Volume: VI, Number: II July - December, 2018 ISSN: 2319-8192 Intellection $%LDQQXDO,QWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\5HVHDUFK-RXUQDO Editorial Board Chief Editor: Prof. Nikunja Bihari Biswas, Former Dean, Ashutosh Mukharjee School of Educational Sciences, Assam University, Silchar Editor Managing Editor Dr.Baharul Islam Laskar , Dr. Abul Hassan Chaudhury Principal , Assistant Registrar, M.C.D College, Sonai, Cachar Assam University, Silchar Associate Editors Dr. S.M.Alfarid Hussain, Dr. Anindya Syam Choudhury, Assistant Professor, Department of Mass Associate Professor, Department of English, Communication, Assam University, Silchar Assam University, Silchar Assistant Managing Editors Dr. Monjur Ahmed Laskar, Dr. Nijoy Kr Paul Research Associate, Professional Assistant, Central Library, Bioinformatics Centre, Assam University, Assam University, Silchar EDITORIAL BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Humayun Bokth , Prof J.U Ahmed , Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Department of Management, NEHU, Assam University Tura Campus Dr. Merina Islam, (founder Editor), Dr. Pius V.T, Associate Professor, Department of Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy, Philosophy , Cachar College, Silchar Assam University, Silchar Dr. Kh Narendra Singh, Prof Sk Jasim Uddin, Head, Department of Anthropology, Department of Chemistry, Assam University, Assam University, Diphu Campus Silchar Dr.Himadri Sekhar Das , Dr. Debotosh Chakraborty Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Assam university, Silchar Science, Assam University, Silchar Dr. Moynul Hoque, Dr. Md. Aynul Hoque, Assistant professor, Department of History, Former Assistant Professor, Gurucharan College, Silchar NERIE, Shillong Dr. Taj Uddin Khan Dr. Subrata Sinha, Assistant Professor, Deptt.of Botany, System Analyst, Computer Centre, S.S.College, Hailakandi Assam University, Silchar Dr. Ayesha Afsana Dr. Ganesh Nandi Former Guest Faculty, Deptt. of Law, Asstt. Professor, Deptt. of Visual Arts, Assam University, Silchar Assam University, Silchar Disclaimer : Opinion expressed in the articles are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion and views of the Editorial Board or Advisory Board and even Barak Education Society, Silchar. Cover designed by: Mr. Baharul Islam Laskar, Department of Visual Arts, Assam University To contact: Chief Editor: Phone No. 9435072204(M), Email id: [email protected] Editor: Phone: 9435988843 (M), Email id: [email protected] N.B. All concerned with the journal have extended honorary service voluntarily for the publication of the journal smoothly. Volume: VI, Number: II July – December, 2018 ISSN: 2319-8192 Intellection $%LDQQXDO,QWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\5HVHDUFK-RXUQDO Advisory Board Chief Advisor Prof. Tapodhir Bhattacharjee, Former Vice Chancellor, Assam University, Silchar $GYLVRUV Prof. Y. V. Satyanarayan, 3URI'HYHQGUD1DWK7LZDUL )RUPHU(PHULWXV3URIHVVRU 'HSDUWPHQWRI3KLORVRSK\DQG5HOLJLRQ 'HSDUWPHQWRI3KLORVRSK\ %HQDUDV+LQGX8QLYHUVLW\ $QGKUD8QLYHUVLW\9LVDNKDSDWQDP$3 9DUDQDVL83 Prof. Yasien Mohamed, Prof. Dr. Abdul Jalil Bin Othman, ($UDELF ,VODPLF6WXGLHV )DFXOW\RI(GXFDWLRQ 'HSDUWPHQW)RUHLJQ/DQJXJHV 'HSDUWPHQWRI/DQJXDJHDQGOLWHUDU\(GXFDWLRQ 8QLYHUVLW\RIWKH:HVWHUQ&DSH6RXWK$IULFD 8QLYHUVLW\RI0DOD\D0DOD\DVLD Prof. Dr. Md. Saiful Islam Prof. M Asad Uddin 'HSDUWPHQWRI(FRQRPLFV 'HSDUWPHQWRI(QJOLVK .KXOQD8QLYHUVLW\%DQJODGHVK -DPLD0LOOLD,VODPLD1HZ'HOKL Prof. Niranjan Roy, 3URI$VRNH.U6HQ 'HDQ6FKRRORI(FRQRPLFV &RPPHUFH 'HDQ6FKRRORI3K\VLFDO6FLHQFHV $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU Prof. G.Ram, Prof. A. Rasak T, +HDG'HSDUWPHQWRI6RFLRORJ\ 'HDQ6FKRRORI(QJOLVK )RUHLJQ $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU /DQJXDJHV$VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU Prof. Dibyojyoti Bhattacharjee Prof K.M. Baharul Islam, 'HSWRI6WDWLVWLFV 'LUHFWRU,4$& )HOORZ,QGLDQ,QVWLWXHRI$GYDQFHG $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU 6WXG\5DVWUDSDWL1LYDV6KLPOD 3URI'LSHQGX'DV Dr. Deshraj Sirswal. +HDG'HSDUWPHQWRI(QJOLVK $VVLVWDQW3URIHVVRU'HSDUWPHQWRI $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU 3KLORVRSK\3**RYW&ROOHJHIRU*LUOV &KDQGLJDUK 3URI0.6LQKD Dr. Reyaz Ahmed +HDG'HSWRI/LEUDU\ ,QIRUPDWLRQ $VVLVWDQWSURIHVVRU 6FLHQFHV 6RIWZDUH(QJLQHHULQJ'HSDUWPHQW $VVDP8QLYHUVLW\6LOFKDU &ROOHJHRI(QJLQHHULQJDQG,7 $O$LQ8QLYHUVLW\RI6FLHQFHDQG 7HFKQRORJ\8$( Dr. Mijanur Rahman, 'U-DVKREDQWD5R\ 3ULQFLSDO+DIORQJ*RYW&ROOHJH $VVRFLDWH3URIHVVRU +2'3KLORVRSK\ +DIORQJ'LPD+DVDR 5DGKDPDGKDE&ROOHJH6LOFKDU 'LVWULFW$VVDP 9ROXPH9,1XPEHU,, -XO\±'HFHPEHU,661 Intellection A Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal 7KLVLVVXHRIWKHMRXUQDOLV Dedicated to the memory of Mahatma Gandhi Veteran Freedom Fighter and the Father of our Nation, on the occasion of his 150th birth anniversary Intellection: A Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal, July - December, 2018 Vol. VI, No. II, ISSN: 2319-8192 EDITORIAL It is with great pride, enthusiasm, and anticipation Barak Education Society and the ‘Editorial Board’ is delighted to publish the 12th successful issue ‘INTELLECTION’. The objective of our Journal is to publish up-to-date, high-quality and original research papers alongside relevant and insightful reviews. With these objectives ‘Intellection’ has started its swift journey from January’ 2013 and the with the passage of time ‘Intellection’ has occupied its place in the web and also in the list of approved journals by University Grants Commission (UGC) the apex academic body of the Country. Our appeal for paper contribution and write-ups for publication in the journal ‘Call for Papers’ got good responses from every corner. The paper contributors have spent their time and energy to produce good articles, but we could not include all; even after declining several articles on review, we had to include thirteen papers in this issue. Being an interdisciplinary journal this issue of ‘Intellection’ like its earlier issues includes articles from Literature, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Economics, Politics, Art and Culture etc, which makes the issue much more vibrant and useful to academic readers. It gives us an opportunity to thanks all the journal's contributors and supporters. On behalf of the Editorial Board and the Barak Education Society, I would like to express our gratefulness to the authors of articles published during the past years, and to acknowledge generous help which we obtained from the peer- reviewers during the process of publication of the issue. The collective efforts you rendered make it possible for us to publish the journal successfully and to the best of our capabilities. We solicit your support and help for the future issues of the journal too and believe that this issue of the journal would turn out to be of significant use to all categories of readers, especially researchers and educators. Needless to say, any papers that you wish to submit, either individually or collaboratively, are much appreciated and will make a substantial contribution to the continuous development and success of our journal. Best wishes and thank you in advance for your contribution. We welcome feedbacks, remarks and suggestions from all our readers regarding this issue and for improvement of our future issues. You can access the soft copies of the journal since its inception at http://www.besngo.org and mail your responses to [email protected]. I look forward to our journey together as we develop ‘Intellection’ into its fullest potential. With warm regards Dated: Silchar Dr. Baharul Islam Laskar The 30th September’ 2018 Editor, Intellection Intellection: A Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal,July - December, 2018 9RO9,1R,, ISSN: 2319-8192 (Included in the list of UGC approved research journals) CONTENTS ………….. Page Nos Issues in English Language Teaching: Gender in Language Education - Prof K.M.Baharul Islam Emotional Scaffolding and Classroom Discipline: The Connectives - Dr.Asha Joseph and Prof Geetika Bagchi National Consciousness and the Politics of Folktale and Fairytale Collections: A Study with Reference to Grimms’ Kinder-und Hausmärchen - Ms. Tanima Dutta 4. Educational Status Among the Tea Garden Workers: A Case Study of Cachar District of Assam - Mr. Pradip Kurmi and Prof Sumanash Dutta SaŵƑaya as a Logical Method - Ms. Jhumpa Bagchi Great Mask Making Tradition at Satras in Majuli, Assam Initiated by Srimanta Sankardeva - Mr. Nippan Das 7. Gaon Sabha and Rural Development: A Study of Hailakandi District in Assam -Dr. Nazmul Hussain Laskar 8. Transition of the Barman from Hill Tribe to Plain Tribe in 43-47 South Assam - Ms.Maumita Nath Contd. Intellection: A Bi-annual Interdisciplinary Research Journal, July- December, 2018 9RO9,1R,, ISSN: 2319-8192 (Included in the list of UGC approved research journals) Page Nos Social Impact of Tobacco Dependence: A Sociological Analysis - Mr. Sunjit Bosumatary and Dr. Humayun Bokth Emerging Trends in Public Art Practice in India: Towards a Dialogic Performative Dode - Mr. Sanchayan Gosh Political Participation and Voting Behaviour: A Comparative Study of the Rural and Urban Areas of Cachar District of Assam - Ms. Khushbu Barbhuiya 12. Glancing At Cachar Through the Lens of History After 1832: A Phase of Transition - Ms. Jhuma Banerjee Policy Framework of India’s Response to Global Climate Change - A Critical Analysis - Mr. Belayet Hussain Mazumder and Dr. Madhumita Dhar Sarkar ,QWHOOHFWLRQ$%LDQQXDO,QWHUGLVFLSOLQDU\5HVHDUFK-RXUQDO-XO\'HFHPEHU 9RO9,1R,, ,661 ,VVXHV LQ(QJOLVK/DQJXDJH7HDFKLQJ*HQGHULQ/DQJXDJH(GXFDWLRQ K M Baharul Islam 3URIHVVRURI&RPPXQLFDWLRQDQG&KDLU &HQWUHIRU3XEOLF3ROLF\DQG*RYHUQPHQW ,QGLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI0DQDJHPHQW.DVKLSXU DQG)HOORZDWWKH,QGLDQ,QVWLWXWHRI$GYDQFHG6WXG\6KLPOD
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