4TH International Brachypodium 25-28 Conference JUNE Huesca Conventon Centre 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK 4th Internatonal Brachypodium Conference 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK © Pilar Catalan, Ernesto Pérez-Collazos, Luis Angel Inda, José Casanova, Joaquín Ascaso, Antonio José Díaz-Pérez, Maria Carmen Sancho, Luis Villar 1st edition. Huesca, 2019 University of Zaragoza ISBN 978-84-16723-14-0 4TH International Brachypodium 25-28 Conference JUNE Huesca Conventon Centre 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK Scientfc Commitee Local Organizing Commitee Pilar Catalán (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Pilar Catalán, Chair (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic John Vogel (DOE Joint Genome Insttute, USA) School, Huesca, Spain) Samuel Hazen (University of Massachusets,USA) Bruno Contreras-Moreira (Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, EEADCSIC, Zaragoza, Spain) Zhiyong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Luis Inda (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic School, Huesca, KeiiChi Mochida (RIKEN Center, Japan) Spain) Richard Sibout (INRA, France) Ernesto Pérez-Collazos (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic Mhemmed Gandour (University of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia) School, Huesca, Spain) Robert Hasterok (University of Silesia, Poland) Joaquín Ascaso (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic School, Robin Buell (Michigan State University, USA) Huesca, Spain) Klaus Mayer (Helmholtz Research Center, Germany) José Casanova (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic School, David Des Marais (Massachusets Insttute of Technology, USA) Huesca, Spain) Pamela Solts (University of Florida, USA) Antonio Díaz (University of Zaragoza- High Polytechnic School, David Lowry (Michigan State University, USA) Huesca, Spain) Karen-Beth Scholthof (Texas A & M University, USA) Ana Casas (Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, EEAD-CSIC, Zarago- za, Spain) Antonio Díaz (University of Zaragoza, Spain) Luis Villar (Insttuto Pirenaico de Ecología, IPE-CSIC, Jaca, Spain) Bruno Contreras-Moreira (EMBL-EBI,UK, and Estación Experimen- tal de Aula Dei, EEAD-CSIC, Spain) Antonio Manzaneda (Universidad de Jaén, Jaén, Spain) Ana Casas (Estación Experimental de Aula Dei, EEAD-CSIC, Spain) Pilar Hernández (Insttuto de Agricultura Sostenible-CSIC, Córdoba, Spain) Pilar Hernández (Insttuto de Agricultura Sostenible, IAS-CSIC, Spain) Isabel Marques (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) Antonio Manzaneda (University of Jaén, Spain) Cristna Barrero-Sicilia (University of Hertordshire, UK) Isabel Marques (University of Lisbon, Portugal) Aurora Díaz-Bermúdez (Centro de Investgación y Tecnología Agro- alimentaria de Aragon-CITA, Zaragoza, Spain) Cristna Barrero-Sicilia (University of Hertordshire, UK) María Carmen Sancho (Insttuto Pirenaico de Ecologia, IPE-CSIC, Karen Sanguinet (Washington State University, USA) Zaragoza, Spain) Boulos Chalhoub (Zhejiang University, China) Daniel Woods (University of California Davis, USA) Technical Organizing Commitee Yolanda Vergara (University of Zaragoza: Insttute for Biocomputa- ton and Physics of the Complex Systems, BIFI, Zaragoza, Spain) Víctor Poblador (University of Zaragoza: Insttuto Agroalimentario de Aragón, IA2, Zaragoza, Spain) Elena Escar (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic School, Hues- ca, Spain) Adriana Oliva (University of Zaragoza, High Polytechnic School, Huesca, Spain) Carlos Romeo (Viajes El Corte Inglés, Zaragoza, Spain) 3 4TH International Brachypodium 25-28 Conference JUNE Huesca Conventon Centre 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK SESSIONS S1: Natural diversity and evoluton S2: Comparatve genomics and transcriptomics S3: Development and growth S4: Tolerance and adaptaton to abiotc stresses S5: Regulatory elements, networks and epigenomics S6: Polyploidy and perenniality S7: Ecology and environment S8: Adaptaton to abiotc and biotc constrains S9: Crop and biomass crop translaton 4 4TH International Brachypodium 25-28 Conference JUNE Huesca Conventon Centre 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK INDEX ORAL PRESENTATIONS Inaugural Conference T01. Diverse development of grass abscission zones. Elizabeth Kellogg 10 Natural diversity and evoluton T02. Inferring on karyotype structure and evoluton in Brachypodium using cross-species chromosome barcoding. Robert Hasterok 11 T03. Flower and grain trait variaton in Brachypodium. John Doonan 12 T04. Brachypodium distachyon grains in a comparatve and evolutonary context. Sinead Drea 13 T05. Brachypodium distachyon genetc variability for benefcial interacton with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Lefebvre Benoit 14 T06. Typifcaton of names and their taxonomic assignment within the Brachypodium distachyon complex (Poaceae). Errol Vela 15 T07. How diverse is Brachypodium? an updated view of annual and perennial compilospecies complexes. Pilar Catalan 16 Comparatve genomics and transcriptomics T08. Life with 1000 genomes: Defning the pan-genome in maize. Robin Buell 17 T09. Transcriptome analysis of gene regulatory network reveals diferental organizaton of rhythmic transcriptome between sub-genomes in the allopolyploid grass Brachypodium hybridum. KeiiChi Mochida 18 T10. CRISPR/Cas9-based targeted mutagenesis in Brachypodium distachyon and B. hybridum and its applicaton to study the model grass genome organisaton. Alexander Betekhtn 19 T11. LOB-domain transcripton factor gene family of Brachypodium distachyon. János Györgyey 20 T12. Genome-wide analysis of foral genes in perennial temperate grasses: is there a common genomic toolbox to cope with extreme environmental conditons?. Isabel Marques 21 T13. Programmed Cell Death in Developing Brachypodium distachyon Caryopsis. Charles Solomon 22 Development and growth T14. Natural diversity in paterns of biomass allocaton in annual and perennial Brachypodium. David Des Marais 23 T15. Mutatons in a predicted DNA polymerase subunit Cdc-27 (ZAO1) result in more rapid fowering of Brachypodium distachyon. Daniel Woods 24 T16. Divergent roles of FTs in fowering control in Brachypodium distachyon. Liang Wu 25 T17. Developmental innovatons of stomatal form and functon in Brachypodium. MiChael Raissig 26 T18. A Leucine Rich Repeat Receptor Kinase regulates vasculature paterning, phloem-xylem polarity and cell wall compositon in Brachypodium. Richard Sibout 27 T19. Molecular and cell biological characterizaton of the BUZZ cell division kinase involved in root hair development. Thiel Lehman 28 Tolerance and adaptaton to abiotc stresses T20. Genotypic and phenotypic diversity for drought tolerance in Brachypodium distachyon. Pubudu Handakumbura 29 T21. Screening of Brachypodium hybridum genotypes for droughtolerance. Gandour Mhemmed 30 T22. Adaptaton to stress in Brachypodium along the aridity gradient in Israel. Shira Penner 31 T23. Ecology of annual Brachypodium in Israel: Unexpected ways of adaptaton to drier climates at two spatal scales. Johannes Metz 32 T24. A Pan-genome perspectve on the co-expression response of genes to drought in the model grass Brachypodium distachyon. Bruno Contreras 33 5 4TH International Brachypodium 25-28 Conference JUNE Huesca Conventon Centre 2019 ABSTRACT BOOK Keynote conference T25. Evoluton Canyon: sympatric speciaton through niche adaptaton across the tree of life. Eviatar Nevo 34 Regulatory elements, networks and epigenomics T26. Transposable element evoluton in Brachypodium distachyon: what can we learn from populaton genomics?. Anne Roulin 35 T27. RNA interactome capture in Brachypodium reveals a fowering plant core RBPome. Meixia Li 36 T28. SECONDARY WALL INTERACTING bZIP (SWIZ) regulates secondary cell wall biosynthesis in Brachypodium distachyon in response to mechanical stress. Joshua Coomey 37 T29. Stress-induced mobilizaton of transposable elements in natural accessions of the model plant Brachypodium distachyon. MiChael Thieme 38 T30. High sequence turnover and GC bias in the grass Brachypodium distachyon indicate frequent ectopic recombinaton between retrotransposon copies. Christoph Strit 39 T31. Insertonal mutagenesis in Brachypodium distachyon using the Tnt1 retrotransposon and its potental use to identfy novel sources of disease resistance. Kirankumar Mysore 40 Polyploidy and perenniality T32. Polyploidy as integrator across levels of biological organizaton: from cells to ecosystems. Pamela Solts 41 T33. Reference-genome syntenic mapping and multgene-based phylogenomics reveal the ancestry of homeologous subgenomes in grass Brachypodium allopolyploids. Ruben Sancho 42 T34. Transposon traps and kissing chromosomes: 3D chromatn interactons in a hybrid nucleus. Virginia Markham 43 T35. Homoeologous gene expression and subgenome contributons in response to water stress in the allotetraploid Brachypodium hybridum (Poaceae). Antonio Manzaneda 44 T36. The fate of 35S rRNA genes in allotetraploid Brachypodium hybridum - an evolutonary point of view. Natalia Borowska-Zuchowska 46 T37. The perennial model grass Brachypodium sylvatcum -stress tolerance of two accessions growing in contrastng climates. Nir Sade 47 Ecology and environment T38. The genetc and physiological basis of local adaptaton along environmental gradients. David Lowry 48 T39. Facilitaton as a driver of within populaton variaton in Brachypodium. Megan Korte 49 T40. Infuence of leaf functonal trait variaton on the response to insect herbivory in the Brachypodium distachyon species complex. Pedro José Rey 50 T41. The value of regional collectons of natural populatons to unravel the ecological and genetc basis of adaptve variaton in Arabidopsis thaliana. Xavier Picó 51 T42. The impact of wind stress and mechanical stmulaton on the growth and compositon of Brachypodium distachyon stems. Agnieszka Gladala-Kostarz 52 T43.
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