INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abenad Corporation, 42 Ballard, William F. R., 247, 252, 270 Abrams, Charles, 191 Barnes, Edward Larabee, 139, 144 Acker, Ed, 359 Barnett, Jonathan, 277 Action Group for Better Architecture in New Bauen + Wohnen, 266 York (AGBANY), 326–327 Beaux-Arts architecture, xiv, 35, 76, 255, 256, Airline industry, xiv, 22, 26, 32, 128, 311, 314, 289, 331, 333, 339, 344, 371. See also 346, 357–360, 361–362, 386 Grand Central Terminal Albers, Josef, 142–143, 153, 228, 296, 354, Belle, John (Beyer Blinder Belle Architects), 407n156 354 American Institute of Architects (AIA), 3, 35, Belluschi, Pietro, 70–77, 71, 80, 223, 237, 328 75, 262, 282, 337 AIA Gold Medal, 277, 281 Conference on Ugliness, 178–179 and the Architectural Record, 188, 190, 233, New York Chapter, 2, 157 235, 277 American Institute of Planners, 157 and art work, Pan Am Building, 141–144 Andrews, Wayne, 175–176, 248, 370 as co-designer of the Pan Am Building, xiii, 2, “Anti-Uglies,” 177, 327 50, 59, 77, 84, 87, 117, 156–157, 159, 160– “Apollo in the democracy” (concept), 67–69, 163, 165, 173, 212, 248, 269, 275, 304, 353, 159. See also Gropius, Walter 376 (see also Gropius/Belluschi/Roth collab- Apollo in the Democracy (book), 294–295. See oration) also Gropius, Walter on collaboration of art and architecture, 142– Collins review of, 294–295 143 Architectural criticism, xiv, xvi, 53, 56, 58, 227, collaboration with Gropius, 72, 75, 104, 282, 232, 257, 384–385, 396n85. See also 397n119 Huxtable, Ada Louise contract with Wolfson, 60–61, 97, 397n119 Forum’s stance on, 23 (see also Architectural criticism of, 158–159, 166–171, 173, 179, Forum; Haskell, Douglas) 180, 183–184, 228, 230, 232–233, 238, 245, Architectural Forum, xvi, 26, 255–259 262, 269, 384 Architectural League of New York, 177, 181 deanship, MIT, xiv, 72, 104 Architectural practice, changes in, xiv, 116–117, decline in reputation, xvi, 173, 276–279, 387 337–338, 393n44 drawing, “Grand Central City” project, 100, Architectural Record, xvi, 26, 80, 82, 256, 277 102 Architectural Review (London), 267 Equitable Building, 72, 73, 277 L’Architecture d’Aujourd’hui, 266–267, 279 and Goble, 190, 191 L’Architettura Cronache—Storia, 263, 271 and historic preservation, 29, 76, 328, 329, 423n54 Bacon, Edmund, 228, 230, 252, 270, 303 and Philip Johnson, 328 Baird, George, 373 and Kepes, 143 468 INDEX Belluschi, Pietro (continued) Chimacoff, Alan, 373 Lincoln Center, 76, 104, 195, 277, 377, Chrysler Building, 137, 242, 357, 362, 373, 382 399n132 City Beautiful Movement, xvi, 22, 51, 243, 255, and Lippold, 143 289, 386 responses to criticism, 159, 196 City Centre Properties, 86 stellar reputation, xiv, xvi, 59–62, 64, 75, 158, Colcord, Ray, 82, 105, 110, 143, 198 163, 167–168, 275 Colgate-Palmolive Building, 51–52, 54, 91, 175 and Wolfson, 59–60 Collins, Peter, 294–295 Beresford Apartments, 35, 36. See also Emery Condit, Carl, 175–176, 248, 384 Roth & Sons Conference on Ugliness, 178–179 Birkerts, Gunnar, 231 Construction Management. See Morse, Carl Blake, Peter, xiv, xvi, 160, 181–182, 248–249, Cotton, Jack, 86, 216, 248, 304, 346 252, 293–294, 385 Cousins, Norman, 125–126 God’s Own Junkyard, 248–249, 267, 385, Creighton, Thomas H., 160, 174 415n53 Cummings, Robert L., 196–198, 314, 318. See Board of Standards and Appeals, 120, 124, 126, also New York Airways 127 Cvijanovic, Alex, 103, 144, 303–305. See also Boisi, James O., 126–127, 236, 237, 240, 326. The Architects Collaborative (TAC) See also New York Central Railroad Boston Back Bay Center project, 72, 74, 98, 282 Death and Life of Great American Cities, xiii, xv. Breuer, Marcel, 293, 296, 306, 331, 343–345 See also Jacobs, Jane proposed Grand Central tower, 331–333, 332, “Death of the Street,” 218, 219. See also 338–344 Scully, Vincent Brumond, Harry L., Grand Central Terminal pro- d’Harnoncourt, René, 144 posal, 29, 30 Diesel Construction Company, 42–44, 86–87, Bunshaft, Gordon, 187. See also Skidmore, 114, 119, 210, 253. See also Morse, Carl; Owings & Merrill Wolfson, Erwin Burchard, John Ely, 173 Diesel Electric Corporation. See Diesel Con- Burger, Alfred G., 32, 50 struction Company Burnham, Daniel, 16, 35, 84 Domus, 263 Burns, James, 227–228, 235 Dorfles, Gillo, 283–284 Bush-Brown, Albert, 230 Drexler, Arthur, 187 Bystrom, Carl A., 232–233 Dupré, Judith, 377–378, 380 Cage, John, 151 Eaton, Leonard K., 232 Casabella, 291, 297, 300 Eiffel Tower, 370, 382 Catalano, Eduardo, 46 Emery Roth & Sons, 29, 34, 35–42, 50–51, 77, Cavaglieri, Giorgio, 33 84, 91, 112, 114, 185, 227–228, 277. See Chermayeff, Ivan, 111, 143–144 also Roth, Richard Chicago Tribune Competition project, 64, 66, Beresford Apartments, 35, 36 77, 100, 103, 171, 373. See also Gropius, buildings in New York City, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, Walter 40, 59 469 INDEX buildings on Park Avenue, 37, 40 Grand Central Building, Inc., 82, 105, 118, 210 as co-designers of the Pan Am Building, 77, “Grand Central City” (Commodore Vander- 87, 112, 114, 376 (see also Gropius/ bilt’s), 20, 51, 341 Belluschi/Roth project) “Grand Central City” (Wolfson’s), xvi, 4, 32, 49– Grand Central Terminal proposal, 29–33, 31, 51, 62–63, 68, 72, 80, 84, 88, 114, 172, 341, 44, 49–50, 161, 168, 196 385. See also Emery Roth & Sons; Grand reputation, 58–60, 97, 253, 274–276 Central Terminal; Pan Am Building; Wolfson, and Ruderman, 112–114 Erwin San Remo Apartments, 34, 35 Belluschi drawing of, 100, 102 and Wolfson, 35, 40 circulation, 338–339 Empire State Building, 23, 44, 45, 49, 63, 86, construction of, 95, 109, 114–120 196, 216–217, 223, 373, 382–383, 400n19 controversy over, 86, 161, 167 (see also Equitable Building. See Belluschi, Pietro “Grand Central City” [Wolfson’s], criticism of) criticism of, 121, 156–187 Fellheimer, Alfred, 26–29. See also Fellheimer design of, 94 (see also Gropius/Belluschi/Roth and Wagner; Reed and Stem collaboration) Fellheimer and Wagner, 27 design process, 105–111 Grand Central Terminal proposal, 26–27, 28, exterior lighting, 111 168, 196 financing of, 86–89 Ferris, The Reverend Theodore P., 166 Gropius and Belluschi involvement in, 94– Fitch, James Marston, 239, 248, 281, 299, 303, 104, 96, 117, 156, 185, 278–298, 397n106 340 lobbies, 111, 113 Fletcher, Norman, 97. See also The Architects Mo-Sai panels, 105, 106, 107, 109, 119 Collaborative (TAC) Pan American World Airways signs on, 111 Forberg, Charles, 139 Plexiglas model, 105, 108 Forum. See Architectural Forum site, 80, 87, 89, 168 (see also Grand Central “Four Great Makers” conference at Columbia Terminal) University, 188 steel framing, 92–94, 95, 117 Franciscono, Marcel, 298, 301–302 structural engineering of, 63, 89–94 Friedenberg, Daniel M., 253, 337 tenants, 111, 201 Futurists, 10, 242, 255, 339. See also Sant’Elia, wind factor, 93–94 Antonio Grand Central Depot, 6, 7, 10. See also Grand Central Terminal Garroway, Dave, 193 remodeled and enlarged, 10, 12 Ginsberg, Allen, 341, 343 Grand Central Office Building, 49, 118, 333, “Howl,” vii, 2, 58, 343, 387 334 Glenn, John, 201, 205, 341 Grand Central Terminal, 3–4, 10–22, 20, 334, Goble, Emerson, 177–178, 188–191, 259, 277, 341, 346, 382 302 airspace over, xiii, 14, 346 Goldberg, Bertrand, 174–175 the Beaux-Arts building, 3, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, Goldberger, Paul, 371, 376–377 20, 22, 278, 324, 331, 333, 338 Gordon, Walter, 80, 277–278 circulation system, 16, 19, 333 470 INDEX Grand Central Terminal (continued) Chicago Tribune Competition project, 64, 66, City Beautiful Movement ideals, 10, 16, 22, 51 77, 100, 103 concourse, 19, 21, 25, 236, 339, 341 on collaboration of art and architecture, 142 controversy over, 33, 44, 47, 345 collaboration with Belluschi, 72, 75, 104, Depot, 6, 7, 10 397n119 depressed tracks of, 7, 8, 9, 51 contract with Wolfson, 60–61, 97 and Futurist connection, 10, 242, 255, 339 criticism of, 157–159, 166, 167–171, 173, (see also Sant’Elia, Antonio) 177, 179, 180, 183–184, 228, 230–233, 238, plans to demolish, 3–4, 22, 25, 27, 92, 156, 245–247, 249, 252, 262–263, 266–271, 287, 160, 324 293–307, 343–345, 354, 371, 384 preservation of, 324, 331 (see also Haskell, “Curse of Conformity,” 67, 141 Douglas; Landmarks Preservation Commis- death, 295 sion) decline in reputation, xvi, 173, 279–287, 295– redevelopment plans for, 2–27, 47, 49–51, 80 298, 301–302, 377, 387 site, 46, 50, 59, 63, 89, 328 as designer of the Pan Am Building, xiii, 2, 50, transportation network, 10, 14, 89, 244 58–59, 77, 82–84, 87, 117, 119, 138–139, urban design, 3, 10, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 333 156–157, 159, 160–163, 173, 212, 233, 248, Graves, Michael, 353 269, 275, 304, 353, 376, 382 Portland Public Services Building, 353 early proposal with forecourt, plaza, or park, Gray, Christopher (Office of Metropolitan His- 96, 97, 169, 233, 234, 236, 269, 377 tory, New York City), 368, 383–384 eightieth birthday party, 285–287 Greene, Herb, 230 and Goble, 188–191 Gregotti, Vittorio, 300 and the heliport, 198 Gropius, Ise, 298, 301 and historic preservation, 29, 76, 288–289, Gropius, Walter, 58, 64–69, 65, 254, 256, 329, 328 336, 343–345, 347, 370. See also The Archi- and history, 297 (see also Historic preser- tects Collaborative (TAC); Walter Gropius vation) Archive Hochschule für Gestaltung address, 280–281 AIA Gold Medal, 68, 281 and Philip Johnson, 328 and “Anti-Uglies” movement, 177 and Kepes, 143 “Apollo in the democracy” (concept), 67–69, and lighting (exterior) of the building, 198 159 and Lippold, 143–144, 145–148, 149 Apollo in the Democracy (book), 294–295 lobby, 347, 354, 355 and architectural history, 3, 329 (see also His- and Loos, 300 toric preservation) 1972
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