Weaving Cultures ~ Entrelazando Culturas Transformational Leadership for Intercultural Communities Liderazgo Transformador para Comunidades Interculturales Fourth Residential Quarto Encuentro September 8-10, 2020 8-10 de septiembre de 2020 Welcome ~ Bienvenida Dear Sisters, Queridas hermanas, On behalf of the Mexican American Catholic En nombre de Mexican American Catholic Co- College I welcome you and thank you for joining us llege les doy la bienvenida y les agradezco que se unan a in Weaving Cultures ~ Entrelazando Culturas. The sum- nosotros en Weaving Cultures ~ Entrelazando Culturas. El mer of 2018 initiated our mutual journey as you re- verano de 2018 inició nuestro viaje compartido al res- sponded to what we referred to as the opportunities, ponder a lo que llamamos las oportunidades y desafíos and challenges of religious life in the 21st century— de la vida religiosa en el siglo XXI, es decir, el trabajo namely, the intentional and committed work of inter- intencional y comprometido de la vida intercultural. cultural living. Como todos hemos presenciado en estos últi- As we have all witnessed in these past months mos meses de agitación, las oportunidades y desafíos of unrest, the opportunities and challenges continue seguirán llegando y son recordatorios impactantes del to come and are shocking reminders of the work we trabajo que debemos proseguir. Estos son, en efecto, must continue. These are indeed unprecedented tiempos sin precedentes. El año 2020 será conocido times. The year 2020 will forever be known as the por siempre como el año en que nació una "nueva nor- year when a “new normal” was birthed from COVID malidad" del COVID-19 y el grito de justicia de nues- -19 and the cry for justice from our brothers and sis- tros hermanos y hermanas que han soportado la mayor ters who have borne the brunt of this health and so- parte de esta pandemia sanitaria y social. cial pandemic. Han reconocido los signos de nuestros tiempos You have recognized the signs of our times y han respondido yendo más allá de lo normal. Están and respond by going beyond business as usual. You tomando medidas para construir la comunión entre sus are taking steps to build communion among your miembros y así abrazar el rostro cambiante de la vida members to embrace the changing face of religious religiosa y de la comunidad en general. Este tipo de tra- life and the community at large. This kind of trans- bajo de transformación no ha sido fácil y seguirá siendo formative work has not been easy and will continue to un desafío. Estamos agradecidos de poder compartir be challenging. We are grateful to be able to share this este viaje que nos ha permitido a todos profundizar en journey that has enable us all to deepen the quality of la calidad de nuestras relaciones y nos impulsa a vivir our relationships and propel us to live our mission nuestra misión de manera intercultural. El mundo nece- interculturally. The world needs your joyful witness— sita su alegre testimonio —el testimonio de la unidad en the witness of diversity in unity—the many parts yet la diversidad—las muchas partes y, sin embargo, un one body of Christ. solo cuerpo de Cristo. Be assured of our prayers. Les aseguramos nuestras oraciones. Sincerely, Sinceramente, Arturo Arturo Table of Contents ~ Índice Sr. Elizabeth Ann Guerrero, MCDP Cell phone 210-365-7734 Elizabeth 2- Welcome / Bienvenida 3- Instructions & Calendar / Sr. Constanza Fernández Cano Salgado, F.Sp.S. Instrucciones y horario Cell phone 210-629-9734 Constanza 4-7 Biographies / Biografías Technical Assistance ENGLISH 8-9 Tuesday / Martes Meghan Davila 10-11 Wednesday / Miércoles 210-765-4558 12-13 Thursday / Jueves Here is the link to the virtual residential. 14- Planning tool / Aquí encontrarás la liga para el encuentro. Instrumento de planificación 13-15 Songs / Canciones https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84585224645 2 Instructions and calendar ~ Instrucciones y horario We encourage you to enter the virtual space early to Las invitamos a que entren temprano al espacio virtual check your internet connection, microphone, and select para revisar su conexión de Internet, su micrófono y the language interpretation channel of your choice. The seleccionar el canal de interpretación del idioma de su virtual space will open at 8:00 am for your convenience. elección. El espacio virtual se abrirá a las 8:00 am para 1. Use your own device to participate in the assembly su conveniencia since you will be placed as an individual in small 1. Usa tu dispositivo personal para participar en el groups during the residential. encuentro ya que serás colocada individualmente 2. Keep this residential booklet close by. You may en grupos pequeños durante el residencial. want to have it accessible on another device or print 2. Mantén este cuadernillo del encuentro cerca de ti. it. Puede ser que quieras tenerlo accesible en otro dis- 3. All Residential sessions will be recorded, except for positivo o imprimirlo. small group conversations. The recordings will be 3. Todas las sesiones residenciales serán grabadas, made available at excepto las conversaciones en grupos pequeños. https://maccsa.org/weavingcultures/ Las grabaciones estarán disponibles en Password: intercultural https://maccsa.org/weavingcultures/ Contraseña: intercultural Here is the link to the virtual residential. Aquí encontrarás la liga para el encuentro. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84585224645 ALL TIMES ARE CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. LOS TIEMPOS CORRESPONDEN A LA HORA DE SAN ANTONIO, TX Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Wednesday, September 9, 2020 Thursday, September 10, 2020 Martes, 8 de septiembre de 2020 Miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2020 Jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2020 9:00 am Morning prayer 9:00 am Morning prayer 9:00 am Morning prayer and Welcome and Welcome and Welcome Oración y Bienvenida Oración y Bienvenida Oración y Bienvenida 9:30 am Roundtable / panel 9:30 am Roundtable / panel 9:30 am Large group “I can’t breathe” “I can’t breathe” Looking Ahead Panel –“No puedo respirar” Panel –“No puedo respirar” Grupo grande “Mirando hacia el futuro” 10:30 am Silent reflection 10:30 am Silent reflection Reflexión individual Reflexión individual 10:30 am Silent reflection Reflexión individual 10:45 am Small group discussion 10:45 am Small group discussion Diálogo en grupos pequeños Diálogo en grupos pequeños 10:45 am Small group discussion Diálogo en grupos pequeños 11:30 am Large group sharing 11:30 am Large group sharing Compartir en grupo grande Compartir en grupo grande 11:30 am Large group sharing Compartir en grupo grande 12:00 pm Closing remarks 12:00 pm Closing remarks Comentarios finales Comentarios finales 12:00 pm Closing remarks Comentarios finales 3 Tuesday, September 8, 2020 Roundtable / Panel & Presenters Joan F. Neal, M.A. Pastoral Studies. Joan F. Neal has a wide range of experience in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, particularly with faith-based institutions. She is the Former Vice President and Chief Planning Officer at Cabrini College (now University) in Radnor, Pennsylvania where she oversaw key institutional planning processes and Mission Integration. Prior to joining Cabrini, she was Executive Vice President at Catholic Relief Services, the US Catholic Church’s international relief and development agency in Baltimore, Maryland. There she founded the U.S. Operations division and developed and led the agency’s strategy for outreach to Catholics in the United States. Currently, Ms. Neal volunteers as the Senior Fellow for Government Relations and Strategy at NET- WORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice. As an independent organizational development consultant, in addition to her own clientele, she also worked with the Reid Group to execute a pastoral planning process for the Archdiocese of New York. Before relocating to the East Coast, she was Associate Director of Leadership Greater Chicago, Vice President & Branch Man- ager at the First National Bank of Chicago and Vice President of Public Affairs at Harris/Bank of Montreal, among other lead- ership positions in the financial services industry. Ms. Neal serves as a member of the Boards of the Center for Migration Studies of New York, the Mexican American Catholic College in San Antonio, and Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, where she is a Life Trustee. She is also a former member of the Boards of Jesuit Refugee Services and the National Catholic Reporter. She holds a Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies as well as a Certificate in Biblical Spirituality from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago and a Bachelor of Arts in English from Loyola University (Chicago, IL). S. Addie Lorraine Walker, SSND, Ph.D., has been a School Sister of Notre Dame for 40 years. She served as provincial leader of the Dallas Province of SSND for nine years (2002-2011) before the merger into the Central Pacific Province of the School Sisters of Notre Dame. Currently, she serves as Professor of Practical/Pastoral Theology at Oblate School of Theology. She teaches courses in both the Master's and Doctor of Ministry levels, including US Religious History, Spirituality and Culture, Faith Development, Christology, and Black Church Studies. She is the founder and Director of the Sankofa Institute for Afri- can American Pastoral Leadership, established in 2013 at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, TX. Following the completion of a Ph.D. in Religion and Education from Boston College in 1996, S. Addie Lorraine has continued to minister as a pastoral and practical theologian in university, high school, and parish settings. She also works as facilitator and teacher/formator in seminary formation and with initial/ongoing formation programs for religious congregations. She gives lectures on charism, offers retreats, and does spiritual direction with religious congregations throughout the US and Africa. S. Addie Lorraine is committed to working with intercommunity formation programs whenever possible.
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