US 201402908O2A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2014/0290802 A1 Morita et al. (43) Pub. Date: Oct. 2, 2014 (54) SURFACE TREATMENT METHOD AND (30) Foreign Application Priority Data COATING METHOD FOR STEEL MATERIAL, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING MACHINE Oct. 25, 2011 (JP) ................................. 2011-234331 COMPONENT Publication Classification (51) Int. Cl. (75) Inventors: Haruji Morita, Hanno-shi (JP); Tsuneo C23C 8/42 (2006.01) Tate, Setagaya-ku (JP); Akira C23C 8/80 (2006.01) Shiozawa, Okaya-shi (JP) (52) U.S. Cl. CPC. C23C 8/42 (2013.01); C23C 8/80 (2013.01) (73) Assignees: KOMATSU LTD., Tokyo (JP); USPC ........................................... 148/241; 148/253 NIPPON KAZAI CO.,LTD., Okaya-shi, Nagano (JP); COTEC (57) ABSTRACT CORPORATION, Tokyo (JP) This Surface treatment method comprises a rustproofing step, a rinsing step, and a cleaning step. In the rustproofing step, a (21) Appl. No.: 14/350,724 rustproofing liquid containing orthophosphoric acid and an organic acid is used to perform a rustproofing treatment on the (22) PCT Filed: Sep. 12, 2012 Surface of a steel material. In the rinsing step, a treatment 9 liquid containing an oxoacid salt of a transition metal is used to perform a rinsing treatment on the Surface of the Steel (86). PCT No.: PCT/UP2012/073363 material. In the cleaning step, the Surface of the steel material S371 (c)(1), that has undergone the rinsing step is subjected to a cleaning (2), (4) Date: Apr. 9, 2014 treatment. (a) Shape of film formed by this surface treatment method (SEM, x10,000) Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 1 of 7 US 2014/0290802 A1 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 FIG. 1 Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 2 of 7 US 2014/0290.802 A1 ‘uluuOy‘O-OG-07 Z Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 3 of 7 US 2014/0290.802 A1 t Concentration Sodium silicate (Water glass) 20-50 degreasing liquid diphosphoric acid 0.02-2.00 #5000 (pyrophOSphoric acid) special modified ionized water 50-70 phosphoric acid 2-60 (orthophosphoric acid) DL-malic acid 0.02-5 Appre Solution sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate fluorine-based surfactant 0.01-015 special modified ionized water 37.65-65.45 modified sodium tungstate Trinse special modified ionized water 50-95 FIG. 3 Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 5 of 7 US 2014/0290.802 A1 |z) H ?,ILI |- H ILI Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 6 of 7 US 2014/0290.802 A1 U |.|| |- Z # G |- Zd Patent Application Publication Oct. 2, 2014 Sheet 7 of 7 US 2014/0290.802 A1 FIG. 7A (a) Shape of film formed by this surface treatment method (SEM, x10,000) FIG. 7B (b) Shape of film formed by surface treatment method using zinc phosphate (SEM, x 10,000) US 2014/02908O2 A1 Oct. 2, 2014 SURFACE TREATMENT METHOD AND material, and a method for producing a machine component, COATING METHOD FOR STEEL MATERIAL, with which corrosion resistance and adhesion at least as good AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING MACHINE as those when using a treatment liquid containing Zinc phos COMPONENT phate can be ensured, while the process can be simplified and the cost reduced. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 0012. The surface treatment method for a steel material in APPLICATIONS accordance with a first exemplary embodiment of the present 0001. This application is a U.S. National stage application invention comprises a rustproofing step, a rinsing step, and a of International Application No. PCT/JP2012/073363, filed cleaning step. The rustproofing step involves using a rust on Sep. 12, 2012. This U.S. National stage application claims proofing liquid containing orthophosphoric acid and an priority under 35 U.S.C. S 119(a) to Japanese Patent Applica organic acid to perform a rustproofing treatment on the Sur tion No. 2011-234331, filed in Japan on Oct. 25, 2011, the face of a steel material. The rinsing step involves using a entire contents of which are hereby incorporated herein by treatment liquid containing an oxo acid salt of a transition reference. metal to perform a rinsing treatment on the Surface of the Steel material. The cleaning step involves Subjecting the Surface of BACKGROUND the Steel material that has undergone the rinsing step to a cleaning treatment. 0002 1. Field of the Invention 0013 The surface treatment method for a steel material in 0003. The present invention relates to a surface treatment accordance with a second exemplary embodiment of the method and a coating method for a steel material, and to a present invention is the surface treatment method for a steel method for producing a machine component. material according to the first exemplary embodiment of the 0004 2. Description of the Related Art present invention, further comprising a degreasing step of 0005. In recent years, the machine components used in using a degreasing liquid to remove oil and grease from the hydraulic excavators and other Such construction machinery surface of the steel material. have been Subjected to various Surface treatments as precoat 0014. The surface treatment method for a steel material in ing preparation to improve the adhesion and corrosion resis accordance with a third exemplary embodiment of the present tance of the coating. invention is the surface treatment method for a steel material 0006 For example, there is a surface treatment method for according to the second exemplary embodiment of the a steel material that involves the use of a treatment liquid present invention, further comprising a first water washing containing Zinc phosphate and that comprises a degreasing step of washing the surface of the steel material that has step, a first waterwashing step, an acid washing step, a second undergone the degreasing step. water washing step, a neutralization step, a third water wash 0015 The surface treatment method for a steel material in ing step, a surface adjustment step, a fourth water washing accordance with a fourth exemplary embodiment of the step, a chemical conversion coating step, a fifth water wash present invention is the surface treatment method for a steel ing step, and a hot water washing step. material according to any of the first to third exemplary 0007. However, a problem is that the treatment liquid con embodiments, further comprising a second water washing taining the Zinc phosphate also contains a large amount of step of using a treatment liquid containing orthophosphoric heavy metal ions, which are harmful to the environment. acid and an organic acid to wash the Surface of the steel Also, because Zinc phosphate itself is a deleterious Substance, material that has undergone the rustproofing step. there is a problem of higher costs required by the need for 0016. The surface treatment method for a steel material in special equipment to perform this treatment (see Japanese accordance with a fifth exemplary embodiment of the present Laid-Open Patent Application 2010-106334 (laid open on invention is the surface treatment method for a steel material May 13, 2010), for example). according to any of the first to fourth exemplary embodi 0008 Accordingly, treatment liquids whose main compo ments, further comprising a spray step of spraying water on nent is malic acid, orthophosphoric acid, or the like have been the Surface of the steel material that has undergone the clean developed as treatment liquids that are more environmentally ing step. friendly and safer for workers to use, and these have been used 0017. The surface treatment method for a steel material in in the Surface treatment of Some parts. accordance with a sixth exemplary embodiment of the present invention is the surface treatment method for a steel material SUMMARY pertaining to any of the first to fifth exemplary embodiments, 0009. However, the following problems were encountered wherein a treatment liquid containing sodium dihydrogen with the above-mentioned conventional surface treatment phosphate dihydrate, a fluorine-based Surfactant, and special method for a steel material. modified ionized wateris used in the rustproofing step and the 0010 Specifically, with a phosphate coating film that gave second water washing step. a fine crystal structure by using orthophosphoric acid as the 0018. The surface treatment method for a steel material in main component and adding malic acid or another Such accordance with a seventh exemplary embodiment of the organic acid, a problem is that because the crystal structure is present invention is the surface treatment method for a steel finer than with a phosphate coating film having a relatively material pertaining to any of the first to sixth exemplary large crystal structure. Such as a conventional Zinc phosphate embodiments, wherein a treatment liquid containing an oxo coating film, the unstable phosphate or electrolyte remaining acid salt of a transition metal and special modified ionized on the crystal Surface in the treatment step tended to have an water is used in the rinsing step. adverse effect on adhesion with the coating and so forth. 0019. The surface treatment method for a steel material in 0011. It is an object of the present invention to provide a accordance with an eighth exemplary embodiment of the Surface treatment method and coating method for a steel present invention is the surface treatment method for a steel US 2014/02908O2 A1 Oct. 2, 2014 material pertaining to any of the first to seventh exemplary 0032 FIG. 7A shows the shape of the coating film formed embodiments, wherein the oxoacid salt of a transition metal on the steel material surface by the surface treatment method contained in the treatment liquid used in the rinsing step is of an exemplary embodiment of the present invention; and either a tungstate, a molybdate, or a Zirconate.
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