~ t,tODAY: l! bESOr,t.tO . CLASHES .· CONTINUE * SA TO MEEil)Al:JSSIES IN CRICKET FINAL * N$1.50 (GST Inc.) ThUfSd~y January 20 1994 co ur e 'Inside job' theft from Commissioner's safe GWEN LISTER IN WHAT appears to be an 'inside Girl gang-raped N$40m job', the safe of District Police THREE men have been held in connecti on with Commissioner Egbert Shikerete, wh at appears to be the gang rape of a teenage girl at Gobabis. radar was robbed of certain confidential In their crime report , yesterday, Nampol reporteu documentation some time during that a 15-year-old girl was raped at Post Emuforce the course of Thesday night. at 20hOO on Tuesday. Three men. ageu 25. 23 anu on way 35 have been arrested. Confirming the theft to divulge the contents Police at R ~ du reported that a three-year-olu yestel day. Commis­ of the stolen file, saying child was raped at Tutungeni town between midday sioner Shikerete said he only that it was a confl- and midnight on January 10. to Nam,. had almost no doubt that dential report for the a!; At Oshakati a 17-year-old girl was raped at the culprit was a police­ tention of the Inspector- Omakuvi Onheleiwa at around 19h30 on January 6, man. He was the only General of Police, Gen- while a woman was raped at the Water Affairs see p3 person with a key to the eral Raonga Andima. L-=B~I~oc~k.:..=a t~O~m.:.u~l.::u.:.n:ga~a ~tG.=..:.r oo=t.:.fo~n.:.t.:.e.:.in-...:..o.:.n.:.J.::an.:.u~a.::r~y_'_7_.~~::::::::::::::~ safe in his office. and Private documentation access by the thief had of his own was also miss- been gained profession­ ing. the Commissioner ally. and not by means of added. a break-in . It would therefore ap­ The Commissio ner pear as though the thief , ~) CHAMPAGNE said he had left his offi ce had used a master key to at about 17h 15 on Tues­ enter th e floor on which :y ..- %.;p. (0 & CAKE DAY day. leaving the safe and his offices are si tuated, l~{\ (.,' his offices locked. the Commissioner said, When he arrived at and also had a dupl icate ROBBED ... District Police Commissioner work o n Wednesday key to his safe. Had an ~ -19o.[71I'T.9L'TIOg..[ Shikerete points at the safe which was burgled of morning he found the o utsider e ntered the ALL CLIENTS & FRIENDS confidential documentation on Tuesday night. safe open and certain premises th ey would He believes the culprit is a policeman. Photo: highly confi dential fi les Chris Ndivanga missing. He did not want Continued on page 2 Come and have a conventional working day on Friday with your favourite Travel Agency Where: 57 Independence Ave. Ostrich probes sparked (Next to Kock & SchmidO When: 21 January 1994 (Friday) by politics says farmer Time: 09hOO - 18hOO A THE DYNAMIC TEAM catch and slaughter ostriches on the family farm CHRISTOF MALETSKY Kotzental to keep the numbers down as they were so many. His father also bought some South African POLITICS were the reason fo r the numer­ domesticated ostriches in the late I 970s and sold ous ostrich smuggling investigations and some, although they had little value then. court cases, said a well-known farmer. By the end of 1992, A venant said he had some 250 Johannes Pieter Ave nant (aged 43 years) is ostriches which he kept in smaller camps with the accused of illegally importing 222 birds. intention of exporting them later. Last May he Finance Manager Y\.:sterday he told the High Court that since inde­ applied tocatch another l50but was told by officials pendence interest in ostriches has grown rapidly. ofthe Ministry of Wildlife, Conservation and Tour­ John Buys The value of birds has soared because they can be ism. headed by Thys Uys, that the permit could only exported and the authorities are under pressure to be issued after an inspection at his fann, Kotzental. clear up allegations of smuggling. When a few weeks went by without the inspection He added there is a lot of "political" interest in happening. Avenant approached the Ministry to Epson ostrich trading from both inside the country and inquire about the permit which ultimately was is­ ou tside. sued to him. He said the next he knew was that he Avenant was arrested last Ju ly with faml foreman was under arrest for all eged smuggling. H.. nnie van der Men.ve from South Africa. He said He said all the ostriches seized were born on his he had never been told there is a Namibian-South farm and he ne\ er imported any ostriches from Cathy EstelJ c African border between his l\v() famls or that it is South A frica. "They are all typical Namibian birds," illegal to move goods from one to the other. Tel: (061) 239828/9 or Fax: 33860 Apparently when he was a child his father useu to Con tinued on page 2 Your National Team With An International Toucn ,';;'" t I~g~s,g~~ , ~?~_~~r~1~~~~ T~fi tf{}.~~!=U~.rr Brutalis here today NAMIBIA IS to receive an unusual Gi vs kud Zoo. hi s former home in donation from Denmark today - an Denmark. aggressive white rhino that has Kim be rley-based rhino veterinarian smashed several zoos and acquired and wi ldlife ex pert Pete Morkel sa id a reputation for chasing cars. yesterday there was a good chance the Its Dani sh keepers dec ided to give animal would overcome his aggres­ th e beast a chance in the wil d ra th er sion in his natural environment. It was th an have him put down. and Brutalis better to att empt this than to simply will be released into the pri vate destroy him . Ongava game park bordering Etosha He said it seemed Brutalis had a Pan . behavioural prd bl ~ m, whi ch often He is scheduled to arrive at Wind­ happened with captive wild animals. hoek International Airport on a He had received reports that the rhino LuftJ1ansa flight on Thursday after­ had taken to chasing cars in much the noon, having been trucked from Den­ same way a dog would. mark to Frankfurt earlier this week. According to news reports from Aged about 15 years, the beast is Denmark. Brutali s wrecked the rhino accompanied by a vet with instruc­ park at the Aalborg Zoo several times, tions toeither pacify or kill the animal and finally demoli shed a N$15 000 in the event of any dangerous air­ steel door. borne ant ics. He caused N$45 000 damage to DRIVING THE HORSES •.• This is the sound-proofed and air-conditioned control for the banks Brutali s was born incaptivity, mak­ Givskud Zoo before it decided to re­ of powerful engines that drive the 1500 ton ship, owned by Norway's aid agency, which is to monitor ing him the first rhino to be intro­ patriate him. with both institutions Namibia's fish stocks. In the window is seen the reflection of one of the engineers. The N$45 million duceo to his natural African home as sharing the travel costs of about N$90 vessel started its Namibian mission yesterday. Photo: Tom Minney an ad ult, according to a letter from 000. - Sapa AUTOHAUS WINDHOEK GARTENSTRAAT 9 Attack by boys VIR KWAUTEIT GEBRUIKTE VOERTUIE 1986 Fad Cortila 3.0 .......... .. N$15500 1993 Citi Golf 1.3, 8 CXXlkm .. N$31 250 ends in death 1991 Toyota Corolla 1.6 GL. AlC ........ .... ............ ...... N$35 000 CHRISTOF MALETSKY 1988 Golf GTS ...... .. .. .. .... .... .. N$22 500 1991 GOlf GTS. A/C. alarm, ROBERT Amutenya, a colleague ofKomelius Ndova, immobiliseerder ... .... .... N$36 000 who is acc used of shooting and killing Paulus Vedura 1991 2.5 Microbus. A!C. alarm. on January 31 las t year, yesterday told the court that immobi/iseerder .. ..... ..... N$67900 the boy had been part ofa group which had sworn and 1986 JettaCU ... ..... .............. N$22250 thrown bottles at th em. Amutenya said that Ndova had never aimed at the 1989 Audi 5fX) SE. en~n Iae boy and onl y shot once into the air before goi ng back Km ... .... ...... .. ......... ........ N$46500 into one of the res t rOo ms. 1989 Jetta CU .. .... .. .... .... ...... N$36 500 It is alleged that Vedura and four of hi s fri ends 1990 Jetta CU. nuwe enjin .... N$43 500 came to buy cool drinks at the Miam i service station 1991 Microbus J.8 ... ..... ... ..... N$41 500 PLEADI NG THEIR CASE ... Johannes Avena~( right ) pictured with his in Independence Avenue where Ndova, Amutenya 1993 Citi Golf Sport ( 8 .... .. ... N$36 900 farm foreman Hennie van der Merwe at the High Court yesterday. The and Jesaja Niikesho were employed as petrol attend ­ ants. AVB INGESLUIT - ioW: MOTORS GEDIENS two face charges related to the illegal importing of ostriches, but have SKAKEl BER'TIE Of AlNUlF BY 37526 denied any wrongdoing. An arg ument followed between Ndova and hi s co ll eagues and the group of young boys. Niikesho ~F· tried to hit the youngsters with batons before they ~ InanSleS. Ostrich farmer in court took to their hee ls. vir Hinke diens! Ndova allegedly then tired two shots at Vendura ConI. from page 1 th an birds from get the Oudtshoorn-type onc o.rwhich hit him in the chest. He was later round Oudtshoorn 111 South "no matter in what con- dead 111 a nearby yard.
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