Final Environmental Impact Stabement for the Nevada Test Site and Off-Site Locations in the State of Nevada Volume 1 Appendix I U.S. Department of Energy Nevada Operations Office Las Vegas, Nevada NEVADA TESTSITE Flh'AL ENV1ROh'ME.NTAL IMPACTSTATEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS ....................................................................... iv SUMMARY ....................................................................... S- l 1 .O INTRODUCTION ....... ............................. 1. I Purpose and Scope ....... ............................. 1.2 Background Information . ............................. 1.3 Summary of Results . .......................................... 1-6 1.3.1 Defense Pro ................. .................. 1-6 1.3.2 Waste Man ................. ............. 1-6 1.4 Conclusions .................................. .................. 1-1 2.0 PUBLIC ISSUES .... ............................................. 2-1 2. I Public Involvement ......................................... 2-1 2.2 Stakeholder Issues ........................... ........2-7 2.2. I Transportation Management Operations ............. ......... 2-7 2.2.2 Local Segments of Concern ................. .......... 2-8 2.2.3 Routing . ....................... ........... .2-11 2.2.4 Rail Option , , . ................ .2-11 2.2.5 Health Risks .................. 2.2.6 Transportation Protocol Working Gr 2.3 American Indian Issues ................ ...................... 2-16 2.4 Conclusions ......................... ...................... 2-16 3.0 TRANSPORTATION RISK ........... .................... .3-1 3.1 General Information ........... ....................... 3-1 3.2 Defense Programs Transportation ..................... 3.2.1 Defense Programs Transp y and Data ....... 3.2.2 Defense Programs Transportation Risk System Description .............. 3-4 3.2.3 Defense Programs Transportation Risk Results ................... 3.2.4 Defense Programs Transportation Risk Conclusions ............... 3.3 Waste Management Activities Transportation Risk ...................... 3.3.1 Methodology ......... .............................. 3-5 3.3.2 System Description .... ........................ 3-8 3.3.3 Data Values .................. ...................... 3-22 3.3.4 Waste Management Transportation Risk Results and Conclusions ........3-26 3.3.5 Waste Management Transportation Risk Conclusions .................. 3-32 3.4 Hazardous Materials Shipments Transportation Risk .... ...........3-32 3.5 Summary .................. ................. 3-35 4.0 REFERENCES .............................................................. 4-1 I Volume 1, Appendix I .TEVADA TESTSITE FIIVAL E.VC'lROSME,VrAL IMPACT SlATEMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Attachments A . Applicable Federal. State. and Local Laws and Regulations ...................... A- i B . Proccdures and Regulations Relating to Transportation of Hazardous Materials .......... B- i C . Public Participation in the Transportation Study ................................ ... C- 1 D . Emergency Response Procedures and Training ................................ ... D- i E . Nevada Test Site Rail Access Study ......................................... ... E- 1 F . National Generator Routes ................................................ .... F-l List of Figures Figure 1-1 NTS EIS Transportation Study Waste Generator Locations ................. 1-3 Figure 1-2 NTSMap ........................................................ 1-4 Figure 3-1 National Interstate System ............................................ 3-13 Figure 3-2 NV-I, Eastern Route 7 .............................................. 3-15 Figure 3-3 NV-2, Eastern Route X ............................................... 3-16 Figure 3-4 NV-3, Northern Route 5 ............................................. 3-17 Figure 3-5 NV-4, Eastern Route 9 .............................................. 3-18 Figure 3-6 NV-8, Eastern Route 10 ............ ........................... 3-19 Figure 3-7 NV-6, Southern Route 6 ........ ................ ...... 3-20 Figure 3-8 NV-7, Southern Koute 8 ............... ........................ 3-21 Figure 3-9 NV-8, Southern Route 1 ............... ........................ 3-23 Figure 3-10 NV-9, Southern Route 2 ............................................ 3-24 Figure 3- I 1 NV- 10, Southern Route 5 .............. ......................... 3-28 Figure 3-12 Nevada In-State Traffic Fatality Risk .... ......................... 3-28 Figure 3-13 Nevada In-State Traffic Injury Risk. .... ............... .. 3-28 Figure 3-14 Nevada In-State Incident-Free Radiation-Induced Cancer Fatality Risk ........ 3-29 Figure 3-15 Nevada In-State Radiation-Induced Cancer Fatality Risk Due to Accidents ..... 3-29 Figure 3- I6 Nevada In-State Incident-Free Radiation Induced Detriment Risk ............ 3-30 Figure 3- I7 Nevada In-State Radiation-Induced Detriment Risk Due to Accidents . .... 3-30 Figure 3- I8 Nevada In-State Chemical-Induced Cancer Risk ....... ................ 3-31 Figure 3-19 Nevada In-State Chemical-Induced Noncancer Hazard Index . ....... 3-31 List of Tables Table 2- I Transportation meetings held on the NTS EIS Transportation Study .......... .2-2 Table 2-2 Results of Transportation Protocol Working Group Issue Ranking .............. .2-8 Table 3-1 Defense Programs Transportation Risk for Alternative 1 .................... ... 3-6 Table 3-2 Defense Programs Transportation Risk for Alternative 3 .................... .... 3-6 Table 3-3 Comparison of Defense Programs Transportation Risk Between Alternative I and Alternative 3 ........................................ ... 3-6 Table 3-4 Low-Level Waste and Mixed Waste Volumes and Shipments for Alternative ... 3-10 Table 3-5 Low-Level Waste Volumes and Shipments for Alternative 1 ................ 3-11 Table 3-6 Mixed Waste Volume and Shipments for Alternative 3 .................... 3-12 Volume 1. Appendix I II ~ ~~ .VEVAD.4 TEs1'SITE FI!VAL EA'VlRO.VME.VTAL Mf'ACT~YL4TEVEVI TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) List of Tables (cnntinued) Table 3-7 Expected Number of Occurrences in 10 years (National Route) ................3-32 Table 3-8 Expected Number of Occurrences in 10 years (within Nevada) .................3-32 Table 3-9 On-site Transportation Risk for NTS-Generated Waste ....................... 3-34 111 Volurnc I. Appendix I ~ ~~ ~ A l/SSl Armored TrdctoriSafe-Secure 'Trailer ac acres ADROIT Potential risk associated with Defense Programs Transportation Activities ANL-t Argonne National Laboratory - East BAPL Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory Bq Becquerel CGTO Consolidated Group of 'I'rihes and Organizations dBa a weighted decibel DoD IJ.S. Department of Defense VOE U.S. Department of I-hcrgy DOEINV 1J.S. Department of Energy, Nevada Operations Office EIS Environmental Impact Statement EM Einergxicy Materials EI'A U. S. Env i r~ntnentalProtect ion Agency FEMP ternald Environmental Management Project FORTRAN A computer programming language for problems that can he addressed in algebraic terms g gram Hr hertz HIGH WAY A computer program used for evaluating routes for transporting hazardous inaterials in the United States hoursikr hours per year INEI. Idaho National Engineering Laboratory KAPL Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory km kilometer LANI, Los Alnmos National Laboratory LCF Latent cancer fatality LLNL I.awrence I .ivermore National Laboratory LLW Low-Level Waste m2 square meters ni3 cubic meters ERPG Emergency response planning guidelines in meter mi mile Yd yard NAFR Complex Nellis Air Force Range Volume 1, Appendix I I" ~ ~_____ ACRONYMS (continued) nCi llanocurie NTS Nevada Test Site PSC Public Service Commission ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory PEIS Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement PORTS Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant RFETS Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site SLAC Stanford Linear Accelerator Spaghetti Bowl US. 15/95 Interchange in Las Vegas SRS Savannah River Site RADTRAN A computer code combining user-determined meteorological, demographic, transportation, packaging, and material factors with health physics data to calculate the expected radiological consequences and accident risk of transporting radioactive materials voc Volatile Organic Compound Y Volume I, Appendix I ~- This Page Intentionally Left Blank Volume I. Appcndix I \I ~~ This report has been prepared to address local people who reside along three of the primary transportation issues concerning current and routes previously evaluated for risk in the NTS potential operations at the Nevada Test Site (NTS), EIS. The DOE is committed to having the study to document the results of the NTS transportation reflect the full range of American Indian options. risk analysis, and to provide information and supporting documentation for the Environmental As part of its mission related to Defense Program, Impact Statement (EIS) for the NTS and Off-Site the DOE maintains and operates a special fleet of Locations in the State ofNevada. Four alternatives trucks and trailers used to transport Category I1 or are evaluated in the NTS EIS: Alternative I, higher nuclear material between Department of Continue Current Operations, (No Action); Defense (DoD) and DOE sites in a safe and secure Alternative 2, Discontinue Operations; Alternative manner. The DOEiAlbuquerque Operations 3, Expanded Use; and Alternative 4, Alternate Use Office, Transportation Safeguards Division is of Withdrawn Lands. The transportation risk responsible for the operation and maintenance of analysis estimated the health risk from highway these safe-secure trailers and support
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