UNION DHARA Azwh«$‘{UH$M Owbmb© - {Gv§~A 2018 July - September, 2018 Àh$Mez {V{W : 14.11

UNION DHARA Azwh«$‘{UH$M Owbmb© - {Gv§~A 2018 July - September, 2018 Àh$Mez {V{W : 14.11

¶y{Z¶Z Ymam UNION DHARA AZwH«$‘{UH$m OwbmB© - {gV§~a 2018 July - September, 2018 àH$meZ {V{W : 14.11. 2018 Contents · n[aÑí¶ 3 · ‘mohZ-X-ìhmBQ> Q>mBJa 48 · gwñdmJV‘²-Ab{dXm 4 · ½dm{b¶a H$m qg{Y¶m KamZm 49 ‘hmà~§YH$ (‘m. g§.) · g§nmXH$s¶ 5 · B§Xm¡a Ho$ 춧OZ 50-51 ~«Ooída e‘m© · ‘hmà~§YH$ H$s ~mV 6 · amï´>r¶ CÚmZ : H$mÝhm 52 General Manager (HR) · H$mì¶Ymam 7 · Ralamandala wildlife 53 Brajeshwar Sharma · gm{h˶ OJV go... 8-9 · em¡¶© ñ‘maH$ 54 g§nmXH$ · AJ«Ur ~¢H$ 55 S>m°. gwb^m H$moao · MP at a glance 10-11 Editor · ‘ܶ àXoe ‘| ¶y{Z¶Z ~¢H$ 12-13 · ~YmB©/h‘| Jd© h¢/ sportingly Yours 56 Dr. Sulabha Kore · ‘.à.EH$ Eo{Vhm{gH$ {nQ>mam 14-15 · {eIa H$s Amoa/ew^‘ñVw... 57 g§nmXH$s¶ gbmhH$ma · B§Xm¡a/O~bnwa 16-17 A{dZme Hw$‘ma qgh · Face in UBI crowd 58-59 · ardm/½dm{b¶a 18-19 Ho$. nr. AmMm¶© · Legally speaking 60-61 {ZVoe a§OZ · Art & crafts in the heart amOoe Hw$‘ma · {Xì¶m§J {dÚmb¶/ of India 20-21 gX²Jwé ZoÌ {M{H$Ëgmb¶ 62-63 Editorial Advisors · ‘ܶ àXoe Ho$ CÚmoJ 22 · Ordnance factory/¶y{ZH$m°n©/ Avinash Kumar Singh · à^mV ‘y{V© 64-65 K. P. Acharya A’$s‘ H$s IoVr 23 Nitesh Ranjan · Social status of MP/$‘hÿ 24-25 · ‘. à. {dÚwV ‘§S>b 66 Rajesh Kumar · ‘.à. Ho$ H«$m§{VH$mar 26-27 · A‘¥Vbmb doJS>/Ab§H$ma Ádobg© 67 · Religious hue of M.P. 28-29 · nwañH$ma Ed§ gå‘mZ 68 Printed and published by Dr. Sulabha Kore on behalf of Union Bank of India and · ‘.à. Ho$ ‘hÎdnyU© g§J«hmb¶ 30-31 · g‘mMma Xe©Z 69-77 printed at JAYANT PRINTERY LLP · Retired but not tired 78-79 352-54, Murlidhar Temple Compound, · ‘m§ Z‘©Xm/AmoaN>m 32-33 Near Thakurdwar Post Office, · ‘.à. H$m {Xb XoImo/IOwamhmo 34-35 · MD/ED Club/Champions 80 J.S.S. Road, Mumbai-400002. and published at Union Bank Bhavan, · ~a‘mZ/M§~b Ho$ ~rhS>/ · qhXr {Xdg CËgd, 2018 81 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, ndm¶m 36-37 · OTS Negotiator 82-83 Nariman Point, Mumbai-400021. · H${dVm go gmjmËH$ma... 38-39 · gmoba nm°da ßbm§Q>/qgJam¡br 84 Editor - Dr. Sulabha Kore E-mail : [email protected] · B§Xm¡a H$s nma§n[aH$ gm{S>¶m± 40-41 · ½dm{b¶a H$m {H$bm 85 Our Address : Union Dhara, · ‘.à. ‘yb OZOm{V¶m±/~mK 42-43 · hoëW Q>rßg/MaH$ H$m H$moZm 86 11th Floor, Union Bank Bhavan, · · Contest No.147 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, ~m§YdJT> 44-45 AmnH$s nmVr/ 87 Nariman Point, Mumbai - 400 021. · ‘ܶ àXoe H$m g§JrV 46-47 · Back Cover 88 E-mail : [email protected] Bg n{ÌH$m ‘| 춳V {dMmam| go à~§YZ H$m gh‘V hmoZm A{Zdm¶© Zht h¡. Mob. No. 9820468919 Designed and Printed at JAYANT PRINTERY L.L.P., Mumbai-400002. Tel.: 22896595 / 22896545 / 22896590 n[aÑí¶ PERSPECTIVE {ච¶y{Z¶ZmBQ²g, Dear Unionites, eVmãXr df© H$s hm{X©H$ ew^H$m‘ZmE±! Centenary Year Greetings to all! ‘wPo ¶h ~VmVo hþE A˶§V Iwer hmo ahr h¡ {H$ h‘mar J¥h-n{ÌH$m "¶y{Z¶Z Ymam' I am happy to share with you that our in-house magazine ‘Union H$m ¶h A§H$ ~ohX ZdmoÝ‘ofr {df¶ H$mo boH$a àH$m{eV hmo ahm h¡. h‘mar ¶y{Z¶Z Dhara’ has come up with a very innovative topic for this edition. Ymam Q>r‘ Zo joÌ’$b H$s Ñ{ï> go ^maV Ho$ Xÿgao g~go ~‹S>o amÁ¶, ‘ܶàXoe H$mo Our Union Dhara team has put-in lot of efforts to bring the 3600 view of India’s second largest state by area, Madhya Pradesh. g^r Ñ{ï>H$moUm| go XoIZo H$m gamhZr¶ à¶mg {H$¶m h¡. H¥${f Ed§ I{ZO g§nXm go The state, being among the richest in mineral deposits and g‘¥Õ ¶h amÁ¶, 75 {‘{b¶Z {Zdm{g¶m| Ho$ gmW OZg§»¶m H$s Ñ{ï> go nm§Mdm agriculture, is the fifth largest in terms of population with over Á¶ h¡. Hw$b joÌ’$b H$m 30% ^mJ dZm| go AmÀN>m{XV hmoZo Ho$ H$maU ¶h àXoe 75 million residents. The state is also naturally blessed with over àmH¥${VH$ Ñ{ï> go ^r A˶{YH$ g‘¥Õ h¡. ¶hm± H$B© Eo{Vhm{gH$ Yamoha h¢, Omo 30% forest area. There are several historical treasures, which Bgo AmXe© n¶©Q>Z ñWb ~ZmVo h¢. Bgr{bE ‘ܶàXoe amÁ¶ H$mo "AVwë¶ ^maV make it an ideal tourist destination. The state of M.P. is rightly H$m {Xb' H$hm J¶m h¡. given a title of "The heart of Incredible INDIA". àXoe go CƒV‘ O‘mam{e¶m| Ho$ MbVo, ‘ܶàXoe H$mo nma§n[aH$ ê$n go ~¢qH$J Madhya Pradesh has been traditionally known as resource CÚmoJ Ho$ EH$ g§gmYZ H|$Ð Ho$ ê$n ‘| OmZm OmVm h¡. hmbm{H$ ~‹S>r Vrd« J{V centre for banking industry with high deposits mobilization from the state. This reputation, however, is changing for better, as the go Am¡ÚmoJrH$aU H$mo ñdrH$ma H$aZo Ho$ H$maU A~ CgH$s ¶h N>{d ~Xb state embraces industrialization at a fast pace. Union Bank of ahr h¡. 29 ‘B©, 1962 H$mo O~bnwa (H¢$Q>moZ‘|Q>, ‘w»¶ emIm) ‘| AnZr India has a valued relationship with people of M.P. since 1962 nhbr emIm ImobZo Ho$ gmW hr ‘ܶàXoe Ho$ bmoJm| Ho$ gmW ¶y{Z¶Z ~¢H$ when the Bank opened its first branch at Jabalpur (Cantonment, Am°’$ B§{S>¶m Ho$ ~‹S>o ‘Ywa g§~§Y aho h¢. V~ go boH$a AmO VH$ {dH${gV Main Branch) on May 29th. We have since grown to have a hmoVo hþE, h‘mao nm±M joÌr¶ H$m¶m©b¶m| (^monmb, B§Xm¡a, O~bnwa, ½dm{b¶a network of 288 branches and 602 ATMs presently administered Am¡a ardm) Ho$ àemg{ZH$ Xm¶ao ‘| 288 emImAm| Ho$ gmW 602 EQ>rE‘ h¢. with 5 Regional Offices (Bhopal, Indore, Jabalpur, Gwalior and {Og‘| ‘ܶàXoe amÁ¶ H$m {gV§~a 2018 H$s g‘m{á na ~¢H$ H$m {‘{lV Rewa). The Bank had a business mix of Rs 39755 crore as end September, 2018 in the state of Madhya Pradesh; w/w deposit H$mamo~ma é. 39755 H$amo‹S> VWm O‘m Ed§ A{J«‘ H«$‘e… é. 25109 H$amo‹S> Ed§ and credit outstanding was Rs 25109 crore and Rs 14644 crore é. 14644 H$amo‹S> h¡. ‘wPo ~ohX Iwer h¡ {H$ Amn h‘mar J¥hn{ÌH$m Ho$ ‘mܶ‘ respectively. I am happy that we are covering such a wonderful go BVZo AØþV amÁ¶ H$s ¶mÌm H$aZo Om aho h¢. state through our house journal. "¶y{Z¶Z Ymam' Ho$ joÌr¶ {deofm§H$m| H$mo h‘oem hr g^r dJ© Ho$ nmR>H$m| Ed§ H$‘©Mm[a¶m| Tropical issues of Union Dhara always acquired high praise from H$m ^mar à{VgmX {‘bm h¡. O¡gm {H$ Amn OmZVo h¢, ‘ܶàXoe AnZo Eo{Vhm{gH$, all readers and employees. As you are aware, MP is a miraculous, ^m¡Jmo{bH$, gm§ñH¥${VH$ Am¡a nma§n[aH$ IµOmZm| Ho$ gmW ^maV H$m EH$ M‘ËH$mar Am¡a incredible state of India having its own historical, geographical, AVwë¶ amÁ¶ h¡. AnZo Bg {deofm§H$ Ho$ gmW ¶y{Z¶Z Ymam Zo ‘ܶàXoe Ho$ bJ^J cultural and traditional treasures. Union Dhara tried its best to cover all aspects of MP through this special issue and I am sure g^r nhbwAm| H$mo em{‘b H$aZo H$m ^anya à¶mg {H$¶m h¡ Am¡a ‘wPo {dœmg h¡ {H$ you will love this. ¶h A§H$ AmnH$mo ~ohX ng§X AmEJm. We have stepped into our Centenary Year. Our Bank has planned h‘ AnZo eVmãXr df© ‘| àdoe H$a aho h¢. amï´> H$s godm ‘| àma§{^H$ gm¡ dfm] H$mo a series of initiatives to commemorate our journey through first ¶mX H$aVo hþE, h‘mao ~¢H$ Zo H$B© ZE àñVmdm| H$s ûm§¥Ibm noe H$aZo H$s ¶moOZm 100 years of service to the Nation. I urge each and every Unionite ~ZmB© h¡. ‘¢ à˶oH$ ¶y{Z¶ZmBQ> go AZwamoY H$ê$§Jm {H$ do Bg Adga H$m Cn¶moJ to use this opportunity to connect with people, maximize the bmoJm| go Ow‹S>Zo, bmoJm| Ho$ ~rM AnZr CnpñW{V H$m Xm¶am ~‹T>mZo Ed§ ~¢H$ H$s effect of our outreach, and enhance our brand perception. Let ~«m§S> B‘oO H$m {dñVma H$aZo ‘| H$a|. AmB¶o, AnZo Bg eVmãXr df© ‘| h‘ AnZo us build on this momentum to improve our business & financials ì¶dgm¶ Am¡a Am{W©H$ d¥{Õ H$s J{V H$mo Am¡a VoO H$a|. in our Centenary Year. ew^H$m‘ZmAm| Ho$ gmW! With best regards, (amO{H$aZ a¡ Or.) (Rajkiran Rai G.) ¶y{Z¶Z Ymam, OwbmB©-{gV§~a 2018 l 3 gwñdmJV‘² Shri Gopal Singh Gusain has assumed charge as Executive Director of our Bank on 20.09.2018.

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