FOTWRHPUBLICLIBRARY I 1lnll16L ( '111i116llll i 331 1668001115267 VOLUME SIX Page a 2001 through 2400 SERIES ONE Pages 1 through 9999 RESEARH DATA FORT WORTH and TARBAM1T COUflNTY, TEXAS, with addi- tional. notes on Texas History, the Riseof the Cattle Industry in the Southwest and including numerous Autobiographies of Cowboysand Ex-Slaves, living in Tort Worth, Texas. _ * * * * * * * _ Compiled by workers of the FEDERAL WRITERS' and the TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT at Fort Worth, Texas: 1936-.19)1l _ * * * * * * *_ Revised, Edited and Prepared for Preservation in the Local History Archives of the Fort Worth Puli Libray by Workers of the TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT at Tort Worth, as a WORK PROJECTS AIh(IN- ISTRATION, DIVI SION OF COMMUNITY SERVICE PROGRAMS project under the sponsorship of the BOARD of TRUSTEES of the PORTWORTH PUBLIC LIBRARY in 1911l. The T AS VRITERS' PROJECT at Fort Worth is jointly sponsored by the Bureau of Res search in the Social Soienes of the Uni- versity of Texas, the City of Fort Worth, and the Boatd of Trustees of the Fort Worth Public Library. Zeke Handler, Project Supervisor Sheldon F. Gauthier, Ast. Project Supervisor Eugene L. Sohilder, 'Writer-Research Editor in charge of Fort Worth Public Library Unit. I# The TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT In the fall of 1933 the Civil Works Administration was launched with the objective of giving one million work by Christmas. The State of Connecticut as a part of this national program started an experiment in preparing a Guide to Conneoti- out towns and cities. The book was an immense suooess, artis- tically and financially, being one of the few CWA projects that not only paid for itself but also actually made money for the sponsors. Two years later as a result of the Connecticut experi- ment there was established by Presidential order a Federal Wri- ters Project in the Professional and Service Division of the Works Progress Administration under the national directorship of Henry G. Alsberg. Field offices were setup in each of the States and Territories. Administrative and supervisory personnel in- oluded such nationally known writers as Lyle Saxon of Louisiana, Vardis Fisher of Idaho. Texas State Headquarters were establishe ed in San Antonio under the direction of J. Frank Davis, well known Texas author and playwright. In January 1936, a Distriot Field Office for North Central Texas was established in Fort Worth under the supervision of Frank Hunt Bardon. In September 1939, the Federal riters' Project, was abolished and the Fort Worth off oe beoame a unit of the Texas Writers' Project, sponsored by the Bureau of Research in the Social Sciences of the University of Texas. A year later, September 1940, the Board of Trustees of the Fort Worth Public Library becanm a contributing sponsor and the Library Unit of the Project was established with Eugene L. Sohilder as Writer- Research Editor. The Fort Worth Project has been under the following supervision: Frank Hunt Bardon: 1936-1938 Ben Boswell: 1936 Eugene L.Schi lde r (Acting Supervisor) 1938 -39; 1940 Zeke Handler : 1939-41 THE TEXAS WRITERS' PROJECT July 1, 1941 VOWUM SIX INDEX A Albums Abbottv Ewa 2020 Abilene , Texas : 2170. 2297 Acme Laundry : 2339' Adams,$ Bunk: 2070 Adams, Friank: 2070 Adams, Harry: 2233 Adams , Johni Quincy: 2160 Adams, W. F. : 2070 Adams Furniture Store : 2032 Addison & Randolph Clark: 2390 Agriculture: 2208 Agricultural & eohanica1 College : 2293, 2376 Alabama: 2173 Alaska: 2 303-04 A lbums : 2101 (6-2) Anderson Alde rman, 2257 Aledo, Nw York: 2283 Al Hayne Monument: 2231 Allen, 2014, 2068 Allen, Dr. : 2002 Allen, James K.: 2337 Allen, Will: 2029 Alta Vista Creamery Co.: 2051 American Igiofl: 2276 American legion Band: 23 17 18 American Legion's Home: 2285 American National Bak: 2372 Aumer son, 8Se: 2102 Anadarko (Indians): 2093, 2095, 2098-99 Ad 2030-B roAnderson, Abraham: 2333 Anderson, Neil P.: 2358 Anderson, 'Old I~n Adel: 2324 Anderson, Thorns R.: 2284 Anderson, lrs. Tom: 2239 Anderson, William: 2109 (6-) Armstrong Andersonts Gun Stores 2264 Anderson & Company, Neil P. (Cotton): 2051 Andrews, Hannah Ellen: 2102 Andrew's Tavern: 2032 Apaches (Indians): 2132 Arbuckle, Whelyn: 2021 Archer City, Texas: 2050 Argonne 4leuse Battle: 2277 Arkansas River: 2303 Arkansas, Texas & Pacific Mail Co.: 2127 Arlington, Texas: 2063, 2067 2190, 2323, 2364, 2374-75 Arlington Heights: 2246, 2371 Arlington eights oad (Blvd.): 2208, 2 361 Arlington -e ights Car Line: 2308 Arlington Heights Company: 2308 Armistice Day: 2317 Armistice Parade : 2268 Armour &Company: 2340 Armt 'ad, Mrs. Mary: 2035, 2105 Armstrong, George D.: 2369 Armstrong, G. W. s 2369 (6-4) Agi. Army Post , Fort' Worth: 2038, 2045, 2090, 2291 Arnold, Ripley: 2013, 2017, 2034435, 2038 2040, 2042, 2045-46, 2049, 2052, 2120, 2131-33, 2162, 2168-67, 2176*-79, 2196, 2203, 2205, 2210, 2216-17, 2325-26, 2335, 2388 Arnold Intitte : 204 Arnold Lark: 2034, 2055 Associated Carities: 2232 Artesian (Water): 3236 Austin, Texas: 2070 Aviation: 2286 Atell, T.: 2251 Ayers, B. P.: 2056, 2387 Ayrs, James H.: 2 334 Ayres, Royal: 2248 Azle, Texas: 2381, 2383 s B (6-5) Barn Dance Back, Jacobs 2336 Bailey,____ 206 8 Bailey, Be.We: 2261 Bain &Company, C.: 25965 Baird, Callahan Counxty, Texas: 2289 Baking Plants: 2384 Ball, F. 0 2121 Banifill, C. Y. : 2276 Bankhead 4ghuay: 2376 Banking: 2151 Banquets: 2183 Baptist Church: 2175, 2382 Baptist Seminary: 2351 Baroroft, 2037 Barkley, A..,s 2059, 2328 Barkley, Dr. B.F.: 2009.]10, 2061, 2330 Barkley, Leslie C.: 2102, 2108 Barkley, Lon: 2059, 2069, 2328 Barkley, " . 2339 'Barn Da~oe': 2006 (6.-6) Bell Barnes Grocery Store: 2264 Barton, Thorns D.: 226 8 Battle of'San Jacinto: 2052 Beal, 2386 Beall, Frank: 2386 Beall, Heb: 2386 Beal, Mrs. M. A.: 2379 Bea , R. J. 2264 Bea & Van Zandt : 2386 Beavers, A. J. (Ian): 2148 Beavers, George W.: 214647 Beckman, R. E.: 2 168 Bee, " 2098 Beef Club: 2379 Bedais (Indians): 2093, 2095, 2098 Bedford, B. C.: 2037 Bedford, Texas: 2062 Beggs, George, Jr.: 2280 Belnap, Texas: 2042 Bell, Ben U.:_ 2183 Bell, Billy: 2184-85 Bell. Mrs.aC. K.: 2292 (6..?) Bewley Bell, W. R.g* 2170-71 Bell County, Teas: 2048 Belle Boyd Chapter: 2274 Bel~leville, Illinois: 2274 Benbrook, Texas : 2128 Bennett,2 2322 Benson, Mhtthew: 2073 Bent County, Colora~do: 2303 Benton, Mrs. 2020 Benton, Jessie: 2144 Benton, Rev. H. D).: 2051 Beo, S 2093, 2095 Be raohah,. 2285 Bermuda Grass: 2173 Bernhardt , Sarah: 2021, 2039 tBertie Tbe tam': 2021 Berkley Addition: 2348, 2371, 2373 Berkley Heights: 2346 Berliner & Samueis : 2037 Bewley,: 2003"04 Bewley, M. P.: 2343 (6=8) Boas Bibb, S. T.: 2126 Big Ben Creek: 2016 Big bpringe, Texas: 2172 tBilly' (Panther): 2211-12 'B2065 in the r Grou t 26 Biloxi (Indians): 2093, 2095, 2098-99 Biroh Saloon, Tom: 2009, 2015 Bird, Jonathan: 2091-92, 2095, 2322 Bird's Fort: 2322 Birdville, Texas: 2010, 2028, 2030, 2039 2043, 2045, 2054, 2057-63, 2101, 2130431 2140, 2170, 2175, 2238, 2265, 2322-24, 2326-31, 2333, 2361, 2,364 Birth of' Fort Worth: 2131 Blar, Lorena: 2028 'Black Sheep' : 2022 2 102 , 2109 B okhouses: 2092 Bluebonnet Courts: 2318 ' Blue lawi': 2242 Boa:, David (Tuck): 2102, 2105, 2107 Boaz, Dick: 2334 Boa:, Frank: 2117 Boaz, Luther: 2026 Brat Boaz, Richard: 2102, 2109 Boaz, Sarah: 2102, 2105 Boaz, W. J.: 2055, 2102 2109, 2173, 2180 Boaz, Ibrklee & Company 2173 Bohemian Volume : 2084 Boise City, Idaho : 208 7 Bolivar, Texas : 2277 Bonham, Texas: 2 194.-95 Bonner, M. J.: 2145 Boone, Daniel: 2 334 Boone, John : 2334 Boston, Massachusetts : 2025 Botanic Gardens : 2010 Bowdry, P. J,~ 2181, 2184, 2 188 Box, Leon: 2381 Brady, William A.: 2020 Branch, Jack: 2013 Brannan, M. M,: 2181 Bransford, H. L.: 2207.-08 Brat, Ida: 2019 (6-3,0) Brooks Field Braze lton L~mber Co.: 2393 Brazos River: 2083, 2211 Breckenridge, Texasa: 2395 Brenham, Texas : 2164 Briekhouse, Harry G.: 2260 Bridgeport, Texas : 2244, 2247 Brigance, Miss g 2 262 Brinson, MON 2377 Brinson, Matt s 2038, 2336 Brinson & Slaughter: 2 032 , 2037, 2134 British Indian Civil Service: 2281 British Society: 2284 British Soldiery: 2284-.85 British tuberoulosis Sooietyk 2284 Broiles, H. S.: 2168 Brooks, 2017 Brooks, Pink: 2211 Brooks, Taylor: 221.2 Brooks Field Airport: 2275 (6m,11) Burnett Brookhire, : 2048 Brown, 2015, 2 182 Brown, Jesse M.: 2062, 2331 Brown, John T.. 2168, 222829 Brown, Joseph H.:, 2388 Brotn, Williams 2181 Brown touffy, Texas: 2207 Brownsville,, Texas : 2194, 2195 Brush (Aut omobil1.): 2357 Bu 2063 f rBuford,Nat M.: 2053, 2300 Burgess, Anne: 2027 Burgess, John W.: 2252 Bu.ildings: 2013, 2134, 2204 2249, 2296, 2309, 2355 Bunch, ik: 2127.2 8 Bunker Hj11l Monument, 2234 Burchill, Mrs. Belle M.: 2034, 2055 Burhi ll, Mr. : 2055 Burk, G. W": 2053 Burnett, Burk: 2199 Burnett, Mrs. Ollie: - 2025 (64-2) Byes Burnett, S. B., Sr.: 2034, 2195 Burk Burnett Park: 2249, 2270-71, 2288 Burleson, Texas:t2271 Burns, Mrs. Ed: 2342 Burns, H. F.: 2169 Buris Mill & Elevator Company: 2051 Burrows, F. 1.: 2 155 Burt, Mrs. J. T.: 2219-2 1 Bunts, Dr. W.P.: 2032, 2118, 2168 2188, 2229, 2320 Burton-Peel Building: 2186 Business Progress: 2210, 2213, 2313 2331, 2368, 2371, 2386, 2397 Byars;, 2158 Byers, Andrew Thorns: 22 94-95 11 Byers Opera ouse: 2157, 2294 Byree, J. J.: 2049 Byrne, W. G. 2279 Byrne, Mrs. 2018 Byrnes,_ _ 2018 i C (6.-13) Can o Cache ,Okiahom: 2325 Caddo (Indians) : 2093, 2095, 20980099 Caddo, Texas: 2395 Cain, R. A.: 2 145 Calhoun, John C.: 2 16006 1 048, 2150, 2173, 2299 C l f r :2California& Texas Ba nk: 2173 Callow ay, Mrs. W. H.: 2343 Ca llaway ILakes: 2322-23 Cameron, Whu.
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