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Churches of Christ (Outside the United States), 1967 Directory

James McGill

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Recommended Citation McGill, James, "Churches of Christ (Outside the United States), 1967 Directory" (1967). Stone-Campbell Books. 372. https://digitalcommons.acu.edu/crs_books/372

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(Outside the United States)


The 1967 Dir ectory is made pos­ there are more than 600 congrega­ sible by hundreds of interested cor­ tions. These contacts, however, can responde nts around the world and by supp ly more detailed information to the churches ( mostly overseas) and the trav eler. individuals who support it financially, The listings chosen for the 1967 In order that this completely revised, Directory were selected with one goal twenty-thousand copy, 1967 edition constantly in mind : to be most help­ might be publish ed in time for the ful to tourists, servicemen, and busi­ tourist season, Nashville's Chapel Ave­ nessmen as they move throughout the nu e church has paid the $1,000 world . In th ose areas where more printing bill and is supplying all the servicemen are stationed or wh ere clerical help to prepare this edition more civilians travel, the church list­ for mailing, ( Contributions received in gs are more numerous. throughout the year will be applied We believe the directory will circu­ toward assisting Chapel Avenue with late most effectively if it is kept printing and postage costs,) Costs have economical and if it remains available been kept very low each year because, free of charge to all who request it . from the be gin ning, all secretarial Please continue to send information work h as been donated. concerning overseas congregations of Finding th e church in a foreign which you know. Only in this way, land is sometimes a problem, especial­ by dep en ding upon information from ly if there is a languag e barrier, but many sources, can the directory be with a copy of the directory the kep t reliabl e. trav eler has the address and times of It is hop ed that this directory will meeting of the church in each city. be used by many travelers as an aid And if he needs further assistance in in locating places of worship, and it is finding the church, he also h as the h oped that none will use it to impose name and telephone numb er of a upon th e hospitality of the contacts member of the con greg ation who is listed herein, whether those contacts eager to help. be citizens of the country, Americ an The new dir ectory lists about five servicemen , or missionary famili es. If hundred churches in about one you wish to spend an hour or two hundred geographical areas on all visiting with these brethren , it would continents. This number is only a be considerate of you to invite th em small fraction of the total number of to have dinner with you at some nice churches of Christ outside the United re staurant in the city, if such fa cilities States. We know of about two thou­ are avail able. In this way there can sand, and we have no idea how many be a mo st pleasant visit without any­ others there are of which we have no one's being burdened, Many are al­ knowledge. We have listed only four rea dy doing this when th ey travel. contacts in Nigeria, for example, where Why not you, too, this year? J AME S R. McGn.L


Here are some state, regional, and mation and pictures of any directory international directories of churches about 873 churches in the U, S. and of Christ, all of whi ch supply helpful other nations. 332 pp, hardback. $6. information in their areas: Gospe l Advocate Co., P.O. Box 150, • Wh ere th e Saints Meet-1967 Nashville, Tenn, 37202. lists 15,280 churches in 50 U.S. states • MissionanJ Pictorial Annual, and 95 other countries. 191 pp., $3. Second Edition . 250 pp., 8½ x 11 Firm Foundation Publishin g Hous e, inches, 300 pictures; page devo ted to Box 610, Au stin, Texas 78767. ea ch missionary. $10. World Vision • New Testamen t Churches of To­ 1033 Belvidere Dr., Nashvill e, Tenn. ' day provides th e most detailed infor- ( Continu ed on page 28) 2 INDEX BY COUNTRIES

American Samoa ...... 27 Libya ...... 4 Argentina ...... 26 Luxembourg ...... 20 Australia ...... 10 Malawi ...... 4 Austria ...... 12 Malaysia ...... 8 Azores ...... 21 Marshall Islands ...... 27 Bahamas ...... 27 Mexico ...... 25 Barbados ...... 27 Morocco ...... 4 Belgium ...... 12 Nether lands ...... •...... 20 Benimda ······· 27 Netherlands Antilles ...... 28 Brazil ...... 26 New Zealand ...... 11 .... . 22 Nica ragua ...... 26 Canal Zon e ·········· 25 Nig eria ...... 4 Chile ...... 26 North ern Ir eland ...... 18 China 6 North ern Rhod esia ...... 5 Colombia ...... ······· 26 Nonvay ...... 20 Costa Rica ····· 25 Nyas aland 4 Cuba ...... ···· ·· 27 Okinawa ...... 27 Czechoslovakia ········ ······· ··· ··········· 12 Pakistan ...... 8 Denmark ...... 13 Panama ( Canal Zone) ...... 25 Dominican Republi c ...... 28 Paraguay ...... 26 Ecuador .... ······ 26 Peru ...... 26 Egypt ...... 4 Philippine s . . . 8 El Salvador .. ... 2,5 Poland ....21 England ...... 13 Portu gal ....21 Ethiopia ...... 4 Pu ert o Rico ..... 28 Finland ...... 14 Hhod esia 5 Formosa ...... 6 J\u ssia ... 21 France ...... 14 Samoa, American .... .27 Germany .15 Scotland ... 21 Ghana 4 Siam 9 Great Britain ...... 13 Sierra-Leon e ...... 5 Greece ...... 18 South Africa, Republic of ...... 4 Guam ...... 27 Southwest Africa ...... 5 Guatemala ...... 25 Sovi et Union ...... 21 Hawaii ...... 27 Spain ...... 21 Holland ...... 20 Sweden ...... 22 Hong Kong 6 Switz erland ...... 22 Iceland ..... 18 Syria ...... 9 India 6 Taiwan .... . 6 Indon esia 6 Tanganyika ...... 5 Ir eland, Northem ...... 18 Tanzania ...... , ...... , ...... 5 1 reland (Republic) ...... 18 Thailand ...... 9 Israel 6 Turk ey 9 ltaly ..... 18 Union of ·s~~thAfrica ...... 4 ...... 28 Uruguay .... 27 Japan ...... 6 Venezuela ..27 Jordan 7 Vietnam .10 . 4 Wales .... 22 Kor ea 7 W est Gennany .. 15 Laos . 8 West Indies ...... 27 Leban on 8 Winward Islands ...... 28 Liberia ..... 4 ...... 5

3 AFRICA RUMPI EGYPT Lubagha Mission, Bun, 7 p.m., Wd. 7 p.m, Conta ct : ZOMBA 'Karkour Girgis, 5 Sharia El-Nagah, Meeting place: Namikango Mission, Heliopolis, Tel . 877619. Worship in .Ntondwe, Malawi. Contact: Lend al Arabic; English upon · request, Wilkes or G. B. Shelburne, Box lO•I, Tel. Ntonwe 218. To be here until ETHIOPIA 1969 or 1970. · ( 35 congregations) ADDIS ABABA MOROCCO Cont act : Artie Reed , Amaha Desta KENITRA School, Tel 45142. Meeting pla ce: 8 Rue Tari c1 Ben ASMARA Ziyad, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. Meeting place: Dep endent School, 6 p.m. Contact : Larry Westland, Kagn ew Station. Sun. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. USNCS, Box 40, FPO English languag e, Civilians ma y come 09544. Rotation : Dec. 1967. W orshi1> on base. Conta ct: SFC John L. Brim­ in Eng lish. berry, USAH Asmara, APO N. Y. 09843. Tel. 2217 . Rotation Jun e 30, NIGERIA 1967. (More than 600 GHANA congregations) ( 15 congregations) Ali.A KUMASI Contact: Dr . Henry Farrar, Box 82 3, Contact : Dwayn e Dav enport, Box or \Vindl e Kee. 3247. E~UGU Contact: Bill Curry, Box 763, Enu gn, KENYA Eastern Nigeria, West Africa . LAGO S Contact: Van Tate or Ted Ogle, Box Cont act : Robert E. Speer, P.O . Box 8086. 498 , YABA. UYO LIBYA Conta ct : John Becklo!f , Box 101, or TRIPOLI Joe Cross, Box 48. Meeting place: Sciara Mtammer 46, Tel. 35035, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Wed . 7 :30 p.m. Contact: Bobby REPUBLIC OF J, Pr att, P.O . Box 356, Tel. 35035. SOUTH AFRICA worship in English, ( 80 congregations) LIBERIA BENONI, Tranavaal MONROVIA Plot 93, K.A.H. , Great North Rd. Contact: Mr. Charl es H. A. Jolm son, Contact: Eldred Echol s, Al Hom e, c/ o N.B.I. Executive Mansion, Mon­ Box 167, Tel. 54-72 45 . rovia, Liberia. BLOEMFONTEIN, O.F.S. 251M Fou che Ave. Contact : Phil MALAWI Steyn, Box 145, l Arndt St., Uni ­ (formerly Nyasaland) versitas, Bloemfont ein. Tel. 84552. CAPETOWN . ( 5 7 congregations) Cheltenham and Thi cket Rd., Rose­ BLANT .YRE bank, Contact: Conr ad Steyn, Box 17, Meeting plac e : Hall Road, near Red How ard Center, Pin elands, 15 Pa rk Cross buildin g. Conta ct: Jame s Judd, Rd., Rosebank, Tel. 6-2545. Box 590, Tel. 8506, Returning 1968 DURBAN, Natal or '69. Meeting place : l Queen Mary Ave., LILONGWE Tel. 35-9909. Conta ct : John Maple s, Contact: Doyle Gilliam or Pres Hig­ Box 6 (Congella), l Brett on Wood genbotham, Box 217 . Ave., Tel. 35-8384. 4 EAST WNDON, Capo SALISBURY Meeting place: 89 St. Georges Road, Contact: Dick Clark, Box 64, \Vater­ Tel. 4461. Contact : Ivan Uys, P.O. falls , Lyle Pomeroy, 32 Manica Rd. , l3ox 958, East London. or Joe Lyon. CRAHAMSTOWN, Cape UMTALI Meeting place: Drill Hall. Contact: Contact : Loy Mitchell, Box 392. Charlie Tutcor, Box 64, Tel. 2119. JOHANNESBURG, Transvaal SIERRA LEONE High and Bertha Streets, Turffontein, FREETOWN Box · 9250, Tel. 32-4192. Contact : Cont act : Paul Dillin gham or Paul T . Lowell Worthington, Box 43, Tel. Menefee, Box 1111 , Freet own, Sierra 59-11 82, or Claude Flynn, Daleham Leone. Meeting place: Upp er East at Rd. off Columbia Ave ., Mondeor. Short St., Sun. 10:30 n.m ., 7:30 p.m ., KEMPTON PARK, 'Tranvaal Thurs. 7 :30 p.m. Contact: Joe Seider er, Box 167, or Phil Th eron, Box 10 VR, Kempton SOUTHWEST AFRICA Pa rk. WINDHOEK PEITERMARITZBURG, Natal Contact : Henry Ewing, Box 3718, Tel. Meeting place: 21 Levy St. Contact: 7616. Da ve Rogers , 52 College Rd., P.O. Box 756, Tel. 25278. TANZANIA PORT ELIZABETH, Cape (3 congrega. lions) (75 congregations) Meeting pla ~e: 42 Pickering St., New­ DAR ES SALAAM ton Park, Tel. 36340. Contact: Joe Contact: Jerome Savage, Box 2832. W atson, Tel. 30-199 4. MBEYA Meeting place : Du Plessis Hall, Dur­ Chimala Mission Hospital, Box 724 , han Rd. , Schaud ervill e. Contact: Andy Contact: Ron Huddleston, M.D. , Jooste, P.O. Box 1323, Tel. 31918. David Caskey, Wayne Smallin g, Meeting place: 998 Site and Service, Jerome Savag e, Bob Gibs on. Tanzania Kwazakele. Contact: Bentle y Nofe­ Bibl e School, Box 731. mele. PRETORIA, Tran svaal UNION OF 774 Church St., Arcadia. Conta ct: W alt er Jubb er, Box 1861 , Chur ch and SOUTH AFRICA East St., Arcadia, Tel. 74-3079. see Republic of WELKON, O.F.S. Meeting place : 1 Meyer St., Reitz South Africa Park. Cont act: Brain van der Spuy, Box 295, Tel. 4792. ZAMBIA RHODESIA (formerly Northern (85 congregations) Rhodesia) BULAWYO ( Over 90 congregations) ( Mission work start ed lwre in 1898 by KALOMO John Sheriff.) Conta ct : Allen Hadfield, Kabanga Mission. Cont act: Ken Elder Box 1831, or W. N. Short, 8 Bamboo or Dow Merritt Bo,c 60. Namwianga Rd., Newton W est, P.O. Belmont, or Mission ( start ea1 in 1932) Contact: Tom Brown, 65 Conn ally Rd ., Queens­ James W. Pin egar, Box 13, Kalamo, dale , Bulawayo. James Shewm aker, Box 22, or Keith GWELO l3esson. Conta ct : Foy Short , Box 21 8, or M. LIVINGSTONE Sheasby. Sinde Mission. Conta ct: Elaine Brit­ MACHEKE tell, Box 132, Livingstone, Zambia. Nhowe Mission, Box 4 ( In operation since 1939.) Tel. Macheke 2413. Con­ Contact: H. E. Pier ce, Box 1016 or tact: Lloyd Gifford , Mark Legg, Rodney Rutherford, P.O . Box 1581. Rinard Troup, Clayton Waller, Monika NDOLA Steiniger. Contact: Douglas Bauer, Box 2220. 5 ASIA

SHILLONG FORMOSA Meeting place : Mawlai Phudmawri, (Taiwan) Stm. 10 n.m., 2 and 7:30 p ,m. Con­ TAICHUNG tact: David W. H alle t, Donald Meeting plac e : 74 Ying Shih Rd. Perry, Mawlai, Phudmawri , Shillong , ( Also me eting pla ce for U. S. service Assam, India, or Ray McMillan, Lum­ men.) Conta ct: Bob Frazier , P.O. Box mawri c, Lailumkhrah, Shillong, Assam 227, Taichung. Home address: l Lane 3 . 399, Wu Chuan Rd. INDONESIA TAIPEI DJAKARTA Me eting place : 58-2 , Road l, Tien Conta ct : Pat McG ee. Mou, Taipgi Hsien. Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 6 p .m., W ed. 7 p.m . English lang­ uage . Cont act : Roy Mullinax, Box ISRAEL 1333 , Tel., call opera tor. Date of re­ ELABUN (A'laboun) turn : 1967. Meeting plac e: In building of Galilee Christian High School. Sun, 5 p.m. HONG KONG Worship in Arabic. English upon re­ HONG KONG ISLAND quest. Meetin g pl ace: 38A Kam Ping Rd., HAIFA Sun. 10, 10 :3 0 a.m., 8 p .m. Contact: Contact: Em est Stewart , 42 Eins tein Tom Tun e, Box 15426, T el. 733092. St. Return ing to U. S. summ er, 1967, Dat e of return: 1967 . or \\ 'illinm VanWinkl e. KO WLOON JERUSALEM Meeting place: 2 Dor set Cresce nt Joshua Ben Nuna St . just off Wat erloo Rd. Sun . 10, l 1 NAZARETH a.m. For Sun. 8 p.m. and W ed . 8 Meeting place: Namsawi St., Sun. p.m., meetin g place is 85 Wat erloo 9:30, 10 :30 a.m., Fri. 6:30 p.m. He!. lF. Con tact : William Reeves Conta ct: Farouk A. Qubty, P.O. Box 146 Argy le St . 2 / D, Tel. 653-723, or 142, Nazareth . Tel. 065-54613 , Wor­ J.eo nard Pamplin. Worship in sh ip in Arab ic and English. Can tonese; English upon req ues t . JAPAN INDIA ( 80 congregations) (More than t:HITOSE (Sapporo Area) Cont act the Base Chaplin's Office for 100 congregations) information. BOMBAY FUKUOKA (ltazuke A. B .) Conta ct: Georg e A. Brya n , Box 654 3 Services in English at Zasshonokuma or Joshua Gootam, P.O. Box 6543, Kinderg arten. Sun. 11 a.m., Cumbala Hill , Bombay O~IIKA HITACHI-SHI 26 , Indi a. IBARAKI CHRISTIAN COLLEGE CALCUTTA Meeting plac e: Campus of Ibaraki Meeting pla ce: 4 / 2 Ori ent Row, Ca l­ Christian Colleg e. Tel. Kujihama 2251, cutta 17, near Park Circus. Sun. 9, Sun. 10 a .m., Wed. 7 :30 p.m. Con­ 10 a.m., 7 p .m . W ed. 7 p.m. Cont act: tact: Billy M. Smith, Ibaraki Christian James McCuaig , Paul Na th an, or College, 4048 Kujin1a chi-Hitachi-shi , Harry Ran chod . Ib araki-k en, Japan, T el. Kujihamn KERALA 2251, or Joe Betts, T el. Kujihama Contact: K. V. Georg e, Grace Villa 4 799, or Floyd L ee Morgan. Path anapuram. IWAKUNI MADRAS Community Cent er, 9:30 a.m., 6:30 ( Mor e than 7 ,000 have be en baptized p.m. here.) Contact: Jam es A. Johnson, 23 MISA WA AIR BASE Aspiran Garden or Carl Johnson, Meeting place : Conroy Youth Center, Mount Zion, Ketti, P.O . Nilgiris, Audi torium , Misawa A . B., Sun, 10, Madras State. 11 a.m., Wed. 5:30 p.m. at Base 6 Chapel. Worship in English. Contact: CMR Box 2402, Det. 52, 20th · Wea. Capt. Vance E. Need, Det. 7 Sqdn., APO 96323 San. Fran., Tel. PARRC, P.O. Box 4567, APO San office 28766 Ta chikawa AB, Tel. hom e Francisco 96519, Tel. 3302, Rotation 3277, Kantomura Housing area, or Sept. 1969. SSgt. Ed. L'Roy, 913 S FTD, CMR NAGOYA-SHI Box 46, APO San Fran. 96323. Tel. Sun. 10 :30 a.m ., 7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. (duty) 22692, (home) 23615, Rota ­ Worship in Jap anese : English trans­ ti on Oct. 196 8 . lation on req uest. Contact: W. C. YOKOSUKA NAVAL BASE Hinton, Jr., i-28 Emukai-cho, Nishi­ Chapel, Naval Base, Sun. 6 p.m., Wed. ku, Nag oya -shi, Japan, Tel. 531-8170. 7 p.m. OSAKA YOKOHAMA-YOKOSUKA Sunfl 10 a.m., worship in Japanese . Church meets in own building 11.,mile Contact: Robert P. Nichols, C.P.O. south of Navy Exchange area in Box 921, Osaka, Japan, T el. 3 1061 Yokohama, Honmoku Chur ch of Nishinomiya. Christ, Sun. 10, ll n.m., 5 p.m., Wed . SASEBO 7 p.m. Services are held here . ClK'Ck with YOKOTA AIR BASE chaplain for details. Church meets in own building just WAKKANAI outside gate no. 5 on Nikko Highway. Services are held here. Sun, 10, 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 5 p.m. ZAMA (Camp USARJ & Atsugl NAS) Church meets at Sugamihara housin g GREATER TOKYO AREA area, El ementary school auditorium , In order to call a military ba se from Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 5 p .m., ,ved. 7 Tokyo, dial 0423-62-2961 and tell p.m. Contact: Albien L. Taylor , operator th e base you are calling USAED, FE, APO 96343, San Fran., before you give the number. Civilian s Tel. (duty) 3-2098, (home) 2531, visiting Tokyo should contact the rotation Feb . 1968 . or Sgt./Maj. Yoyogi-Hachiman church or one of H erman L . Starkey, Hqs. 627th Hos­ the missionaries as these have phones pital Center, APO 96343, San Fran., on the public system. Tel. (duty) 3-ll34, (home) 2561, GRANT HEIGHTS HOUSING AREA Sugamihara. Church meets on base. Sun. 10, 11 a.m., also Sun, and Wed. p.m. Con­ For a Japanese correspondence course tact: Georg e Vonada, Lighthouse writ e to: Mr. Yoshio Nonaka, 2004 lllF, Tel. 8342, Grant H eights . 6th. Ave., Los Angeles 18, Cal. TOKYO YOYOGI-HACHIMAN Church of Christ ( Kirisuto No Kyokai) 1498 JORDAN Loyogi Tomiga ya, Shibuya Ku, Tokyo, A~1MAN Sun. 10:30 a.m., also Sun. and Wed. Con ta ct: Dal e Randolph, P.O. Box p.m. Wor ship in Jap anese , but vi sitors 8035 , Amman, Jordan. welcome. Preac her, elders and several JERUSALEM mem bers speak Engli sh, Conta ct: Meeting place: 1st. Boor of New Yukio Mori, preacher, tel. Tokyo 467- Victoria Hotel, T el. 2723, Sun. 10, ll 9161, or Dr. Masami Takata, elder, a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 6 p.m. Contact: tel. Tok yo 572-0717, or Judge Koichi Ev erett Huffard, P.O. Box 529 , T el. In omata, eld er, tel. Toky o 466-1850, 2723. Returnin g date, July, 1967. or Elmer Prout , P.O. Box 4, Kunitachi, Worship co ndu cted in En glish and Tokyo, or Mrs. Edna Pendergrass, Arabic. Office Tel. 0423-81-8952. RAMALLAH Contact: Di ck Bigg.,, P.O. Box 276 , OCHANOMIZU Church of Christ, No. Ramall ah, Jordan. ,5 of 2 Chome, Kanda, Suragadai, Chiyoda Ku, Tokyo. Contact: Dean Bixler, Central P.O. Box 433, Tokyo. KOREA TACHIKAWA AIR BASE SEOUL Church meets in own building out­ Meeting place on property of Korean side Gate 5, tum left about 200 Christian College , San #61, Deung yards. Sun. 10 , ll a.m., 6 p,m,, ,ved. Chon Dong, Yow1g Dung Po Ku, Sun. 7 p .m ., Contact: Capt. L. E. Boyd, 9, ll n.m., 7:30 p.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m. 7 Contact: Sid ·Allen, Donald H. Deit­ (4th · ·floor) Sw1. 9, 10. a,n,., 7· ·p.n1. , rick, Dan Hardin, Malcolm Parsley, Wed. 7 p.m. Conta ct: Chan Kin Foh, L. Haskell Chesshir, Bill Ramsey, or ·41 Jalan Sunge, Jemeh, Petaling Jaya, Bill Richardson, Tel. 6-3146. Worship Tel. 53342. in Korean, English upon request. SEREMBAN English language congregation loca ted Contact: Phillip Wright, Lot 726 outside the EASCOM ( 8th Army) Blockq, 2¾. miles, Tampin Road, or Compound within walking distance. Jud Whitefield, 318 Lobak Rd. Contact the 8th. Am1y Chaplain for SINGAPORE (5 Conresatlon s ) names of church of Christ members. Me eting pla ce: 13 Moulm ein Rd ., Bookahyundong Church of Chri st. Singapore 11, Tel. 52017, Sun. 9, Meeting place: 129-17 Bookahyun­ 10 a.m., Fri. 8 p.m. Conta ct : Henry dong, Seudaimoon Ku , Seoul. Mailing Tan , 27 A Kim Keat Lan e or T an address: P.O. Box 56 , Seudaimo ou, Ken Koon. Worship in En glish and Seoul. Contact : Y. J . Lee, Tel. Chinese. 74-1179, Hous e No. 24, 30-494 PENA."IG Yong Kang D ong, Mapo Ku, Worship Contact: Hayden 0. Jenk s, 12 Nun in Korean, visitors welcome. Cresent, Penang, Malaysia. PUSAN Central Church of Christ, 620, Ywnjoo Dong, Contact: Kim Ja e Hw an. PAKISTAN TAEGU KARACHI Meeting plac e : 333, 4-ka, Dongin Sun . 9, 10 a.m., 5 p .m . Meetin g Dong, Contact: Im Bong Soo place: 145 / Q Block 2, Hali Road , TAEJON P.E.C.H.S., (about one block from Meeting place: 96 Sunhwa Dong, Con­ the U.S.A.I.D. Staff hou se and th e tact: Lee Heung Sik or Shim Hi Sun. American School.) After July, 1967 , J. C. Choate's addr ess is to he : Box English language congregations h ave 3103, P.E.C.H.S., Block 6, Karachi heen meeting at ASCOM, CAMP 29, Pakistan. Before July his address BEA VER, CAMP CASEY, CAMP is : Winona, Miss. 38967. HOVEY, CAMP HOWZE , CAMP LAHORE PAGE, INCHON, OSAN AIR BASE , Sun. 9 a.m., 5 p.m., ·wed. 5 p.m. PUSAN AREA COMMAND, PYONG Meeting place: 10 Siddiqi Street, op­ TAEK, TAEGU SUB AREA, posite Lahore Stadium, off Ferozepur UIJONGBU, AND WAEGWAN Road. Contact: Gordon H ogan, Box ( CAMP CARROLL). 570, L ahore, Pakistan or Chulam Masih, Box 570. LAOS VIETIANE PIDLIPPINES Contact: Curtis Logsdon, c/o Air ( 136 congregations) America , APO San Francisco 96352. ANGELES CITY, See Clark Air Force Base. LEBANON BAGUIO BEIRUT Meeting J>lace: Comer of Harrison & Meeting plac e: Abi Rashid Building, Mabini Streets, Tel. 6220, Contact: near Williams Bottlini: Pl e.nt. Tahwita, Kenneth Wilkey, Ray Bry an, or Bob Fum-el-Chebbak, Tel. 285171, Sun. Buchanan, Philippine Bibl e College, 9, 10 a.m., 7 p.m. Contact: Carl P. Box 114, Tel. 2193 . Matheny, P.O. Box 5479 , Tel. 285148, CLARK AIR FORCE BASE or Bob Douglas, P.O. Box 5479, Bei­ 23rd and San Angelo Streets, Josefa Sub-Division, Angeles City , 8: 30, 9:30 ~~ 1fr~b~i_n. Meetings are in English a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 6:45 p.m. Con­ tact: Charles W. Davis, 2117 , 21st St., Josefa Sub. Div,, Ang eles, or Hq. MALAYSIA 13th AF ( CJA), APO San Fran. IPOH 96274. Tel. 1345, Ring 2 , Returni ng Contact: Donald D. Green, 46 Golf date 1969, Wonhip in English, Club Road, Ip oh, Perak , Malaysia. DUMAGUETE CITY KUALA LUMPUR Contact: Charlemagne R. Garces, 92 Hui Hong Building, 123-D Ipoh Road San Jose Extension. 8 MANILA CHOLBURl Meeting plac e: 3-C Gilmore Ave., 17 /7 Soi Noparat, $un, 9, 10 a.m. , Quezon City. Contact : Douglas 7 p.m., Conta ct: Jesse Fonville. Gunselm an, 3-C Gilmore Ave., Tel. KORAT 73629. Returning date 1967. English Base Chapel. Conta ct: Maj. Mac language, or contact: Ronnie P. Bartee, Chaplain. Sadorra, P.O. Box 642, Manila. NAKORN PANOM QUEZON CITY, aee Manila SUBIC BAY NAVAL BASE Base Chapel 2 p.m. Contact: Lt. Col. San Miguel Naval Sta. Contact : Junn E. J. Romigh, Jr., 634th, CS Gp., Poblete, 1 Virginia St., Lower Kalak­ Box 100, APO San Fran., 96301. lnn, Olongapo, Zambal es. SAHAHEEP ZAMBOANGA CITY Contact: C/M Sgt. Fortume, 1985 Baliwasan Dist . near ail-port. Contact : Comm . Sq,, APO San Fr an . 96330 : R. Charl es Sheppard, Box 83, Zam­ TAKHI boanga City, or Roman G. Cariaga, Contact: SSgt. E . Smith, Box 1684, Box 83 . 355 Combat Support Gp., APO San Congregations nlso meet at BACOLOD Fran, 96273. CITY, BANSALAN, BASILAN CITY, THONBURI CANUKLAN, COTABATO CITY, Contact: Ken Rideout, Tel. 63606. DADIAN GAS. DON CARLOS, JIMA­ LALUD, KABAKAN, KAUSWAGAN, UDORN LINAW, ROXAS CITY, SAMPALOC, Base Chap el, Contact : A2c Charles A. SAN FELIPE, SINDANGAN, SINU­ Yaerg er, Box 15, 432nd. F.M.S., APO BONG, TACURONG TITAY, LUM­ San Fran., Cal. 96237, Rotation Oct. BANGAN, MIDSAYAP, LOPEZ, 1967, or Robert Ech ols, 6232 Sup­ TAENA, TAYASAN , PIKIT , PISONG, port Sq. , APO San Fran. 96327 . PINGGOT, MARBEL , COMBADO, UBON NABOAK, MAMBAGONG, SABA-AN, 296/12 Chy Toon g Limna, Sun. 6 :30 DAGBASAN. p,m. Contact: Capt. Sim Goodall, Tel . Base Ext. 239 , FR 73027 8th Combat Support Gp., APO 96304, San Fran, SYRIA DAMASCUS For more inform ation, write to: Mr. TURKEY Bob Douglas, Box 5479, Beirut, Leb­ ADANA · anon. Meeting place: INCIRLIK AB, Air Police Training Room, Tel. 3284. Sun. TAIWAN 9:15 a.m,, 6:15 p.m, Contact : SSgt. Alvin R. Harrell, TUSLOG, Det . 10 see Formosa CMR Box 2047, APO N. Y. 09289 , Tel. 3248, Rotation June 1968 . . THAILAND ANKARA Meeting place: 40 Bestekar Sokak, (Siam) Tel. Det. 30 Ext. 211, Chaplain's BANGKOK Office. Sun . 9, 10 a.m. Contact: Meeting place : Somprasong 4, Petch­ TSgt . Donnie F. Morgan, TUSLOG burl Rd., Tel. 58184, English lang­ Det. 18, APO N.Y. 09254 , or 17/2 uage: Sun. 8, 9 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7 Ergin Sokak (M ebus Evleri), Tel. p.m. Thai and Chin ese langu ages at Det. 30 , Ext. 837, Home Tel. 131408, other hours. Contact : Park er Hender­ Rotation Jan . 1968, or Maj. W. D. son, P .O. Box 881, Tel. 59327 or Cunningham, 6 Hor osan Sokak ( Gasi), 58184. To return to U. S. June 1967. JUSMMAT Ext. 2221, rot ation Mar. Larry McClung, P.O. Box 881. 1968, or TSgt. Donald E. Brewer, 8 CHIENGMAI Halici Sokak ( Gasi), TUSLOG Det. Meeting place: 131 ~ajal?akinl, Su_n. 170, Ext. 306, Home tel. 127717. 9 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Thai language. Rotation Aug. 1968. Worship in English upon request. Con­ KARAMURSEL t act: Robert Davidson, P.O . Box 94, Base Chapel, Tel. 2112, Sun. 1 p.m., returning to U. S. June 1967, or Wed. 6 p.m, Contact : Ronald D. Dorsey Traw, P.O. Box 94. Toothman, Box 2011, TUSLOG, Det. 9 63, APO N. Y. 09324. Rotation June KIEN TAN 1968. Wm. A. James, Box 1424, Contact: Vo Vanh Tam TUSLOG Det. 95, APO N.Y. 09324 . KIEN THANH Rotation Dec. 1968. Worship in Contact: Nguyen Twang Tri eu English. LONG XUYEN Contact: Nguyen Phat Minh VIETNAM NHA TRANG For the most up-to-date inform ation, Meeting place: No. 2 Bach-Dang, just write to Jim Ridgeway, Church of off main the street of Phooc Hai , Eng. ~:tt Mission, APO San Fran., Cal. and Vietn am. languag es. Sun. 9 a.m., 2 10 a.m., 7:30 p.m ., Wed. 7:30 p.m. BIEN HOA PHU THO Meeting place: Base Chapel, Sun. 2 192 Ton That Hiep, Cholon, Vietna­ p.m. Contact: ESgt. James Pace, mese . Contact: Donald Joe Wright. 90th TAC Fighter Sqd ., APO San PHAN RANG Fran. 96227. Tel. 7158. Air Base Chapel. Sun. 2 p,m ., Fri. CAM RAND BAY 6: 15 p.m. Contact. SSgt. Ira Wallace. Meeting place: 12th. TAC Wing Con­ QUANG TRUNG (TRUNG MY TAY ference Rm ., or contact USAF Base Village) Chapel. Sun. 7 p.m. Civilians are Contact: Leonard S. Blake, 92/5 Ap welcome. Contact : MSgt. E. E. Bow­ Von Hanh, Hoc Mon, Gia Dinh, Viet­ man, P.O . Box 1074, 12th. Fld. Maint. nam. Sq., APO 96326 San Fran., Tel. Ext. 2043, Rotation Oct. 1967. SAIGON (Central Church of Chri st) CAN THO 198 Ly Thai To Street, P.O. Box Contact: Frank R. Shipp, 632 Supply lll9 , Saigon, Tel. P.T.T. 24.229. Eng . Sqd., APO San Fran. 96320, Bien 9, 10 a.m., 5 p.m. Sun., W ed. 7 :45 Thuy Air Base Tel. 364. p.m. Vietnamese Sun. ll a.m. Con­ CHOLON, SAIGON tacts: James Ridgeway, Ralph 18 Nguyen Duy Duong, 3rd floor, Sun. Burcham, Jim Casey, Curt Acord, Jim 9 :45, 10 a.m., 6 p.m. Civilian. Con­ Powell , Lynn Yocum, Leonard Blake, tact: Ron Matthews or Jim Powell. Gene Conner, Phil Carpenter. Mailing Chinese language. address: Church of Christ Mission, CO BAC Name of Missionary, APO, San Fran ., 169 Co. Bae ( off Hun g Dao Street), Cal. 96243. Tel. 91.675. Sun. 10 :30, 11 a.m. SONG DINH Civilian. Contact: Phil Nhon. Vietna­ Contact: Chaplain Eug ene Scott, 43 mese language. Medical Clearing Company area. Ad­ DA NANG ( 2 congregations) dress: 50th MED. Co. (CLR), APO l. Air Force Base Chap el. Cont act: San Fran. 96491. SSgt . J. C. Watkins, 366th Supply TAN SON NHUT Air Foree Base- Sqd., APO San Fran. 96337, Tel. 284. Saigon 2. Meeting place : 100 Thong Nhut, Protestant Chapel Sun. 3 p.m.; Thur s. Vietnamese language. 7 :30 p.m. ( Chaplain's office) Contact : RIEU DUC Gene Conner, c/o A.V.I.S . school Contact: Truong-Duong. (mornings) P.T.T. 91.675 .


CANBERRA ARMIDALE Contact: Cecil Hutson, P.O. Box 1135, Contact : Cecil Stone, P.O. Box 295. Canberra City, A.C.T. or George GUNNEDAH McFarlin. Contact: Mervin Squires, 137 Hunter St. Deaf congregation : Contact: NEW SOUTH WALES Harry Rickards, 34 Fairford St. , ALBURY Unley. Contact: Fred Sargent, P .O. Box 440, INVERELL Albury, N.S.W. Contact: Ernie Squires, 135 Brae St. 10 SYDNEY AREA: EAST HILLS VICTORIA Contact: Walter Waller, 81 Lucas Rd,, ARARAT East Hills, N,S.W. Contact: Fred Glisson, Koeford St., KURRAJONG Ararat, Vic. Contact: Clifton Shepherd, Park Rd., WANGARATTA Kurrajong, N.S.W. Contact: A. Moroney, 6 Shamrock St., LAKEMBA Brunswick Vic, Contact: Alan Flaxman, 63 Railroad FOOTSCRAY WEST Parade, Tel. 759-7699. Contact: Duncan McLeod, 25 Castle­ LAUNCESTON main St., Yarraville, Vic. Contact: Harry Martin, 30 Notley St., GLENHUNTLY Newnhain. 35 Rothschild St., comer Dorothy lllERRYLANDS Ave., Tel, 884051. Contact: Ron Contact: Syd Bell, 118 Bennalong Rd. Graham, 28 Faulkner Rd., Blackbum, WINDSOR Vic., or Harry Blackmore, 22 Stanley Contact: Dennis Simmons, 58 Cox Cr. Grove, Blackbum, Vic. WARNERS BAY AREA (Newcaotle) HEIDELBERG WEST Lake St., church, Contact: G. Wother­ 420 Waterdale Rd. Contact: I. J, spoon, Jr., 3 Jesson Pde., Wamers Paull, 133 Banksia St., Heidelberg, Bay, N. S. W, Vic., Tel. 451116. ORMOND Deaf congregation. Contact: A. Hin­ QUEENSLAND ton, 5 Oakleigh Cres,, Ormond, Vic. BUNDABERG THORNBURY Contact: Rollie McDowell, P.O. Box "Chriswyn Court," 22 Norrnanby Ave., 136, Bundaberg, QLD. Contact: A. R. Dow, 2 Aberdeen St., GYMPIE Reservoir, Vic. Contact: E. R. Sizer, 25 Hilton Rd. INNISFAIL Contact: Cam La Spina, P.O. Box 418. WESTERN AUSTRALIA ROCKHAlllPTON PERTH ( four congregation•) Contact: A. Johnson, Gracemere, Via 1. Embleton congregation at Broun Rockhampton, QLD, Tel, 242. and Parsons St., Tel. 71 6358. Con­ BRISBANE AREA: tact: Dan Talbot and Rudy Wyatt, HOLLAND PARK P.O. Box 16, Inglewood, W. A. Contact: John Lee Newton, P.O. Box 2. Melville congregation. Contact: 6, Holland Park, Qld., Tel. 403004, or Ernie Gill, 28 Moorehouse St., Mel­ Forrest Suddeath, 14 Salford St., Bris­ ville, W. A., or Rusty Bolton and bane, Qd. Claude A. Guild, Box 44 (Applecross) KENMORE Perth, W. A. Contact: Floyd Daniel, 30 McCaul St. 3. Wembley Downs congregation. WYNNUM Contact: Marvin Phillips, 90 Grand C. B. Smith, 146 Carlton Terrace, Prom., Doubleview, W. A, Manly, Qld., Tel. 961809. 4, Carlisle congregation, meeting place: 132 Oats St., Contact: Mac SOUTH AUSTRALIA Lyon, Box 44 ( Applecross), Perth. ADELAIDE Wright St. Church, 21a Wright St. or NEW ZEALAND P.O. Box 1660 M, G.P.O. Contact: H. AUCKLAND Tuul, 532 Chorphett Rd., Dover Contact: Bill Watts, Box 23-111, Gardens, S, A. Papatoetoe, N. Z. CHRISTCHURCH TASMANIA Box 1024, Christchurch, N. Z., Con­ HOBERT tact: Marvin Allison, 151 Harris Cres. Contact: Mervin Richardson, 12 Tims­ HAMILTON bury Rd., Glenorchy, Tas, Contact: Dan Jenkins, Ronald Cole­ LAUNCESTON man, Box 412. Contact: Harry Martin, 24 Notley St., MOSGIEL Launceston, Tas., or Marcus A. Crews, Contact: Russ Black, Box 43, 7 Hall 58 Mayne St., Launceston, St, 11 NELSON WELLINGTON Parker's Rd. at Muritnl St., Tahun- Contact: Hugh Count s, llox 1582, anui. Tel. 89924. TAUPO WHATATUTU Contact: Bill Setters, 32 Mere Rd. Contact: Pat Pari, Post Office, What­ TAURANGA atutu, Gisborne. Contact : Reit or Peter Merrick, Box 443 .

CENTRAL AMERICA See North America and Central America EUROPE ( Foreign words written in parenthes es Returning to U. S. June 1967. Al by the names of the countries spell Waller, Clos de la Li corne 23, Brus­ "church of Christ" in the native sells 15, Tel. 705101. language of that nation.) CHARLEROI Contact: Floyd Davis, Namur. The European Lectureship is to be DINANT at Senckenbergnnlage 19, Frankfurt, Contact: Floyd Davis, Namur . Germany, on July 23-27, 1967. LIEGE Meeting place: 28, Rue Lamar ck, Tel. AUSTRIA 270886, Sun. 10:30 a.m., 7:30 p.m. Cont act: Andy T. Ritchi e, III, 30 Ru e (Gemeinde Christi) Mosselman, Tel. 270886. Returning to A 8010 GRAZ U. S. summ er 1967. J. L. Rob erts, 30 Meeting place: Burgergasse 3 ( 1. Rue Mosselman, Tel. 270886. Coming Floor), Tel. 722035, Sun. 9 :30 a.m., summer 1967, Tue. 7 :30 p.m., Fri. 7:30 p.m. Con­ NAMUR tact: Tom Turner, Kogelweg 11, Tel. Meeting place : 3, Rue Leopold II, 88260. or Frank McCut chan. German Cont act: Floyd Davis, addre ss same as language, Eng. upon requ est. meeting place. A 5020 SALZBURG OSTENDE (De gemeentc vnn Chri stu11) Church building: Schuhmacherrstr. 6, Amsterdamstraat 62, Sun. 10 a.m., Tel. 868734, Sun. 9a.m., 7 p.m ., Wed. 8 p.m. Contact: Roy Davison, Thurs. 7 :30 p.m. Cont act: Rudi R.ischer, Elisabethstr. 38, German Aartshertogstraat 72, or Leon Lo on­ language; English upon request. tiens, Stuiv erstraat 35 3. Wor ship in A 1040 VIENNA (WIEN) Dutch languag e; Eng. translation on Church building: Schleifmuhlgasse 6, request. Tel. 563745, Sun. 9 a.m., 7 p.m., STOCKAY Thurs. 7 p.m. Contact: Rex Earnhart, Contact: J. L. Roberts, Li ege. Krafft-Ebing-Gasse 30, 1140 Vienna, VERVIERS Tel. 9418014 , or Bob Hare, Krott en­ Meeting place: 2, ru e des Deport es, bachstr. 150 , 1190 Vienna , or Gwen Sun. 10 a.m., 8 p.m., Conta ct. Donald Hensley or Lynn Camp. R. Taylor, Tel. 24614 , 5, ru e Coron­ meuse. French langua ge. BELGIUM (L'Eglise du Christ) BULGARIA BATICE Write to Bob Hare, Krott cnb achstr. Contact: Don T aylor, Verviers. 150, 1190 Vienna, Austria. BRUSSELS Church building : 26 .Rue du Trone, Tel. 121447, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 6 p.m., CZECHOSLOVAKIA Thurs. 8 p.m. Contact: Ray Nelson, Write to Bob Hare, Krottenhachstr. 62, Ave. Ernest Renan, Tel. 161977. 150, 1190 Vienna, Austria. 12 2. Meeting place: Hamilton St. Con­ DENMARK. tact: J. Pritt, 31 Goldhey St., Black­ (Kristi Kirke) bum, Lanes. AARHUS BRISTOL Meeting place: I. P. Jacobsensvey, Meeting place: St. Johns Lane, Bed­ Aabyhoj, Aarhu s, Sun. 10 a.m., Wed. minstei:,. Bristol, 3. Sun. 11 a.m., 6 7:30 p.m. Cont act: Ben D . Williams, p.m., Hible classes Sun. 2:45 p.m., Tel. 58614. Tues. 7 :30 p.m. Congre ga tion estab­ COPENHAGEN lished in 1863. Contact: A. S. Daniell, Meeting place : Howitzvej 57, Copen­ 67 llchester Cresc. hagen F (Frederiksberg), Denm ark. DEVONPORT - Sun. 11 a.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m. Eng . Meeting place: Oddfellow's Hall, Ker service Sun. 9:15 a.m. Danish and Street, Sun. 10 :45 a.m. Contact: Peter Eng . Bible Study 10 a.m . Sun. Tel. A. M. Lakeman, 598 Budshead Rd. , FAsan 1586. Contact : Robert E. Whitleigh, Plymouth, Devon, Eng. Eubanks, Sorgenfrivaeng et 17, Virum, DONCASTER Copenhagen, Tel. 854686. To be here Meeting place: The Holmes, Wheatley through 1968. Robert L. Burgess, Lane, Sun. 2:30 p.m., 6 p.m. Con­ Bernhard Olsensvej 9B, Virum, Cop en­ tact: J. Garnett, 55 Chestnut Ave., hagen, Tel. 854992 . To be here Wheatley Hills, Doncaster , Tel. 3746. through 1969. HEREFORD FREDERICIA Meeting place: 72 Whitehorse St. Contact: Ole Grissell, Fynsgade 34 . Sun. Breaking of bread 3 :30 p.m., ODENSE Gospel 6:30 p.m. Conta ct: A. Sprake Meeting place: Vestergade 93, Tel. at meeting place address. 134579, Sun. 10 a.m., Wed. 7 p.m., HUCKNALL Contact: A. Wayne Harri s, Engsvinget Contact: John Dodsley, Hucknall. 29, Bellinge, Fyn, Denm ark, Tel. INCE (near Wigan) 96 16 33. Meeting place: Petticoat Lane, Ince-in-Makerfield, Lanes. Sun. 10 :30, 11 a .m., 6 p.m., Thurs. 7 :30 p.m. ENGLAND Contact: Frank Worg an, 8 Greenways, Standish, Wigan, Lanes. Tel. Stan­ ( Church of Christ) dish 2059, or P. Partington, 636 Congregations listed are those that Atherton Rd., Hindley Green, Wigan. have furnished information. We would IPSWICH be happy to list other congregations. Meeting place: Red Cross Hall on ALCONBURY RAF Gippeswyk Rd., Ipswich, Suffolk. (A Meeting place: RAF Alconbury Base short walk from railway station or Chapel, Tel. Huntingdon 2131-Ext. take bus 12.) Sun. 10, 11 a.m ., 2145, Sun. 2 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. 6:30 p.m., Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Contact: Contact: Chaplain Major William A. Clyde P. Findlay, 48 Sidegate Lane, Cannon, Box 3214, 10th. Combat Ipswich, Suffolk (To move to Wal es Support Group, APO N.Y. 09238. Tel. Oct. 1967) Tel. 53963, or Lt. R. E. Huntingdon 4799. Rotation Aug. 1969. Chaumier, 92nd. Tactical Fighter Sqd ., AYLESBURY APO New York 09755. Mandeville Rd., Sun. 11 a.m., 7 :30 LAKENHEATH, Mildenhall RAF p.m., Wed . 7:30 p.m. Contact: Len Meeting place: British Legion Hut, H. Channing, Tel. 2875, 10 Mande­ Lakenheath. Sun. 9:30, 10 :30 a.m. ville Rd., Aylesbury, Buckingham, Contact: Edwin R. Martin, P. 0. Box Eng., or Maxwell H. Plater, 105, Wal­ 2484, Silk Purse Control Group, APO ton Rd., Aylesbury, Bucks., Eng. N.Y. 09127, Tel. Feltwell 463. Rota­ BENTWATERS AF BASE, See Ipswich tion Nov. 1969. BIRMINGHAM LEICESTER Meeting place: Summer Lane, comer Contact: S. Harbottle, 43 St. Barna­ Geach St., Sun . 10:30 a.m., 6:30 p.m. bas Road. Contact: Paul Jones, 41 Pendragon LITTLE STUKELEY, See Aleonburr Rd., Tel. Birchfields 5559. LIVERPOOL BLACKBURN (2 eongregatlono) Meeting place: Dudley Institute, Blen­ 1. Meeting place: New Wellington heim Rd., near Penny Lane. Sun. St. , Millhill, Contact: Roy Renshaw, 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 6:30 p .m. Con­ 125, Pilmuir Rd., Blackburn, Lanes. tact: Raymond A. Hill, 31 Mossley 13 Hill Rd., Liverpool 18, Lanes., Tel. Allerton 3772, or Leon Crouch, 11, FINLAND Farmdale Close, Liverpool 18, Lanes. (Kristuksen Seurakunta) Tel. Allerton 4284. HELSINKI LONDON ( 2 congregations) Meeting plac e : Mikonkata 11.C.33. I. Church building: Hope Chapel, Tel. 660 422, Sun. 4 p.m., Wed. Sun. 11 a.m ., 6:30 p,m., Wed. 8 p.m., 7:30 p .m. Cont act : Eddie Dunn. Prince of Wales Road, Kentish Town NlITTYKUMPU, 3.C .49, Finland, Tel. NW 5. Buses: 27, 134, 45, 214. 468923. Box 13033, Helsinki, Fin­ Subway station: Kentish Town, North­ land. ern Line, L.M.S. Electric : Kentish TAMPERE Town W. Contact: R. B. Scott, Tel. Contact : Wallace Mays, Box 26, Tam­ 01-444-9933, Address : 20 Midhurst pere, Finland. Tel. 50065, Pellervon­ Ave. Muswell Hill, London N. 10. katu 16.A.12. Sun. 4 p.m. Wor ship in l Broadcast Sun. 7 :30 a.m. Radio Lon­ Finni sh. don. Congregation established 1839; building date 1871. 2. Meeting place: Barnhill Road, FRANCE l Wembley (London Suburb) Sun. 10, 11 a.m ., 7 p.m., Tues. 7:30 p.m. (L'Eglise du Christ) Contact: Victor Lee Hunter, 35 Thirl­ CHAMBLEY AIR BASE mere Gardens, Wembley, Middx., Tel. Worship at Toul-Rosieres Air Base. ARNold 7242. Returning date: 1969. Cont act : A2c Roger S. Marsh all, C. Phillip Slate, 279 Woodcock Hill, 7367th. Combat Support Gp., Box 795, Kenton, Harrow, Middx., Tel. ARNold APO N. Y. 09247. Duty tel. 304 . 4228. By bus : "Wembley Park"; by Rotation Dec. 1967 , or SSgt. Alburt train: "Bakerloo,. or "Metropolitan ." Johnson, 25th. Consolidat ed Aircraft }.faint . Sqd ., Box 164, APO N. Y. LOUGHBOROUGH 09247. Tel. Chambley Mil. 474. Ro­ Cont act: A. E. Winstanley , 59 Fred­ tation Feb. 1968. erick St., Loughborough, Leics. Meet­ CHATEAUROUX (lndre) ing place: Oxford St., Sun. 10:15, Meeting place: 15 Rue Lezerat ( about 11:15 a.m., 6 :15 p.m. Contact : T . 5 mil es from the Air Station, in th e Stones, 34 Holmfield Ave., Lough­ heart of town) Sun . 10, 11 a.m., 6 borough, Leics. p.m., Wed. 7 p.m., Fr ench and Eng. READING Contact: R. M. Grig g, 15 Rue Lezera t, Meeting place: Agri cultural Small or SSgt. Dave Dossey, 7322nd. Ma­ Hall, Oxford Rd., Reading, Berk shir e, teriel Sq ., Box 3636, APO 09010, Sun . 3 p.m ., Secretary: Miss R. M. N. Y., Tel. base ext . 3970, or James Payne, 1 Kenilworth Ave., Southcote, K. Tri gg, 624th, Spt. Sq., Box 2013, Reading, Berks., Eng. APO 09010, N. Y., Tel. ba se ext. 4894 . SOUTHAMPTON, Rants EVEUX-FAUVILLE AB Contact: D. R. Hodg es, 68 Lyndhurst Base Tr aining Bldg . ( Open to civil ­ Rd., Ashurst, Tel. 2568. ians) Sun. 10, 11 a.m ., 6 p.m., Wed . TUNBRIDGE WELLS 6:30 p.m. Cont act : T. Sgt. Eug ene F. Meeting place: Corner of Cambrian Durh am, 7333 USAF Hosp., Box 1684, Rd. and Upper Grosv enor Rd. Sun. APO N.Y. 09062, Tel. ext . 9-235. Ro­ 10, 11 a.m., 6:30 p.m. Contact: tation Sept . 1967 . Derek L. Daniell, 38 Hopwood Gar­ EVREUX, (Eure) dens, Tunbridge W ells, Kent., Tel. Meeting plac e : 32 Blvd . de la Buf­ 23864. fardiere, Sun. 9 a.m., 8 p.m., Wed. 8 p.m ., Contact : Paul Smith , address WIGAN (N ewtown) same as meeting place . Returning to Meeting place: Albert St., Newtown. U.S. Aug. 1967. French language. Sun. 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7:30 LAON AIR BASE l p.m. Contact: Walt er Smith, 262 Scott Lane, Marsh Green, Wigan, Meeting place: Base Chap el N. l, Lanes. Sun. 1 p .m. , Chap el Annex, Fri. 7 :30 p.m. Contact : Lt. Roy G. Kelly, WOODBRIDGE AF Base, See Ipswich Resident Au

Minestroni, Via Corsica 5 1 Casalecchio MESSINA Di Reno. Via E. L. Pellegrino, 154, Contact: BRESCIA Antonino Buta. Meeting place: Corso Magenta, 32F, MESTRE Sun. 6 p.m., Thurs. 9 p.m. Contact: Contact: Lamberto Filippi, Via C, Lino De Benetti, Quartiere Cesare Massaia 12, Tel. 59484. Abba, Trav. 4, No. 42, Tel. 305969. MILANO Via de! Bollo 5, Tel. 896215. Sun. CASTELLAMMARE DI STABIA 10 :30 a.m. Contact: James B. Young, Via G. Cosenza 126, Contact: Vin­ Via Tellini 17, Tel. 389494. Fausto cenzo Ruggiero, Via Regina Margheri­ Salvoni, Via Vodici 7. ta 192. Bible Chair in Milan: Tel. 871152, CATANIA (Sicily) Via Festa de! Perdona, 14. Via Rocca Romana 33/A, Tel. MANCALIERI (Torino) 219009, Contact: Pistolesi Giulio, Via Via Alfieri 1. Sanfilippo. MONTELEPRE (Palermo) CIVITA VECCHIA Via Podgora, 3. Church building: Via Bernini 38, Sun. NAPLES 10 a.m., 4:30 p.m . ( summer 9 a.m., Meeting place : Viale Augusta 164-166 6 p.m.) Contact: Gian Luigi Guidici, ( Fuorigrotta) Tel. 610-961, Sun. Viale Guido Baccelli, 55. Italian 12:30, Wed. 7 p.m., English language . language: Eng. on request. Contact: Maj. Theron A. Smith, Air COSENZA South, Box 110, FPO, N.Y., Via Via Galluppi 1-B, Contact: Salvatore Scipione Capece 16, Tel. 384-576, Puliga. rotation June 1968. ENNA PADOVA Via Citta Nuova, 26. Contact: Fran­ Meeting place and mailing address: cesco Scarfi. Via Stefano Breda 7 bis, Tel. 23383, FERRARA Sun. 10, 11 a.m., (June-Aug. one hour Via C Mayr 277, Sun. 10 a.m., Con­ earlier) Fri. 9 p.m. Contact: Kenneth tact: Gilberto DiLuca, Via Cornacchio Beard, via Cesare Battisti, 7 4, Abano 28, Tel. 32906. Terme, Tel. 90869, Italian language; FLORENCE (Firenze) Eng. on request. PALERMO (Si cily) Via Saponai 24/R (Zone: Piazza dei Meeting place : Via Costantino Las­ Guidici) Tel. 287890, Sun. 10 a.m., caris 11-h, Tel. 210929, Sun. 10, 11 Wed. 7:30 p.m. Contact: Harold a.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m. Contact: Fran­ Mobley, Via G. Carducci, 49, Scai::i­ cesco Coco, Via S. Martino 140, Tel. dicci, Tel. 252627, Earl Edwards, Via 256.782. Worship in Italian; Eng. on B. Poccetti 6B, Tel. 223079, Don request. Shackelford, Via A. Spandini, 24, PETILIA POLICASTRO (Catan•aro) Scandicci, Tel. 251961. Via delle Grazie, 28, Contact: Salva­ Florence Bible School, Via Armando, tore Puliga. Spadini 24, Scandicci (Florence). PIACENZA FRASCATI English speaking congregation. Con­ Meeting place: Via Peitro Campana tact: James B. Young, Milano. 8. Sun. 9 a.m., 9:45 a.m. Contact: PIOMBINO (Leghorn) Aurelio Nori, address same as meet­ Via Garibaldi, 32, Contact: Otello ing place. Pandolfini, Box 41, Largo Zampelli, 8, GENOVA Tel. 23264. Contact: Truman Scott, Via Acer bi PISA 28/2, (Quarto) Genova, Tel. 395294. Church building: Via Mercanti 9 LEGHORN ( Llvorno) (Zone: Borgo Stretto) Sun. 10:30 Via C. Battisti 11/ A, Sun. 10 a.m., a.m., Tel. 43016. Contact: Gerald S. Fri. 8 p.m., Contact: Romano Sardi, Paden, Via Amerigo Vespucci 115, Casella Postale 101. (Zone: Central Station), Tel. 43016. LUCCA To move to Rome Jan. 1968. Contact: Vincenzo Procopio, Via PISTORIA Orzali, 23. Meeting place: Via Pagliucola 49. 19 POCGIOMARINO (Napoli) VICENZA Via Botteghelle · 16, Sun. 5 p.m., Via Leva degli Angeli 10, Tel. 25.306 Thurs. 7 p .m. Contact: Vin cenzo Itali an language. Conta ct: Howar d Ruggiero. Bybee, Via lmperiale 27, Tel. 31660. PORDENONE Meeting pla ce: 18 Via Liberta, Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 7 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m. LUXEMBOURG Contact: TSgt. Jack L. Dulan ey, Contact: Mr. Edgar Lynn Reynolds, 7227th Cmbt Spt Gp (USFE), Box American Embassy, Luxembourg, or 517 , APO 09293, N. Y., Tel. 498, 58 rue Theodore Eberhard, Tel. Rotation Aug. 1967. Worship in En g­ 472068. lish. PRATO (Firenze) NETHERLANDS Meeting place : Via Pier Cironi, 26. Contact: Marcello Pa squi, Via Bic­ (Gemeente van Christus) chierai 44. AMSTERDAM ROME (2 congregat io ns) Church building: Ookmeerweg 206 1. Meeting place: Via Messa la Corvino 65, Tel. 7615.055, Sun, 10 :30 a.m., ~t?;jo~~' 1i~~mbus~; Y19 c~~t23. ~~~~ 5 p.m. Contact: Keith Robin son, Tel. 10. 10:45 a.m., 7 p.m., Tue . 8 p.m. 7990186, 425 Via Appia Pignatelli, Contact: Thomas Schulz, Pieter Bill Burton, Via Appia Nv ova 992, Sc. Calandlaan 377, Amsterdam W. 5/1, Tel. 7993741. Worship in (Osdorp), Tel. 199910, Bobby Bates, Italian; direct translation into English. Tel. 112585. Burg. Hogguerstr. 741. HAARLEM Meeting place: Plataan straat 99, Sun. 2. Meeting place: Via Sannio 69 10:15 a.m., 7 p.m ., Wed. 7:30 p .m. (Zone St. Giovanni) Tel. 771.508. Conta ct : James E . Krumrei, Rijks­ Contact: Sandro Coraz za, addr ess straatw eg 513 I, Tel. 62321. same as meeting pla ce. Tel. 771.508. THE HAGUE Italian language. Meeting place: La an van Nieuw Oost­ SELARGIUS ( Cagllarl) Indie 4, Sun. 11 a.m., 8 p.m., Wed. Contact: Ma.xia Vittorio, I Lotto INA­ 8 p.m ., Dutch languag e. Contact : Wil Casa. C . Goodh eer, Meloen straat 86, Tel. SERRAPEDACE (Cosenza) 680745. Lon Jones, Loenensestraat 78 . Via S. Giovanni 17. Ray Evans. UTRECHT SPEZZANO PICCOLO (Co se nza) Meeting place : Bermuurde W eed O. Via Roma 100 Z. 31, Sun. 9:30 a.m. , 7 p.m. Con­ TERRENIA tact: Cor van Ewijk, Ferdinand Contact: Gerald Pad en, Pisa, Italy. Bolstra at 60, Tel. 17335, Henk Worship in English. Ke!fkin s, Bouwstraat 65. TORINO (Turin) Meeting place: Via Giotto 11, Sun. 9 :30, 10:30 a.m., Wed. 9 p.m., Tel. NORTHERN IRELAND 677686. Contact : Joe Gibb s, Vin Galliate 14, Tel. 796479. see Ireland TRIESTE NORWAY Via S. Francesco 16, Sun. 10:30 a.m ., 8 p,m., Contact: Dan Reed. (Kristi Menighet) VARESE BERGEN Contact: Lulif Pandinl, Via Valg ella Church building: Natlandsvseien 84 , 22. Tel . 92427, Sun. 1:30 a.m., 7 :30 p.m., Thurs. 7 :30 p.m. Cont act: Bob VELLETRI (Roma) Tuten, address same as church build­ Via Antonnelli 11. ing. VENICE (VENEZIA) 1eo Meotre or OSLO Pado•• Meeting place: Osterhousgate 1, 2nd. VERONA floor, Postbox 5008 NV, Tel. 205644 , Via Tezone 8, Sun. 9 a.m., Engli sh Sun. 11 a .m., Wed. 7:00 p.m. Wor­ language. Contact: Bernard Howell, ship in Norwe gian En!(. on request. Via A. Usodimare 5. Contact: Kenneth Baird, Ammerrud- 20 grenc;la 69, Dwayne Hollis, Postboks Hyvot Grove; Tel. · LIB>3740, Claud -5008; Oslo, Tel. 243774, Norman Parrish, 19 Riccarton Mains Rd., Herron, Tel. 679969. Currie ·, Midlothian, Tel. PEN2007 . STAVANGER Meeting place: Oscargate 18. Contact: 2. Meeting place: 48a Gilmerton William E. Pierce, Tel. 26380, Oscar Dykes Drive, Hyvots Bank, Sun , Wistingsgate 61c. 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m. Contact: Will Steele, Tel. POR- POLAND 3363. Groups meeting at BIECZ, BRESLAU, GLASGOW BROMBERG, GDANSK, INOWRO­ Church building: 465 Carmunno ch CLA W, OLAVA, SOPOT, and WAR­ Rd., Castlemilk Area. Take bus No. SAW. 22, 31, or 37. Sun. 11 a.m., noon, For further information, write to Bob 6 p.m., Wed, 8 p.m. Contact: Bill Hare, Krottenbachstr. 150, 1190 Collins, 312 Croftpark Ave., Tel. Vienna , Austria. MERrylee 9463, or James Howi e, Glenwood Lodge, 160 Castlemilk Drive, Castlemilk, Glasgow S. 5. PORTUGAL IRVINE AZORES Contact: Bro. Zina Mitchell, 26 Meeting place: Lajes Field Base Ravenscroft, Irvine, Ayrshire. Tel. Chapel, Sun. 2:30, 3:30 p.m., Tue. 2163. 7 :30 p.m. Contact: Calvin Ishee, KIRKCALDY, Fife 1936, 1936 Comm. Sq., APO 09406 Church building: Rose Street, 11 : 30 N. Y. or Dan Epl ey, M. D. Cottage a.m. Contact: John Moyes, 26 Don­ H-208, Tel. 21332. ald Cresc., Thornton, Fife. Meeting house, which was built in 1800, is believed to be the oldest meeting RUSSIA house of churches of Christ still in For information, contact: Bob Hare, use. Krottenbachstr. 150, 1190 Vienna, W ALLACESTONE Austria, or Stephan Bilak, 737 Meeting place: Wallacestone Brae, Bloomer Rd., Rochest er, Mich. 48063. Sun. 12 noon, 6 p.m. Contact: James Grant, 46 Kirkwood Ave., Re ding, SCOTLAND Falkirk, Sterlingshire. (Church of Christ) Cong regations listed are those which - SPAIN have furnished information. We would be happy to list other congregations. IIIADRID ARDROSSAN · Meeting place: Chapel, Torrejon Air Contact: Alexander C. Jenkins, 68 Base. Sun, 2 p.m., midweek 7:30 p.m. Barrie Terrac e, Ardrossan, Ayrshire, Contact: J. H . Davis, Jr., Tel. Base Scotland. 2104, Home 507 Royal Oaks. P.O . RLACKRIDGE Box 13, APO N.Y. 09283. English Meeting place : Main Stre et, Sun, 12 langu age. noon. Contact: John McCallum, 20 Juan Monroy , Apartado 2029. Riddochill Cres., Blackbum, West A. Lothian. Spanish language . BUCKIE AQUILAS Meeting place: Cluny Place, Sun, Contact: Alfonzo Lopez. 11:15 a.m., 6:15 p.m., Wed. & Sat. COIN 7:15 p.m. Contact: Sammy Hunter, LERIDA "Kelvin," East Church St., or John Contact: Jaime Casals. Geddres, .,Elmbank," Ianstown. IIIELILLA EDINBURGH (2 congregotlono) Contact: Juan Ruiz. 1. Broomhouse congregation, Meeting place: St. Joseph's Primary School, SEVILLA Broomhouse Crescent, Edinburgh 1 I. Contact: Jose Martinez. Sun. 10:30, 11:30 a.m., 6 p.m., Wed. TANGIER 7 p.m. Contact: Andrew Gardiner, 20 Contact: Miguel Quesada. 21 Hans Grimm, Kanalgasse 28/IV, Tel, SWEDEN 36056. Worship in Gem1an. English (Kristi Forsamling) or French upon req uest. GOTHENBURG 1000 LAUSANNE ( L'Eglis e du Chriat) Meeting place: Odinsgatan 28, Tel. Meeting place: Avenue de Florissant 031-195776. Postbox 2002. Contact: 32, Tel. 242323, 1020 Renens Mitchell Greer, Gamlabjorlandavagen (Lausanne) Sun. 10 a.m ., 8 p.m., 126, Gothenburg H, Tel. 031-222598, Thurs. 8 p.rn. French language ; Eng. Bengt Aurel!, Tel. 0304-44353, Svane­ on request. Conta ct: Gene Arnold, ch sund. des Pepinieres 22, 1020 Renens, STOCKHOLM Lausanne . Church building: Upplandsgatan 48, 8000 ZURICH (Gemeinde Chrbli) Tel . 08 / 32 06 36 . Eng : Sun. 11 a.m., Me eting place: Min ervastr. 116 . Tel. 2 p .m., Wed. 7:30 p.m . Swedish: Sun. 470262. Sun. 9:30 a.m., 7:30 p .m. 2, 3 p .m. Contact: G. C. Lockwo od, Contact: Jack McKinn ey, Bachtel , veg Sommarstad, Ekero. Tel. 0756-20429. 3, 8132 Egg / Zurich. SWITZERLAND TURKEY 4000 BASEL (Gemeinde Chri11i) see Asia Meeting place: Frobenstr. 58, Tel. 245289 , Sun. 10 a.m. German lan­ guage. Contact: Bob Wilkerson or YUGOSLAVIA Charles Steiding after July 1967. Contact: Bob Har e, Krottenbach str . 3000 BERN (Gemeinde Chrilti) 150 , 1190 Vienna , Austri a. Meeting place: Monbijoustr. 24, Tel. 253351, Sun. 9:30 a.m., Wed. 8 p.m. WALES Germa n language; Eng. on request. CARDIFF Contact: J errY Earnhart. Clyde P. Findlay is to mov e here Oct. 2500 BIEL (Gemeinde Chrilli) 1967. Contact: Clyde P. Findlay, 48 Meeting place: Coll ege Gasse 8 /II, Sidegate Lane, Ipswich , Suffolk, Eng ­ Sun. 9 n.m., Wed. 8 p.m. Contact: land.

NORTH AMERICA AND CENTRAL AMERICA p .m . Phon e: Church Bldg. 832-3828: CANADA Ron Beckett , Ev ang. 832-3608; A. E: ALBERTA PROVINCE, Lloydmin,ter Johnst on 832-2323; Dick John ston Meeting-place: 47th St. at 56th Ave­ 832-3596. nue. Sun. 10 , 11 a.m., 7 p .m.; Wed. 7 :3 0 BRITISH COLUMBIA, Vancori vc r p.m. Phone : Church Bldg. 4056; Meeting place: 6970 Oak St. J. A. Robertson 2345; J. Young 84811. Sun . 10 a.m., 11 a .m ., 7:30 p .m .; BRITISH COLUMBIA, Cre.ion Thurs. 7:30 p .m. Phones: Church Mee ting Pla ce: Corn er of 8th & Pin e. Bld g. 266-4626; M. D. Saunders Sun. 10:30, 11:15 a.m., 7:30 p.m.; 266-0533; A. P. Clelland 277-8469. Wed. 7:30 p .m . Phone HenrY J. ( Bldg. located severa l blocks north of Good, Jr. 366-2729, or Mrs. H. J. Oak St . bridge in th e Oakridg e di s­ Good, Sr. 356-2843. trict.) BRITISH COLUMBIA, Salmon Arm Victoria Box 51, Salmon Arm, B.C. Meeting Meeting plac e : 1620 Fernwood. Pince lo cated at top of hill one mil e Meeting place: 3460 Shelbourne St . east of town-one block to right off ( From downtown driv e north to Hill­ Trans-Canada Highway, opposite side, E ast to Shelb ourn e, and North bowling alley. DST observed from on Shelboume four blocks to th e April 25 to mid-October. Sun 10 :00 building.) Sun . 10, 11 a.m ., 7 :30 a .m., 11 a.m., 7 p .m.; Tues. 7:30 p.m.; Wed. 7:30 p.m. Phon es: Don 22 Mann 4 79-37 43; Percy Bailey 384- turn left onto Melrose Ave. right on 2670. Willett St,, right onto Convoy Ave., MANITOBA, Brandon bldg. one block on right.) Phones: Meeting-place: 943 Seventh St.; Cor­ C. W. Jurray 454-6661; W. N. Hart ner Southern & Seventh. Sun. 11 :30 454-0385. a.m. Bible Study; Worship at 10:30 ONTARIO a.m. DST from last Sun. in April Beamsuille-Meeting place on Queen to last Sun. in Sept. Phones: B. Mc­ St. ( one block East of traffic light; Dougald, P.A.91146; G. A. McFar­ one-half block off the main street). lane, Rivers 319 R3l. Contact A. D. Fleming, Phone 563- MANITOBA, Carman 8735. Sunday Bible Study 10 a.m., Centrally located in downtown area, \Vorship 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Tuesday two blocks west of No. 13 highway. 8 p.m. Sun. Bible Study 11:30 a.m.; Sun. C ollillgwood-171 Ste. Marie St. Worship 10:30 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; ( Across street from IGA Super­ Wed. 8 p.m. DST from May l to market), Sun. 10, 11 a,m, 7 p.m.; Sept. 30. Phones: M. A. Jefkins, Tues. 8 p.m. Eastern ; SHS.2480; H. P. Thompson, SHS.- DST from last week of April to last 2649; H. Hobbs, SHS.2727. week of Oct. Phones: Woodrow MANITOBA, Dauphin Hazelip 445-3763; Frank Kneeshaw Location: River Ave. East. Follow 445-3252. main street north to River Ave, & Fellwick-Welland Ave. Sun. 10, 11 proceed east. Sun. 10:30, 11:30 a.m,, a.m., 7:30 p.m.; Tues. 8 p.m. Phones: 7 p.m.; Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Phones: Ross Gilbert 892-3678; George Hip­ Church Bldg. 638-6321; W. B. Hart, well 892-3588. 638-5283; L. B. Williams 639-6863. Glencoe-Me eting place on Victoria MANITOBA, Winnipeg St. South ( 2 miles North of #2 High­ Meeting-place: 1344 Erin St. Sun. way on Highway #80, East one block 10, 11 a.m.; Wed. 7:30 p.m.; DST on Ann St.) Contact: Ross Edwards, from April 25 to Oct. 31. Phon es: Phone 287-2145, or A. T. Purcell, Chur ch Bldg. 7753440; Bill Love Phone 693-4430. Sunday Bible Study 7740065. 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m. and 7 MANITOBA PROVINCE, Winnipeg p.m. Ladies' Bible Study Tues. 8 p,m. Meeting-place: Osborne St, at Mac­ ( Daylight Savings Time from May 1st Millan. thru Oct.) Sun. 10, 11 a.m,, 7 p.m.; Wed, 8 Hami!toll-Meeting place 666A p ,m. DST from last Sun. April to Fennell Ave. (The church meets on last Sun. Oct. Phone: A. H. Beami .sh the mountain area which is on the GR 44-fl32; H . B. Johnson 475-5105; south side of the city.) Sunday Bible M. F. Hammond ( Evang.) 475-6905. Study 10 a.m.; Worship 11 a.m., 7 NEW BRUNSWICK, Frederic1on p.m. Tues, 7:30 p.m. Tel. 385-5775 Meeting place: 25 Riverdale Ct. or 385-5070. i\'EWFOUNDLAND, Goose Bay Air Hami!ton-121 Ivon Ave. ( Comer Force Base. Base Chapel. Ivon & Roxborough). Sun. 10, 11 Church of Christ Coordinator, c/o n.m., 7 p.m.; Tues. 7:30 p.m. DST Chi ef Chaplain, 4082 STRAT WC, from last Sun. April to last Sun. Oct. APO New York 09677. Sunday Bible Phones: Alex Fisher LI 4-9265; Study 1 p.m., Worship at 2 and 7 Claude Cox NO 2-4561; Blair Perkins p.m. NO 2-2578; Gordon James NO NEWFOUNDLAND, Srephenville 2-7145. 8 York Ave. (P. 0. Box 748) On Hamilton-11 Sanford Ave . S. Sun. York Ave. just off Hansen Memorial 10, 11 a.m .; Wed. 7:30 p.m.; Youth Highway. Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 6:30 Meeting each Sat. 7 p.m . Phones: p.m.; Wed. 7 p.m. Phone: Church Church Office 527-7503; James Carter Bldg. 643-3677; Ed Gordon 3-2121 522-4024. ext. 2-1415; Dalton E. Voss 643-3677. Huntsville-Meeting place: East off NOV A SCOTIA, Halifax No . 11 Highway, North of No. 60 48 Convoy Ave, and Hillcrest St. Junction. Sun , 10, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m.; Wed. Junction. Sun. 9:45 a.m., 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m. (From Bicentennial Drive 7 p.m.; Wed. 8 p.m.; Fridays 8 p.m. take Fairview-Dutch Village Rd. exit, (Young People's Class). Phones: 23 David Hotchkiss 635-2970; Jewel Donald 563-8670, 0 . E. Tallman 563- Skinner 789-2442. (DST Apr. 25 to 8223, C. E. Hannah 563-7961, or E. Oct. 31 ). C. Perry 563 -7503. Ice Lake-(Fanning community on Toronto-Meeting place: 346 Strath- Manitoulin Island in Lake Huron. more Blvd. Sun. 9:45, 11 a.m., 7 Nearest town is Gore Bay, about six p.m.; Wed. 8 p.m. (DST May thru miles. From Gore Bay Drive 6 miles Oct). Phones: Church bld g. HOward cast on hiway 540. Sun. 10, 11 a.m ., 1-7406; E. Grant Stevenson HOward 8 p.m.; Wed. 8 p.m. (DST May 1-7789. thru Oct.). Phones: All calls mu st Windsor-405 Curry Ave. Sun. be made thru Gore Bay exchang e : 9:45, 11 a.m., 7 p.m.; Thurs. 7 :30 C. Brodie Harrell, Line 314, Ring p.m.; Young People Sun. 6 p.m.; 112 ; Ken Baker, Line 314, Ring 111. Phones: Church Bldg. 254-5743; Kimton-446 College St. (2 blocks Charles Wren 254-2292. south of bus station). 9:45 a.m .• 11 , Montreal a.m ., 7 p.m.; Wed. 7:30 p.m. Phones: Meeting place: 760 44th Ave., Lach­ H. A. Jacques 546-0838; G. Young ine, Quebec. (Lachine is n southern 542-7088. suburb of Montreal; worship con- London-Meeting place: 1750 Huron ducted in English). Contact: Jerry L. St. Contact Ralph Perry. Davidson, 4495 St., Mea/ord-Nelson St. (Off Sykes St., Lachine, Quebec. Tel. 637-3931 ; or No. 26 highway). Sun. 10, 11 a.m., S. F. Timmerman, P.O. Box 26, Lach- 7:30 p.m.; Wed. 8 p.m.; Young inc, Quebec. Bible Study Sun. 10:3 0 People's meeting Fridays 8 p.m. a.m., Worship 11 :15 a.m. and 7 p.m., Phones: L. Louis Paula 486; Philip Wed nesday 8 p.m. Pet ch 420. QUEBEC, Quebec City Oakvill e-East of 25 Highway on 2790 . Contact Owen Aiken, #5 Side Road. Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 8 P.O. Box 41, Queb ec 10, Qu e. p.m .; Thurs. 8 p.m. Phon es : M. S. SASKATCHEWAN, Est ~•·an . Smith 845 -1877; S. May 878-9460. Corner 8th Ave. & 13 St. Sun. 10, Owen Sound-869 Fourth Ave. East 11 a.m., 7 p.m .; Wed. 7:30 p.m. (Two blocks east of downtown area, Phone 634-3116 or J. E. Pe nnin!,'lon across street from Bell Tel. Dial Ex- at 634-3238. change). Sun. 10, 11 a.m.; Wed. SASKATCHEWAN, llorae Creel: 8 p.m. (DST May thru Oct.). Phones : 14½ mi. South & 2 mi. Ea st of Church Bldg. 376-8451; Calvin Ru s- town of Ferland, Sask. Sundays 11 sell 376-3345. n.m. Mountain Tim e Zone ( DST Peterborough-Cangeco Bldg., 1054 May thru Oct.). Monaghan Road. Contact Gordon SASKATCHEWAN, Mnose Jnw Dennis, Box 441, Peterborough. Tel. James & 9th N.W. Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 745-5171. 7 p.m.; Thurs. 8 p.m. Ph one 693- Port Colbome-700 Steel e St. (W est 4064 or M. Goodwin 692-1152. of Welland Ship Canal, one blo ck SASKTCHEWAN, Prince Albcrl south of No. 3 Hi ghway). Sun. 10, 264-23 St. W est ( one block west of 11 a.m., 7 p.m.; Thu rs . 7:30 p.m. #2 highway. Suu. 10 :30, 11 a .m.; (DST). Phones: G. E. Beck 834- 7:30 p.m.; Wed. 7 :30 p.m. Phone 4813; E. P. Wallac e 834-4369. 762-6654 or Archie Hug o at 764- Sault Ste. Marie-5 Great Northern 0285. · Rd. (Bldg. located on main high- SASKATCHEWAN, Regina way 17 North, comer of McNabb St.) Meeting place comer 7th Ave. and Sun. 10, 11 a.m., 7 p.m.; Wed . 7:30 Pasqua St. (Starting nt the Saskat­ p.m. ( DST May thm Oct.). Phon es: chewan Power Corp. bldg., go west A. A. Gallagher 25-46308 ; H. K. on Victoria Ave. until it dead-ends Wood 25-37117. into Pasqua St. Then turn right or Tintem-Meeting place: R. R. #1, north and proc eed to intersection at Vineland, Ont ario ( South of the 7th Ave . Chur ch bldg. is located on Queen Elizabeth Highway, between southwest comer of intersection.) Sun­ Vineland and Beamsville , on the day Bible Study 10 a.m. , Worship Spring Creek R~.) Sun~ay Bible Study 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. , Wed;, 7:30 p.m; 10 a .m., Worship 11 a.m. and 8 ·p.m., (all Central Standard Tim e) . Contact: Wed. 8 p.m. Conta ct Marvin Mac- Ed ·Ashb y, 536-9827; Bernard Ziemer, 24 569:.0883; Church Bldg., 527-0293 •. SASKATCHEWAN, Su,i/t Current EL SALVADOR 400 Second Ave. South East. Sun. SAN SALVADOR 10 :30, 11 a.m., 7:30 p.m.; Thurs. 7 Contact: Joe Lee, Apdo. 1584, San p.m. Phone 773-4986 or 77-3-7512. Salvador, El Salvador. SASKATCHEWAN, Wawota Church bldg. on Highway 16 on West GUATEMALA side of town, Times of meeting: Sun­ FLORES day 10:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. Contact : Contact: J. C. Reed, Flores, El Peten, George Husband 739-2915. Guatemala, C. A. SASKATCHEWAN, IJ"eyburtt GUATEMALA CITY (La l gleala de Comer 10th and Bison. Sun. 10, Crbto) 10:45 a.m.; W ed. 8 p.m. Phon e Meeting place: 5 Avenida 0-38, Zone C. Brazle 642-5154 or E. D. W ieh 13, Contact: Ken Harg esheimer, Dan 842-2132. Coker, or Jerry Hill, Mailing address : SASKATCHEWAN, Zc alan,lin Apartado 702, Guat emala, C. A. Tel. Box 114, Zealandia, Sask. 680272 . Eng, language. Congregations also at NAHUALATE CANAL ZONE an d QUEZACTENANGO . English languag e: Bible correspondence courses in Eng­ JIALBOA lish and Spanish available to anyon e 0851 Balboa Road. P.O. Box 3003, in the world. For additional informa­ Balboa, Canal Zone, Tel. 2-3602. Con­ tion, write to Ken Hargesheim er, tact: James R. Holland, Tel. 2-3602, Apartado 702, Guatemala, C. A. J. Carl James, P .O. Box 3003 , W. L . George, MEXICO CR.ISTOBAI. MEXICO CITY 13th & Bolivar St. , Tel. 3-3154, Meeting place: Calle 13 de Septiembre Contact: W. D . Sweet, P.O. Box 2415, 26, Colonia Cond esa, Zone 11 (lo­ Tel , 3-2751. cated ½ block from Chapultcp ec Park GATUN in center of city), Tel . 25-59-25. Hldg. 35, Lighthouse Road, Tel. Wor ship in English and Spanish. Eng.: 3-2514 . Cont act: Ted Kin gery , Box Sun. 9, 10 a.m., 7:30 p.m., Thurs. 565, Margarita, Canal Zone. Tel , 8 p.m. Contact: Harris L. Goodwin, 3-2514. address and tel. same as meeting Spanish speaking congregations at RIO place. ABAJO, PANAMA CITY, CHILIBRE, MONTERREY (5 congregation s ) GATUNCILLO. CATIVA, COLON, Las Mitras congr egation, Salvatierra CRISTOBAL, GATUN LAKE, BOCAS and Acambaro. Conta ct : Humberto DEL TORO, and COSTA RICA. Figueroa L., Acambaro 3132, Aparta­ For additional inform ation, contact: do 1198, Monterr ey, N. L., Mexico, James Holland , Box 3003, Balb oa, Tel. 6-22-90. Canal Zone. NUEVO LAREDO Meeting place : Ave. Lauro Aguirr e COSTA RICA Num. 1629 (between Caclovia Her­ SAN JOSE rera & Bolivar, near Instituto Tecno­ Meeting place: No. 1680, Calle 9, logico), Sun. Bible Study 10 a.m.; Plaza Viquez, (Box 4652). Sun, Worship 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. W ed. 7 :30 10:30 a.m ., 5 p.m., Wed. 7:30 p.m. p.m. Contact Jose Gamez (same ad­ Contact: Ray Bynum , Carretera To dress as church building). Escaz o 38, front of Los Anonos TIJUANA (Apa rtado 1765). Tel. 28-07-21. Contact: Lloyd E. Ellis, Box 207, Span ish language; Eng. on request. Chula Vista, Calif. 92012. Meeting Congregations also at PUERTA place: Central, 2400 Tlaltizapan, LIMON , BUFFALO, LA LAGUNA, comer of Areola, Col. Anexa Morelos, and PUERTA CORTEZ. For additiona l information concerning For additi onal information, contact: chur ches in Mexico, write to John Jam es Holland, Box 3003, Balboa, Wolfe, 1102 Barclay St. , San An­ Cuna! Zone. tonio, Teus. 25 place: Campbell . Fu11eral Home NICARAGUA Chapel, comer of East 81st St. and LEON Madison Ave. until new huild,ing is Contact: Bob Mayfield, Leon, Nica­ built . T el. RE 7-4900. Sun. 10, 11 ragua. a.m., 6 p.m. On Wed . at 8 p .m. the PANAMA church meets at 1047 Madison Ave. see Canal Zone Eastside Church of Christ. 313 E . 83rd St., Tel. LE 5-4468. Eng. UNITED STATES language: Sun. 9:45 a.m., 5:30 p .m ., NEW YORK CITY Thurs. 8 p.m. Spanish: Sun. 11 a.m. , Manhattan Church of Christ. Meeting 7 p.m., Wed. 8 p.m.


SANT IAGO ARGENTINA Meeting plac e: Pedro de Valdivia (La Iglesia de Cristo) 2933, Sun. 11 a.m., 7, 8 p.m., Thur s. BUENOS AIRES 8 p.m. Contact: Atilio Pinto. Calle Can ga llo 1454, 2nd. floor, Apto. 10. Conta ct : Martin Lizarr alde, Tel. COLOMBIA 45-7451. Sun. 11 n.m., 7, 8 p.m. , BOGOTA Thurs. 8 p.m. Contact : Richard Waite, Apartado Na . PIL AR Chapinero 274, or V. T. Smith , Jr., Nnznr re esq. Cord oba. Ca lle 92 #18-62, Apt. 202. BRAZIL ECUADOR (lgreja de Cristo) (La Iglesia de Cristo) PASSOS GUAYAQUIL Rua Barao Passos, 149, Sul de Minas Meetin g place: Aven ida de! Ejercito Ge rai s, Pa ssos, Brazil. 101. Conta ct: Carlos Reyes, same ad­ PORTO ALEGRE dr ess as meeting plac e. Rua Coron el Bordini, 1641. QUITO RIO DE JANEIRO Conta ct : Noyl es E. Sew ell, 365 Bel­ Meeting pla ce : Rua Dios Ferreira 45, gica, Quito, M. A. Stinson, 4005, 6th. Apt. 202 Leb lon. Sun. 11 a.m., 7 p.m. De cember St., Tel. 9-30010, E. H. Contact: Arli e Smith, Caixa Postal D evers, Jr ., Box 88, APO N. Y. 321 -ZC-00. 09817. SANTA MARIA Becker Pinto 206. PARAGUAY SAO PAULO ASUNCION Chur ch building: Avenida 9 de Julho. Meetin g plac e : La Fuente y San Fran­ Conta ct: Le on Test er, Caixa po stal cisco. Sun. 9 a.m. Contact : Dr. Adlai 1484, Rob ert A. Grissom, Caixa Postal Arnold, US/AID/PASA/Asuncion, 30.008, Roge r Tat e, Caix a Postal D ept. of State, W ash. D. C. 20521. 5825. To stay until Sept. 1967 . Spanish Con grega tions also at BAURU, languag e; Eng. on request. ITUVERAVA, SAO JOAO NOVO, and SAO JOSE DO RIO PRETO. PERU CIDLE (Iglesia de Cristo) HACIENDA CASA GRANDE (La Iglesia de Cristo) Con tact : Alfr edo Izquierdo, Calle QUILLOTA Callao 42. Meeting pl ace: Blanco 170. Conta ct : LIMA Rob erto Perez . Meeting pince : Av . Los Incas 465- 26 San Isidro. Take colective or bus to 6 p,m, Contact: Evertt Pickartz, ad­ block 35 of Arequipa, and go 3 blocks dr ess same as meeting place. To re­ to the right. Eng, 9 a.m. Sun. ; Span­ turn to U. S. Aug, 1967, ish at other hours. Contact: Glenn G. Kramart Av. Los Incas 465-San Isidro, ima, Peru. VENEZUELA CARACAS URUGUAY Cont act: Norman A. Merritt, Creole Petroleutn Corp ., Apartado 889, Cara­ (La Iglesia de Cristo) cas . MONTEVIDEO ~IARACAIBO, Zulla Meeting place : Avenida Uruguay Contact: Rich ard Green, Apartado 1615, Sun. 11 a.m., 6 p.m., Thurs. 1082. PACIFIC ISLANDS FIJI ISLANDS WAIPAHU SUVA 94-447 Apowale St. Contact: J. B. Contact: Central Chur ch of Christ, Goode . Box 886, Huntsville, Ala. MARSHALLISLANDS GUAM AMERICAN SAMOA AGANA Contact: Bob Harp, Box 968, Pago Contact : Angel Ill aga n, Box 883, Pago , American Samoa 96920. Agana, Guam, San Fr an. 96910. HAWAII OKINAWA HILO NARA, Ryukyu Islands Contact: Graham McKay, 2133 Meeting place: 282 Kohagura, Naha, Kinoole St., Box 733, Tel. 568470. Tel. 2-3265, Sun. 9 a.m., 7:30 p.m., HONOLULU Wed. 8 p.m. Conta ct: Joseph Cannon, 17311 Keeamnoku St. Contact: F. B. CPO Box 495, Naha, Tel. 099-2026, Shepherd, Worship in Japanese language; Eng. KAILUA upon request. 400 Maluniu. Conta ct: Walter Sand­ erson, Tel. 265-227. OJANA PEARL HARBOR Meeting place: High wa y 34 (½ mi. Main at 14th . St., Ohan a Uui, Box east of Ojana) Sun, 9:30, 10:30 a.m., 6386. 6 p.m., Wed. 7:30 p .m. Contact : WAHIAWA R. E. George, Box 862, APO San 1881 Calif. Ave., Box 293, Contact: Fran. 96331, Tel. 899 (099) 2703 Royce Mosley at above address. or 899 ( 099) 2907. WEST INDIES BAHAMAS BERMUDA NASSAU DEVO NSHIRE St. James Rd., Tel. 9 10 80, Conta ct: Meeting pla ce: Brighton Hill Rd. ( be­ William Miller or James Ingraham, tween Middl e Rd. and South Shore P . 0. Box 5001. Rd., opposit e Bermud a Paint Co.) Contact: Chur ch of Christ, Brighton Hill Rd., Devonshire, Bermuda, Tel. BARBADOS 13836. BRIDGETOWN CUBA Contact: Winston J , Massiah, Norman- For inform at ion, conta ct : Central die 4, Prospect, St, James, Barb ados, Church of Christ. 425 N. W. 27th. B.W.I. Ave ., Miami 35, Fl orida . 27 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC PUERTO RICO ( 4 congregations) AQUADILLA SANTO DOMINGO Borin guin near Ramsey AFB. Conta ct: Contact: Charles K. Baker (AID-TX), Jack Meredith, Box 7 4, San Ant onio, c/o Dept. of State, Washington, D. C. l>. R. 20521. or Stanley Morgan, Apartado CEIBA, eee Roosevelt Rd s. Naval Bu e 1187, Santo Domingo D.N., Meeting RAMSEY AFB place: Calle 2 Este No. 43, Ensanche Contact T / Sgt. Joe Cornelison, 121 Naco. Sun. 9 a.m. Cliff Rd., P. R., Ex. 28185. ROO SEVELT ROADS NAVAL JAMAICA STATION BAILEY'S VALE, St. Mary Meeting place : Elementary School, Contact: Owen F. Hyatt, P.O. Box 28, U. S. Naval Base, Sun. 10:30 a.m ., Gayle. 6 p.m. Cont act: T . J. Craddock ATl, BRAETON, St. Catherine Aircraft Maint. Dept., FPO N. Y. Cont act: A. B. C. Livingston, P.O . Box 09551. Rotation Jan. 1969. 159, Kingston 10. SAN JUAN COX MOUNTAIN Caparra Church of Christ, MD. 11, Contact: Frederick Francis, Middlesex, Caparra Terrace. Sun. 11 a.m., 7 p.m ., Benbow P.O. Wed. 7 p.m. Contact: Dewayne ShaP­ FAITH'S PEN pley, Box 10154 Caparra Heights, Contact: Balvin S. Brown, 59½ Wal­ Puerto Rico, or John P. Fogarty, Car­ tham Park Rd ., Kingston 11, Jamaica. ribean Christian College, San Ju an, GAYLE, St. Mary Pu erto Rico. Contact : Vermont H. Roberts, Gayle P.O. GOSHEN, Clarendon WINDWARD ISLANDS Contact: Leslie K. Williams, Gosh en Dist., Bri:rton Hill P.O. GEORGETOWN, ST. VINCENT GRANT'S PEN, St. ThomH (W est lndle a) Contact: Allan B. Ross, Grant's Pen Meeting place: Main St., opposite P.O. cricket field, Sun. 4 p.m. Contact: KELLY, St. Ann Neville Neptune. Contact : Frederick Francis, Middlesex KINGSTOWN, ST. VINCENT Dist., Benbow P.O. (We ot lndle a) KINGSTON Contact: W. Ralph Wharton, P.O. Box Contact: Marvin Crows on, 3 Gardenia 164, Kingstown, St. Vincent, West Ave., Mona, Kingston 6, Jamaica. or Indies. Meeting place: Murray's Road, Jerry Thompson. Sun. 10, 11 a .m., 5, 7 p.m., Thurs. REDDINGTON 7 p.m. Contact: Joslyn S. Bentley, Enfield TROUMACA, ST. VINCENT P.O. (W eat Indie s ) VICTORIA, St. Catherine Meeting place: Handicraft Bldg., Sun. 8:30 a.m. Contact: Clayton Soleyn, NETHERLANDS Rose Bank, Troumaca P.O. ROSEAU, DOMINICA ANTILLES (Weat lndlea) ARUBA Contact: Mitchelin M. Will iams, · Box 356, San Nicolas. Marigot, Dominica. DIRECTORY OF DIRECTORIES ( Continued from page 2) Da llas, Texas 75220. • Contact. Missionary pictorial • Westem Church Directory. Use­ magazine and overseas church di­ ful information about churches in 13 rectory. $2 annual contribution; extra Western states ( incl. Alaska and copies 20¢ each. Contact, Inc., 541 Hawaii) and many other countries; E. N . 16th, Abilene, Te:ras 79601. lists of preach ers in Canada, Mexico, • Directory of American Mu.ion­ Western U.S.A. $1.25. Order from arles: Church of Chrut . $2. Christian Lloyd E. Ellis , Box 207 , Chula Vista, Publishing Co., 2652 Brenner Dr. , Calif. 92012 . 28