US 20140072836A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0072836A1 Mills (43) Pub. Date: Mar. 13, 2014 (54) H2O-BASED ELECTROCHEMICAL (52) U.S. Cl. HYDROGEN-CATALYST POWER SYSTEM CPC ....................................... H0IM 8/06 (2013.01) USPC ............................................... 429/8; 429/422 (75) Inventor: Randell Lee Mills, Cranbury, NJ (US) (57) ABSTRACT (73) Assignee: BLACKLIGHT POWER, INC., An electrochemical power system is provided that generates Cranbury, NJ (US) an electromotive force (EMF) from the catalytic reaction of Appl. No.: 14/005,851 hydrogen to lower energy (hydrino) states providing direct (21) conversion of the energy released from the hydrino reaction (22) PCT Filed: Mar. 30, 2012 into electricity, the system comprising at least two compo nents chosen from: H2O catalyst or a source of H2O catalyst; (86) PCT NO.: PCT/US12A31639 atomic hydrogen or a source of atomic hydrogen; reactants to form the H2O catalyst or source of H2O catalyst and atomic S371 (c)(1), hydrogen or source of atomic hydrogen; and one or more (2), (4) Date: Nov. 21, 2013 reactants to initiate the catalysis of atomic hydrogen. The electrochemical power system for forming hydrinos and elec Related U.S. Application Data tricity can further comprise a cathode compartment compris (60) Provisional application No. 61/472,076, filed on Apr. ing a cathode, an anode compartment comprising an anode, 5, 2011, provisional application No. 61/482.932, filed optionally a saltbridge, reactants that constitute hydrino reac on May 5, 2011, provisional application No. 61/485, tants during cell operation with separate electron flow and ion 769, filed on May 13, 2011, provisional application mass transport, and a source of hydrogen. Due to oxidation No. 61/490,903, filed on May 27, 2011, provisional reduction cell half reactions, the hydrino-producing reaction application No. 61/498,245, filed on Jun. 17, 2011, mixture is constituted with the migration of electrons through provisional application No. 61/505,719, filed on Jul. 8, an external circuit and ion mass transport through a separate 2011, provisional application No. 61/515,505, filed on path Such as the electrolyte to complete an electrical circuit. A Aug. 5, 2011, provisional application No. 61/538,534, power source and hydride reactor is further provided that filed on Sep. 23, 2011, provisional application No. powers a power system comprising (i) a reaction cell for the 61/566.225, filed on Dec. 2, 2011, provisional appli catalysis of atomic hydrogen to form hydrinos, (ii) a chemical cation No. 61/559,504, filed on Nov. 14, 2011, provi fuel mixture comprising at least two components chosen sional application No. 61/578,465, filed on Dec. 21, from: a source of H2O catalyst or HO catalyst; a source of 2011, provisional application No. 61/591,532, filed on atomic hydrogen or atomic hydrogen; reactants to form the Jan. 27, 2012, provisional application No. 61/612,607, Source of H2O catalyst or H2O catalyst and a source of atomic filed on Mar. 19, 2012. hydrogen or atomic hydrogen; one or more reactants to ini tiate the catalysis of atomic hydrogen; and a Support to enable Publication Classification the catalysis, (iii) thermal systems for reversing an exchange reaction to thermally regenerate the fuel from the reaction (51) Int. C. products, (iv) a heat sink that accepts the heat from the power HOLM 8/06 (2006.01) producing reactions, and (v) a power conversion system. 474 473 s 476 as a a a a ATC 2 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2014 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2014/0072836A1 Fig. 1 i Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2014 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2014/0072836A1 Fig. 2 44 sos473 476 Na - - - - - - - - - AfC -- 472 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2014 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2014/0072836A1 Fig. 3 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2014 Sheet 4 of 5 US 2014/0072836A1 Fig. 4 603 6O7 600 Patent Application Publication Mar. 13, 2014 Sheet 5 of 5 US 2014/0072836A1 US 2014/007283.6 A1 Mar. 13, 2014 H2O-BASED ELECTROCHEMICAL borides, chalcogenides, silicides, phosphides, and carbides, HYDROGEN-CATALYST POWER SYSTEM metals, metal oxides, nonmetals, and nonmetal oxides; oxides of alkali, alkaline earth, transition, inner transition, CROSS-REFERENCES TO RELATED and earth metals, and Al, Ga, In, Sn, Pb, S, Te, Se, N, PAs, Sb, APPLICATIONS Bi, C, Si, Ge, and B, and other elements that form oxides or 0001. This application claims the benefit of priority of oxyanions; at least one oxide such as one of an alkaline, U.S. Provisional Application Nos. 61/472,076, filed Apr. 5, alkaline earth, transition, inner transition, and rare earth 2011: 61/482,932, filed May 5, 2011: 61/485,769, filed May metal, and Al, Ga, In, Sn, Pb, S, Te, Se, N. P. As, Sb, Bi, C, Si, 13, 2011: 61/490,903, filed May 27, 2011: 61/498,245, filed Ge, and B, and other elements that form oxides, and one Jun. 17, 2011: 61/505,719, filed Jul. 8, 2011: 61/515,505, oxyanion and further comprise at least one cation from the filed Aug. 5, 2011: 61/538,534, filed Sep. 23, 2011: 61/559, group of alkaline, alkaline earth, transition, inner transition, 504, filed Nov. 14, 2011: 61/566,225, filed Dec. 2, 2011; and rare earth metal, and Al. Ga, In, Sn, and Pb cations; 61/578,465, filed Dec. 21, 2011: 61/591,532, filed Jan. 27, LiAlO, MgO, Li TiO, or SrTiO; an oxide of the anode 2012; and 61/612,607, filed Mar. 19, 2012, all of which are materials and a compound of the electrolyte; at least one of a herein incorporated by reference in their entirety. cation and an oxide of the electrolyte; an oxide of the elec trolyte MOH (Malkali); an oxide of the electrolyte compris SUMMARY OF DISCLOSED EMBODIMENTS ing an element, metal, alloy, or mixture of the group of Mo, Ti, Zr, Si,Al, Ni, Fe, Ta, V, B, Nb, Se, Te W. Cr, Mn, Hf, Co, and 0002 The present disclosure is directed to an electro M", wherein M' represents an alkaline earth metal; MoC) chemical power system that generates at least one of electric ity and thermal energy comprising a vessel closed to atmo TiO, ZrO, SiO, Al-O, NiO. FeC) or FeO, TaO, Ta-Os. sphere, the vessel comprising at least one cathode; at least one VO, VO, VO, V.O.s, B.O., NbO, NbO, NbOs, SeO, anode, at least one bipolar plate, and reactants that constitute SeO, TeO, Te0, WO, WO, CrO, CrOs. CrO, CrOs. hydrino reactants during cell operation with separate electron MnO, MnO, MnO, MnO, MnO, Hf), CoO, CoO, flow and ion mass transport, the reactants comprising at least Co-O, CoO, and MgO, an oxide of the cathode material two components chosen from: a) at least one source of H2O: and optionally an oxide of the electrolyte: LiMoO, or b) at least one source of catalyst or a catalyst comprising at LiMoO, Li TiO, Li ZrOs. LiSiO, LiAlO, LiNiO, least one of the group chosen from nFI, OH, OH, nascent LiFeC), LiTaC), LiVO, LiBO7, LiNbO, Li-SeO. H2O, HS, or MNH, wherein n is an integer and M is alkali LiSeO, LiTe0s, LiTeC), Li WO, Li CrO, Li CrO7. metal; and c) at least one source of atomic hydrogen or atomic LiMnO, Li HfC), LiCoO, and MO, wherein M' repre hydrogen, one or more reactants to form at least one of the sents an alkaline earth metal, and MgO, an oxide of an ele Source of catalyst, the catalyst, the Source of atomic hydro ment of the anode or an element of the same group, and gen, and the atomic hydrogen; one or more reactants to ini LiMoO, MoC), LiWO, Li CrO, and Li Cr-O, with a Mo tiate the catalysis of atomic hydrogen; and a Support, wherein anode, and the additive comprises at least one of S. LiS, the combination of the cathode, anode, reactants, and bipolar oxides, MoC), TiO, ZrO, SiO, Al-O, NiO. FeC) or FeO. plate maintains a chemical potential between each cathode TaO, Ta-Os. VO, VO, VO, V.O.s, BO, NbO, NbO, and corresponding anode to permit the catalysis of atomic NbOs, SeO, SeO, Te0, Te0, WOWO, CrO. CrOs. hydrogen to propagate, and the system further comprising an CrO, CrO, MgO, TiO, Li TiO, LiAlO2, LiMoO or electrolysis system. In an embodiment, the electrolysis sys LiMoO, Li ZrOs. Li SiO, LiNiO, LiFeO, LiTaC), tem of the electrochemical power system intermittently elec trolyzes HO to provide the source of atomic hydrogen or LiVO, LiBO, LiNbO, Li-SeO, Li-SeO, LiTeC), atomic hydrogen and discharges the cell Such that there is a LiTeC), Li WO, Li2CrO, Li2Cr2O7. LiMnO, or gain in the net energy balance of the cycle. The reactants may LiCoO, MnO, and CeO. At least one of the following reac comprise at least one electrolyte chosen from: at least one tions may occur during the operation of the electrochemical molten hydroxide; at least one eutectic salt mixture; at least power system: a) at least one of H and H is formed at the one mixture of a molten hydroxide and at least one other discharge anode from electrolysis of HO; b) at least one of O compound; at least one mixture of a moltenhydroxide and a and O, is formed at the discharge cathode from electrolysis of salt; at least one mixture of a molten hydroxide and halide HO; c) the hydrogen catalyst is formed by a reaction of the salt; at least one mixture of an alkaline hydroxide and an reaction mixture; d) hydrinos are formed during discharge to alkaline halide; LiOH LiBr, LiOH LiX, NaOH NaBr, produce at least one of electrical power and thermal power; e) NaOH NaI, NaOH NaX, and KOH KX, wherein X rep OH is oxidized and reacts with H to form nascent HO that resents a halide), at least one matrix, and at least one additive.
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