Annual Report 2012 Editorial Dear Friends of EuroNatur, Do you remember the media hype that surroun- tected areas as part of the European Green ded the alleged prediction of an apocalypse at Belt. This annual report showcases a selection the end of last year? A misinterpretation of the of projects in this area. The year 2012 also Mayan calendar had led some to predict the marked the completion of yet another step end of mankind to come to pass on December towards the long-term protection of the uni- 21, 2012. As was to be expected, the self-styled que river and alluvial landscapes in the border prophets got it wrong and the world did not regions connecting Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, end. However, given the ongoing destruction Croatia and Serbia. On July 11, 2012, UNESCO of our natural resource base on which all life officially recognized the Croatian-Hungarian depends one might well ask whether we are section of the planned Mura-Drava-Danube headed for a major catastrophe. The loss of Transboundary Biosphere Reserve spanning biodiversity continues unabated, there is still five countries. no sign of a binding climate change conven- tion, and day-in day-out valuable natural and Dr. Martin Schneider-Jacoby was one of the cultural landscapes are being sacrificed for major driving forces behind these welcome infrastructure developments. developments. In the mid-1990s he developed the vision of a transboundary biosphere reser- But there are also encouraging examples. Since ve in cooperation with conservationists from its establishment in 1987, in the European Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Austria and Serbia, Year of the Environment, EuroNatur has made and since then he had worked tirelessly towards much progress for nature conservation. On its realization. On August 15, 2012 Dr. Martin June 5, 2012 EuroNatur celebrated the 25th Schneider-Jacoby, a project leader at EuroNatur anniversary of its establishment. At the celeb- for many years, died at the age of 56 after a rations in Berlin the organization was able to brief severe illness. His death has taken from us look back on many successful projects. Euro- a man of extraordinary commitment for nature Natur contributed, for example, to achieving conservation who had an ability shared by few the designation of several national parks and to ignite a spark of enthusiasm in others, fuelled other protected areas within the Balkan Green by his own passion. Even though at times he Belt, such as the Danube-Drava National Park had to try and overcome the most tenacious in the Hungarian-Croatian border region, or resistance, he never gave up. Together with our the Albanian Shebenik-Jablanica National Park. partners we will continue his life’s work and act These successes have been achieved together with determination to preserve Europe’s natural with our local partners, but they are also due treasures for future generations. We hope to to no small part to our donors, supporters and continue having you by our side. sponsors without whose help we could not have realized these projects. I would like to take this I trust that you will find inspiration in reading opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude this report. to you all for your support. Yours sincerely, In 2012 we have continued to work for the further consolidation of the network of pro- Christel Schroeder 2 Annual Report 2012 EuroNatur – Nature conservation without borders EuroNatur, the European Nature Heritage Fund, lives up to its name: There are virtually no other organisations that focus their project activities on transboundary conservation in Europe as strongly as we do. This European focus is enshrined in EuroNatur’s Statutes which set out the organisation’s commitments to include the “implementation of and support for nature conservation projects in Europe aiming at the protection, maintenance and reintroduction of fauna and flora in the wild”. We see it as our core task to overcome the many national borders in Europe in a positive manner and to enable nature conservation efforts at the level of the European continent. What are the particularly distinct features of EuroNatur’s work? Transboundary protection of wild fauna: EuroNatur engages in protection measures for species of wild fauna such as wolves, bears, lynx, Mediterranean monk seals, migratory birds and their habitats in Europe. In this context, EuroNatur’s projects focus on the “Balkan Green Belt”. Large-scale protected areas in outstanding landscapes: We safeguard large-scale, intact natural landscapes and ecologically valuable cultural landscapes in Europe. We don’t shoot from the hip but we’re in it for the long haul: EuroNatur fosters long- term relationships and works on lasting successes rather than leaving important regions to their own devices on foot of implementing short-term projects. Capacity building: We primarily work with regional partner organisations on site and provide advanced training for our partners in the EuroNatur project areas to enable them to effectively protect nature in their own regions. Conservation WITH people: We promote sustainable development in rural areas and offer functioning examples of regional development in harmony with nature. This helps us to win over local people as partners to achieve our conservation objectives. Presence both in the political arena and at the practical level: EuroNatur is an advocate of European nature in Brussels. We fight for a reorientation of the European agricultural policy to render it more favourable both in economic and environmental terms. And we fight for a conservation policy that opens up future prospects for both people and nature. Moreover, we campaign for the actual implementation of planned measures for the protection of European natural heritage. Networks for nature: EuroNatur does not only engage in establishing an ecological network of the most important ecosystems in Europe but also brings together scientists, partners in conservation, farmers, politicians and business people from various countries, thus establishing transboundary communication and understanding. Annual Report 2012 3 Organization & structure A Foundation to protect Europe’s nature EuroNatur is a non-profit foundation es- tablished in 1987 by Friends of the Earth Germany (Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutschland, BUND), the German Federation for Nature Conservation (Naturschutzbund Deutschland, NABU) and German Environ- mental Aid (Deutsche Umwelthilfe, DUH). It is headquartered in Radolfzell. EuroNatur is legally, organizationally and financially Chairman of the Board of Trustees attends independent, autonomous and non-partisan. the meetings of the Presiding Committee in The latest exemption notice (Freistellungs- an advisory capacity. bescheid) was issued by the tax authority in Singen on January 28, 2013. Salaried staff team in charge of operative implementation Presiding Committee provides strategic The full-time salaried management team orientation consisting of the Executive Director and the New members of the Presiding Committee are Director of Conservation Policy is in charge proposed by existing members and elected to of and responsible for the organization’s the Committee by majority vote. The President operative work. The European Nature Heri- is elected from among the members of the tage Fund maintains two offices in Germany Presiding Committee. In 2012 EuroNatur’s with a total of 20 members of staff. Central Presiding Committee had five voting members, functions such as managing donors, book- all of whom served in a voluntary capa- keeping, general administration and public city. Their duties include determining the relations work are based in Radolfzell at Lake organization’s strategic orientation, appro- Constance, as are most of the project ma- ving annual budgets, and approving the nagement activities. The conservation policy annual accounts. The Presiding Committee office is based in Rheinbach near Bonn. oversees the work of the Executive Director and the Director of Conservation Policy. EuroNatur Service GmbH More than fifteen years ago, the European Board of Trustees serves as an advisory Nature Heritage Fund established a wholly committee owned subsidiary, the EuroNatur Service EuroNatur’s Presiding Committee can nom- GmbH, a limited company. This small but inate persons to the Board of Trustees who efficient service provider publishes and support the organization’s concerns. In 2012 markets landscape and wildlife calendars EuroNatur’s Board of Trustees had seventeen and guidebooks on EuroNatur’s project re- members, all of whom served in a voluntary gions as well as a wide range of reference capacity. They support EuroNatur in three books and exclusive items. Additionally the areas: technical advice, especially with re- EuroNatur Service GmbH has specialized spect to access to funding; public relations on layout and mail order services which it work; establishing the organization and provides to the European Nature Heritage its work more firmly within society. The Fund and other clients. 4 Annual Report 2012 Important project areas 4 3 2 20 5 6 1 7 17 15 8 18 10 14 16 9 11 12 13 19 map: Katharina Grund, Kerstin Sauer Kerstin Grund, Katharina map: 1 Cantabrian Mountains 9 Bojana-Buna and Lake Skutari 17 Kotel 2 Senne 10 Albanian Alps 18 Sakar 3 Brandenburg 11 Korab Mountains & National Park Mavrovo 19 Tilos 4 Narew 12 Jablanica-Shebenik Mountains 20 Carpathian Mountains 5 Mura-Drava 13 Illinska-Plakenska Mountains 6 Sava floodplains 14 Shar Mountains European Green Belt 7 Livanjsko Polje
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