The Crusader Bulletin of the Eucharistic Crusade for Children in Australia #323 Read inside: April 2018: Month of the - The Little Flower p. 4 Blessed Sacrament - Eucharistic devotion p. 6 - The life of Christ p. 9 - English and Welsh Martyrs: Blessed Henry Walpole p. 10 - Kindness: the Bloom of Charity p. 13 - My Catholic Faith - Our Lord Jesus Christ p. 14 2 The Crusader April 2018 The Saint Saint Catherine of Siena of the Virgin month (1347-1380) atherine, the daughter of a hum- travelled through ble Christian tradesman, was Italy, reducing C raised up to be the guide and rebellious cities to guardian of the Church in one of the the obedience of darkest periods of its history, the four- the Holy See, and teenth century. As a child, prayer was winning hardened her delight. She would say the Hail souls to God. In the Mary on each step as she sight of virtually mounted the stairs, and was granted in the whole world reward a vision of Christ in glory. she sought out And He revealed to her the secrets of Gregory XI at Avi- Christian perfection. When only seven gnon, brought him years old she made a vow of virginity, back to Rome, and afterwards enduring bitter persecution by her letters to the kings and queens for refusing to marry. of Europe made good the Papal cause. She was the counsellor of Ur- Her parents persisted long in their ban VI, and sternly rebuked the dis- refusal to allow her to enter religious loyal cardinals who took part in life, her only ambition; but she made a electing an antipope. kind of spiritual and penitential convent cell in her heart's depths, and Long had the holy virgin foretold the there she found her Beloved and terrible schism which began before conversed with Him each day. At the she died. Day and night she wept and age of fifteen she was permitted to prayed for unity and peace. But in enter the Third Order of Saint spirit she saw the entire city of Rome Dominic, but continued to reside in full of demons, who were tempting her father's house, where she united a the people to revolt and even to slay life of active charity to the prayer of a the Vicar of Christ. With intense contemplative Saint. Our Lord be- earnestness Saint Catherine begged stowed on her His Heart in exchange Our Lord to prevent this enormous for her own, gave her Communion crime. Their seditious temper was with His own hands, and imprinted on subdued by her prayers, but they her body the marks of His wounds. vented their rage by scourging the Saint herself, who gladly endured all From this obscure home the seraphic for God and His Church. She died in virgin was taken by Providence to Rome in 1380, at the age of thirty- defend the Church's cause. Her life three. became a continuing miracle. Armed with Papal authority and accompanied Saint Catherine of Siena’s feastday by three confessors, she is on 30th April April 2018 The Crusader 3 It tells me that only 19 Eucharistic FROM THE CHAPLAIN Crusaders turned in there treasure Dear Crusaders and Friends, sheet in January. Granted, January is during the school holidays, but a Ressurexit sicut dixit, allelu- Eucharistic Crusader is always alert ia! He is risen as He said, alleluia! to fulfil his obligations. Besides, it We celebrate Easter Sunday with means that more than 200 Australi- great joy because our Lord, who an Crusaders were dead that month. died on the cross, conquered death. That is right. There are about 230 of Just think for a moment, His dead you that I send the magazine to in body was lying in a tomb and then it Australia. It makes my heart bleed started to be alive again. How amaz- to think how sad the good Jesus is ing! How wonderful! Our sins when he sees the “Treasure” that caused Him to die and so we had has been returned by his choice sol- great sorrow. Now He is alive again diers. which causes our hearts to rejoice. Renew theses thoughts very often Now that I have said that, I during this Easter season and brave- don’t want you to think that I am ly and joyfully continue the work of mad at you. No, we all make mis- sanctifying yourself by pray, com- takes, we all forget. However, I do munion, sacrifice, and apostolate. want you to rise up, to become alive again, to start once again to fill in While my heart rejoices at the and turn in your treasure sheets. If remembrance of Christ’s resurrec- you have old treasure sheets, you tion, it bleeds when I think of the can still send them to me, even if state of my Eucharistic Crusaders. there is not much treasure on it. My Jesus has risen again to life, but Think of the Sacred Heart of Jesus my Eucharistic Crusaders are dead holding out his heart to you. Do you and lifeless. This statement may not wish to give him something in shock you, but it is true. return? Give him your treasure sheet. Do not do your treasure sheet How do I know that a Cru- because I am asking you. Don’t do sader is “alive”? I know if a Crusad- it because your teachers ask you. er is “alive” if he turns in his treas- Don’t do it because your parents ask ure sheet. If you don’t turn in a you. Do your treasure sheet and re- treasure sheet, it is because you turn it in order to LIVE up to the have stopped “living” as a Crusader. love of Jesus for you. If you look on the back of this Yours in Jesus & Mary, booklet, you will see this. Fr. Benjamin Campbell 4 The Crusader April 2018 THE LITTLE FLOWER The story of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus By Mary Fabyan Windeatt THÉRÈSE’S FIRST CHILD OF GRACE ow happy Thérèse was as she walked the Carmelite increased, too—for that life home from Midnight Mass with Papa which is made up of hidden prayer and sacri- H and her sisters! The strength of soul fice. Now more than ever did it seem to her a which had left her at Mama’s death was back thing of beauty, and she longed with all her again. The shyness and tears had gone the way heart to embrace it. of foolish scruples. She was a new person. She said nothing to Papa, however. He was not There was a good chance to prove this when too well these days, and something told her that they reached the house. Following the it was not wise to leave him. Instead, God Christmas Eve custom of little French children, would let her save souls while still at home. He she had left her shoes by the fireplace some would inspire her to devote herself to those hours earlier, knowing that Papa and her sisters about there, to be kind and cheerful and willing. would fill them with presents. Now, as Céline Such actions were not too hard for a girl of and Thérèse started upstairs to take off their fourteen, yet how valuable they could be if she things, they heard their good father say that she offered them to the Heavenly Father in union was too big for such childishness. He hoped it with the sufferings of Jesus Christ. would be the last time she expected her shoes to Thérèse’s first duties in this new life of charity be filled with gifts. were to her own family. She tried very hard to Ordinarily, she should have been grief-stricken be useful about the house, and her sisters soon at hearing Papa speak this way. Now everything noted the change. She tried to be kind to their was different. There was no need for Céline to servants and to the poor who came each hover anxiously about her, ready to dry her Monday to the back door for food. When the tears. Thérèse was brave at last. God had opportunity arose to teach Catechism to two worked a miracle during her Christmas little girls, she seized it eagerly. How she loved Communion. She was strong with His strength, children! They seemed to love her, too, and and to Céline’s amazement she went downstairs many were the happy hours she spent with these in a few minutes and took the presents from her little friends, telling them of the good God and shoes with every sign of joy. Truly, Christmas the wonderful reward He has prepared for those Day of 1886 was the beginning of her who serve Him faithfully. conversion. Never again was she to be entirely To all appearances Thérèse was just a normal the victim of childish tears. girl, living quietly with her family. She did A short time later God gave her another great nothing out of the ordinary. There were no grace. One Sunday as she closed her prayer- miracles or visions, only days of prayer and book at the end of Mass, a picture of the little works of mercy. But people would have Crucifixion slipped out from the pages, been very surprised if they could have read her showing one of the Saviour’s pierced hands. At heart. She was on fire with the desire to save the sight of the Precious souls! She thirsted for them! Blood falling to earth, she Because of this, She sometimes wondered if she was struck with an intense should not join a missionary Order instead of desire to stand in spirit at the cloistered Carmelites.
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