Vol. 5, No. 4, 1993 The newsletter of the Italic Studies Institute The Italic Way Vol. 5 No.4 MCMXCill Letters .............. page 1 ,3 Focus (cover story) .... page 12 All'ltaliana ......... page 4 Perspectives ..............page 16,18 World Notes ..... page 6 Project ltalia............... page 21 Editorial. ........... page 8 Media Madness ......... page 22 Forum ..............page 9 Institute News ............ page 24 Reviews........... page 10 Profiles .................. .... page 26 Letters Address all letters to: LETTERS, The Italic Way, PO Box 818, Floral Park, NY 11001 READ! to use this newsletter to di­ Please accept my compliments on vulge the political inclinations the contents of your newsletters, they of one or few of the editors. are very informative. I have purchased It seems to me that by asso­ The Italian Frogmen, Italians and the ciating I tal ian-Americans with Holocaust, and The Proud Italians. so called Gun Control Politi­ They are three exce1lent books. I have cians you wish to legitimize loaned them to Italians who are and disassociate them from a amazed by what Italians have done "Gangster" stereotype. This to culturally. You must be very proud of ~-... me is, perhaps well meant, but yourselves. nonetheless a distortion of re­ Andrew N. Morra, ality. Mount Vernon, NY Italian Americans, just like all other law abiding ethnic The 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, (Ed. Just a reminder, purchases from being necessary to the security of a free state, the populations, should and must May 1993 onward earn members gift right of citizens to bear arms shall not be in- fight for their right to keep and points. Seep. 8.) . fringed." bear arms. After all, how can we consider ourselves good citizens if we go against the PROVOKE! STAY APOLITICAL! wishes of our American forefathers? On behalf of the FIERI organiza­ I was very much outraged by your (See the United States Constitution.) tion I would like to thank you for the article [regarding Gov. Florio and the Dario Gristina, thought-provoking and enriching dis­ NRA]. Although I was born in Italy, New York, NY cussion on the challenges of org~iz­ which now makes me the transcendental ing Italian-Americans. I believe you Italian American, I am now very much (Ed. The writer is a former Vice Presi­ have reminded us not to take the nega­ American and one of the things I love dent of the Plenary Council.) tive stereotyping for granted. May we about this country is indeed the freedom all work together to accentuate the and right to keep and bear arms. I am also positive. a lifetime member of the NRA. HONORING Roberto Ragone, I have always enjoyed reading your THE PAST FIERI, newsletter. However, often political is­ Thanks much for having our father Manhattan Chapter sues are embraced in a manner which I so involved with your video production strongly disapprove. 1 believe it is wrong [American Visions]. I think that Tony '=;;;;;;;;;;;;=====;;;;;;=====;;;;;;=;;;;;;==;;;;;;=~ The Italic Way ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 Vol. 5, No.4 1 Asbestos abatement is like defusin a bomb. 990/o ri tis 10 °/o wrong. A~b~StO~ IS danger Site inspection ou~ ~tuH When con· and strut11011 or repair) bre.tk consultation. into 11, deadly d sbe~ t o~ du)t Ogden Allied <:.l n explode onto the .1or, begins every a littiP l1ke a bomb. project with a com- That's not a bad way to plete site inspec· th1nk of 11. Because if you tion. Our asbestos treat your asbestos probl~ m abatement special­ as carefully you'd treat c1 IM: a~ ists consult with you bomb, you'll choo~e the nght m detail to minimize abatement company. Interruptions, so that You'll avoid thost! < ompdnie!:. with l1ttle or no expenente. you ~riel. lhey'lll1kt:ly lead you to everyone understands in advance exactly what will This is not a for u~ . Ogdenl\llied does every abate bu~inPss begmner~. need to be done. And you don't want to become ment project the way 11 )hould be their ~xpenment . done- with professionals who work Free quotation. str1ctly by the book. Let the abatement buyer bewar~. We never start an abatement Every techniciau licen~d. project without a quotation. Betore you c hoo~e an abate­ Every method EPA/OSHA approved. Neither should you. We'll give you ment company, there are some l..e} one that's reliable and not just quest1ons you should ask Every Ogden Allied worker an educated guess. Is 11 an established compan} 1s thoroughly tra1ned. licensed and We remove asbestos as carefully w1th a proven track record? W1ll they .::ert1tred. Every worker uses the as we would a bomb. We do it right be around five years from now? latest tech'lology and newest most the first time. Does their previous experience capable equ1pment. Call Ogden Allied Abatement qualify them for such specialized Every workcrew knows and and Decontamination Services work? Do they have the resources to follows the proper work methods. at 1-800·858·0123. Or write us at handle any job w1thout long delays? All federal. state and local r~gula­ 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY 10121. The right answers will not only save trons are compl1ed w1th 1n full. ••••• OODEI ALLIED ABATEMENTAND DECONTAMINATION SERVICES, INC SUBSICWlYOf OGO£N A1.UED Sf.RVICES CORP POST SCRIPTS [DeNonno] did a terrific job; consider­ ing my father's age, Tony was able to capture his personality. What you see is what he is. A scene from the Our family will treasure this tape. swashbuckler Years from now we'll be able to look Sea Hawk starring back and relive his life's experiences. Errol Flynn. I hope the project goes well and we Based on the are proud to be a part of what he and book by Raphael other immigrants brought to this coun­ Sabatini (below) try. Bert De Tomaso, New York, NY BLOOD RELATIONS? I wish to thank you for a back copy of your Spring 1989 issue. It is the first I have heard of Raphael Sabatini since thank the members of the Institute for I started the family tree ten years ago. fostering the study ofLatin by your dona­ Mrs. Madeline R. Gloret tion and commemorative coin. Laura Lakewood, CO was thrilled with the award. Sister Mary Sheridan (Ed. For our new readers Raphael Sacred Heart Academy Sabatini was an Italian-English au­ Hempstead, NY thor. His works "Captain Blood" and obelisk dedicated in Philadelphia, PA. "Sea Hawk" went on to become classic STATUESQUE Viola Cirio Errol Flynn movies.) In your Fall, 1992 issue you men­ Phoenix, AZ tioned that only two monuments were (Ed. We were later informed by Dr. GRATIAS AGERE erected in the U.S.A. celebrating the Eugene Lombardi of our Advisory SOOth anniversary of Columbus' voyage. Council that the Phoenix statue has (TO THANK) In fact, an 8' bronze statue was erected on been relocated. The land upon which On behalf of [our student] Laura our main street at Columbus Circle. it stood for only nine months was sold. Marmorah and myself, we wish to Also, I read of another commemorative It now stands at 28th St. and Camel­ back Road.) FUTURE ISSUES OF THE ITALIC WAY o 'IriBIIE ll'lr AlLllC IF A:MllllL lf- Then and now o lMIAIFllA - Strangers among us o JE<OHMIAN CA 'lriFllCCDlLITCIT§MI- Bearer of ancient rites o CIEJL 'lrllC TIT AlL lf - The Irish side oii'Ir AILIIAN ID>IEIB31r -What Italy Owes Italian-Americans ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;===================The Italic Way=-=1 Vol. 5, No.4 3 quarter of 1993 revealed that unemploy­ solini. II Duce's final fling at power, ment in Machiavelli country fell from the Republic of Salo', was centered 11.3% in the same period last year to near Lake Garda Some observers 10.9%. In a Europe wracked by double hoped that the contents would contain digit joblessness-including Gennany evidenceof a secret agreement between with its improverished East-this is an Mussolini and Winston Churchill that enviable economic accomplishment. would rewrite the history ofWorld War Britain stands at 11.4% and Spain at II. Lending credence to that belief was 21.5%. By the way, Italian wo~kers have the hastily arranged "vacation" to Lake the lowest absentee rate among European Garda that the British prime minister industrial workers. took immediately after /l Duce's de­ Dr. Ugo Cerlettl (1Bn-1963} mise. Churchill, who, in fact, corre­ Introduced electroconvulsive sponded with Mussolini all through the therapy In 1937. AMBER GENES war, allegedly absconded with some of Jurassic-mania owes part of its origin the Italian premier's private papers. SHOCKING NEWS to one Charles Pellegrino of Valley After the lobotomy, electric shock therapy was thought to be the most inhu­ mane treatment for mental disease. First brought to light by Italian scientists Ugo Cerletti and Lucio Bini in 1937, the use of electric current to treat schizophrenia and depression had few vocal support­ ers even though it appeared to have some value. Electroconvulsive therapy (the healing is in the convulsion, not the shock}-as stereotyped in the movie One Flew Over the Cuclwo' s Nest - took on an Orwellian sinisterism. Nev­ ertheless, this Italic brainchild has been generally accepted by the mental health A Jurassic Inspiration by Pellegrino community. Although side effects such as memory loss make the treatment Stream, Long Island. For it was Pelle­ somewhat unpalatable, testimonials PASSINGS grino who flTSt proposed the theory that from many patients, including celebrity • Piergiuseppe Beretta, president of dinosaur DNA could be recovered from Dick Cavett, show electroconvulsive the legendary Beretta gun manufac­ prehistoric insects that were preserved in therapy to be the ''rota-rooter of depres­ turer, died last June in Gardone Val­ amber.
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