1897. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2581 SENATE. BILL INTRODUCED. Mr. ROACH int1·oduced a bill (S. 2385) to amend the act enti­ WEDNESDAY;July 14, 1897. tled "An act granting pensions to the soldiers and sailors of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock m. Mexican war, and for other purposes,"approved January 20, 1887; Prayer by Rev. J. W. DuFFEY, D. D., of the city of Washington. which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompanying The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. papers, referred to the Committee on Pensions. BREAKWATER AT SAN PEDRO HARBOR. REFERENCE OF CLAIMS TO COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. Mr. STEWART. I desire to enter a motion to reconsider the Mr. HALE. I ask for the adoption of the following order: Orde1·ed, That on all claims referred during the present session of Congress vote by whieh the concurrent resolution in regard to a break­ to the Committee on Appropriations, whether in the form of bills or amend­ water at San Pedro Harbor was agreed to. ments to appropriation bills, the committee js h ereby discharged from fur­ The VICE-PRESIDENT. Notice of the motion to reconsider ther consideration of the same, and they are hereby referred to the Commit- will be entered. tee on Claims. · Mr. WHITE. There is no mistake about the matter. I do not Mr. COCKRELL. That order has just been made. know exactly what the object of the Senator from Nevada is. I Mr. HALE. It has already been made? understand the Southern Pacific Railroad Company has some ob­ Mr. COCKRELL. I had it made just a moment ago. jection to the resolution; but if the Senator makes a motion to Mr. HALE. I am very glad of it. The Senator is .always· vigi­ t·econsider, I shall move to lay that motion on the table. lant. Then I withdraw the resolution. Did it cover the same Mr. STEWART. Will you not allow any explanation? Will claims? you insist on the motion without an explanation? The VICE-PRESIDENT. The request of the Senator from Mis­ l\fr. WHITE. I shall have no objection to an explanation. souri was not quite as comprehensive in its scope as the resolu­ Mr. STEWART. I simply give notice of the motion. I shall tion submitted by the Senator from Maine. call it up during the day. Mr. COCKRELL. Then let it be passed. Mr. WHITE. Very well. Mr. HALE. It will do no harm. Mr. STEWART. 1 do not want to delay the matter at all, but The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on agreeing to the I think it should be fully understood. resolution. Mr. DANIEL. Before the resolntion is adopted, I should lil~e MISSOURI RIVER IMPROVEMENTS. to ask the Senator from Maine for an explanation of it. ·The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Mr. HALE. All claims before the Committee on Appropria­ tion from the Secretary of War, in response to a resolution of the 2d tions as amendments to the deficiency appropriation bill were not instant, calling for a copy of the special report of Capt. J. C. Sanford, put on the bill. The ruling of the Chair upon one of them decided of the United States Corps of Engineers, bearing date of June 26, the point of order against them. Then, after debate, an amend­ 1897, and relating to improvements in the Missouri River at Pierre ment was offered providing a fund for the Committee on Claims and Fort Pierre, S. Dak., stating that the report called for is a to examine the claims and report at the beginning of the next ses­ special report, supplemental to the regular or formal report pre­ sion a bill covering all of them. The Senator from Missouri finds, viously submitted to Congress, and is consequently subject to the as I find, that some of the claims are out of the hands of the Com­ provisions of section 4 of the river and harbor act of June 3,1896, mittee on G1.aims and are with the Committee on Appropriations; etc.; which, on motion of 1\fr. CocKRELL, was ordered to lie on and in order that the Committee on Claims may have jurisdiction, the table, and to be printed. the resolution refers them back to the Committee on Claims. Mr. QUAY. I suggest that there is no quorum of the Senate The resohition was agreed to. present. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The absence of a quorum is s·ug­ gested by thE!' Senator from Pennsylvania. The Secretary will A message from the House of Representatives, by 1\Ir. W. J. call the roll. BROWNING, its Chief Clerk, announced that the House had dis­ The Secretary called the roll, and the following Senators an­ agreed to the amendments of the Senate to the bill (H. R. 13) swered to their names: making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897, and for prior years, and Bacon, Foraker, Nelson, Shoup, for other purposes, asks a conference with the Senate on the dis­ Butler, Gear, Pasco, Spooner, C:.trter Hale, Perkins, ~tewart, agreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had appointed Mr. Chandier, Hansbrough, Pettigrew, Teller, CANNON, Mr. NORTHWAY, and Mr. SAYERS managers at the con­ Chilton, Harris, Pettus, Tillman, ference on the part of the House. Clark, Hawley, Platt, Conn. Turner. Cockrell, Jones, AJ.'k. Pritchard, Turpie; UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD, Cullom, Kenney, Proctor, Vest, Daniel, Mallory, Quay, White. Mr. HARRIS. I move that the Senate proceed to the consider­ Davis, Mills, Rawlins, ation of resolution No. 125, directing the Se~.:retary of the Treasury D bboe, Mitchell, Roach, to carry out p1·ovisions of the act authorizing an investigatio1;1 of Fairbanks, Morgan, Sewell, the books, accounts, and methods of railroads which have received The VICE-PRESIDENT. Forty·five Senators have answered aid from the United States, etc., by redeeming or otherwise clear­ to their names. A quorum is present. Petitions and memorials ing-off the paramount liens, mortgages, ~tc. I think we can act are in order. upon the resolution in a very short time. REFERENCE OF CLAIMS TO COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Kansas asks consent · to take up Senate resolution 125. Is there objection? Mr. COCKRELL. I ask that the Committee on Appropriations Mr. HARRIS. I made a motion to that effect, and upon the shall be discharged from the further consideration of certain re­ motion I demand the yeas and nays. ports from the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to insurance The VICE·PRESIDENT. Is there objection? claims and other claims of that character, and that they be re­ Mr. JONES of Arkansas. The Senator from Kansas makes a ferred to the Committee on Claims. The clerks can collate them. motion. The VICE-PRESIDENT. Without objection, the order will be The VICE-PRESIDENT. There will be no us~ in putting the made. motion if there is no objection. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. Mr. GEAR. I object. Mr. RAWLINS, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Senator from Iowa interposes 1.' referred the bill (S. 1107) for the relief of Stewart College (now an objection. The Chair will put the motion. the Southwestern Presbyterian University), located at Clarksville, Mr. GEAR. I should like, before the motion is put, to hear the Tenn., reported it without amendment, and submitted a report gentlemen who advocate the resolution debate it a little. thereon. Mr. MILLS. No debate is in order. Mr. STEWART, from the Committee on Claims, to whom was Mr. JONES of Arkansas. It can not be debated on a motion to referred the bill (S. 1268) for the relief of the legal representatives take it up. and devisees of JamesW.Schaumberg,reporteditwithoutamend· Mr. GEAR. I think it can. ment, and submitted a report thereon. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The question is on the motion to pro­ Mr. DAVIS, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, to ceed to the consideration of the resolution, upon which debate is whom was referred the resolution submitted by Mr. BERRY on not in order. the 8th instant, reported a joint resolution for the relief of Ona Mr. GEAR. On that motion let us have the yeas and nays. Melton, Alfredo Laborde, and William Gildea. The yeas and nays were ordered; and the Secretary proceeded The joint resolution (8. R. 62) for the relief of Ona Melton, to call the roll. Alfredo Laborde, and William Gildea was read twice by its title. Mr. CULLOM (when his name was called). I have a general Mr. MITCHELL, from the Committee on Pensions, to whom pair with the senior Senator from Delaware (Mr. GRAY]. If he was referred the bill (S. 2378) granting a pension to Maria Somer­ were present, I should vote "nay." I will withhold my vote, bt, widow of Valentine Somerlat, reported it without amend­ however, for the present. ment, and submitted a report thereon. Mr. DANIEL (when his name was called). I am paired with 2582 .~ONGRESSIONAL ~ RECORD-SENATE.] JULY 14, the Senator from North Dakota [Mr. HANSBROUGH]. Otherwise Mr. GEAR. I withdraw the motion to adjourn. I should vote ''yea." 1\!r. COCKRELL. We can not have an executive session until Mr. KENNEY (when his name was called). I have a general we get a quorum. If the roll call will disclose a quorum, then th'e pair with the junior Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. PENROSE]. motion for an executive session can be made. I transfer that pair to the Senator from Idaho [Mr.
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