TECHNICAL BULLETIN 26 MAY 1955 DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY OF SOME MANGO VARIETIES GROWN IN HAWAII AND THEIR SUITABILITY FOR FREEZING KATHRYN J. ORR CAREY D. MILLER H AWAII AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATIO N, U N IVERSITY OF H AWAII C ONTENTS PAGE INTROD UCTION . 3 DESCRIPTION O F FR UIT 3 Size 3 Form . 3 Color of skin and flesh 3 Thickness of skin 3 Texture of flesh 3 Flavor . 10 Glossary 10 PHYSICAL AND C HE M ICA L V AL U ES 10 Percent flesh and waste 10 Percent moi stu re ]() Ascorb ic acid 10 pH II C O LO R C H ART AND CODE II Hue I I Value . I 1 Chroma 14 M ETHODS O F FR EEZI NG 14 H alves or cheeks 14 Finger slices 15 Purees 15 Fruit cocktails 15 Whole mango 15 RESUL TS O F FR EEZING TRIALS: ORGANOL EPTIC T ESTS 15 H alves, cheeks, and fruit cocktails 15 Finger slice packs 22 Purees 23 Whole frui t 23 S UMMARY AND CONCLUSIO N S 23 Varieties 24 LITERAT URE CITED 24 THE AUTHORS Kathryn J. Orr, Specialist in Foods and Nutrition at the Agri cultural Extension Service, was form erly Junior N utritionist at the Hawaii Agri cultural Experiment Station. Carey D . Mill er is Nutritioni st at the Station and head of the College of Agri cultu re Department of Foods and Nutrition. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Th e authors wish to acknowledge the co-operation of M r. Alb ert W. Duvel, Board of Agri culture and Forestry, Lihu e, Kauai; Drs. A. J. Mangelsdorf and John Warner, Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association , Honolulu; D r. Richard A. H amil ­ ton, HAES Horticulture Department, and Me. Shigeru Nakata, HAES Plant Physi­ ology Departm ent, for sup plying the mango varieties for freezer tests; and Miss Barbara Branthoover, HAES Department of Foods and Nutrition, for the pH determinations. In addition, gratef ul acknowledgement is made to the late Me. D. T. Fleming, manager of Baldwin Packers, Ltd ., Lahaina, Maui , for mangos used in preliminary freezer tests during the summer of 1949. W e wish also to thank members of the organol epti c panel for their prompt and faithful appearance at the many pa nel sessions required to score these fru it samples over a period of thr ee years. DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY OF SOME MAN GO VARIETIES GRO\XfN IN HAWAll AND THEIR SUIT ABILITY FOR FREEZING INTRODUCTION Qu ick-freezing of Hawaii fruits is a compa ratively new process in the Island s, and much work is needed to determine the methods that will provide products of high quality. Mangos grow on all the H awaiian Island s, but not all varieties are availabl e on every island. Since 1949, thi s laboratory has froz en all of the super ior nam ed mango varieties obt ainable (unknown seedlings were not included) , vary­ ing the treatm ent and type of product, and testing the froz en samples aft er different period s of storage. This paper presents the descriptions of 21 Hawaii vari eties of mangos and the results of freezing tests (for 20 varieties) for two seasons . DES CRIPTION OF FRUIT Since descriptions of the mango varieties commonly found in Hawaii are not readily available (the excelle nt bulletin by W . T. Pope published in 1929 is now out of print) , thi s bulletin includes not on ly dat a on freezing, but a description of fresh mangos such as might be useful for the housewife or the processor (table 1) . The variety and source, size, form , color of skin and flesh, thickness of skin, texture of flesh, and the fruit flavor are describ ed for all the fresh fruits investigated. Tex­ tur e and flavor of flesh were rated by an org anol epti c panel (see p. 15) . A glossary of word s used by horticulturists to describe mango " forms" in table 1 with defini­ tions of terms is presented on page 10 . These terms are also used to label the draw­ ings showing the form characteristics of Hawai i mangos (figure 1) . Size T he size of mangos is influenced by climate and soil conditions. They have been classed by weight as small , medium, large, and very large in table 1. Fru it 4 to 8 oun ces is considered small; from 8 to 12 oun ces, medium; 12 to 16 ounces, large; and 16 oun ces and over, very large. Form The descrip tion of mango fo rms is best exp lained by the drawings in figure 1. Co lo r of Ski n and Flesh Skin color is varied ; it may run fro m greenish- yellow, through bright yellow to red in ripe frui t. The flesh colors ranged from a greenish-yellow to a deep orange. T hickness of Skin Skin may be thin, medi um thick, or very thick. It may be removed easily, which is termed "glove peel," or it may adhere closely to the flesh and need to be removed with a knife. Texture of Flesh T exture of flesh is varied; the most desirable is smooth, fine-grained, and rela­ tively free of fibers. Some fruits have a slippery texture which is not particularly desirable. DE PRESS ION V ENT RAL --:-ABOU T STEM , DEPRE S S IO N B ASE SHO ULDE R ,, SL END ER ABOUT ST E M - , ' N Ar, O R ST IGM AT rc PO INT• • ' .' NA t<. O N , ',V E NTRAL EDGE L ENGTH - " ' ...-....~ .. -.. LENG~ , STEM TO A PEX \~ FIG. I. Form characteristics of Hawaii mangos ( aft er Pope, 2) . T AB LE 1. D ESCRIPTION OF SOME MANGOS G ROWN IN H AWAII. '"o ::: m VARI ETY CO LOR THICKNESS TEXTURE ::: AND SIZE FORM OF OF FLAVOR ;>z Skill Flesb Cl SOURCE SKIN FLESH o < BICKNELL Small- Roundish with bea k or Greenish peel Yellow Thin ; Smo oth , Very tart ;> ;'; ( Oa hu) avowt. nak at apex overl aid with with difficult except for and m j 4 oz. orange chee k; green to remove fibers astr ingent; m small light cast; -- und er (acid '" pi np oint dots overlaid with pee l affects over all green veins jaw ) under peel BISHOP Medium- In ge neral, ova l; shoul- Greenish Yellow Very Very Strong ( Ka uai) wt. ders nearly eq ual ; dorsal yellow with thin; coarse ; turpentine 8-12 oz. side syme trically round- with heavy red greenish difficult slippery aroma ed to apex; ven tra l side chee ks overl aid cast to remove and flavor tap ers slightly from mid- with small dl e to prominent nak, dark and light slight depression about dots stem BOSWELL Small- Oblong ; base slende r Bri gh t yellow Yellow- Medium Firm; Excellent ( Oa h u) avowt. a r o u n d s te m ; p ro - and very orange thick; relatively flavor; 4 oz. nounced nak with de- smooth easily free of sweet and pressio n above removed fibers mi ld BROOKS LATE Medium- Oval with ventral and Green with Bright Medium Somewhat T art ; ( Kauai) wt. dor sal shoulders full; yello wish yellow- th ick po rous but on 8-12 oz. depression aroun d stem, pink blush ; orange very jui cy; acid ap ex rounded with nak small p romi- fibers deep side inconspicuou s nent ligh t into flesh green dots un der overl ay skin pee l TABLE 1. (cont'd.) CAM BODIANA Medium- Oblong to oblong-ovate; Greenish- Deep Thin Yr:ry Sub-acid ; (Oahu) wt. depression about stem ; yellow to deep yellow and JUI CY; slightly 8- 10 oz. apex pointed yellow; smooch tender fiber-free arom atic FAIRCHILD Medium- Oval wit h ventral shoul- Greenish with Lemon- Thin ; Rathe r dry; Tart ; (Kauai) wt . der large ; apex pointed deep yellow- yellow difficult fibers under sugge stive of ( Oahu) 8- 12 oz. and near center orange over - to peel but turpentine, cast; scattered, remo ve not deep but not white pinpoint into flesh unpleasant dot overlay HADEN Very Round ; oblique - very Mostly yellow Yellow- Thick; Somewhat Mi ld, ( Oahu and large- full ventral and dorsal with red cheeks orange to easily coarse and aromatic; Kauai) avowt. shoulders with depres- when ripe ; deep removed slightly excellent 16 oz. sion around stem ; apex overlaid with orange from str ingy -- or more rounded. with nak very many pinpoint ripe beneath peel ; Inconspicuous. yellowi sh dot s fruit few fibers deep in flesh; slippery HANSEN Small to Form roundish, ovate- Greenish-yellow Yellow- Medium Very Quite tart, (Oahu) medium- reniform or ovate-ob- to light yellow orange thi ck JUICY little wt. lique with distinct beak with dark red starchy; 6-10 oz. at stigmatic point cheeks ; stem resembles a area overlaid a Pirie with small yellow dots HOLT Small to Full dorsal and ventral Greenish Deep Thick Coarse and Ver y tart, (Oahu and med ium- shoulders with depres- yellow with orange and spongy; few with Kauai) wt. sion around stem ; oval white specks tough ; fibers except aroma 8-12 oz. shaped with 2 flat sides; at stem; very glove around seed ; of Pirie apex broad; rather point- smooth peels some ed toward the ventral; when slipp eriness nak very prominent ripe en T ABL E 1. (cont' d.) o z HOTOK E Medium- Oblique - unsymmetri- Yell ow Light Very Smooth and Extremely '" ~ ( Kauai) avo wt. cal; ventral shoulder with casts yellow- th in ; slightly mild > z 8 oz. large; apex pointed of red almost tears slippery; or C"l o lemon easily on very few bland -c colored peeling fibers > " J OE WELCH Large Hi gh ventral shoulder Ligh t to deep Deep Thin; Very smooth Mild; '"::i ( Mapalehu to very - sloping dorsa l- fruit yellow with red yellow glove and fine- excellen t '"en 30) large- oval to round, slightly bloom near orange peels grain ed ; fruit (Mo lokai) wt.
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