FILM ~ i PRESERVATION -- ASSOCIATES - - . 8307 San Fernando Road - -=- = Sun Valley, CA 91352 Library Voice & Fax: 818 768-5376 Catalog of 16mm Films Autumn 1990 Here are descriptions of more than two hundred 16mm fllms selected from the famous Blackhawk library: carefully-restored and beautifully-reproduced vtntage comedies, dramas, documentartes, cartoons and special-interest mov1es, many in Improved copies or new editions, some never before available. You·u find more than fifty rums announced for the first time in these pages: their titles are in bold type in lhe index on lhe inside front cover. we·re especially proud to ofTer ROOKIE OF THE YEAR. staning John Wayne, whJch Is one of only two televtslon films directed by the incomparable John Ford; a much better version of Laurel & Hardy in PACK UP YOUR TROUBLES. which restores five minutes of footage m1Ss1ng from all copies distributed since 1932; an "Our Gang· comedy. THE SPANKING AGE, which was Jong believed lost and which. now found, turns out to be enchanting; DESERT VICTORY and INSTRUMENTS OF THE ORCHESTRA. our first releases in a new series of BrUtsh classic documenlartes produced between 1929 and 1951 and printed from authentic negatives; a witty and spicy pre-code Flip the Frog cartoon, OFFICE BOY: Victor Seastrom ·s deeply-mov1ng early feature INGEBORG HOLM; rare and wonderful comedy shorts wi lh Charley Chase. Harry Langdon, Max Under, Larry Semon. Max Davidson .. and dozens of top-q uallty reprints from outstanding Blackhawk releases of the past many of them exceptional films whJch deserve your close consideration! Please contact us If you Wish further Information or would like to recetve supplemental announcements of our winter and spring Blackhawk favorites and new releases in prlnt CONTENTS AT A GLANCE Index by TI tic .................. Inside front cover Animation .................... 21-23 Automobiles ...................... 27 ............................... Aviation ............................ 27 Black History .................... 25 Roscoe Arbuckle .......... 12-13 ROOKIE OF THE YEAR * Charlie Chapltn ............... 6--8 (1955) $210 Charley Chase ................. 8-9 Early Cinema ............... 14-16 • Directed by John Ford · Starring John Wayne • Feature Ftlms ......... 17-20, 23 · Willi Vera Miles. Patrick Wayne, Russell Gleason D.W. Grtffith ............... 15, 16 and Ward Bond · Screenplay by Frank S. Nugent · The Hal Roach Studio .. 10-12 · Photographed by Hal Mohr · Buster Keaton ..................... 9 Harry Langdon ....... _. ......... I 0 John Ford shut down production on The Searchers for a few days Laurel & Hardy ................ 1-3 to make this little-known television film with much of his same Thomas H. Ince ............. _... 17 cast and crew. one of a sertes of designed to prove the supertortty Stan Laurel ................. 10, 11 of motion pictures over live transmission for broadcast ROOKIE Max Llnder ........ _ .............. 16 OF1HE YEAR stars John Wayne as a small-time sports reporter Mack Sennett Studio ... 12, 13 whose big break could be h1s discovery that outstanding rookie Music.:... ........................... 25 Patrick Wayne·s father. Ward Bond, was once a great ballplayer Ordering Information · disgraced in the Black Sox scandal. The colorlul characters, .................. Inside front cover humor and sentiment one associates with John Ford and his "OUr oang~ ...................... 4--6 stock company are present in full measure: this excellent film ls Pathe Fr~ ...................... 16 a real dtscovery! ShJpment restricted to destlnauons within the Pitts-Todd ......................... 11 United States and Canada. 26 minutes. Railroad ............................ 27 Snub Pollard ..................... 11 Produced by Hal Roach Studios in association Larry Semon ..................... 13 With the Screen Directors Guild. Todd-Kelly......................... 11 The Vit:agraph Studio _, ...... 13 War ................................... 24 and much more! ItNDEX AN[)) OIFIDimlNG mFOIRMATION New Releases are lndlcated ln Bold face. 7 Adventurer, The 12 Fatal Glaas of Beer, The 6 Knockout, The 8 RJnk, The 8 All Teed Up 12 Fatty and Mabel A.drift s LaaaJllaa Grny 27 Romanuc Days of Flre Horses, Toe 24 AppcaaementalMunJch 12 Fatty'• TIA-type TuaJ• 3 Laurel and Hardy Murder Cue, The CTI a-Id• ol tlle Tear 12 Barney Oldlleld's Race for a We 23 Felix cat & Goose Golden ~ I Uberty 23 Room Ru.Mera 15 Ba.lUe al Elderbush Gulch, 'The 8 l"lnmaa.ne 17 Ll!e ol Ba!falo BUI, n.e 6 Ro1uuSen, ne 19 Ba1Ueshlp ~tankln ::r7 Jl'lnt GUddea Tour-1900, Tile ::r7 u,.t.. TU.a A1r 7 Shanghaied 11 Beauty and lhe Bua 4 1'1rst SeYal Ye&r9, 'The ::r7 L.oa1a, JtaJlroada of tile lfMt 11 Should Tall Men Marry? 7 Behind the SCt'ttn 8 l'loorwalker, 'The 24 London can Take It 13 s ..-.ne 2 BeklwZero 21 l'tylng Hlgh 5 Lucky aimer, The 10 Shrtmp, The 2 BerthMarka H P'oDlea, P'ofbl.. aad Jl"aMJou 14 Lumlere's l'lrst Picture Show ~ 80.at hemy, n.e 1 Big Business 18 Foolluwtne 6 Mabel's Marrted We 21 Sir Artllur Coaaa Do:,te 4 BlgEara 111 For W. 8oa 5 Mama's UlUe Pirate 21 Snappy Tunes 10 DIC Kick. ne 5 l"Orgotten Babies 19 Marriage Cln:le. The I Sona of lhe Desert 12 Big Moments from Uttle Pictures 10 45 Minutes Prom Hollywood 18 Mu Llader Dao, A 8pauiaiACe,1'1le 26 Blaze Busters 13 l'rauda u.d P'Nulea 14 M~ Tales ofTerror 20• Spills and Chills 24 BUlzkrtq!Torough Nazi Eyes 5 P'rttEats II MlbPriC)lt 4 Spook Spoofing 4 Bored of EducaUon 11 FreshPaJnt 13 -.a.- Fatty'• lleulde Lonn 23 Spooks 2 Brats I Prom Soup to Nuts 25 Moods of the Sea 6 Spooky Hooky 22 Brave Tin Soldier, The 22 P'Unnyl'llce 16 llon from tile hcllaated 8mdlo 14 Stolen Joola 17 Buffalo Bill'• Wild Weat s.__ 27 Gadgeta Galore 12 Morie Star, A 6 Teacller'a Bea 22 BUUoney 21 Ghost.a of Hollywood 3 Music Box. 'The 23 Tecbo-Cncked 10 Cllll ol tlle CUck- 18 Girt of lhe Golden West. The 18 llaueteera of Pie Alley 12 Teddy at tile 11uotUe 24 cameramen A1 War 27 Gra!Z,eppdln, The 25 Natural Bom Gambler, A 3 Their First MJatake 4 cat. Dog & Co. 14 Great naJn Robbery, The 17 Nero, or1be Burning Roll!O! s Dey Go Boom 8 Cha.sea of Plmple Street. The 9 Hasty Marriage, A 33 NrwCar,The 27 nua Mechanical Age 23 Childhood of Maxim Gorky, 'The II Boarts.Ano fllampe 16 N-TodlBat.TILe 24 Tilla Wu Yesterday 2 Chimp, The 5 Helping Grandma 7 NlghtOUt.A 16 TIIOse Awful Hats 15 Clnmia Magic of George Mtllta 2 Helpmates 10 Noon Whistle, The 27 Thunder of Steam In lhe Blue Ridge 12 Clner Dummy, A 5 Hide and Shr1ell: 22 OllkleBoy 9 TUUeWakea Up 27 Coast to Coast In 48 Hours 9 mci,c·a 19 Ollver""11t 18 Toll Gate, Tke 2 Come Cleu. 9 His Wooden Wedding 11 Oatlle1- 25 Toot 11lat Trumpet 9 Copa 2 HogWUd 8 OlleA.11. 11 Top Flat 7 c-at.ne 18 HomeSweetHome 9 OaelVe&lt 25 Toscanlnl Conducts Giuseppe Verdi 2 County Hospital 5 Hook and Ladder 23 Our Dally Bread 17 Tour of Thomas H. Ince Studios, A 8 Crazy 1J.1u, a Fl>X 3 BOOM-Oow, Tke 6 Our Gang l"OWes of 1936 :u TOWll,Tke 19 Crazy Ray, 'The 26 Horwehlde Heroes 1 l'llck Up Tour TroublM 18 Traffic In Souls 13 care tor PokedU.. A 2 2 Humpty Dumpty 20 Pandora's Box 18 Traaafonaatloll of lllke. nc 7 Cure. Toe 25 Hymn of lhe NaUona (Toscanini) 111 Puta to lloate Catto 14 Trip to the Moon, A 9 Dangerous Fi,maJes 26 I Never Forget A Face 8 Pawn Shop, The 1 'IWOTara 20 Daredevil Days 8 lmm.lgrant. The 19 Phantom of the Opera. 'The 3 Unaccustomed A!1 We Are 15 Dealh'a Marathon 17 In The Tenneaace Hilla 27 Pioneer Planes, Pilots and Oare:levlls 8 Vagabond, The u 0-rt Victory 17 IACebo'll Bollla 9 Pip from Pittsburgh, The 21 Voice of the Nlghllngale. Toe 4 Dtvot Diggers 211 Iutrameate ol tile Otcla ..tra 23 Plow that Broke the Plalns, The 1 Way Out Weal 1 Do Det.ectina 1'lllllk7 18 Intolerance 18 Poor UtUe Rich Glrl 27 Western Trains of Long Ago 19 Dong, Son ofZOrro :u It B•ppelled to Toa 23 Poto· Gold 27 When Steam Wu King 11 Doneln OU 11 rrsaGIJl 23 Prtvate We of King Henry Vlll. 'The 9 Wll.!aperl-, Wkoopce I Double Whoopee 22 Jack and lhe Beanstalk 13 Professional Patient. The 4 Wiggle Your Ears 6 Dough and Dynamlte 22 JackPl'oSl 9 Publlc Ghost t l 18 Wild and Woolly 8 EasyStrttt 24 Japanese Relocation 6 Pupa ls Pups 311 Woddolltlda,Tke 14 Edison Album. An 17 Judith of BethuJ1a 21 Puss 'N' Boot.a 1 Wrong Again 16 Enchanted Studio, The 10 Juat Jwablla& Alo.. 22 Queen of Heart.a. 'The 25 Yamecraw 19 Extra Girl, The 5 Kid From Borneo, The 15 Ranember, Then: are Ladles Present :a Toa're Dam Toothl' , ORDERING INFOR)1ATION 1. All copies are prtnted to order. Normally, we use Eastman stock and can ship wtthin three weeks. Es tar prtnts are available at a 5% surcharge. 2. Terms: Institutional purchase orders or payment With order, please. Please add sales tax if reqllired, and add for shipping: $4 for orders up to $200; $7 for orders totalling between $200 and $400; free shipping for each order over $400 to destinations in the USA. We ship UPS unless Parcel Post ts requested. 3 . Returns W1lI be accepted only for defects in the prtnttng process (although we tiy for perfection!). 4. Use of these films is limited to non-theatrtcal and home exhibitlon by direct projection only; all other uses, including stock shot.
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