THE WATERVLIET RECORD VOLUME 65 WATERVLIET, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1948 NUMBER 37 Two Couples Wed Sunday FERGUSON HEADS Michigan ORGANIZING BODY Survey Completed MIRROR FOR NEW HOSPITAL On Lake Sanitation BT GENE ALLEMAN EAST TAWAS — Joseph Valinto B.H. Law Firm To Handle OPEN APPLIANCE T government forest engineer of STORE IN NEW Czecho-Slovakia, shook his head. He Legal Details ENGINEERS' REPORT had been traveling about the United ANDERSON BLDG. An interim committee with G. K. States and had just arrived In Eastj U. S. Wilson and Otto Kunst of Ferguson as chairman, was named TO BE HEARD AT Tawas for a visit at headquaiters of' Benton Harbor both formerly asso- by the Chamber of Commerce at its the Huron National Forest. ciated with the O.K. Electrical shop Monday noon day meeting to assume "You Americans are so wasteful," In that city have opened an electri- charge of Watervliet's new com- MONDAY MEETING he said. "I cannot understand it cal appliance store here In the south munity hospital until such time as a Over in Czecho-Slovakia we try to half of the new Anderson building permanent organization Is perfected plant trees as we cut them. We do They expect to have a grand op- Others named by Floyd Lashley, not let any part of the tree go to ening on Saturday, September 18 Developments In Lake Level president of the C of C, to serve on waste. Even small sticks are gath- although they may actually be open the committee are Wm. Beverly Plan To Be Aired ered as faggots to burn in stoves for business a day or two earlier Sr., J. H. Leverton. Otto Helweg and But in this country—it seems such a than this date. A meeting to familiarize property Raymond Moody. The legal firm of pity. You Americans waste so Both of the partners, with their owners with the recently completed much." Harvey & Fisher was named to carry preliminary survey for a sanitary out the legal phases. families, expect to move to Water- Valinto voiced his wonderment in vliet as soon as living quarters can district and sewage disposal system a talk here with John Franson, dis- Uyleau Shimer who acted as co- be located here. will be held next Monday at 8 p.m. trict ranger. chairman of the funds raising cam- The new business will operate un- at Steve's Roller rink paign announced this week that the Franson related it to us when we der the name of "K & W" and the The meeting is being sponsored by dropped in for a chat. The chat S32,500 which the community, Wa- associates state that they will be the Paw Paw Lakes Resort associa- tervliet, Coloma and Hartford had ended up in a day's inspection toui prepared to service the appliances tion, and Is for the benefit of all per- of a few^of the 450,000 acres of fed- set out to raise had been exceeded they deal In. An advertisement set- sons having property within In the eral forests under his wing. Aftei in actual monies paid into the fund ting forth the merchandise to be proposed sanitary district. getting a close-up of what Unclc Mr. Shimer also wished to reiterate handled appears on page 2 of this The perllmlnary survey was pre- Sam is doing to rebuild our vanish- that any errors or omissions made in | issue of the Record, ing forests, we were both worried any published contributors' list' sented Labor Day evening to the over the future and somewhat re- could be corrected If the error were Colom township board by Ralph assured. It's hard to explain. made known to him. Petrie, Benton Harbor manager for Mr. and Mrs. Herman Robandl Mr. and Mrs. Henry Leverton That portion of the list of con- NILSON OPENS the engineering form of Consoer, Townsend & Associates, which the Here's a fast picture, as we got it. Cut courtesy Herald-Press Photo by Hann, Hartford tributors omitted from last week's JEWELRY STORE board had employed to prepare such The United States is rapidly be- Issue of the Record because of lack Watervliet may again boast an- a survey. coming a have-not nation in natural 9 of space appears herein: Florence Smith Brant 10.00 other business enterprise on Main Steve Bearty, president of the resources. QUIGLEY-ROBANDT BOYER-LEVERTON street with the opening of a jewelry According to the last annual re- Harry Whitney 10.00 resort association, said he had been ELECTION RESULTS and watch repair shop today (Fri- port of the Forest Service, the na- VOWS SPOKEN IN Leon Seron 10.00 advised by the township board the CEREMONY HELD IN day) In the south room of the Tacy tion's woodpile has been reduced 44 Genevieve Conklln 5.00 survey had been finished after sev- HOME SETTING building. per cent in the past 36 years. And PLYMOUTH CHURCH Aage Larsen 5.00 eral months' work, and the engineers FOLLOW GENERAL Nell Nllson of Chicago, who has listen to this: The annual drain on Plymouth Congregational church The spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Lyman 10.00 In charge were ready to make their for many years been In the jewelry report. the nation's forest approximates 54 Watervliet, was the scene of a pretty L. R. Boyer In northeast Watervliet E. Kraklau — 10.00 business In that city, has moved his billion board feet, while the annual wedding Sunday afternoon at four was the scene on Sunday afternoon A. J. Dowd 25.00 Mr. Bearty said he hoped all own- COUNTY PATTERN stock and equipment to this city and growth Is only 35 billion board feet. o'clock when Miss Ardlth Marlon of the pretty wedding of their dau- Semper Fldells S5. Class ..100.00 ers living within the district would contemplates an active business In The annual loss Is greater than Quigley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs ghter, Lenore, and John Henry Lev- A. H. Alflng* 50.00 turn out for the meeting. erton, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. his new store. He has rented one of annual growth by more than 50 per Victor F. Quigley, Watervliet, be- Mary Leonard 5.00 This week Mr. Petrie told news- Vole Shows Popularity Of came the bride of Herman Alfred Leverton Sr., First street, Water- Clara Ewald 25.00 the Evans cottages on Bowe's Land- cent! ing and his wife and small daughter men that costs were difficult to es- Maybe the Czech forester was Faulkner At Home Robandt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Al- vliet. Rev. William A. Keith, pastor Dwlght Herrlck 10.0C plan to move here In the near future. timate, but he would estimate an- right, after all. bert Robandt, St. Joseph. of First Congregational church, Kal- Elga Danneffel 10.00 nual charges at $48 per annunm per With less than a SOy, vote of the Rev. H. Stewart Ross, assistant amazoo, performed the single ring Pearl Myers 5.00 The north portion of the building formerly the Tacy's Appliance and dwelling. Costs would be spread And yet the picture Isn't all registered electorate cast, the Sep- rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church ceremony at three o'clock In the George McCray 10.0C over 30 years, he stated. tember primary election was run off of Benton Harbor and St. Joseph presence of 100 guests. The Hollands 25.00 Gift Shop, will be occupied soon by black. There's a sliver lining pr two Mr. Petrie said a primary treat- Tuesday in Watervliet along much officiated at the nuptial rites in the The bride, who was given In mar- George Morlock 10.00 L. R. Owen with his Gamble store "I believe there Is a change of na- ment sewage disposal plant suffi- the same pattern as recorded gener- presence of a large assemblage of riage by her father, wore a gown Grandma O'Brien 1.00 which Is privately owned. Further tional thinking about our national cient to serve 1,600 to 2,000 persons ally throughout the county with the friends and relatives. White glad- which was more than one hundred Wlmmiam Eickles 10-0C announcement will be made In a resources," commented Franson. He plus sanitary lines to serve the en- exception that Robert Faulkner loll and fern. Interspersed with tall years old. having been worn by her Jim Donovan 10.0C later edition of the Record. Is a career man In federal forest tire district had been figured In the candidate for the Republican nom- white tapers In candelabra, were mother at her wedding 38 years ago Eddie Meehl 15.00 work; a native of Boston who went preliminary survey. to the University of Michigan ination for state senator from the used to decorate the church altar This attractive creation was of Ivory W. J. Schmidt 3.00 lace over satin, fashioned with Emll Hofienkamp 5.0C At the forthcoming meeting there "Congress Increased funds this year seventh district received a smashing forming the background for the cere- Oklahomans Here For matching train and her finger tlj: Mr. & Mrs. A. Brlney 5.00 also will be a discussion of develop - for tree planting, and as a result 141-54 vote over incumbent Senator mony. illusion veil fell from a tiara of or- Mr. & Mrs. Walter Moser 10.00 Boyer-Leverton Rites ments on the water level case for 12,000 acres of trees are to be plant- G. Elwood Bonlne of Vandalla. The The bride, who was given In mar- ange blossoms and seed pearls.
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