Arthropoda Selecta 21(1): 8595 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2012 On the spider fauna (Arachnida: Aranei) of Udmurt Republic Ê ôàóíå ïàóêîâ (Arachnida: Aranei) Óäìóðòñêîé Ðåñïóáëèêè A.N. Sozontov*, S.L. Esyunin** À.Í. Ñîçîíòîâ*, Ñ.Ë. Åñþíèí** * Department of Ecology of Animals, Udmurt State University, Universitetskaya Street 1/1, Izhevsk 426034 Russia **Department of Zoology, Perm State University, Bukireva Street 15, Perm 614600 Russia * Óäìóðòñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò, óë. Óíèâåðñèòåòñêàÿ, 1\1, ã. Èæåâñê 426034 Ðîññèÿ ** Êàôåäðà çîîëîãèè áåñïîçâîíî÷íûõ æèâîòíûõ, Ïåðìñêèé ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò, óë. Áóêèðåâà 15, ã. Ïåðìü 614600 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: spider, fauna, Udmurtia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: ïàóêè, ôàóíà, Óäìóðòèÿ. ABSTRACT. A check-list of 195 spider species of In this paper, we have summarized both the litera- 105 genera and 24 families collected from Udmurtia is ture-derived and original data on spiders of Udmurtia. provided. Of them 125 species are new to Udmurtia. To date, this spider fauna consists of 195 species of Local records of all the recorded species are given. 105 genera and 24 families. Compared to the spider faunas of neighbouring Mari-El Republic, Tartaria, ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äëÿ Óäìóðòèè ïðèâåäåí ñïèñîê èç Chuvashia (389, 254 and 238 species, correspondingly 195 âèäîâ èç 105 ðîäîâ 24 ñåìåéñòâ ïàóêîâ. Èç íèõ [Krasnobaev, 2004]), Kirov (296 species [Esyunin et. 125 âèäîâ âïåðâûå óêàçàíû ñ òåððèòîðèè Óäìóð- al., 2011]) and Perm areas (542 species Esyunin, un- òèè. Äàíû òî÷êè íàõîäîê ïàóêîâ. published data), the species number known from Ud- murtia (195 species) is relatively low. Introduction Material and methods Udmurtia (=Udmurt Republic) is situated in the east part of the Russian Plain and lies within the boreal This study is based on the spider collections made and subboreal zones which include the following three by the authors in several localities of Udmurtia in 2007 subzones: the southern taiga, the coniferous-broadle- aved forests dominated by conifers and the broadle- 2010, as well as the one by A.V. Ilina from the vicinity aved-coniferous forests dominated by broadleaved trees of Cheptsa Village in 2008. Detailed information con- (Map) [Baranova, 2002]. cerning the studied localities is presented below. The spider fauna of Udmurtia remains poorly stud- ied. The first record of a single species, Allohogna Description of the collecting localities (Map) singoriensis (Laxman, 1770), was made by L.K. Kru- likovskiy [1892, 1908] for Kirov Area. Although three South taiga subzone more species were reported by Krulikovskiy [1908] from Vyatka Government, their exact localities are 1. Cheptsa Village, Kez District, VII.2008. unknown to us because we failed to obtain the original 2. Starye Zyatcy Village, Yakshur-Bodya District, paper; the information is thus based on Shernin [1971]. V.2010. Therefore, it is not clear whether these records were 3. 25 km from Izhevsk to Yakshur-Bodya, Yak- made from Udmurtia or from Kirov Area. shur-Bodya District, IX.2009. The first and the latest major paper concerning the 4. 16 km from Izhevsk to Yakshur-Bodya, Yak- spiders of Udmurtia is that by Zubko & Roshchinenko shur-Bodya District, X.2009. [1981], who published a list of 69 species of 16 fami- 5. Volozhka Village, Zavyalovo District, VI.2010. lies. On the basis of these data, three species, Alloho- 6. Izhevsk City, VII & IX.2009. gna singoriensis, Arctosa perita (Latreille, 1799) and Eresus kollari Rossi, 1846, were included in the Red Subboreal (=nemoral) zone book of Udmurt Republic [Zubko, 2001]. Thus, by 7. National Park «Nechkinskiy» (grey color in map), the beginning of our research 70 spider species had Zavyalovo, Votkinsk & Sarapul Districts: been known from Udmurtia. Records of 21 species a. Doksha Village, Zavyalovo District, VI.2008, have not been confirmed by our own data. VI.2009, VI, VIII & IX.2010; 86 A.N. Sozontov, S.L. Esyunin b. Siva biostation, near PereFvoznoe Village, Vot- kinsk District, VI.2007, VI.2008, VIII.2009, VIII.2010; c. Novyi Village, Votkinsk District, VI.2008, VI & VIII.2009, VI-VII.2010; d. Environs of Volkovskii Village, Votkinsk District, VI.2009, VI.2010; e. Golyany Village, Zavyalovo District, VIII.2010; f. Makarovo Village, Zavyalovo District, VI.2009; g. Nechkino Village, Sarapul District, VI & VIII.2009. 8. Parshur Village, Mozhga District, VII.2008. 9. Stariy Utchan Village, Alnashy District, VII.2009. 10. Pirogovo Village, Alnashy District, VII.2009. The studied material is shared between the collections of the Udmurtskiy State University, Izhevsk, Russia and the Department of Zoology of the Perm State University, Perm, Russia (PSU). Abbreviations used in the text: ANS A.N. Sozontov, AVI A.V. Ilina, juv. juv. specimens. AGELENIDAE Tegenaria domestica (Clerck, 1758) Udmurtia [Zubko & Roshchinenko, 1981]: in house. ANYPHAENIDAE Map. Collecting localities (110; see for the explanations given Anyphaena accentuata (Walkenaer, 1802) in Description of the collecting localities) and the scheme of vegetation subzones of the Udmurt Republic. The vegetation zone MATERIAL. 1 subadult #, 4 juv. [7]: Siva, small-leaved and subzones: ST south taiga subzone, CBL subboreal zone forest, 10.VIII.2010, leg. ANS. with two subzones: 1 coniferous-broadleaved forests, 2 broadleaved-coniferous forests. ARANEIDAE Êàðòà. Ëîêàëèòåòû (îïèñàíèå ñìîòðè â ðàçäåëå Description of the collecting localities) è ñõåìû ðàñòèòåëüíûõ çîí è ïîäçîí Aculepeira ceropegia (Walckenaer, 1802) Óäìóðòñêîé Ðåñïóáëèêè. Ðàñòèòåëüíûå çîíû è ïîäçîíû: ST MATERIAL. 1 $ (PSU-6068) [9], mixed forest, 10.VII.2009, ïîäçîíà þæíîé òàéãè, CBL ïîäòà¸æíàÿ çîíà ñ äâóìÿ ïîäçî- leg. ANS. íàìè: 1 õâîéíî-øèðîêîëèñòâåííûõ ëåñîâ, 2 øèðîêîëè- ñòâåííî-õâîéíûõ ëåñîâ. Agalenatea redii (Scopoli, 1763) MATERIAL. 1 subadult $ [7]: Novyi, mixed forest, 19.VIII. 2009, leg. ANS. Araneus marmoreus Clerck, 1758 MATERIAL. 1 $, [1], birch forest, VII.2008, leg. AVIl; 1 $, [2], kitche-garden, VIII.2009, leg. ANS; 1 subadult #, [7]: Siva, Araneus alsine (Walckenaer, 1802) bottomland Quercus forest, 10.VIII.2010, leg. ANS; 1 subadult $, MATERIAL. 1 subadult # [7]: Novyi, bottomland oak forest, [7]: Novyi, Sphagnum bog, 19.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $, same locality 21.VI.2009, leg. ANS. and biotope, 18.VIII.2009, leg. ANS; 1 #, [7]: Nechkino, bottomland meadow, 09.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 #, 1 $, [8], meadow Araneus angulatus Clerck, 1758 bog, 21.VII.2008, leg. ANS; 1 #, [9], bog, 7.VII.2009, leg. ANS; MATERIAL. 1 $ [7]: Novyi, dry meadow, 18.VIII.2009, leg. Udmurtia [Zubko & Roshchinenko, 1981]: Picea-Betula & ANS; 1 $ [8], edge of mixed forest, 21.VII.2008, leg. ANS; 1 $: Pinus forests. Krasnogorskoe District, Krasnogorskoe Village, in a crone of the birch (Betula pendula) standing on the bank of a pond, VIII.2009, Araneus quadratus Clerck, 1758 K.V. Vasilev. MATERIAL. 1 $ [5], multiherbaceous meadow, VI.2010, leg. ANS; 1 $ [2], building, VIII.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $, 2 subadult $$ Araneus diadematus Clerck, 1758 [7]: Volkovskii, bottomland oak forest, coastal vegetation, MATERIAL. 1 subadult $ [3], small-leaved forest, 15.IX.2009, 20.VI.2009, leg. ANS. leg. ANS; 3 ##, 9 $$ [7]: Siva, small-leaved & mixed forests, 24.VIII.2009, 10.VIII.2010, leg. ANS; 1 subadult # [7]: Novyi, Araneus sturmi (Hahn, 1831) edge of mixed forest, 21.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 juv., same locality, MATERIAL. 1 $ [7]: Doksha, bank of river, 20.VI.2008, leg. Pinus forest, 17.V.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $, same locality, dry meadow ANS. on bank of Kama River, 21.VIII.2009, leg. ANS; 4 $$ [7]: Golyany, bottomland meadow, dry lichen-grass association on sand, 7.VIII.2010, leg. ANS; Araniella proxima (Kulczyñski, 1885) Udmurtia [Zubko & Roshchinenko, 1981]: Picea-Betula & MATERIAL. 1 # [7]: Novyi, bog, 18.VI.2008, leg. ANS; 1 $ Alnus forests. [7]: Volkovskii, shrub on edge of bog, 18.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 # On the spider fauna (Arachnida, Aranei) of Udmurt Republic 87 [7]: Nechkino, Salex thicket on bank, 09.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $ leg. ANS; 1 #, 2 $$, same locality, dry meadow & multiherba- [9], edge of mixed forest, 8.VII.2009, leg. ANS. ceous Pinus forest, 1012.VI.2010, leg. ANS; 2 $$, 2 subadult ##, 4 juv. [7]: Volkovskii, dry meadow, shrub on edge of bog, 18.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 3 $$, same locality, dry meadow, 12.VI.2010, Cercidia prominens (Westring, 1851) leg. ANS. MATERIAL. 1 # [7]: Nechkino, Pinus forest, VIII.2009, leg. Udmurtia [Zubko & Roshchinenko, 1981]: Pinus forest, forest ANS. meadow. Cyclosa conica (Pallas, 1772) Singa hamata (Clerck, 1758) MATERIAL. 1 subadult # [3], Pinus forest, 15.IX.2009, leg. MATERIAL. 1 # [7]: Doksha, bank of river, 11.IX.2010, leg. ANS; 2 ##, 2 $$ [7]: Novyi, Pinus forest, 1617.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 #, 1 $ [7]: Novyi, bottomland meadow & dry meadow on ANS; 1 $ [9], edge of mixed forest, 8.VII.2009, leg. ANS. bank of Kama River, 21.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 juv., same locality, Pinus forest, 17.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 #, 2 $$, same locality, Cyclosa îculata (Walckenaer, 1802) Pinus forest with green moss & earthen bank of a water basin, 10 16.VI.2010, leg. ANS; 1 juv. [7]: Volkovskii, dry meadow, MATERIAL. 1 $ [7]: Novyi, dry meadow, 198.VI.2008, leg. 12.VI.2010, leg. ANS; 1 # [7]: Makarovo, bank of river, ANS. 10.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 #, 1 $ [7]: Nechkino, mixed forest, bottomland meadow, 09.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $ [7]: Siva, small- Gibbaranea omoeda (Thorell, 1870) leaved forest, 24.VIII.2009, leg. ANS; 2 $$ [10], multiherbaceous Udmurtia [Zubko & Roshchinenko, 1981]: Picea-Betula & meadow, 10.VII.2009, leg. ANS. Pinus forests. Singa nitidula C.L. Koch, 1844 Hypsosinga heri (Hahn, 1831) MATERIAL. 1 $ [7]: Doksha, bank of river, 23.VI.2009, leg. MATERIAL. 3 $$, [7]: Siva, bottomland meadow, 15.VI.2008, ANS; 1 $ [7]: Siva, bottomland meadow, 10.VIII.2010, leg. ANS; leg. ANS; 2 $$, [7]: Volkovskii, coastal vegetation, 20.VI.2009, 1 $ [7]: Novyi, Pinus forest, 17.VI.2009, leg. ANS; 1 $, same leg. ANS. locality and biotope, 11.IX.2010, leg. ANS; 1 # [7]: Makarovo, bank of river, 10.VI.2009, leg.
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