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Vincentiana Volume 33 Number 1 Vol. 33, No. 1 Article 1 1989 Vincentiana Vol. 33, No. 1 [Full Issue] Follow this and additional works at: https://via.library.depaul.edu/vincentiana Part of the Catholic Studies Commons, Comparative Methodologies and Theories Commons, History of Christianity Commons, Liturgy and Worship Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation (1989) "Vincentiana Vol. 33, No. 1 [Full Issue]," Vincentiana: Vol. 33 : No. 1 , Article 1. Available at: https://via.library.depaul.edu/vincentiana/vol33/iss1/1 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentian Journals and Publications at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vincentiana by an authorized editor of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Via Sapientiae: The Institutional Repository at DePaul University Vincentiana (English) Vincentiana 2-28-1989 Volume 33, no. 1: January-February 1989 Congregation of the Mission Recommended Citation Congregation of the Mission. Vincentiana, 33, no. 1 (January-February 1989) This Journal Issue is brought to you for free and open access by the Vincentiana at Via Sapientiae. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vincentiana (English) by an authorized administrator of Via Sapientiae. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CONGREGATIO MISS IONIS VINCENTIANA 0 1989 VSI.PER. 255.77005 V775 CURIA GENERALITIA v. 33 Via di Bravetta, 159 no.1 00164 ROMA 1989 SUMMARIUM ACTA SAN('TAE SEDIS - Letter of the Pt ii. orator General to Cong. for Divine \Nor- ship ...._....... .. .............................................................. - Decretum Congieg pro Cultu Divino (pro lingua polona) CURIA GENERALITIA I - Litterae Superioris Gerteralis - a toute la Congregation (28.1.1989) 3 to the Congregation (Lent 1989) 4 2 - Some Reflections on Evangelical Poverty in the Congre- gation - The Gen. Council C.Al. (Lent 1989)........ 5 3 - Regimen C.M.: Nominationes, Confirmationes el Pre- scriptiones (Decemb. 1988 Feb. 1989) ..... 10 4 - Necrulogium .an. 1988 .......__ ............._..._ ............................................ 11 -Jan.-Feb. 1989 ........ ..................... 13 5 - Neo-Sacerdotcs, an. 1988 ......................... 14 6 - Neo-Incorporati, an. 1988 ........................ 15 RENCONTRF. DES VISITEURS - RIO. 3.17 juillet 1989 1 - English test Letter of the Prep. Corn. (2.1.1989) ............... 17 Program for the Visitors fleeting ................ 18 Towards an Evaluation of thhe Lines of Action, 1986.1992 21 2- Testo expanol Carta de la Corfu. Prepa. (2.1.1989) - ...... 41 Programa del Encuentro de los Visitadores ....... 42 Rcspucstas en vista de la Evaluacitin de [as Lignas de Accion, 1986-1992 ..... 45 3 - Testc Irancais Lettre de la Commis. Prepa. (2.1.1989) 66 Programme de la Renconire des Visiteurs ..... 67 - Fn rue dune Evaluation des Lignes d'Action, 1986 1992 70 ETIOPIA: 150 ANSI DALL'INIZIO DELLA NUOVA MISSIONE CATTOLICA I - San Giustino De .lacobis all'inirio delta missione etiopi- ca (1839) - Luigi Betta C . M. ...................... 91 2 - One hundred and Fifty Years of Prestly Formation by the Lararists in Ethiopia, 1838.1988 - Gerard van Win- sen C.M. 97 3 - 11 messaggio di San Giustino: sanrita ed ccuntcnismo Miguel Perez Flores C . M. 105 4 -- ELtopia Vincenriana Oggi - Benlarnino Dc Palma C.M. 112 5 - Otnelia del Superiore Generale presso la Tontha di San Giustino (lleho, 17 11.19881 117 6 - Homily: Fr. Richard tlcCullerr, 150th.Anm%crsar\ of en- trusting Vicari:'te of Abyssinia to the Community by the Holy See (Addis Ababa. 3.12.1988) ................. 119 7 - The Congregation of the Mission completes 150 years in Ethiopia I'Net' Bull.". India) 123 VITA CONGRF.G.ATIONIS I - Un "merci " all P. Gaziello - fow Oriol Bavlach C.M. 124 2 - Portugal : Funchal : Reportagenr to P. McCullcn "O Jor- intl It %ladcio,' ........ .. 125 3 - New Orleans Damascus House: Vincenttan Brothers. Renescal Program Bernard 1. QuinnnC..tl. 128 4 - Madagascar: I n Herntano misionero r' constructor: el Herrrtarto Jose Rua C.Al. -(Estacto de''Caminos de Mi- siorr", Madrid) 131 -1- VINCENTIANA COMMENTARIUM OFFICIALE PRO SODALIBUS CONGREGATION IS MISSION IS ALTERNIS MENSIBUS EDITUM Apud Curiam Generalitiam Via di Bravetta, 159 - 00164 ROMA ANNO XXXIII (1989); N° 162 Fasciculus 1, Jan.-Feb. ACTA SANCTAE SEDIS CONGREGAZIONE DELLA MISSIONE CURIA GENERALIZIA January 13, 1989 Via di Bravetta, 159 - Roma 89-001-POL Your Eminence: Permit me to present the text of the Liturgy of the Hours for the Proper of the Congregation of the Mission in the polish language. This text is respectfully presented for the confirmation or appro- bation of the Congregation for Divine Worship. The translation into the polish language was carried out under the supervision of the Provincial Superior of our Polish Province, Very Rev. Stanislaw Wypych, CM, former Assistant Gen- eral at our General Curia in Rome (1980-1986). The original text of the Proper for our Congregation in the la- tin language was approved by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship on the 21st of March, 1974 (Prot. N. 1222/74). With prayerful best wishes and sentiments of esteem, I am, Respectfully yours in our Lord, William W. Sheldon, C.M. Procurator General His Eminence Cardinal Eduardo Martinez Somalo Prefect Congregation for Divine Worship Pia:,a Pio X11, 3 - 00193 Rome -2- CONGREGATIO PRO CULTU DIVINO Prot. 196/89 CONGREGATIONIS MTSSIONIS Instante Reverendo Patre Gulielmo W. Wheldon, Congregatio- nis Missionis Procuratore Generali, litteris die 13 ianuarii 1989 da- tis, vigore facultatum huic Congregationi a Summo Pontifice IOAN- NE PAULO II tributarurn, texturn Proprii Liturgiae Horarum eius- dem Congrcgationis, lingua polona exaratum et huic Decreto ad- nexum, perlibenter prohamus seu confirmamus. In textu imprimendo inseratur ex integro hoc Decretum, quo ab Apostolica Sede petita confirmatio conceditur. Eiusdern insuper textus impressi duo exemplaria ad hanc Con- gregationern transmittantur. Contrariis quibuslibet minime obstantibus. Ex aedibus Congregationis pro Cultu Divino, die 16 februarii 1989. Eduardo +s Cruel. lartine Practc tu, t Vergilius Noe Archiep. tit. Voncariensis a Secretis -3- CURIA GENERALI TIA LITTERAE SUPERIORIS GENERALIS A Joule la Congregation Roma, 28 janvier 1989 Mes chers Confreres, La grace de Notre-Seigneur Jesus-Christ soil avec nous a jamais! Il v a quelques semaines, le Perc Jcan-Francois Gaziello, Assis- tant pour les Missions, m'a dernande d'etre decharge dc son office d'Assistant. A la session d'aujourd'hui, apres avoir entendu l'avis des rnembres du Conseil General et obtenu leur consentement, j'ai accepts sa dcmission. Le motif do la dcmission du Pere Gaziello, c'est son etat de sante. Fin 1987, lors de la visite d'unc mission, it a contracts une malaria cerebrale et it est reste quatre jours dans le coma. Son co0ur en a ete affects. Lors d'un recent examen medical, apres une visite Bans une Province missionnaire, les docteurs lui ont conseills de ne plus entreprendre de longs et penibles voyages. A la lumiere do ces faits, j'ai decide, sur sa dernande, de Ic decharger de son office. La Congregation doit de la reconnaissance au Pere Gaziello polo- son excellent travail durant huit ans et demi. Il a ete tres assidu a visiter les missions et it s'est applique tics activement a les promouvoir. Ses contributions lors des Conseils ont ete un sti- mulant pour noun tous . Je Iui suis profondemcnt reconnaissant de I'aide qu'il m'a personnellement donnee. Je sais que vous vous unircz a nous pour demander au Seigneur de lui rendre ses forces, afin qu'il puisse continuer a travailler pour la Congregation, dins la Province de Toulouse, a laquelle it retourne. Que Notre-Dame, "Salus Infirmorum", lui accorde la pro- tection de son intercession touts-puissante! Dans I'amour de Notre-Seigneur je demeure votre devour confrere Richard McCULLEN, is. C.M. -4- Rorna, Lent 1989 To the Congregation My dear Confreres, May the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ bi with us forevar! A few weeks ago in my Advent letter I wrote to you on the topic of our Vow of Poverty. Since that time the members of the General Council have devoted a number of sessions to reflecting on the sub- ject. We would like now to offer you the fruits of our reflection, along with some questions which should be faced and honestly answered by each one of us. We consider that the maintenance and practice of evangelical poverty in the Congregation is essential for our survival as a Com- munity in the Church, a conviction which Saint Vincent expressed frequently to us at the end of his life. During the weeks of Lent I ask each local community in the Con- gregation to hold at least one conference on the subject of evangeli- cal poverty as practised by us as individuals and as communities. Later, at your next Provincial Assembly consideration and reflec- tion can be given to the questions of evangelical poverty at a provin- cial level. The short document which the General Council now offers you will, / hope, be a help in your personal, community and provincial reflection on our practice of evangelical poverty. May the Spirit of God enlighten us about the means we should adopt to strengthen, or if need be, restore the dynamism that the practice of evangelical poverty gives to the life of a man who is intent on continuing the mission of Christ of proclaiming good news to the poor. Asking a remembrance in your prayers, I remain in the love of Our Lord, Your devoted confrere, Richard McCULLEN, i.s. C.M. -5- SOME REFLECTIONS ON EVANGELICAL POVERTY IN THE CONGREGATION 1. SOMF. FACTS In a civilization and a world marked by a prodigious movement of' almost indefinite material growth, what witness would he offered by a religious who let himself be carried away by an uncurbed seek- ing for his own case, and who considered it normal to allow himself without discernment or restraint everything that is offered him? (Evangelica Testificatio, 19).
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