sign the attendance book and receive an access card at the Club’s reception counter for entering the Gym. Users 3.
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