Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Translation and Interpretation ANALYSIS ON THE TWO TURKISH TRANSLATIONS OF JOHN GRISHAM'S THE PELICAN BRIEF WITH REGARD TO DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION Mehmet Onur ÖZELSANCAK Master‟s Thesis Ankara, 2019 ANALYSIS ON THE TWO TURKISH TRANSLATIONS OF JOHN GRISHAM'S THE PELICAN BRIEF WITH REGARD TO DOMESTICATION AND FOREIGNIZATION Mehmet Onur ÖZELSANCAK Hacettepe University Graduate School of Social Sciences Department of Translation and Interpretation Master‟s Thesis Ankara, 2019 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Asst. Prof. Dr. Elif ERSÖZLÜ for her invaluable guidance during the preparation process of the thesis. I really appreciate her understanding, thought-provoking ideas, suggestions, particularly for her patience and kindness that have encouraged me to a great extent in the completion of the thesis. Moreover, I feel myself privileged to have taken her course, which I think has contributed a lot to my perspective and career in translation studies. Furthermore, I express my heartfelt thanks to Dr. Hilal DurmuĢ ERKAZANCI for her priceless suggestions and wisdom. My deepest gratitude goes to her for her immense patience and kindness. I am highly grateful to Professor Aymil DOĞAN for her invaluable guidance, wisdom and patience, which helped me adopt a new perspective in the field of interpretation. Last but not least, I extend my deepest gratitude and warmest affection to Funda ÖZELSANCAK, who has been the main source of encouragement behind the completion of the thesis with her unconditional support and mere presence in my life. v ÖZET ÖZELSANCAK, Mehmet Onur. John Grisham‘ın The Pelican Brief Adlı Eserinin İki Türkçe Çevirisinin Yerlileştirme ve Yabancılaştırma Stratejileri Açısından İncelenmesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara, 2019. Bu çalıĢma, John Grisham‟ın The Pelican Brief adlı eserinin iki farklı Türkçe çevirisinin Lawrence Venuti‟nin yerlileĢtirme ve yabancılaĢtırma (domestication and foreignization) stratejileri açısından incelenmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu bağlamda adı geçen eserin Mehmet Harmancı (1992) ve ġefika Kamçez (2008) tarafından yapılan çevirileri incelenmiĢtir. Grisham, diğer eserlerinde olduğu gibi, bu eserinde de hukuk terimlerini yoğun olarak kullanmıĢtır. Bu hukuki dilin yanısıra, eserde Amerikan kültürüne ait birçok kültüre özgü kavram da yer almaktadır. Bu çalıĢmada, hem Amerikan hukuk sistemine hem de Amerikan kültürüne ait unsurların çevrilmesinde her iki çevirmenin daha çok hangi stratejiyi benimsediği belirlenmiĢtir. Bu yaklaĢımlar, Aixela‟nın kültüre özgü unsurların çevirisi konusunda önerdiği değiĢtirme ve koruma stratejileri (substitution ve conservation) yardımıyla tespit edilmiĢtir. ÇalıĢmada inceleme konusu unsurlar iki kategori altında yer almaktadır. Birinci kategoride Amerikan hukuk sistemine ait olan 30 hukuk terimi incelenirken ikinci kategoride ise 6 alt baĢlık (markalar, ölçü birimleri, kısaltmalar, yabancı kelimeler, yiyecek ve içecek isimleri, toplumsal ve etnik gruplar) altında kültüre özgü unsurlar incelenmiĢtir. Bunun yanısıra, Venuti‟nin çevirmenin görünmezliği (Translator‘s (in)visibility) kavramı ıĢığında hangi çevirmeninin daha görünür veya görünmez olduğu tespit edilmiĢtir. Ayrıca, 1990ların baĢında edebiyatımıza çeviri yoluyla giren “legal thriller” (hukuki gerilim) türündeki eserlerin çevirilerinde uygulanan stratejilerin ve benimsenen yaklaĢımların, türün Türk edebiyat çoğuldizgesindeki çevresel konumuyla iliĢkili olup olmadığı Even-Zohar‟ın Çoğuldizge Kuramı ıĢığı altında incelenmiĢtir. Bu bağlamda genelde polisiye edebiyat, özelde ise Grisham‟ın “legal thriller” türünde verdiği eserlerin Türk edebiyat çoğuldizgesindeki yeri irdelenerek polisiye edebiyatın Batı dünyasındaki doğuĢu, alt türleri, Türk edebiyatına ne zaman ve nasıl girdiği hakkında ayrıntılı bir biçimde incelenmiĢtir. vi Ġnceleme sonucunda türün Türk edebiyat çoğuldizgesine giriĢ yaptığı 1990larda The Pelican Brief adlı eserin ilk çevirisinde ağırlıklı olarak yerlileĢtirme stratejisinin benimsenmiĢ olduğu ve çevirmenin daha az görünür olduğu tespit edilirken, çeviri ve özgün polisiye romanların geliĢmeye baĢladığı 2000‟li yıllarda yapılan ikinci çeviride ise ağırlıklı olarak yabancılaĢtırma stratejisinin benimsendiği ve çevirmenin daha görünür olduğu belirlenmiĢtir. Anahtar Sözcükler John Grisham, The Pelican Brief, legal thriller, hukuk terminolojisi, kültürel öğeler, Venuti, yerlileştirme ve yabancılaştırma vii ABSTRACT ÖZELSANCAK, Mehmet Onur. Analysis On The Two Turkish Translations Of John Grisham's The Pelican Brief with regard to Domestication And Foreignization, Master‟s Thesis, Ankara, 2019. This study seeks to carry out an analysis on the two Turkish translations of The Pelican Brief by John Grisham with regard to Lawrence Venuti‟s domestication and foreignization strategies. In this respect, the Turkish translations by Mehmet Harmancı (1992) and ġefika Kamçez (2008) constitute the corpus of the study. Grisham frequently employs legal terminology in his work as in his previous works of legal thrillers. In addition to the legal terminology peculiar to the common law in the US, there are various culture-specific items (CSIs) related to the American culture. This study seeks to determine which approach has been predominantly adopted by each translator in the translation of legal terminology and CSIs. Aixela‟s microstrategies of substitution and conservation have been employed in ascertaining the predominant approach. The items to be analyzed in the study have been classified in two categories. The translations of randomly selected 30 legal terminology items have been analyzed in the first category whereas another set of randomly selected 30 CSIs in 6 subcategories (Brands, Measurements, Acronyms, Foreign Vocabulary, Foods and Drinks, Social and Ethnic Groups) have been analyzed in the second category. Furthermore, the study makes use of Venuti‟s concept of Translator‟s (in)visibility in order to determine which translator remained more visible. Moreover, the study takes into consideration Even-Zohar‟s Polysystem Theory in order to ascertain whether the general approach and strategies adopted in each translation are related to the peripheral position of legal thrillers in the Turkish literary polysystem, which have made their debut in the early 1990s via translations. Therefore, it seeks to to determine the position of translated crime fiction works in general and that of legal thrillers in particular in the Turkish literary polysystem by taking into consideration the origin of crime fiction in the West, its subgenres, how and when they have been introduced to the Turkish literary polysystem. In conclusion, the study reveals that the first translator adopted predominantly the domestication approach and remained less visible in the early 1990s when legal viii thrillers started to debut in the Turkish literature. In contrast, the second translator has been found to have employed extensively a more foreignizing approach in the 2000s when both translated and indigenous works of crime fiction seemed to thrive in the Turkish literature, which has rendered her more visible as a translator. Key Words John Grisham, The Pelican Brief, legal thriller, legal terminology, culture-specific items, Venuti, domestication and foreignization ix TABLE OF CONTENTS KABUL VE ONAY ......................................................................................................... i YAYIMLAMA VE FİKRİ MÜLKİYET HAKLARI BEYANI .............................................. ii ETİK BEYAN ............................................................................................................... iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .............................................................................................. iv ÖZET ............................................................................................................................ v ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................ vii TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................. ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................ xii LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................... xiii INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 CHAPTER I: CRIME FICTION ...................................................................................... 8 1.1. DEFINITION OF CRIME FICTION .................................................................... 8 1.2. HISTORY OF CRIME FICTION ........................................................................ 9 1.3. FACTORS LEADING TO THE RISE AND DEVELOPMENT OF CRIME FICTION................................................................................................................. 13 1.3.1. Literary Factors ........................................................................................ 14 1.3.2. Socio-economic Factors .......................................................................... 16 1.4. MAJOR NARRATIVE FORMATS OF CRIME FICTION .................................. 19 1.4.1. Classical Detective Fiction (Whodunit) ..................................................... 19 1.4.2. Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction ..................................................................
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