Rajasthan State Highways Development Programme PPP Division, PWD Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report of Two-Laning of Km 0.0 to Km 40 of SH-22 comprising the section from Mandrayal to Karauli Social (HighwayImpact 1 –Assessment Package 13) and Resettlement Action Plan April -2016 CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE RIALS Y CONTROL DE OBRA, S.A. AVANZA ENGINEERING PVT.LTD. SHP CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Office Address: D – 75, Near BSNL Office, Vaishali Nagar, Jaipur - 302021 ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Full Form AE Assistant Engineer BPL Below Poverty Line BSR Basic Schedule of Rates CA Competent Authority CE Chief Engineer CHCs Community Health Centers CoI Corridor of Impact CPRs Common Property Resources CSC Construction Supervision Consultant CUP Cattle Under Pass CVO Central Vigilance Officer DIZ Direct Impact Zone DLRCC District Level Replacement Cost Committee EAP Externally Aided Project EC Environmental Clearance EE Executive Engineer EIA Environment Impact Assessment EMP Environment Management Plan EP Entitled Person FGDs Focus Group Discussions FRA Forest Rights Act GOI Govt. of India GOR Govt. of Rajasthan GRC Grievance Redressal Committee GRM Grievance Redressal Mechanism Ha Hectare HH Household HIV/AIDS Human Immuno deficiency Virus/Acquired Immuno deficiency Syndrome IEE Initial Environment Examination ICDS Integrated Child Development Scheme IG Income Generation INR Indian Rupees IRC Indian Roads Congress ITI Industrial Training Institute JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission LA Land Acquisition LAcum SDO Land Acquisition cum Social Development Officer M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCW Mother and Child Welfare MIS Management Information System NACO National AIDS Control Society NEREGA National Rural Employment Guarantee Act NGO Non-government Organization NOC No Objection Certificate NTH Non-titleholder PAH Project affected household PAPs Project affected persons PCU Project Coordination Unit PDP Project Displaced Person PHCs Primary Health Centers PHED Public Health Engineering Department PHH Physically Handicapped PIA Project Influence Area PIU Project Implementation Unit PMC Project Management Consultant PWD Public Works Department R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation RD Rural Development ROW Right of Way RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RRO Resettlement & Rehabilitation Officer RSACS Rajasthan State AIDS Control Society RTI Right to Information Act SACO State AIDS Control Society SBE Small Business Enterprise SC Schedule Caste SCHM Suggestion and Complaint Handling Mechanism SDE Sub-divisional Engineer SDM Sub-divisional Magistrate SDS Social Development Specialist SGSY Swarna-jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana SHG Self Help Group SIA Social Impact Assessment SSR Social Screening Report ST Schedule Tribe TCS Typical Cross Section TDP Tribal Development Plan TH Titleholder TOR Terms of Reference WHH Women Headed Household WPR Work Participation Rate Table of Content S. No. Chapter Chapter Name Page Number Number 1 ES Executive Summary ES-1 to ES-4 2 Ch-1 Introduction and Project Background 1 to 5 3 Ch-2 Socio-Economic Profile 6 to 6 4 Ch-3 Scope of Land Acquisition 10 to 14 5 Ch-4 Public Consultation & Analysis of Alternatives 15 to 26 Alignment 6 Ch-5 Legal Framework and Entitlement Assistant 27 to 42 7 Ch-6 Income Restoration Measures and Gender Plan 43 to 54 8 Ch-7 Institutional Arrangements and Grievance 55 to 66 Redress Mechanism 9 Ch-8 Implementation Schedule 67 to 69 10 Ch-9 Monitoring Evaluation and Reporting 70 to 73 11 Ch-10 Resettlement and Rehabilitation Budget 74 to 76 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report of Two- laning of Km 0.000 to Km 38.750 of SH-22 comprising the section from Mandrayal-Karauli (the “Highway-I”) Package 13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ES.1 INRODUCTION 1. The Social Impact Assessment survey for the project road Karauli-Mandrayal stretch has been conducted to determine the magnitude of actual and potential impact to ensure that social considerations has been given adequate weight age in the selection and design of proposed Road. Basic idea is to minimize adverse social impacts with best possible engineering solutions at the optimal cost. ES.2 METHODOLOGY 2. Both primary and secondary data has been collected on the basis of rapid social survey and public consultation has been conducted. The socio-economic and census survey were conducted, on standard questionnaire by enumerator and compiled on excel sheet for further analysis. ES.3 PROJECT INFLUENCE AREA 3. The Project Road starts at km 00.000 in Mandrayal and terminate on Karauli at km 38+750.The project road is a part of SH-22. The Project Road passes through Mandrayal, Langra, Gadi, Sankra, Bichpuri and Karauli built up sections under Karauli districts of Rajasthan. The Right of way varies from 15.0m to 20.0m. There is no additional new bypass is proposed. The project Road shall be strengthened and upgraded to 2-lane with earthen shoulder. ES.4 SOCIO-ECONOMIC SURVEY 4. Socio-economic survey is the main base of the Social Impact Assessment and Resettle Action Plan. The survey for the proposed project was conducted in Two phases. The survey for the proposed project was conducted in three phases. 1. Phase-I (08.08.2015 to 12.08.2015): Reconnaissance survey, social strip mapping; 2. Phase-II (12.08.2015 to 14.08.2015): 25% census survey & SIA for Proposed section. The additional survey has been conducted to updating Karauli-Mandrayal section for squatters, structure losers and 25% details of the total Agricultural land losers. ES.5 PROJECT IMPACTS 5. Finding of the baseline socio-economic survey give the following profile of the project corridor: SIA RAP REPORT ES- 1 Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report of Two- laning of Km 0.000 to Km 38.750 of SH-22 comprising the section from Mandrayal-Karauli (the “Highway-I”) Package 13 Major sources of livelihood are agriculture followed by trade and commerce. The Right of way (ROW) is proposed 16 for open areas and 12m for habitation and Keladevi Wildlife Sanctuary. It may be minimized in the dense habituated areas as per need and availability of areas. Around 60-70% of the PAPs are literate. Major Social groups are Hindus with OBCs as the most dominant group. Average family size is 6.0 In the project context, the vulnerable group consists of scheduled caste (SC), scheduled tribes (STs), women- headed households (WHH), and those below the poverty line (BPL). Major community development needs expressed by the villagers are village approach roads, bus stands, toilets, drinking water facilities, Emergency First aid Response; grade separated pedestrian for path and employment facilities. ES.6 Land Requirement Impacts 1. The proposed road alignment has been adjusted in the available ROW except curve improvement locations where major part is govt. land and some part is private. Approx. 11.37 ha private land will be acquired. In the market areas some encroachers will be remove to develop the safety measures like drain, footpath utility shifting etc. One Toll Plaza is proposed in the available land at km 31. ES.7 RESETTLEMENT PRINCIPLES 2. As per RTF CLARR ordinance 2014, Compensation matrix has been prepared in RAP for project. The Entitlement policy recognizes all types of affected persons such as squatters, encroachers, vulnerable, titleholders, kiosks, etc. Squatters who are presenting prior to cut off date are considered for R&R Assistance. They will be paid replacement cost of structures, shifting & transition allowances. Training would be given to EPs loosing commercial activities. The titleholder structure losers will be paid replacement cost of structure including homestead land & cost of trees, shifting & transition allowances. The land losers will be paid replacement costs of land lost & transitional allowance as per the entitlement matrix. The tenants will receive shifting allowance, rental allowance, deposits & compensation for erected structures if any. All incidental costs will be borne by the project. The project will rebuild the community utilities & infrastructures if any, which is to be dismantled. The policy also asserts an integrated SIA RAP REPORT ES- 2 Consultancy Services for Preparation of Feasibility Report of Two- laning of Km 0.000 to Km 38.750 of SH-22 comprising the section from Mandrayal-Karauli (the “Highway-I”) Package 13 income restoration strategy for PAFs losing their source of income and income opportunity. The vulnerable EPs will get one time Economic Rehabilitation Grant to establish their businesses, livelihood etc. ES.8 CONSULTATION AND DISCLOSURES 3. Consultation during project preparation, as an integral part of the social assessment process not only minimizes the risks and unwanted political propaganda against the project but also terminate the gap between the community and the project formulators, which leads to timely completion of the project and making the project people’s friendly. 4. Public consultations were held with various sections of the project-affected population such as traders, women, village elders, Panchayats members and other inhabitants etc. During consultations the people of the affected area were told about the proposed project and its need. Also the R&R and land acquisition were discussed with the affected persons. The process of information was highly appreciated by the local inhabitants. During public consultation issues related to safety, compensation, income restoration, employment generation, trafficking of women, grievance reprisal, role of administration
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