Balcarres You’ve always been there √ SK Certified Level 1 & 2 for them. Now, let us be for people at risk Extended of wandering Care Home there for you. √ Spacious Private Rooms RESPITE CARE - Stay with us for a √ Chapel & Church Services #120 Eligin Street, Balcarres, SK FREE 3 day trial. www.saskcarehome.ca Call Max for details 1.780.888.5201 √ Taking AppMications THE MELVILLE @MelvilleAdvance $1.50 PER COPY Friday, GST INCLUDED June 8, 2018 Vol. 92 No. 25 Agreement # 40011922 PROUDLY SERVING MELVILLE AND SURROUNDING AREA SINCE 1929 • WWW.GRASSLANDSNEWS.CA • 1-306-728-5448 A bald eagle mom and her eaglet in their nest east of Melville have been under the watchful eye of photographer Tracy Kerestesh. The fledgling has made a few attempts to fly. Fans at the Melville Millionaires baseball game June 3 would have seen the male circling overhead, in search of food to bring to his family. Photo courtesy of Tracy Kerestesh, www.TracyPortraits.com Melville’s pot retailer wants to be ready By Alan Hustak full 12 months before we open.” Tweed will be focused on being integrated into the Special to Grasslands News For the moment though, MacCorquodale says ev- community. We are anxious to get engaged and open The Yorkton subsidiary of a multinational corpora- eryone will have to go through “a transitional phase,” dialogue with both communities.” tion headquartered in Ontario that grows, produces which will allow retailers to normalize cannabis and MacCorquodale is from Regina, and says priority and sells medical marijuana, has been given the per- “play by the rules.” will be given to hiring locally. He claims “deep roots” mit to open retail cannabis shops in Fort Qu’Appelle He still doesn’t know where the pot stores will be as a longtime resident of the Qu’Appelle Valley. He and Melville. located. “We have a team scouting both towns for has a cottage on Echo Lake and skis Mission Ridge. Tweed Grasslands, a subsidiary of Canopy suitable locations, but we don’t know where the sites He says the cannabis stores will sell “everything Growth in Smiths Falls, Ont., is one of five compa- will be until we get the answers to a number of ques- that is legally permissible to sell.” As it stands for the nies awarded 51 licenses by the Saskatchewan Liquor tions first. What are the municipal requirements? We moment, only cannabis, cannabis oil and cannabis gel and Gaming Authority to sell pot in the province once have to identify what the stores will look like. What will be permitted. But he says there is every indica- the enabling legislation, Bill C-45, is approved by the is the right size of a store for the community. Should Senate. it be 3,000 square feet? Should it be 5,000 square tion retailers will work rapidly to sell other products. “We’re not going to sit on our hands. We are going feet?” “We are very innovative on product offering. Hope- to open as soon as possible,” said Andrew Mac- He said the first step is consultation with the mu- fully we will eventually be allowed to sell cannabis Corquodale, Tweed’s head of operations for Western nicipalities involved. “Be assured that every market brownies, cannabis candies, everything.” Canada. “We have 12 months to comply with the reg- Canopy Growth goes into, be it retail or as a producer, ulations, but it is not our intention to stretch it to the we put a lot of effort into being part of the community. Continued on Page 3 Mark’s Agency Ltd. We have moved m insurance brokers www.marksagency.ca 6HHXVDWRXUQHZRI¿FHORFDWLRQ Home - 3rd Ave. :, Melville, SK 306-728-2165 Auto Farm 215 - 3rd Ave. W., Melville, SK Commercial The Melville Advance 2 June 8, 2018 www.grasslandsnews.ca JDRF raises funds, awareness of type 1 diabetes It was a short walk blindness, kidney and from the Horizon Centre heart disease, and other Credit Union to Kinsmen debilitating conditions. Park and back, but orga- Unlike type 2 diabe- nizers hope funds raised tes, T1D is not linked to in the Juvenile Diabetes being overweight, lack of Research Foundation exercise or other lifestyle (JDRF) Walk to Cure factors. It is not prevent- Diabetes will help to able. quicken the pace of re- “Type 1 is the luck search. of the draw,” explained Participants living Erin Stolar, whose young with diabetes, their fam- son was recently diag- ily, friends and support- nosed with T1D. “It has ers walked June 3 to help nothing to do with your find a cure for type 1 dia- diet, your size, your life- betes (T1D). style, your body type, There are more than your gender. There are 300,000 Canadians liv- no genetic links. ing with type 1 diabetes “My son was diag- who must inject them- nosed six months ago,” selves with insulin sev- Stolar said. “He’s two. It eral times a day to keep has been a huge lifestyle their blood glucose levels change. It’s been a huge Third from the left, Jory Erickson, a JDRF ambassador, and Kirah Rutzki, help hold the ribbon while Erin Stolar and her son cut the normal, and despite their learning curve for not ribbon to start the walk. best efforts, they can only me, but for people betes, that’s not the case. sometimes experience around us.” The caregivers have to serious complications. She said people who act as a pancreas 24 Type 1 diabetes is an don’t understand the dis- hours a day. It’s exhaust- autoimmune disease that ease wonder how a two- ing.” occurs when the body’s year-old can get diabetes “Every time I eat I immune system attacks “unless all he does is eat have to stop and test and destroys the cells in sugar and candy.” my blood sugar,” Rutzki the pancreas that make “Some people have said. “So it’s a burden in insulin. asthma, some people get that sense. You have to “You have to take in- cancer and some have be very persistent about sulin through a needle type 1 diabetes.” watching your blood for the rest of your life,” “We were diagnosed sugar. said Melville’s Kirah 61/2 months ago and I “It’s never going to be Rutzki, who was diag- probably haven’t slept a easy to have diabetes,” nosed 12 years ago at age full night since, ” Stolar Stolar added. “It’s just eight. said. going to ease the burden. “We’re working to find A toddler can’t tell Before departing for a cure but it’s just treat- anyone that he’s dizzy, the round trip walk, ment right now. They or that his blood sugar Rutzki read an inspira- Mom Erin Stoler helps her son get ready for the JDRF walk. He was diagnosed six months ago with don’t know what causes is low or high. “It’s life tional letter from Kaleb T1D. it.” or death. Everyday we’re Dahlgren, a survivor of While insulin injec- living life or death. the Humboldt Broncos 18062SS0 tions or infusion allow a For most people, their bus crash who has type 18061SS3 person with T1D to stay pancreas naturally does 1 diabetes. Diagnosed alive, they do not cure what it needs to. “It pro- at age four, Dahlgren is WANTED the disease, nor prevent vides insulin based on an ambassador for the long-term complications. how much food you eat,” JDRF. He also created a Diabetes is the leading Stolar explained. “For project called Dahlgren’s 3 HOMES IN YOUR AREA cause of amputations, someone with type 1 dia- Diabeauties that sup- ports youngsters with diabetes with tickets to A well established hockey games. Saskatchewan sunroom manufacturer is now offering spring specials. 18062SF0 For advertising purposes our marketing department is offering substantial DISCOUNTS on several sunrooms to be used in your area. Additional Discount for Seniors! SPECIAL OFFER! Walkers enjoyed sunny skies June 3 for the annual walk to find a cure for type 1 diabetes. Good for King’s Convenience 10 days only. presents its Act now and First Ave. Flea Market save! Saturday, June 9 & 10 Do It Yourself Kits or Professional Installation at 170 - 1st Ave. East, Melville, Sask. Rent your space while space is available! Spaces are $20.00 www.sunviewsolariums.ca What do you have to offer? Garage sale, crafts, woodworking, antiques, artwork, home party products, business promotions, baking goods, plants and more. To have your home considered for this program, You are required to provide your own tables, chairs, sunshade, etc. Call 306-316-0255 for details call now toll free 1-800-668-2870 The Melville Advance @grasslands_news June 8, 2018 3 Piano music festival 430 Main St. - P.O. Box 1240, Melville, SK S0A 2P0 • Phone (306) 728-6840 • Fax (306) 728-5911 Website: www.melville.ca NOTICE OF MAILING OF TAX NOTICE CITY OF MELVILLE As per subsection 237(1)(b) of The Cities Act, the tax notices for the City of Melville for the year 2018 have been mailed Any person who has not received the tax notice can call City Hall at (306) 782-6840 and request a copy to be mailed to them. For further information please contact Lei Wang at (306) 728-6840. Pianist Eyon Miller gets some help from teacher Lisa Orr and sibling Anteneh Miller to set up Lei Wang – Controller KLVVKHHWPXVLFEHIRUHSOD\LQJ3DUDGLVHLQWKHDQGXQGHUFDWHJRU\2UU·VDQQXDOUHFLWDOZDV City of Melville KHOG-XQHDW0HOYLOOH&RPPXQLW\:RUNVDQGZDVDGMXGLFDWHGE\.ULVWLQH%HHU JUNE IS RECREATION & PARKS MONTH What: Rec & Parks Fun When: June 16th, 2018 Day Celebration Hailey and Abby Haas perform Chopsticks as a duet in the 8 and under category.
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