Nosferatu. Revista de cine (Donostia Kultura) Título: Filmografias Autor/es: Potes, Alicia Citar como: Potes, A. (1996). Filmografias. Nosferatu. Revista de cine. (20):82-103. Documento descargado de: http://hdl.handle.net/10251/40965 Copyright: Reserva de todos los derechos (NO CC) La digitalización de este artículo se enmarca dentro del proyecto "Estudio y análisis para el desarrollo de una red de conocimiento sobre estudios fílmicos a través de plataformas web 2.0", financiado por el Plan Nacional de I+D+i del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (código HAR2010-18648), con el apoyo de Biblioteca y Documentación Científica y del Área de Sistemas de Información y Comunicaciones (ASIC) del Vicerrectorado de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones de la Universitat Politècnica de València. Entidades colaboradoras: La burla del diablo r- l 1 J Filmografías Alicia Potes 1984: Star Trek 111 - En bus­ (Night Song) (John Crom­ Judith Anderson ca de Spock (Star Trek 111: well). (1898-1 992) The Search f or Spock) (Leo­ 1948: El proceso Paradine nard Nimoy). (The Paradine Case) (Alfred 1930: Madame of the Jury 1986: Impure Thoughts (na­ Hitchcock). Moonrise (Frank (e). rradora) (Michael A. Simp­ Borzage). Jennie (Portrait of 1933: Blood Money (Rowland son). Jennie) (William Dieterle). Brown). 1949: El gran pecador (The 1940: Forty Little Mothers Great Sinner) (Robert Siod­ (Busby Berkeley). Rebeca mak). That Midnight Kiss (Rebecca) (Alfred Hitchcock). (Norman Taurog). El Danu­ 1941 : Lady Scarface (Frank Ethel Barrymore bio rojo (The Red Danube) Woodruff) . F r ee a nd Easy (1879-1959) (George Sidney). Pinky (Pin­ (Georgc Sidney). King's Row ky) (Elia Kazan). (Sam Wood). 191 4: T he Nightingale (Au­ 195 1: Daphne, the Virgin of 1942: All Through the Night gustos Thomas). the Golden Laurels (narra­ (Vincent Sherman). 1915: T he Final Judgement ción) (e) (George Hoyningen­ 1943: Edge of Darkness (Le­ (Edwin Carewe). Huene). King Lady (John wis Milestone). Tres días de 19 16: The Kiss of Hate Sturges). The Secret of Con­ amor y fe (Stage Door Can­ (Willian1 Nigh). The Awake­ vict Lake (Michael Gordon). teen) (Frank Borzage). ning of Helena Richie (John lt's a Big Country (2a parte: 1944: Laura (Laura) (Otto W. Noble). The Census Takers) (John Preminger). 1917: La presa blanca (The Sturges). 1945: And Then There Were White Raven) (George D. 1952: Deadline U.S.A. (Ri­ None (René Clair). Baker). The Call of Her chard Brooks). Just for You 1946: Memorias de una don­ People (John W. Noble). El (Elliott Nugent). cella (The Diary of a Cham­ más g rande poder (The 1953: Tres amores (The Story bermaid) (Jean Renoir). El es­ Greatest Power) (Edwin Ca­ of Three Laves. Ep: Mademoi­ pectro de la rosa (Specter of rewe). The Lifted Veil (Geor­ selle) (Vincente Minnelli). the Rose) (Ben Hecht). The ge D. Baker). Life's Whirl­ M ain Street to Broadway Strange Love of M artha pool (Lionel Barrymore). Ins­ (Tay Garnett). lvers (Lewis Milestone). tinto materno (Th e Eterna/ 1954: Siempre tú y yo 1947: The Red House (Del­ Mother) (Frank Reicher). Una (Young at Heart) (Gordon mer Daves). Pursued (Raoul viuda americana (An Ame­ Douglas) . Walsh). Hombres de presa rican Widow) (Frank Rei­ 1957: Johnny Trouble (John (Tycoon) (Richard Wallace). cher). National Red C ross H. Auer). 1950: Las fu rias (The Furies) Pageant (William Christy Ca­ (Anthony Mann). banne). 1952: Salomé (Salome) (Wi­ 1918: Our Mrs. McChesney lliam Dieterle). (Ralph W. Ince). John Barrymore 1956: Los diez mandamien­ 1919: El divorcio de Alicia (1 882-1 942) tos (The Ten Commandments) (The Divorcee) (Herbert Bla­ (Cecil B. DeMille). ché). 1914: An American Citizen 1958: La gata sobre el tejado 1932: Rasputín y la zarina (J. Searle Dawley). The Man de zinc (Cat on a Hot Tin (Rasputin and the Empress) from M exico (Thomas N. Rooj) (Richard Brooks). (Richard Bo1es1avsky). Heffron). 1959: Cinderfella (Cinderfe­ 1933: All at Sea (e) (E.H. 1915: Are You a Mason? lla) (Frank Tashlin). Kleiner). (Thomas N. Heffron). The 1960: Macbeth (George Schae­ 1944: Un corazón en peligro Dictator (Osear Eag1e). The fer). (None But the Lonely Heart) Incorrigible Dukane (James 1961 : Entre sin llamar (Don 't (Clifford Odets). Durkin). Bother to Knock) (Cyril Fran­ 1946: La escalera de caracol 19 16: Nearly a King (Frede­ kel). (The Spiral Staircase) (Robert rick Thornpson). The Lost 1969: Un hombre llamado Siodmak). Bridegroom (James Kirk­ Caballo (A Man Called Hor­ 1947: Un destino de mujer wood). The Red Widow (Ja­ se) (Elliot Sil verstein). (The Farmer Daughter) (H. C. mes Durkin). 1974: Inn of the Damned Potter). Moss Rose (Gregory 19 17: Raffles (Raffles, the (Terry Bourke). Ratoff). Mi corazón te guía Amateur Cracksman) (George Irving). National Red Cross 1933: Topaze (Harry D'Ab­ ter*. M y Baby*. The Infor­ Pageant (William Christy Ca­ badie D'Arrast). Reunión (Re­ mer*. Brutality*. El sombre­ banne). unían in Vienna) (Sidney ro de Nueva York (The New 1918: On the Quiet (Chester Franklin). Cena a las ocho York Hat)*. Vapor contra Withey). (Dinner at Eight) (George petróleo (Oil and Water)*. 1919: Vivan los novios (Here Cukor). Vuelo nocturno The Burglar's Dilemma*. A Comes the Bride) (John S. Ro­ (Night Flight) (Clarence Cry for Help*. The God bertson). Por los fueros del Brown). El abogado (Counse­ Within*. Three Friends*. honor (The Test of Honor) llor al Law) (William Wyler). 1913: Father' s Les son (Dell (John S. Robertson). 1934: Long Lost Father (Er­ Henderson). The Telephone 1920: El hombre y la bestia nest B. Schoedsack). La co­ Girl and the Lady*. An Ad­ (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde) media de la vida (Twentieth venture in the Autumn (John S. Robertson). Century) (Howard Hawks). Woods*. Love in an Apart­ 1921: Esposas sin amor (The 1936: Romeo y Julieta (Ro­ ment Hotel*. Near to Earth*. Lotus Eater) (Marshall A. meo and Juliet) (George Cu­ Fate*. A Welcome Intruder Neilan). kor). (D.W. Griffith?). The She­ 1922: Sherlock Holmes 1937: Primavera (Maytime) rifrs Baby*. The Perfidy of (Sherlock Holmes) (Albert (Robert Z. Leonard). Bulldog Mary*. The Little Tease*. A Parker). Drummond Comes Back Misunderstood Boy*. The 1924: El árbitro de la moda (Louis King). Night Club Lady and the M o use*. The (Beau Brummell) (Harry Scandal (Ralph Murphy). Wanderer*. The House of Beaumont). True Confession (Wesley Darkness*. The Yaqui Cur*. 1926: La fiera del mar (The Ruggles). Just Gold*. The Ranchero's Sea Beast) (Millard Webb). 1938: Bulldog Drummond's Revenge*. A Timely Inter­ Don Juan (Don Juan) (Alan Revenge (Louis King). Ro­ ception*. The Fatal Wed­ Crosland). mance in the Dark (H. C. ding (William Christy Caban­ 1927: Los amores de Manon Potter). Bulldog Drum­ ne). Red Hicks Defies the ~ ¡ ) (When a Man Laves) (Alan mond's Peril (James Hagan). World (Dell Henderson). Her Crosland). El vagabundo María Antonieta (Marie An­ Father's Silent Partner (Paul poeta (The Beloved Rogue) toinette) (W.S. Van Dyke). Powell). Woman Against ~ (Alan Crosland). Lobos del Norte (Spawn of Woman (Paul Powell). Al­ ~ 1928: Tempestad (Tempest) the North) (Henry Hathaway). most a Wild Man (Dell Hen­ (Sam Taylor). Hold That Co-Ed (George derson). The Well (Anthony 1929: Amor eterno (Eterna! Marshall). O'Sullivan). Death's Mara­ Lave) (Ernst Lubitsch). Arri­ 1939: The Great Man Votes thon*. The Switch-Tower ba el telón (The Show of (Garson Kanin). Medianoche (Anthony O'Sullivan). In Di­ Shows) (John G. Adolfi). El (Midnight) (Mitchell Leisen). plomatic Circles (Anthony general Crack (General 1940: The Great Profile O'Sullivan). Mister Jefferson Crack) (Alan Crosland). (Walter Lang). La mujer in­ Green (Dell Henderson). A 1930: The Man from Blan­ visible (The Invisible Woman) Girl's Stratagem (Paul Po­ kley's (Alfred E. Green). La (Edward Sutherland). well). A Gamble with Death fiera del mar (Moby Dick) 1941: World Premiere (Ted (Anthony O'Sullivan). Pa (Lloyd Bacon). Tetzlaff). Playmates (David Says (Dell Henderson). The 1931: Svengali (Svengali) Butler). Mirror (Anthony O'Sullivan). (Archie Mayo). El ídolo (The An lndian's Loyalty (Wi­ Mad Genius) (Michael Cur­ lliam Christy Cabanne?). Un­ tiz). der the Shadow of the Law 1932: Arsenio Lupin (A rsene Lionel Barrymore (Anthony O'Sullivan). 1 Was Lupin) (Jack Conway). Gran (1878-1954) Meant for You (Anthony Hotel (Grand Hotel) (Edmund O'Sullivan). The Work Habit Goulding). La última acusa­ 1911: La batalla (The Battle)*. (Anthony O'Sullivan). The ción (State's Attorney) (Geor­ 1912: Amigos (Friends)*. So Strong Mants Burden (An­ ge Archainbaud). Doble sacri­ Near, Yet So Far*. The thony O'Sullivan). The Stolen ficio (A Bill of Divorcement) Chiers Blanket*. The One Treaty (Anthony O'Sullivan). (George Cukor). Rasputín y S he Loved*. The Painted So Runs the Way (William la zarina (Rasputin and the Lady*. The Musketeers of Christy Cabanne ). His Inspi­ Empress) (Richard Boleslavs­ Pig Alley*. La matanza (The ration (William Christy Ca­ ky). Massacre)*. Gold and Glit- banne). All for Science (An- thony O'Sullivan). The Power gas por los hielos (Unseeing bar (The River Woman) (Jo­ of the Press. The House of Eyes) (Edward H. Griffith). seph E. Henabery). Discord (James Kirkwood). La ciudad eterna (The Eter­ 1929: Jimmy el misterioso 1914: Classmates (James na! City) (George Fitzmauri­ (Alias Jimmy Valentine) (Jack Kirkwood). Strongheart (Ja­ ce). Conway). Hollywood Revue mes Kirkwood). Meo and 1924: América (Arnerica) (The Hollywood Revue of Women (James Kirkwood). (D. W. Griffith). Meddling 1929) (Charles F. Reisner). La Judit de Betulia (Judith of Women (Ivan Abramson). 1 isla misteriosa (The Myste­ Bethulia) (un extra) (D.W. Am the Man (Ivan Abram­ rious lsland) (Lucien Hu­ Griffith). The Battle of EI­ son). Decameron Nights bbard). derbush Gulch (D.W. Grif­ (Herbert Wilcox). 1930: Free and Easy (Edward fith).
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