2 Kendall Weekly Times Roger Sheeman, Political Director We must not become isolationist in The Ron Paul our foreign policy, although I do be- lieve we get into too many conflicts Phenomenon where we don’t belong. Our involve- ment in Libya is a prime example. By Roger Sheeman Dr. Paul says we should leave eve- rybody alone and they will leave us Ron Paul ran for President 4 years alone. How naïve can anyone be with ago and garnered about 7% in na- all those Islamic radicals who have tional polling. This time around, he called for death to America? He even is polling nationally about 15%. He blames the U.S. for provoking the has a core following of supporters 9/11 attacks in New York. who without a doubt are the most enthusiastic followers of any candi- We must continue to have a supe- Jennifer Flowers, Publisher of Kendall Weekly Times date in the Republican primary. rior military force. Peace through strength should be our goal. Ron- His message of freedom and lib- ald Reagan built up our military through the years, from weddings to erty has struck the hearts of many strength, which led to the collapse of A Local birthdays. who believe the federal government the Soviet Empire. should adhere to constitution as it Landmark When you mention the Legion to was written. His message is resonat- Ron Paul believes we should do away people, not just from Oswego but ing with those who tend to be more with the Federal Reserve. Republi- by Jennifer Flowers around the region, they immediately libertarian than Republican. Repub- cans believe the Federal Reserve has think of the Historic Fish Fries on licans certainly want more freedom, overstepped its bounds and needs to For 79 years, the Oswego Legion has Friday night or the community Bingo less intrusion in our lives by the gov- be reeled in, but not eliminated. The served as a meeting and gathering on Wednesdays night, through which ernment and reduction of our mas- Federal Reserve plays a useful role place for veterans and family; how- the Legion has served the commu- sive federal debt. The question be- in dealing with monetary policy, but ever, their contribution to the com- nity. However, the story does not comes what path we take to get there. its powers to create more money and munity goes much further. end there. Other community contri- bail out domestic and foreign banks butions this organization makes in- Ron Paul wants to reduce federal must be curtailed. The Federal Re- Organized in 1933, the Legion was cludes yearly scholarships, the hon- spending by $1 trillion in one year. serve must be audited and must be meant to serve as a place for local or guard that serves the community He really offers no specifics how to more open to the Congress and the vets and family to share. However, by participating in parades attending do this except bringing back all of public regarding its dealings. It has the Legion has grown to serve more the funerals of past members, or just our military from around the world operated for too long without any as a local meeting place for commu- offering a place to go and hear the back home. He offers no solution to real oversight. nity members who share in the ac- current events of the day. improving the economy or how to tivities that the Legion has provided get people back to work. Ron Paul’s message of freedom and over the years. From the Vets parade So if you have the opportunity, liberty on the surface sounds great. to the Fish Fries, the Oswego Legion stop on by the Oswego Legion No matter how you feel about Amer- He believes all drugs should be le- always provides the community the and learn more about this won- ica’s role in the world, bringing all galized. How many people would die opportunity to participate and be- derful community meeting place. our troops home would be a disas- from the ravages of cocaine, crack come part of the family atmosphere ter by endangering world peace as and heroin? A costly price for com- at the Legion. fragile as it already is. Whether we plete freedom. The drug cartels like it or not, the United States is the would be even bigger and more vio- The Oswego Legion offers a banquet world’s peacekeeper. Who else will lent than they already are. room and a full catering service that stand up to those who want to rule has served in providing families of the world by tyrannical means? He recently said he believes there Oswegoland memorable experiences should be zero income taxes. How great would that be? How Kendall Weekly Times 3 Online advocacy game changer changes congressional support 4 Kendall Weekly Times Home Improvement with Ron What's in Your Kitchen would we pay for our military, our It takes a little looking to find evi- and Northwestern Railroad (now federal courts, maintain our national dence of what came before when it Today nearly all of those industries Uunion Pacific) had tracks run- parks and government buildings? No comes to rails that once crisscrossed are gone; however, part of the Q’s ning west of the Fox River, entering one wants to pay any more taxes than the Aurora area. Not many people shops complex still stands, used a Aurora from the north end. Mean- absolutely necessary, but elimination know, for instance, the birthplace commuter station and brewpub. while, the Elgin, Joliet, and Eastern all income tax is a delusional thought. of today’s BNSF railroad was in Some of its history lives on through- (now Canadian National) around Aurora. Indeed, the Aurora Branch out the place. Rathbone Ave near the Aurora– Ron Paul and his followers are not Railroad was genesis of the Burling- Montgomery border. Portions of real Republicans. They are radical ton and Quincy, known as CB and Fewer people are still aware that the both those railroads live on today as libertarians. Ron Paul’s ideas are not Q or just Q. The BNSF came later. three other major railroads had a the Virgil Gilman Nature Trail. good for our country. Republicans presence in the local area. It takes a believe in a constitutional conserva- Portions of the Aurora Branch’s first lot of looking to find any remnants Travel by train was the norm many tive approach to government. Ron line connecting it with the Chicago of the following three. The Chicago years back, with the previously Paul believes in no government. Ron and Galena Union (now Union Pa- Paul’s ideas are bad for America. cific) at Turner Junction (now West Chicago) are still in use. And, over time, the Aurora Branch Railroad History of Trains became CB and Q, yet its shops remained in Aurora, playing an By Jeff Kehoe important role in railroad history, as well as in the history of the area. Pardon the history lesson, but did you know what an interesting vari- The Aurora Shops built early steam ety of railroads helped develop the locomotives and rolling stock. Sev- Chicagoland area into the mega- eral examples of their homemade lopolis it is today? wooden cabooses are preserved around Kane and Kendall counties. Although some of the lines may Also, the shops claim credit for con- have changed names, and not all of structing the first car dome there. A them are still in business, together sizeable percentage of the popula- they made Chicago into the rail tion in and around Aurora found center of the nation: a fact that’s still employment with the Q, and being true today. the first railroad in the area, most local industries became customers. Plano Historical Train Station Kendall Weekly Times 5 Fridays at 10:30 p.m. Press Release: Thursdays feature a sketch show entitled PIMProv and a stand-up Voter miscellany called Best of the Mid- west, the venue’s local equivalent Registration to Premium Blend. I had a chance to attend both of these, and both From Staff featured wit aplenty. PIMProv especially featured incredibly quick- There will be a Voter Registration witted (and bling-bedecked) actors Drive on Friday, January 26, at who improvised with impressive the Montgomery Campus Library, speed. located 111 Reading Drive in Montgomery, Illinois 60538 from As Laurie observed, the Comedy 7:00pm-8:30pm. Shrine indeed has “something for everyone,” and that the gift of mirth Please bring two forms of is even more crucial “these days identification. especially.” Chicagoland’s Premier Improv & Stand up Comedy Theater! The Comedy Shrine 4034 Fox Voter registration closes March 11, Valley Center Drive Aurora, IL 60504 Phone: 630-585-0300 2012. If you have any questions about needing to be registered to vote, please call the Kendall County mentioned railroads offering pas- David Sinker is a comedian himself Clerk's office at 630-553-4104. sengers services at one time or with very impressive credentials, another. From Aurora, you could ranging from winning a Midwest go just about anywhere by train, in- Emmy to jumpstarting the career cluding every town in the surround- of a then-neophyte named Steve ing countryside. Carell. It’s obvious that Dave’s ambition and passion for comedy No less than interurban trolley lines is heartfelt and that it scintillates in to and from Aurora existed less than every facet of the Comedy Shrine. a century ago! There was the Aurora Indeed, the atrium—or Shrine, if Elgin and Fox River Electric, Auro- you will—is peopled by a massive ra Plainfield and Joliet, The Chicago collection of Dave’s own comedy Aurora and DeKalb, the Aurora memorabilia.
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