2021, Volumul XXIX REVISTA DE ETNOLOGIE ȘI CULTUROLOGIE E-ISSN: 2537-6152 101 Aleksey A. ROMANCHUK ROMANIAN A CINSTI IN THE LIGHT OF SOME ROMANIAN-SLAVIC CONTACTS1 https://doi.org/10.52603/rec.2021.29.14 Rezumat определенное отражение следы обозначенного поздне- Cuvântul românesc a cinsti în lumina unor contacte праславянского диалекта (диалектов). В частности, к româno-slave таким следам, возможно, стоит отнести как украинские Pornind de la comparația dintre cuvântul ucrainean диалектные чандрий, шандрий, чендрий, так и диалект- частувати ‚a trata’ și românescul a cinsti‚ a trata (cu vin), ное (зафиксировано в украинском говоре с. Булэешть) / a bea vin, se consideră un grup de împrumuturi slave cu мон|золетеи/ ‘мусолить; впустую теребить’. /n/ epentetic în limba română, căreia îi aparține și a cin- Ключевые слова: славяне, румыны, лексические sti. Interpretând corpul de fapte disponibil, putem presu- заимствования, этническая история, украинские диа- pune că convergență semantică dintre cuvintele честь и лекты, Молдова, Буковина. угощение a apărut în perioada slavică timpurie. Cuvântul românesc a cinsti este un argument important pentru da- Summary tarea timpurie a apariției acestei convergențe semantice. Romanian a cinsti in the light of some Așadar, cuvântul ucrainean частувати, ca și cuvântul po- Romanian-Slavic contacts lonez częstowac, apar independent unul de celălalt, la fel A group of Slavic loanwords with epenthetic /n/ in the ca și de cuvântul românesc a cinsti. Cuvântul românesc a Romanian language, to which a cinsti belongs, is consid- cinsti, ca și, în general, grupul menționat de împrumuturi ered. Interpreting the existing set of facts, the author sup- slave cu /n/ epentetic în limba română, reprezintă un rezul- poses that the semantic convergence between the Slav- tat al contactelor timpurii ale limbii române cu un dialect ic честь ‘honour’ and угощение ‘treat’ appeared as far back (dialecte) slav vechi, pentru care era caracteristică tendința as the Late Slavic period. The Romanian a cinsti, which de a utiliza vocala nazală epentetică. Cu toate acestea, pu- is an early Slavic borrowing, also clearly testifies Slav- tem presupune că în graiurile ucrainene din zona Carpați- ic origin of this semantic convergence. Accordingly, the lor se pot găsi urme al acestui dialect slav vechi. În spe- Ukrainian частувати and Polish częstowac appeared inde- cial, acestor urme ar putea fi atribuite variante dialectale pendently from each other, as well as from the Romanian a ucrainene чандрий, шандрий, чендрий ‘generos’, ca și un cinsti. Whereas the Romanian a cinsti (and cinste), as well alt cuvânt dialectal, reflectat în graiul ucrainean din satul as the whole group of Slavic loanwords in the Romanian Bulăești: /мон|золетеи/ ‘мусолить; впустую теребить’. language with the epenthetic sound /n/, are the result of ear- Cuvinte-cheie: slavi, români, împrumuturi lexicale, is- ly contacts of the Romanian language with some late Slavic torie etnică, dialectele ucrainene, Moldova, Bucovina. dialect (or dialects), which was characterized by a tenden- cy of widespread epenthetic nasal vowels. We can suppose Резюме that some traces of this for-Slavic dialect (dialects) could Румынское a cinsti в свете некоторых also be found in the Carpathian Ukrainian dialects as well. румыно-славянских контактов In particular, such traces, perhaps, should include both the Рассматривается группа славянских заимствований Ukrainian dialectal чандрий, шандрий, чендрий and an- с неэтимологическим /н/ в румынском языке, к кото- other Ukrainian dialectal form, recorded in the Bulaesti vil- рой и принадлежит a cinsti. Интерпретируя имеющу- lage, /мон|золетеи/ ‘procrastinate; fiddling around in vain’ юся совокупность фактов, можно предположить, что (in Russian: ‘мусолить; впустую теребить’). семантическое сближение между честь и угощение Key words: Slavs, Romanians, lexical loanwords, eth- возникло еще на позднепраславянском уровне. Ру- nic history, Ukrainian dialects, Moldova, Bukovina. мынское a cinsti, представляющее собой раннее сла- вянское заимствование, также со всей очевидностью The starting point of the research was a word свидетельствует об еще позднепраславянском времени which exists in the dialect of the Ukrainians of Bu- возникновения вышеозначенной семантической свя- laesti village (Orhei district, Republic of Moldova; зи. Соответственно, украинское частувати и поль- see for details: Романчук, Тащи 2010). This word, ское częstowac – возникают в целом самостоятельно | и друг от друга, равно как и от румынского a cinsti. Тогда /ч’астуwате /, has the meaning ‘to be a cup-bearer, как румынские a cinsti (и cinste), как и в целом группа to pour wine into glasses during a feast’; it is a vari- славянских заимствований румынского языка с неэти- ant of the common Ukrainian частувати ‘to treat’ мологическим звуком /н/, являются результатом ранних (ЕСУМ 6: 284). The common opinion today is that контактов румынского языка с неким позднепраславян- the Ukrainian частувати had its origin from the Pol- ским диалектом (или диалектами) – для которого была ish częstowac (ЕСУМ 6: 284; Brukner 1985: 78). характерна тенденция широкого использования неэ- A closer look at these words provides the possibili- тимологических носовых гласных. Можно предполо- ty to perceive some interesting facts. First, semantical- жить, что в карпато-украинских говорах также нашли ly the Bulaestian dialectal word has some differences 102 ISSN: 1857-2049 REVISTA DE ETNOLOGIE ȘI CULTUROLOGIE 2021, Volumul XXIX comparing with the common Ukrainian word; the Bu- chuk 2017). Thus, the Ukrainian частувати is an laestian variant is used only in a narrower meaning. example of a kind of “anti-mainstream”. And it is all The Bulaestian variant differs (including phoneti- the more surprising that the supposed Polish source, cally) also from the variants, that exist in the Bukovin- częstowac, had got the secondary nasal vowel. ian and Hutsul Ukrainian dialects (both are closely re- Second, explaining the Ukrainian частувати, we lated to the Bulaestian idiom). Thus, in the Hutsul dia- should not forget about the very typical to the West- lect честувати means ‘to treat; to respect’ (ГГ 1997: Ukrainian dialects (especially in the Volyni region) 212). The difference of the Bukovinian dialect vari- feature as the transition of sounds /е/ to /а/ under ants is even more significant: чiстувати – ‘to make certain conditions (Шевельов 2002: 199). Thus, Iu. gifts at a wedding’ (СБГ 2005: 647); частувати, Sheveliov [Yu. Shevelyov] considered the Ukrainian чiстувати, частовання – with the same meaning частувати as a result of this transition of /е/ to /а/; (СБГ 2005: 637). although he made a reservation: “if this word comes Besides the Ukrainian and Polish components of from čьstь, but is not a phonetic adaption of the Pol- the issue, the Romanian language also presents ex- ish częstowac – the last variant looks more probable” tremely important data for discussion. (Шевельов 2002: 198). The Romanian language (including its Moldavi- Third, besides the Czechs častovati and the Slo- an dialect as well) demonstrates that the verb a cinsti vakian častovat’ (both are also supposed to be polo- (and the noun cinste ‘honesty; honor’, are related to nisms (ЕСУМ 6: 284)), we can see also the Serbian the mentioned verb) with a wide range of meanings, част ‘honour’, and, respectively, частити – similar including the meaning closely related to the Bulaes- to Polish, Ukrainian, Czech, and Slovakian meanings tian /ч’асту|wатеи/, as well as to the Bukovinian vari- (ЕСУМ 6: 284). It is clear, that we can’t (and do not ants. Thus, a cinsti has the meaning (besides others) need) to explain Serbian words by Polish influence. ‘to drink (wine)’ (in Romanian: „A bea o băutură al- Thus, the semantic convergence between Slav- coolică” (DEX); see also: МРС 1961: 721). ic честь ‘honour’ and угощение ‘treat’ (including It is important to note here a that the noun cinstáș (and, probably, first of all) ‘wine treat’) appeared, ‘a person who makes gifts at a wedding’ (DEX); is as we can suppose, as back as in the Late for-Slavic mentioned in Romanian dictionaries (marked: “re- (at least) period. This clearly follows, already from gional, fixed in the Romanian dialects of Bukovina”). the given Serbian data. And also from the fact, that As we see, both semantically and by the region of in Old Russian language чьстити with the meaning fixation it addresses us to the Ukrainian dialects of ‘to regale, to treat’ existed in the second half of the Bukovina. XIV century A. D. (in 1378, in the “Teachings of The verb a cinsti (as well as the noun cinste) by Matthew, the Bishop of Sarai”). and namely in the their origin belong to “Early Slavic” (that means: of context of ‘wine treat’ (Срезневский 1912: 1571). the for-Slavic time) loanwords of the Romanian lan- So, this Old Russian word is evidently not related to guage (СДЕЛМ 1978: 488). And what deserves spe- any Polish influence. Therefore, the facts considered cial emphasis here, the sound /n/ in a cinsti (as well above make us to doubt believe Polish as a source as in the cinste) is non-etymological (i. e. epenthetic). for the Ukrainian частувати. Thus, by the presence of epenthetic /n/, Roma- Finally, the Romanian a cinsti is a key argument nian a cinsti (and cinste) are similar to the Polish for Late Slavic origin of the semantic convergence częstowac, that has a secondary, non-etymological, between the Slavic честь ‘honour’ and угощение nasal vowel, and derived from the earlier czestowac ‘treat’. The Romanian a cinsti (and cinste) is not a (Brukner 1985: 78). unique isolated phenomenon, but part of the group of Let us mention here that the Polish cześć ‘honour’ Slavic loanwords with epenthetic /n/ in the Romanian (Brukner 1985: 77), from which derived czestowac language. (and, respectively, częstowac), never got the second- Analyzing the data of the etymological dictionary ary nasal vowel. So, it differs with the Romanian cin- of the Moldavian dialect of the Romanian language ste ‘honour’. (СДЕЛМ 1978), I found the Romanian words of In my opinion, some other facts need to be consid- Slavic origin with epenthetic /n/ given below.
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