PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION, WAREHOUSING AND MANUFACTURING mmh.com ® July 2014 Diversity Vuteq brings iPads to the shop floor 20 Bill Buck, assistant manager of sales and logistics, Diversity Vuteq SPECIAL REPORT Top 20 supply chain software management suppliers 28 EQUIPMENT REPORT Unitizing equipment stretches to meet demand 34 INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Multi-modal voice replaces paper after WMS upgrade 42 BEST PRACTICES 4 ways the Internet of Things will reshape manufacturing 46 Reliability. Uptime. Throughput. Introducing Computerized Maintenance Management Software by Dematic, the first CMMS designed for supply chain automation. The Dematic CMMS is a highly flexible cloud-based solution specifically designed to integrate with your facility Warehouse Control System, manage your assets and drive your MRO Supply Chain. Visit www.dematic.com/cmms to learn more about Proactive Maintenance Management that delivers: n Predictive Inspections and Analysis n Mobile Maintenance n Asset Tracking n Spare Parts Management n Labor Optimization and Scheduling UP FRONT BREAKING NEWS YOU SHOULD KNOW Global robotics sales set new record IN 2013, ABOUT 179,000 INDUS- of this growth include the ongoing TRIAL ROBOTS were sold worldwide, trend to automate production and, in marking another all-time high and some cases, bringing back manufac- coming in 12% more than in 2012, turing that had previously been sent increased by 5% to more than 43,000 according to the International overseas. units almost reaching the all-time-high Federation of Robotics. Robot sales reached record levels of 2011. Between 2008 and 2013, annual in Asia/Australia, the Americas and China is by far the biggest robot sales in the United States increased Africa. Almost 100,000 new robots market in the world regarding annual by 12% on average per year. Drivers were installed in 2013 in Asia/ sales, and it is also the fastest growing Australia, 18% more market worldwide. In 2013, every fifth than in 2012. The robot sold in the world was installed Staples and Packsize win first European market in China. place prize for sustainability STAPLES AND PACKSIZE INTERNATIONAL jointly Seegrid and Topco Associates form won the “Gold Sustainability” top honor from the World Packaging Organization. strategic partnership The WorldStar competition is recognized as the SEEGRID ANNOUNCED a strategic partnership with Topco pre-eminent international award in packaging and is Associates, a $12.3 billion cooperative and leader in the grocery/ presented only to those entries that had won recog- supermarket industry, to provide vision-guided automatic guided nition in an approved regional or national competi- vehicles (AGVs) to Topco members. tion during 2013. Seegrid automated pallet trucks, tow trac- Staples’ Smart-size packaging was found to mea- tors and walkie stackers are revolutionizing the surably improve customer satisfaction, unmanned transportation of goods in manufactur- supply chain sustainability and efficien- ing and distribution facilities. The vision-based cies. For Staples, this translates to navigation system operates without laser targets, more than 15% less corrugated used, floor transponders or magnetic tape. approximately 60% less void fill, and Supermarket chains like Topco member Giant an improvement in less-than-full-case Eagle have been operating the Seegrid vehicles for almost five average cube utilization by 20%. years in their retail support centers. According to Joseph Hurley, On-demand packaging technology senior vice president of distribution and logistics for Giant Eagle, creates delivery boxes customized for “Incorporating the Seegrid robots in the retail support center each order through a unique integration of technol- operation has allowed us to improve dock-to-stock speed and ogy, equipment and processes. By working in part- productivity. By providing a predefined route between pickup nership with Packsize, Staples created an efficient and drop locations, it creates a fixed time and space between made-to-order process flow by optimizing order size, product/aisle, selector, and robot. From an efficiency standpoint, material requirements and packaging throughput. we have reduced manned travel from putaway by 20% to 30% and increased high-lift pallets per hour by 20%.” nity, several lift truck OEMs held pro- ITA launches first National Forklift Safety Day grams to mark the date and sustain THE FIRST ANNUAL National Forklift Brian Feehan, ITA president; Brian the conversation around forklift safety Safety Day, including an event on Butler, ITA chairman (president & going forward. Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., was CEO, Linde Material Handling, North “Industrial truck manufacturers held on June 10. America); Doug Kalinowski, OSHA, have long supported the necessity of The Industrial Truck Association directorate of cooperative and state operator training and safe work prac- (ITA) launched the event to highlight programs; and Everett Eissenstat, tices,” said Brian Feehan, ITA presi- the safe use of forklifts and provide chief international trade counsel dent. “We are launching this event an opportunity for the industry to to the ranking member of the U.S. to focus on the importance of safety educate customers, policymakers and Senate Finance Committee. and training. Safety is paramount to the administration. In addition to events throughout our industry and operator training has Speakers at the event included academia and the end-user commu- been proven to prevent accidents.” mmh.com MODERN MATERIALS HANDLING / J ULY 2 0 1 4 3 Fast, accurate order fulfillment The faster and more accurately a facility processes customer orders, the higher customer satisfaction will be. This makes order picking one of the most controlled logistics processes and one which greatly impacts overall supply chain productivity. Vanderlande offers a full range of picking solutions, including goods-to-person, zone, batch, as well as automated case, tote and pallet picking systems to meet the demands and challenges of any fulfillment operation. ad_us_full_page_7x10''.indd 1 05.06.14 09:52 VOL. 69, NO. 7 ® PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTIONS FOR DISTRIBUTION, WAREHOUSING AND MANUFACTURING Bill Buck, assistant manager of sales and logistics, Diversity Vuteq PHOTO: CHRIS CONE/GETTY IMAGES COVER STORY SYSTEM REPORT 20 Diversity Vuteq brings iPads to the shop floor Automotive OEM Diversity Vuteq deployed an innovative WMS 60 seconds on iPads adapted for the DC. The result is improved quality and a with... Colleen satisfied customer. Molko, p. 98 26 How Diversity Vuteq puts visibility and mobility to work to improve accuracy DEPARTMENTS & COLUMNS Diversity Vuteq’s associates rely on a highly visual, iPad-friendly WMS 3/ Upfront to verify the accuracy of orders going to Toyota’s assembly plant. 7/ This month in Modern FEATURES 16/ Lift Truck Tips: Power SPECIAL REPORT 18/ Packaging Corner: 28 Top 20 supply chain management Cubing and dimensioning software suppliers 58/ Special Section: Corporate Profiles The market for supply chain management software continues to expand, 86/ Special Supplement: Warehouse/DC highlighting the importance of software in today’s supply chains. 92/ Focus On: Overhead handling EQUIPMENT REPORT 34 Unitizing equipment stretches 98/ 60 seconds with... to meet demand Stretch wrappers, stretch hooding and strapping technologies are NEWS evolving to meet customer demand for quality, speed and security 11/ Industry professionals acknowledge across the supply chain. collaboration shortcomings INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 12/ Study: 83% of CEOs believe supply 42 Multi-modal voice replaces paper chains are not up to omni-channel after WMS upgrade challenges Beverage distributor slashes labor and shrinkage costs while boosting 14/ BDO: Supply chain and labor top list capacity and visibility. of risks in manufacturing industry BEST PRACTICES 46 Four ways the Internet of Things will Modern Materials Handling® (ISSN 0026-8038) is published monthly by Peerless Media, LLC, a Division of EH Publishing, Inc., 111 Speen St, Suite reshape manufacturing 200, Framingham, MA 01701. Annual subscription rates for non-qualifi ed Equipment uptime and diagnostics are among top-use scenarios, but subscribers: USA $119, Canada $159, Other International $249. Single copies are available for $20.00. Send all subscription inquiries to Modern experts agree it is still early days for IoT adoption. Materials Handling, 111 Speen Street, Suite 200, Framingham, MA 01701 USA. Periodicals postage paid at Framingham, MA and additional mail- ing offi ces. PRODUCTIVITY SOLUTION POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Modern Materials Handling, PO Box 1496 Framingham MA 01701-1496. Reproduction of this magazine in 54 Turntable lifts prevent injuries whole or part without written permis- sion of the publisher is prohibited. 55 Orbital stretch wrapper All rights reserved. ©2014 Peerless 56 RFID guides manufacturer Media, LLC. mmh.com MODERN MATERIALS HANDLING / J ULY 2 0 1 4 5 Expect More From Your Reach Truck. Only from Jungheinrich® Introducing the new ETR series of pantograph reach trucks – the latest innovation from Jungheinrich. • Fastest lift speeds in the industry • Smooth, quiet ride • Intuitive controls • ProTrac® drive axle for greater stability • Robust mast with lift heights up to 450 inches • 400+ dealer locations in North America Take a test drive: Put our German engineering to the test — and see firsthand how you can achieve more. www.jungheinrich-lift.com 1-877-543-6757 © 2014 Jungheinrich. All rights reserved.
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