Abilene Christian University Digital Commons @ ACU Stone-Campbell Books Stone-Campbell Resources 1967 Churches of Christ (Outside the United States), 1967 Directory James McGill Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and the Missions and World Christianity Commons Recommended Citation McGill, James, "Churches of Christ (Outside the United States), 1967 Directory" (1967). Stone-Campbell Books. 372. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/372 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Stone-Campbell Resources at Digital Commons @ ACU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Stone-Campbell Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ ACU. Churches of Christ (Outside the United States) FOR ADDITIONAL FREE COPIES, WRITE TO JAMES McGILL P.O. BOX 1163 NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE 37202, U.S.A. INTRODUCTION The 1967 Dir ectory is made pos­ there are more than 600 congrega­ sible by hundreds of interested cor­ tions. These contacts, however, can responde nts around the world and by supp ly more detailed information to the churches ( mostly overseas) and the trav eler. individuals who support it financially, The listings chosen for the 1967 In order that this completely revised, Directory were selected with one goal twenty-thousand copy, 1967 edition constantly in mind : to be most help­ might be publish ed in time for the ful to tourists, servicemen, and busi­ tourist season, Nashville's Chapel Ave­ nessmen as they move throughout the nu e church has paid the $1,000 world . In th ose areas where more printing bill and is supplying all the servicemen are stationed or wh ere clerical help to prepare this edition more civilians travel, the church list­ for mailing, ( Contributions received in gs are more numerous. throughout the year will be applied We believe the directory will circu­ toward assisting Chapel Avenue with late most effectively if it is kept printing and postage costs,) Costs have economical and if it remains available been kept very low each year because, free of charge to all who request it . from the be gin ning, all secretarial Please continue to send information work h as been donated. concerning overseas congregations of Finding th e church in a foreign which you know. Only in this way, land is sometimes a problem, especial­ by dep en ding upon information from ly if there is a languag e barrier, but many sources, can the directory be with a copy of the directory the kep t reliabl e. trav eler has the address and times of It is hop ed that this directory will meeting of the church in each city. be used by many travelers as an aid And if he needs further assistance in in locating places of worship, and it is finding the church, he also h as the h oped that none will use it to impose name and telephone numb er of a upon th e hospitality of the contacts member of the con greg ation who is listed herein, whether those contacts eager to help. be citizens of the country, Americ an The new dir ectory lists about five servicemen , or missionary famili es. If hundred churches in about one you wish to spend an hour or two hundred geographical areas on all visiting with these brethren , it would continents. This number is only a be considerate of you to invite th em small fraction of the total number of to have dinner with you at some nice churches of Christ outside the United re staurant in the city, if such fa cilities States. We know of about two thou­ are avail able. In this way there can sand, and we have no idea how many be a mo st pleasant visit without any­ others there are of which we have no one's being burdened, Many are al­ knowledge. We have listed only four rea dy doing this when th ey travel. contacts in Nigeria, for example, where Why not you, too, this year? J AME S R. McGn.L DIRECTORY OF DIRECTORIES Here are some state, regional, and mation and pictures of any directory international directories of churches about 873 churches in the U, S. and of Christ, all of whi ch supply helpful other nations. 332 pp, hardback. $6. information in their areas: Gospe l Advocate Co., P.O. Box 150, • Wh ere th e Saints Meet-1967 Nashville, Tenn, 37202. lists 15,280 churches in 50 U.S. states • MissionanJ Pictorial Annual, and 95 other countries. 191 pp., $3. Second Edition . 250 pp., 8½ x 11 Firm Foundation Publishin g Hous e, inches, 300 pictures; page devo ted to Box 610, Au stin, Texas 78767. ea ch missionary. $10. World Vision • New Testamen t Churches of To­ 1033 Belvidere Dr., Nashvill e, Tenn. ' day provides th e most detailed infor- ( Continu ed on page 28) 2 INDEX BY COUNTRIES American Samoa ....... 27 Libya ......... ....... ......... ................. ...... 4 Argentina ..... ..26 Luxembourg ... .............. .... .............. ...20 Australia ......... 10 Malawi ...... ...... ........ .............. ..... ....... 4 Austria ............... .. .... 12 Malaysia ........... .................. ...... ... .... 8 Azores .. ....21 Marshall Islands ..... ....... ..... ...... .... ...27 Bahamas . ........ ....27 Mexico ... ............ ......... ............ .......... 25 Barbados .. ...... ...... 27 Morocco ............ ............ .... ....... ......... 4 Belgium ............ ...... .......... 12 Nether lands ....... ....•.................. 20 Benimda ······· 27 Netherlands Antilles . ... .... .......28 Brazil ....... 26 New Zealand ...... ..... ..... ....... ......... ... 11 Canada .... 22 Nica ragua ...... ........... ..... ...... ..26 Canal Zon e ·········· 25 Nig eria ... .... ...... ..... ......... .. 4 Chile . ........ ..26 North ern Ir eland . ........ .... 18 China 6 North ern Rhod esia ..... ...... 5 Colombia ........ ...... ..... ······· 26 Nonvay ........ ........ .20 Costa Rica ····· 25 Nyas aland 4 Cuba .... .... .... ···· ·· 27 Okinawa ............. .............. ....... ....... ..27 Czechoslovakia ········ ······· ··· ··········· 12 Pakistan ....... 8 Denmark ....... 13 Panama ( Canal Zone) ....... .25 Dominican Republi c ........ 28 Paraguay ... ........................... ... ... 26 Ecuador .... ······ 26 Peru ................. .......... 26 Egypt ... ... .... ........ ........ 4 Philippine s . 8 El Salvador .. ... 2,5 Poland ....21 England .... ..... 13 Portu gal ....21 Ethiopia ........ .......... .. 4 Pu ert o Rico ..... 28 Finland ...... .. 14 Hhod esia 5 Formosa ...... 6 J\u ssia ... 21 France ...... 14 Samoa, American .... .27 Germany .15 Scotland ... 21 Ghana 4 Siam 9 Great Britain ... ..... 13 Sierra-Leon e . 5 Greece ...... 18 South Africa, Republic of . ..... 4 Guam ...... 27 Southwest Africa . 5 Guatemala ..... ..... 25 Sovi et Union .... ....... ...... .21 Hawaii ...... 27 Spain ......... ..21 Holland ... .... ........ ........ ... ... 20 Sweden .. ..... .......... ... ... .......... ..22 Hong Kong 6 Switz erland .... .... ..... ..... ..... 22 Iceland ..... 18 Syria ... ..... ............... 9 India 6 Taiwan .... 6 Indon esia 6 Tanganyika ................ ............ .... 5 Ir eland, Northem .......... 18 Tanzania ... .... .. , ...... ..... , .. ... .. 5 1 reland (Republic) ......... ... 18 Thailand .......... ....... 9 Israel 6 Turk ey 9 ltaly ..... 18 Union of ·s~~thAfrica . ... 4 Jamaica ....... 28 Uruguay .... 27 Japan ..... ............ 6 Venezuela ..27 Jordan 7 Vietnam .10 Kenya . 4 Wales .... 22 Kor ea 7 W est Gennany .. 15 Laos . 8 West Indies ... ..... ... ......... ....... ..... .. ...27 Leban on 8 Winward Islands ...... ......... ..... ..... 28 Liberia ..... 4 Zambia . ........ ...... ...... .... ......... .. .. 5 3 AFRICA RUMPI EGYPT Lubagha Mission, Bun, 7 p.m., Wd. 7 p.m, Conta ct : ZOMBA 'Karkour Girgis, 5 Sharia El-Nagah, Meeting place: Namikango Mission, Heliopolis, Tel . 877619. Worship in .Ntondwe, Malawi. Contact: Lend al Arabic; English upon · request, Wilkes or G. B. Shelburne, Box lO•I, Tel. Ntonwe 218. To be here until ETHIOPIA 1969 or 1970. · ( 35 congregations) ADDIS ABABA MOROCCO Cont act : Artie Reed , Amaha Desta KENITRA School, Tel 45142. Meeting pla ce: 8 Rue Tari c1 Ben ASMARA Ziyad, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. Meeting place: Dep endent School, 6 p.m. Contact : Larry Westland, Kagn ew Station. Sun. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. USNCS, Box 40, FPO New York English languag e, Civilians ma y come 09544. Rotation : Dec. 1967. W orshi1> on base. Conta ct: SFC John L. Brim­ in Eng lish. berry, USAH Asmara, APO N. Y. 09843. Tel. 2217 . Rotation Jun e 30, NIGERIA 1967. (More than 600 GHANA congregations) ( 15 congregations) Ali.A KUMASI Contact: Dr . Henry Farrar, Box 82 3, Contact : Dwayn e Dav enport, Box or \Vindl e Kee. 3247. E~UGU Contact: Bill Curry, Box 763, Enu gn, KENYA Eastern Nigeria, West Africa . NAIROBI LAGO S Contact: Van Tate or Ted Ogle, Box Cont act : Robert E. Speer, P.O . Box 8086. 498 , YABA. UYO LIBYA Conta ct : John Becklo!f , Box 101, or TRIPOLI Joe Cross, Box 48. Meeting place: Sciara Mtammer 46, Tel. 35035, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Wed . 7 :30 p.m. Contact: Bobby REPUBLIC OF J, Pr att, P.O . Box 356, Tel. 35035. SOUTH AFRICA worship in English, ( 80 congregations) LIBERIA BENONI, Tranavaal MONROVIA Plot 93, K.A.H. , Great North Rd. Contact: Mr. Charl es H. A. Jolm son, Contact: Eldred Echol s, Al Hom e, c/ o N.B.I. Executive Mansion, Mon­ Box 167, Tel. 54-72 45 . rovia, Liberia. BLOEMFONTEIN, O.F.S. 251M Fou che Ave. Contact : Phil MALAWI Steyn, Box 145, l Arndt St., Uni ­ (formerly Nyasaland) versitas, Bloemfont ein. Tel. 84552. CAPETOWN . ( 5 7 congregations) Cheltenham and Thi cket Rd., Rose­ BLANT .YRE bank, Contact: Conr ad
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