
-3–3888888 CRESTCRESTCENTREc23NIREFORFOR RESEARCH RESE4RCHINfO JPWOSLECTIONSELECTION<; AND SOCIALSQCIALTRIINKNTRENDS An ESRC Resean:hF&eamh CentreCam 35 NerthamptonNattwmpton SquareSquae at LondonIxmion ECIV OAX SocJa1Scaal amad ConnnUlUtyCOrmnuIUtyPMUIIgPlanrung ReseaJt;hReseamh& NuffieldNu6ield CollegeCoUegeOxfoolO.xfcrd TelephoneTelqimos 0171-2500171-2.501866lW BRITISH ELECTION PANEL STUDY P 16111611 OCTOBER 1996 SURVEY October 19961996 Please answeranawer thethe questions by plaCingplacing a ticktick (.f)(/) Inm one or more of thethe boxes 1 Please say whether you are (.f)(/) male, o❑ or female oGI SFSP 2a Many people leanlean toward a particularparhcular party for a longlong timehme 42~K? although they may occaSionally occasionally vote for a different partypariy How about you? Do you Inm general leanlean toward a particular party? IfIf so, which?whlch~ / PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLONLYY ConservativeConservatwe LJti 12 Labour Q Liberal Democrats Q PLEASE Scottish.%otflsh National Party Q ANSWER b BELOW PlaidPlald Cymru Q Green Party Q Other party (PLEASE SAY WHICH)WHICH), Q❑ } Do not leanIeantowardstowards any party Q❑ ---7+ PLEASE GO TO 3a3. b Taken altogether, do you lean toward thisthiS particular party / PLEASE TICK ONEoNE BOX ONLONLYY very strongly tiu fairlystrongly o❑ ’ or, not very strongly? ❑o SPSF 42, _______________________________________-1 12 EVERYONE PLEASE ANSWER 3 If there were a general elecbonelection tomorrow, which pohtlcalpolitical party do you think you would be most hkelylikely to support? (/)(.f) PLEASE TICK oNEONE BOX ONLYONL Y ConservatweConservative Q 42442' Labour Q Liberal Democrats Q ScoRlahScottish National PanyParty Q PlaldPlaid Cymru mQ Green Party aQ Other pariyparty (PLEASE SAY WHICH) _ ----------_QQ 22 padles 44 OnOn thethe whole,whole, wouldwould youyou descnbedescribe ~@ ofof thethe mainmam parties asas extremeextreme oror moderatemoderate nowadays?nowadays? I THE PARTIES PLEASEPLEASE GIVEGIVE ANAN ANSANSWERWER FORFOR EACHEACH OFOF THE PARTIES ANSWER d. ONLY IF IN SCOTLAND aa c d ConservatIveConaewatwe bb Liberal ScottIsh NatIonal PartyParty LabourLabour PartyParty Democrats Party (4244)(4244) (4245)(4245) (4246)(4246) (4247) ExtremeExtreme ❑ 0 oc1 o❑ ❑ o ModerateModerate ❑ 0L-2 o oL1 o OtherOther answeranswer (pLEASE WRITE IN) (PLEASE WRITE IN) l...========1.::========:..l:====~-======.J5 1 55 AndAnd wouldwould youyou descnbedescribe each@ ofof thethe mainmam partiesparties asas unlledumted oror divideddw!ded nowadays?nowadays7 FOR EACH OF THE PARTIES PLEASEPLEASE GIVEGIVE ANAN ANSWERANSWER FOR EACH OF THE PARTIES ANSWER d ONLYONLYIFINIF IN SCOTLAND a c d ConservativeConservatwe b LIberalLiberal Scottish NatlonaNational Party Labour Party Democrats Party (4248) (4249) (4250) (4251](4251) UnitedUmted ❑ 0 ocl o •1o Dwlded DIvided 0 oL1 L1o L1o Other answer (PLEASE WRITE IN) (PLEASE WRITE IN) l...========1.::========:..l:========~-========--.JI Party 6a6a And would you descnbedescribe the ConservativeConsetvatwe Party nowadaysnowadays as a party COnsenfatweConservative PLEASE TICK ONEONE BOX ONLONLYY (/)(.I) thatthat keeps itsIts promises,promises, •1 4252 —0 or, breaks ItsIts prom!ses?promises? ~0 NeitherNellher oror both ~0 Can’tCan't choose ❑D a party b And the Labour PartyPatty nowadays Is itIt a party LabourLabour PLEASE TICK ONEONE BOX ONLONLYY (/)(.I') thatthat wouldwould keepkeep rtsrts promtses,promises, a0 4253253 or, wouldwould break itsIts promises?promises? ❑0 NetherNeither oror bothboth ❑0 Can’tCan't choosechoose ❑D 33 7a7a HowHow goodgood ororbadbad aa jobjobdodo youyou thinkthink thatthat JohnJohn MajorMalorB~ doingdomg asas PrimePnme MmlsteflMmlster? PLEASEPLEASE TICKTICK ONEONEBOXBOXININ COLUMNCOLUMNaa aa bb cc JohnJohn TonyTony PaddyPaddy b And how good or bad a job do you think that b And how good or bad a job do you think that Major BlairBla.. AshdownAshdown TonyTony BlairBla..=would dodo asas PrimePnme Mm!ster?MInister? 425442544255 4255 42564256 PLEASEPLEASE TICKTICK ONEONE BOXBOX ININ COLUMNCOLUMN bb VeryVery goodgood ❑ ❑ cc AndAnd howhow goodgood oror badbad aa jobjob dodo youyou thinkthmk thatthat GI0 0 0 PaddyPaddy AshdownAshdown -dowould do asas PrimePnme FairlyFairly goodgood ❑ ❑ Mmlster7MInister? 0 0 0 PLEASEPLEASE TICKTICK ONE BOXBOX ININ COLUMN Cc NeiherNeither goodgood nornor badbad 0 ❑0 G10 FairlyFairly badbad DD❑ ❑0 Very badbad G1 ❑ I 0 0 0 8aBa Looking back over thethe lastlast year or so, would you say thatthat Brltam’sBntaln's economy has got stronger, got weaker or has stayed about thethe same? (/)(.f) PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLYONL Y Got a lot stronger G!0 4257 Got a httlelittle stronger ❑0 Stayed about lhethe same 0~ n GotahttleweakerGot a little weaker D~ Got a lot weaker ❑0 b AndAndlookmglookmg forward tototheyearthe year ahead, do you think Britain'sBntam’s economyeconom~ WillWIII get stronger, get weaker or stay about the same? (.f)(<) PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLONLYY Get a lotlot stronger 0❑ 4256425S Get a littlelittle stronger 0❑ StayStay about thethe samesame U 0- Get a littlehttle weaker D~ GetGet a lotlot weaker 0❑ cc LookingLooking backback overover thethe lastlastyear year oror so,so, wouldwould youyou saysayyour your household'shousehold’s mcomeincome hashas fallenfallen behindbehind pnces,prices, keptkept upup withwithpnces pricesor or gonegoneup up byby moremore thanthan pnces?pnces~ (,I) PLEASEPLEASE TICKTICKONE ONE BOXBOX ONLONLYY FallenFallen behmdbehind pncesprices aa lotlot 02 4259425e FallenFallen behmdbehind pncesprices aa littlehttle ~ 0n KeptKept upup withwihpnces prices 0~ GoneGone upup byby aa littlehttle moremore thanthan pncesprices D❑ . GoneGone upup byby aa lotlot moremore thanthan pncesprices 0❑ 44 8dBd And Iookmglooking at thethe vearyear ahead, dodo youyou expectexpect your householdshousehold's incomeIncome WIIIwill fallfall behind prices,prices, keep up wihwith prices oror gogo up by more thanthan pncesvprices? (,1') PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLYONLY Fall behind pricesprices aa lot10\ o 42604260 Fall behind pricesprices aa littlelittle o Keep upup withWith pricesprices o GoGo up by a httlelittle more thanthan pricesprices o Go up by a lotlot more thanthan prices o 9 Which party do youthmkyou think wdlformwlil iorm the government, after the next general elect]election?on? (/)(,1') PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONL Y Conservative Party 4261 PLEASE TICK ONE BOX ONLY ConsewaWe Party mo 4261 Labour Party mI 21 LiberallIberai Democrats ❑o More than oneparty/aone party/a coalttloncoalition ~o (PLEASE SAY WHICH PARTIES) Don’tDon't know L1D iOai Oa What was your age lastlast birthday?brthday~ PLEASE WRITE IN CD 4262-63,2S2-63 bb AndAnd onon what datedate diddld you 1111fill Inm thethe questionnaire?questlonnare~ PLEASEPLEASEWRITEINWRITE IN CD~ M CD 1996i 996 4264-671264-67 ThankThank you--you veryvery muchmuch forfor youryour help. PleasePlease returnreturn thethe questionnairequestionnaire Inm the envelopeenvelope proVidedprowded SPARE 4268-80 I 1 ~ CENIRE FOR RESEARCH INTO ELECIlONS AND SOCIAL 1RENIlS 35~Scpi'e AnAn ESRCEsRc~cHImRt:seam Cemrc 35~3W= atat Lm:IcnLmlim EC1VECIV OAXOAX SocaIlIId%asldconmumtyCanmIllU1Y PIammg%nnrgw&Nu6iddR=rch & NufIioId [email protected]:rdsd Td..pvn:Tslc#su 0171-2500171-2W18661%.5 P.1504P.1504 OctoberOctober 19951995 BRITISHBRITISH ELECTIONELECTION PANELPANELSTUDY STUDY OCTOBEROCTOBER 19951995 TELEPHONETELEPHONE SURVEYSURVEY 3301-C4~ CD33C033 SerialSer[al number·number CIIOJ 3305-06w BATCH3ATCH 3307-11~ TimeTime intervIewmterwew startedstarted [[][I] 3312-15~ SPARESPARE 3316-21~ 1ala INTERVIEWERNTERVIEWER RECORDRECORD RESPONDENT'SRESPONDENT’S SEXSEX MaleMale 11 33223322 FemaleFemale 2 b b WhatVhat was your age lastlast birthday?bh_thday7 WRITE ININ CDm 3323-24323-24 2a Generally;enerally speaking, do you thinkthink of yourself as Conservative,Consetvabve, Labour,.abour, LiberalLtberal Democrat (IF SCOTLAND Nationalist, IF WALES Plaid‘Iald Cymru), or what? CODE>ODE ONE ONLY IN COLUMN a IFF NONE/DON'TNONE/DON’T KNOW (CODE 00 OR 98) AT a b Do)0 you generally think of yourself as a Mtlelittle closer to oneIne of the parttesparties than the others7others? IFF YES Which party?party7 CODE ONE ONLY IN COLUMN b a b ~325-3326125-3326 3327-33263327-3328 ConsefvabveConservative 01 01 Labour 02 02 Liberal Democrat 03 03 Liberal Democrat 03 GO 03 b Scottish National Party 04 TO 04 ASK c c PlaldPlaid Cymru 05 c 05 c Green PatlyParty 06 06 Other (WRITE IN) a 07 OtherOther (WRITE(WRITE IN)IN) bb 0707 None/No 0000 ASKASK 0000 GOGO b TOTO (Don’t(Don't know) 9898 ABOVEABOVE 9898 Q3aQ3a IFF ANYANY PARTYPARTY CODEDCODED ATAT aa OROR bb cc WouldVould youyou callcall yourselfyourself veryvery strongstrong (PARTY(PARTY NAMEDIAMED ATAT aa OROR b),b), fairlyfairly strongstrong oror notnot veryvery strong7strong? VeryVery strongstrong 11 33293329 FarlyFairly strongstrong 22 NotNot veryvery strongstrong 33 (Don’t(Don't know)know) 88 SPARESPARE 333C-39333Cl-39 , . 2 OFFICEIFFICE USE ONLY ASK4SK ALL 3a Generally2enerally speaking, do you think of the Liberal DemocratsDemoctats asw being closer to the ConselVabveConservetwe Party or closer to the Labour.abour Party? Closer to ConselVatlvesConservatwes 1 3240 Closer to Labour 2 No difference/neitherdiferencelne!ther 3 Don'tDon’t know 8 b Now,‘Jow, consldenngcansldenngeverything eve~thmg the ConselVatlveConsewatlve and Labour.abour PartiesParhes stand for, would you say that READ{EAD OUT . there IS a great differencedtference between them, 1 3341 some difference,dtference, 2 or, not much difference?dfference? 3 (Don't(Don’tknow) 8 '--'L 4 Iffthere was a general electionelectlon tomorrow,
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