H2172 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 6, 2007 COMMUNICATION FROM THE Whereas Dr. Garang skillfully managed to tlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- CLERK OF THE HOUSE consolidate his base after the devastating LEHTINEN) each will control 20 minutes. split in the SPLM/A in 1991; The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Whereas as the undisputed leader of the from New Jersey. fore the House the following commu- SPLM/A, Dr. Garang demonstrated remark- nication from the Clerk of the House of able political and military leadership for GENERAL LEAVE Representatives: over two decades; Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I ask Whereas Dr. Garang was a soldier, a schol- unanimous consent that all Members HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, ar, a statesman, and a father, who had a Washington, DC, March 5, 2007. may have 5 legislative days to revise clear vision and unwavering love for his peo- Hon. NANCY PELOSI, and extend their remarks and include ple and country; Speaker, U.S. House of Representatives, extraneous material on the resolution Whereas Dr. Garang fought for 22 years to Washington, DC. under consideration. achieve a just peace for his people, but only DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the served 21 days as First Vice President of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II Sudan; objection to the request of the gen- of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- Whereas Dr. Garang fought not only for tleman from New Jersey? tives, the Clerk received the following mes- the people in Southern Sudan, but also for There was no objection. sage from the Secretary of the Senate on the forgotten and long marginalized people Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I yield March 2, 2007, at 12:30 pm: That the Senate passed S. 743. of the Nuba Mountains, Southern Blue Nile, myself such time as I may consume. That the Senate agreed to without amend- Darfur, and other regions of the country; I rise in strong support of House Res- ment H. Con. Res. 47. Whereas Dr. Garang worked tirelessly to olution 98. That the Senate agreed to S. Con Res. 16. help build international support for a new Let me begin by thanking Chairman Sudan that would be multi-ethnic, multi-re- Appointments: LANTOS for his leadership in the For- ligious, democratic, and united; eign Affairs Committee, which allowed British-American Interparliamentary Whereas the new Sudan envisioned by Dr. Group Garang, if fully realized, would be a country our resolution to come through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Par- in which all Sudanese would live in peace committee, and our ranking member. liamentary Assembly without discrimination and hatred, with And I would like to also give special Canada-United States Interparliamentary equality, pride, and dignity; acknowledgment to Congressman Group Whereas Dr. Garang creatively and pains- Mexico-United States Interparliamentary FRANK Wolf, who for many, many takingly managed the often conflicting aspi- years, even preceding my entrance to Group rations of his people for an independent With best wishes, I am, Congress, was working on issues deal- Southern Sudan and his vision for a new ing with the problem in Sudan. And he Sincerely, Sudan; LORRAINE C. MILLER, Whereas the Comprehensive Peace Agree- worked very closely with the late Dr. Clerk of the House. ment, which was signed by the Government John Garang de Mabior to help bring f of Sudan and the SPLM/A on January 9, 2005, about peace in southern Sudan. ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER provides Southern Sudan the right to self de- Madam Speaker, H. Res. 98 honors termination through a referendum after six PRO TEMPORE the life and achievements of Dr. John years and also offers the northern establish- Garang de Mabior and reaffirms the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ment in Sudan the opportunity to make continued commitment of the House of ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair unity attractive during the interim period; Representatives to a just and lasting Whereas on July 8, 2005, millions of people will postpone further proceedings peace in Sudan. The resolution honors today on motions to suspend the rules throughout Sudan came to show their sup- port in Khartoum when Dr. Garang was the life and achievements of Dr. on which a recorded vote or the yeas sworn in as First Vice President of Sudan; Garang; reaffirms its commitment to a and nays are ordered, or on which the and just and lasting peace in the Republic vote is objected to under clause 6 of Whereas on July 30, 2005, Dr. John Garang of Sudan; calls for the full implementa- rule XX. died in a helicopter crash returning to tion of the Comprehensive Peace Record votes on postponed questions Southern Sudan from Uganda: Now, there- Agreement without delay; strongly will be taken later today. fore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- urges the people of southern Sudan and f tives— its leaders to continue to support Dr. HONORING THE LIFE AND (1) honors the life and achievements of Dr. Garang’s vision for a new Sudan; and ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE LATE John Garang de Mabior; strongly supports the creation of a Dr. DR. JOHN GARANG DE MABIOR (2) reaffirms its commitment to a just and John Garang de Mabior Institute for lasting peace in the Republic of the Sudan; Agriculture, Peace, and Economic De- Mr. PAYNE. Madam Speaker, I move (3) calls for full implementation of the velopment in southern Sudan. to suspend the rules and agree to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement without Dr. Garang had a vision for a new resolution (H. Res. 98) honoring the life any delay; Sudan, a Sudan which is multicultural, and achievements of the late Dr. John (4) strongly urges the people of Southern Sudan and its leaders to continue to support multi-ethnic, and peaceful. He fought Garang de Mabior and reaffirming the for 21 years as the leader of the Suda- continued commitment of the House of Dr. Garang’s vision for a new Sudan; (5) strongly urges the full commitment of nese People’s Liberation Movement/ Representatives to a just and lasting the United States, the United Nations, the Army to achieve a just peace for his peace in the Republic of the Sudan, as European Union, the African Union, and the people but only served 21 days as the amended. League of Arab States to support Dr. first Vice President of Sudan before The Clerk read as follows: Garang’s vision for a new Sudan by endors- being killed in a tragic and mysterious H. RES. 98 ing democratic elections throughout Sudan helicopter crash on July 30, 2005, in his in 2009, as provided by the Comprehensive Whereas Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Peace Agreement; region of south Sudan where he was to founder and leader of the Sudan People’s (6) strongly supports the creation of a Dr. be sworn in as President. Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A), was John Garang de Mabior Institute for Agri- Dr. John, as he was affectionately born on June 23, 1945, in Bor, Sudan; culture, Peace, and Economic Development called, was a powerful human being and Whereas Dr. Garang joined the Anya-Nya in Southern Sudan; and Movement in 1970, a liberation movement in a symbol of a people’s freedom from op- (7) directs the Clerk of the House of Rep- Southern Sudan, and after the 1972 Addis pression. Dr. John was born into a poor resentatives to transmit an enrolled copy of Ababa Peace Agreement, he became a mem- family of the Dinka ethnic group in the this resolution to the Secretary of State ber of the Sudanese Armed Forces; Upper Nile region of Sudan. He was or- with a request that the Secretary transmit Whereas as Deputy Director of the Mili- it to Dr. Garang’s widow, Rebecca Garang, phaned by the age of 10 but supported tary Research Branch of the Sudanese and to the Government of Southern Sudan, by his family members. When the first Armed Forces, Dr. Garang demonstrated his through the Office of the Sudan People’s Lib- civil war started in 1962, he was too leadership abilities in the early stages of his eration Movement (SPLM) in the District of young to fight and was sent away to military career; Columbia. Whereas Dr. Garang studied economics at school in Tanzania and later came to Grinnell College and received his master of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- the U.S. to get his degree and studied arts and doctorate degrees from Iowa State ant to the rule, the gentleman from at the University of California Berke- University; New Jersey (Mr. PAYNE) and the gen- ley but decided to go back. VerDate Aug 31 2005 04:33 Mar 07, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K06MR7.010 H06MRPT1 ccoleman on PROD1PC60 with HOUSE March 6, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H2173 b 1230 government which, by the way, came Sudan, associated militias and the The fact is that Dr. Garang was a to power in a bloody coup in 1989. This Sudan People’s Liberation Army. person that we honor and respected so same government harbored Osama bin Any analyst will tell you that war is much, and he will live on in that coun- Laden for 5 years between 1991 and 1996. a terrible business, and the war in try. But there was this tragic and mys- He plotted several terrorist attacks Southern Sudan was no exception. terious crash on July 30, 2005, which from there.
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