$--$ / !'. q / REPORT OF JUDICIAL CO]IIMISSION APPOINTED TO IilEU IRE INTO ALLEGATIONS INYOTYIJIG CHARTES MUGANE }IJO}IJO (FORMER lrllltISTER FOR COIISTITUTIOI{AL AFFAIRS AllD ]iET,IBER OF PARIIAI'IEI{T FOR KIKUYU COIISTITUEIICY) CHAlRl,lAll: , HOJ{. MR. JUSTICE C. H. E. MILLER, E.B.s. PRESENTED TO HIS EXCETLE]ICY THE PRESIDE}IT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KE]'YA HON. DAillEt T. ARAP MOI, c.c.H., M.p. THIS grH DAY OF NOYEMBER, tg84 1 :.":- 't, tirr-.n KENYA tiATl0r;.\:. A)'icilM:i GENTRAL GOVI RNMEilT Li:INAR1 I t &; . -.. *;- TABLE OF CONIEX\TS . Parqrqh Pqe LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL (o A,CKNOWLEDGEMENTS (v) INTRODUCTION I-13 (viiHix) PART I: EVIDENCE-OUR APPROACH t+19 t-2 PART II: CHARLES MUGANE NJONJO-SLJBIECT OF THE INQUIRY 20-2t PART Itr: TERM OF REFERENCE (a) Outline of Components 2t4 5 Security ofState.. 2543 5-13 The Position of the Head of State, The Image of the President and the Constitutiona[y Established Govern- ment of the Republic of Kenya 64-150 B-n Conspiracy or conspiracies to overtlrow, by unlawful means, the Government of the Republic of Kenya during August, 1982 or the concealment thereof t5l-173 n-31 The Unlawful Activities of Andrew |ytungai Muthemba t7+194 31-38 Concealment 195-216 3843 Rungri Presbyterian Church of East Africa Prayer Meeting 217-218 49F44 PART IV: TERM OF REFERENCE (,) Oufline of Components 219 45 Kenya's National Interest and Policy of Maintaining Good Neighbourliness .. 22G226 4s4 Kenya's National Interest and Policy of Opposing The Inhuman Regime of South Africa 2n-237 M9 Conspiracy or conspiracies to overthroU by unlawful mqarut, tIIe Government of the Republic of Seychelles during November, 1981 238-251 49-50 PART V: TBRM OF REFERENCE (c) Oufline of Components 252 5l Arrogation of Powers 253 5l Cornrpt Payments zsLvt3 5t-57 Granting of Favours 27+3Vt 5742 Acting to the Prejudice of Individuals. 308-352 6?fi8 PART VI: TERM OF REFERENCts (d) Outline of Components 3s3-354 69 Kikuyu C-onstituency Development Fund 355-365 6y7t Association for the Physicalty Disabled of Kenya Fund 36G384 7t:t3 The Bohras ofKenya 385-394 73-74 Obtaining Foreign Exchange for Purchaso Overseas of Mercedcs Benz Motor Vehicle Registration No. KVD 710 3g5-.39g 7+7s Njonjo and his Passports 'l0O-413 75-76 (i) , Iri TABLB OF CONItsNTS-Cozr4 Parograph Page PART YII: SUMMARYOFFINDINGSANDCONCLUSIONS 77-81 APPENDD('A': Rules and Procedure 83-84 , APPENDIX'B': GazntteNoticeNo. 4O52 85 APPBNDD('C': Witness Summons to Njonjo 87 APPBNDD('D': Attorney-General's Opening Address .. s9-90 APPENDD('E : Chairman's Closing Address .r 9l-92 APPENDD('F : List of Witnesses. 93-95 (ii) 'l:rl:;r.[FF '' -l-- {' -- Juorqlr, Coumssrox oF INetrRY Or,p CrHunBn Pmruumn Btnr,omcs P.O. Box 42362 ,/ NlrnosI 9rn Novutr,msR, 1984 His Excellency the President, Hon. Daniel T. arap Moi, C.G.H., M.P., State flouse, ' Nairobi. Your Excellency, You appointed us Commissioners by Gazette Notice No. 2749 of 26th July, 1983 to inquire into the conduct of Charles Mugane Njonjo, former Minister for Constitutional Affairs. We would like to state that we felt honoured to be so appointed. We have completed our task and now humbly submit our Report in accordance with the provisions of Section 7(l) of the Commissions of Inquiry Act (Cap. 102), and as directed in Gazette Notice No, 4051 which also set otit'the Terms of Reference. We remain, Yonrr Excellency's Most Obedient Servants, C. H, E. MILLER, Chainnan. C. B. IVIADAN, Contmisstoner. o*ol,*lli,l;*,,. ''. JARED BENSON KANGWANA, BENJAMIN PATRICI( KUBO, loint Secretafies. (iii) tl, / ti We would like to thank the dttorneyGeneral, Hon. Justice Matthew Guy Muli, M.P. whoappeared amicw curiae to the prooeedings. lVe would also like to r€cord our appreciation to the team of Counsel assisting the Inqur.ry, namely,I-eeGacuiga Muthoga fi-eading Counsel), Timan Ndere Njugi and John Walter Onyango-Otieno. Their assistanco was in- valuable, in our efforts to ascertain the truth. We must express our sincere appreciation of the contribution of the Secreta. , ries to the Commission Jared Benson Kangwana and Benjamin Patrick Kubo. i". We are indebted to them. They brought to bear their legal knorledge, as well as their previous inquiry experien@, in aid of the Proceedinp and the compilation of this Report. Our work mlght have been welt nigh impossible, had it not been for their unswerving devotion and hard work. +! HON. JUSTICE C. H. E. MILIJER, Chairmm. HON. JUSTICE C. B. I\{ADAN, Conunisstowr, HON. JUSTrcE E. OWI.JOR (Mns.), Commissiorcr, (v) 1 I .- i t. ItrMRODUCTION l. We, Hon. Mr. Justice C. H. E. Miller, E.B.S., (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Juetice Chuuilat B. Madan, Q.C., and Hon. Justice Mrs. Effie Ornuor, were appointed Commissioners by His Excellenry the President of the Repu,blic o,f Kenya umder .the Commissions of Inquiry Act, Chapter 102, of the Laws of Kenya as p€r: (il Gazette Notice No. 2749 dated 26'th oi July, 1983 and published on the 29th of July, 1983. (ii) Gazette Notice No. 4051 dated the 20th of October, 1983 and published on the 2lst of October, 1983. Citrtion To inqr.r,ire into allegations made within and outside Parliament involving Charles Mugane Njonjo, former Minister for Constitutional Affairs and Member of Parliament for Kikuyu Constituency, that he conducted himself in a manner prejudicial to the State and calculated to cause alarrn and despondency with a view to undermining the office of the Head of State of the Republic of Kenya andthe image and performance of the Government thereof as by law established and generally or in particular to matters apper- ,taining thereto. Terms of Reference (a) to inquire ftn'to allegations that Oha,rles Mugane Njonjo conducted himself in a manner prejudicial ,to the security of the State, the position of the Head of State, the image of the Preident and the oonstitr.ltionally estaiblished goveflrment of the Republic of Kenya including, among o,thers, allegations that he was a party to a conspiracy or conspiracies to overthrow, by unlawful ltlealui, the Government of the RepuElic of Kenya, during the. month of August, 1982, or the concealment thereof; was a party to the unlawfu'l activities of one Andrew Mungai Muthemlba, or the concea,lment thereof; artd was a paxty to the convening of the purported Rungiri Presbyterian ChurcE of East Africa prayer meeting on l2th of fune, 1983 and/or its conversion into an irregular political gathering with the intention of undem,ining dhe position and image of the President and the political leadership in the country; (D) to inquire into allegations that Charles Mugane Njonjo acted against Kenya's national ,interest and potcy of maintaining good neighbour- liness and of opposing the inhuman regime of South Africa including, among others, (vii) # ll Ir tl s ti ftt allegations that he was a party to a conspiracy or,conspiracies to overthrow by unlawful means the brotherly government of fhe t Republic of Seycholles as by law established, during the mon0h of {: Novemrber, 1981, especial,ly when His Excel,lency the P,resident of li tI Kenya was Ohairman of the Organization of African Unity; I l. (c) ,inquire l. to into allegations that Charles Mugane Njonjo misused his t:. office as AttorneyCeneral and/or Minister including, among others, t fI' allqgations ,that he arrogated to himsolf the duties and po,wers of l,! the President; that he so icited or received or attempted .to receive I 1, or offered or made or attempted to make corrupt payments, t' granted favours or acted to the prejudice of indiv,iduals, to smk ! political support, to undermine the process of democracy and to irI TI protect persons involved in illegal actit''rties; ft t. ,: (d to inquire generally or in particular into any mafter pertaining to the t; above; I*,' [' and in accordance with the p,rovisions of Section 7(1) of the said Act, I to report thereon. I I 2. Under Gazstte Notice No. 2749 and Gazette Notice No. 4051, Jared t, Benson Kangurana and Benjamin Patrick Kurbo were appointed to be the i' Secrotaries to ttre Inquiry. I I. 3. Under Gazctte Notice 4051 Lee Gacuiga Muthoga, Ti,man Ndere Njtrgi and John Walter Onyango0tlieno were appointed to be Counsel to assist the Inquiry. 4. Furthe,r, by the said Gazette N,otice No. 4051 we the Commissioners were direoted in accordance with.the provisions of Section 10(1) of the mid Act to sutrunon the said Charles Mugane Njonjo, and any other person or persons cpnce,med, to testify on oath and to produce any,books, plans ancl documents that the Comrnissioners may require. 5. In acrcordance with Section 5 of the said Act, we the Commissiomers on the 3rd day of August, 1983 made and subscribed an oath in the prescribod form be,fore a Judge of the High C-ourt, prior to e,mbarking on our d,u,tim as Com,missioners. 6. Tftrere being no regulations made as provided by Section 19 of the C\vnunissions of Inquiry Act, by authority of Section 9 thereof, we devised appropriate Rules and Procedure to regulate the proceedings of the Inqtrry, which we handed out on the 10th day of January, 1984. The said Rules and Proced'ure a,re sot ou;t in Allpendix "A". 7. As directed, the Inquiry was held in the Old Chamber, Parliament Buildings, Nairobi commencing on the 28th day of October, 1983 at 10.00 a.m. Charles Mugane Njonjo was notified of the holding and the hearing (viii) I I i I .} i of the Inquiry by serving on him the aforomentioned terms of reforence and the hearing notice as pu,bl,ished in Gazette Noticp No.
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