“Imagination is a wonderful factor in creating news, but authenticity is the greatest asset a newspaper can have in the minds of its subscribers and readers.’’—JAMES J. JEFFRIES. THE SHOW WORLD prints the News, and as an Independent Amusement N oaper is unafraid to tell the inside and outside doings of the show business. ^ . TEN CENTS THE COPY ISSUED FRIDAY DATED SATURDAY THE WORLDS GREATEST AMUSEMENT NEWSPAPER DEVOTED EXCLUSIVELY TO THE PROFESSION OF EN1X THIS WEEK’S NEWS THIS WEEK Vol. VI No. 1 CHICAGO ack 5\mm% FRANK WEJSBERQ PHQrOS (f POOPED BY JlMWEEDEN .apffiPitip, WttffWMWittIMfO. JESS D.BURNS. ANcr^ffwiS. GEORGE HALE PROMINENT FACTORS IN THE REALM OF BURLESQUE ARE YOU READING DOC WADDELL’S CIRCUS TALES IN THE SHOW WORLD ? HIS CONTRIBUTION THIS WEEK TELLS OF THE CLOWNS OF TODAY AND YESTERDAY. 2 THE SHOW WORLD June 25, 190<l -NOW PERMANENTLY ESTABLISI MOTOGRAPH FILMS Three Fast Daily Each successive release marked by higher quality; every “string” being pulled to bring this product up to and beyond the now favorite brands. It behooves YOU, an important spoke in the Motion Picture Wheel, to at once investigate MOTOGRAPH FILMS, by the most direct method known— Trains Insist on a Screen Exhibition And satisfy yourself there is one new and better product which will surely add to your earning power, be you Renter or Exhibitor. Our method of DIRECT SHIPMENTS keeps us in close touch with our from St. Louis to customers and friends at all times and does away with the possibility of mis¬ takes and mishaps which might occur were we entrusting our business to agen¬ cies or so-called sales companies. MOTOGRAPH FILMS REAL Texas - Oklahoma They represent a Real Factory, designed and built expressly for the manufacture of films by capable and experienced laboratory and studio work¬ men. They represent real, honest effort, backed by necessary capital and ex- pmShce, which must mean, ultimately, the production of Real Films of Merit. Via We'Want Stories, Ideas, Suggestions, Anything of Value from the Trade Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Whenever you think of some bright idea that will improve Moving Pictures generally, jot it down and mail to us. There is but one way to make Independent Pictures stand out as a beacon light to guide all others, and that is close co-operation between the manufacturer and whole trade. Let us aU get together and win. Wednesday OUR NEXT RELEASE °“e ** June 29 - — Reel iHiilf A MILLIONAIRE TRAMP Filmed From One of the Most Successful Plays of the Past Dozen Years, Brimming with Action, Clean Comedy, Pathos and Tears. YOUR PATRONS HAVE SEEN THE PLAY NOW SHOW THEM THE FILM Ask Your Exchange for Past Issues Leaving MORNING NOON NIGHT 9:00 A.M. 2:30 P.M. 8:25 P.M. Fred Harvey Meals gSaV'cSEEffst. Baltimore, U. S. A. FILM D’ART CET YOUR TO BE RELEASED THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1910 JEMMY INDEPENDENT A wonderful dramatic story of a woman’s heroic and heart¬ rending sacrifice, wherein is perpetrated one of those soul-stir¬ ring wrongs that have made the history of the American frontier the most marvelous document in the progress of nations. FILM SERVICE _ f:__ Never-to-be-forgotten acting, by a cast of famous players, with settings that surpass even the grandest effortsof aBelasco. FROM Length 800 feet. W. E. GREENE Ill E. 14th Street Film Exchange J. W. MORGAN FILM CO. The Oldest and Largest Independent Film 1228-30*32 Grand Avenue, Kansas City, Missouri Exchange in New England 228 TREMONT STREET, BOSTON, MASS. A Member of the National Independent Moving Picture Alliance WORLD’S Branch Office: 511A Congress Street, Portland, Me. GREAT NORTHERN FILMS BEST “THE PAPER WITH J HEART ANT) A SOUL” The Show People’s Newspaper CHICAGO, JUNE 25, 1910. For All Kinds of Show People INTERSTATE CIRCUIT as he could not get along without the HANGS WITH K. & E. Imp films. COMBINE AGAINST THE Arthur Lucas coincided with Mr. Karl Hoblitzelle Assures the Syndi- McMahon, and said that he must have - cate of a String of Houses in Imp films, and that if it came to such the Lone Star State. SALES CO. IS FORMED a pass he would order a couple of Interviews with Karl Hoblitzelle prints of Imps and run his exchange and other prominent men of the In¬ Independent Film Manufacturers and Exchanges Meet in exclusively with that product. He terstate circuit have been published' said that he reserved the right to in many Texas papers to the effect Cincinnati and Plan Boycott Campaign. think for himself and run his business that the Syndicate attractions would himself, and that he did not consider be seen in the Inter-State theaters that the Alliance or the Associated next season,.or until such time as the Stirred to action by the appeal of carefully and decided that it was the manufacturers had any right to in¬ liter-State folks can erect legitimate Paul H. Cromelin, vice-president and thing to do. The Alliance had proven a terrogate him. general counsel of the Columbia farce, and the members had broken theaters paralleling their vaudeville George Magie stated that the Gau- houses. Phonograph Co., at the meeting held every rule and failed to * meet every at the Sinton Hotel, Cincinnati, June issue, not even paying their assess¬ mont Co. would not renew its con¬ B. S. Muckenfuss, of the Inter- tract with the Patents Co., and that State office in Chicago, would not 18-19, the Associated Independent ments and dues. The Cincinnati Film Film manufacturers decided to take Exchange had. I felt that the Alli¬ beginning this week its product would discuss the matter further than to be available to the adherents of the say that a night or two of each week drastic measures to whip the Motion ance was unable to cope with the Picture Distributing & Sales Co. into Associated manufacturers. This cre¬ ^roht be given up to legitimate at- situation, as there are too many in an agreement whereby an open mar¬ it that do not. regard their word ated the impression that George -fiactions, until such time as the new Kleine’s agency was involved, and a theaters are ready. ket would be created, and film ex¬ very much. The Sales Co. has treated changes permitted to purchase di¬ us fairly, and we are going to deal representative of The Show World ^KEoblitzelle made the offer to called attention to such misapprehen¬ J^harles Frohman and Klaw & Erlan- rect from such manufacturers as de¬ fairly with it until we find out they are sired to sell in that manner, or from crooked. sion. Mr. Magie, therefore, added ger and the telegram read: the statement that he referred to the ^ff‘The Inter-State Amusement Com¬ the Sales Co. “A split will injure the Independent Telegrams were sent out to all ex¬ American Gaumont Co., controlling pany will immediately start the erec¬ cause, and the Patents Co. will reap the Chronophone. tion of modern fireproof first-class changes that they must decide im¬ the harvest. L would like to see the mediately which faction they shall manufacturers get together and work Each one of the Associated manu¬ •theaters in the principal cities of facturers present then made a short -Texas, paralleling the Weis & Green- support, with the information that in harmony. such renters as remain loyal to the “I cannot be with you, or with the speech, expressing the intention of wall circuit. These theaters will play standing firmly together, and forcing the Klaw & Erlanger attractions. Sales Co. will not be supplied with Alliance. Frankly, there are men films by the insurgents. among you that I would not care to the Sales Co. to recede from its posi¬ Construction will start immediately, tion. and in the interim the Klaw & Er¬ The manufacturers present were as meet on a dark night if I had money langer attractions, will be taken care follows: Edwin Thanhouser; A. G. in my pockets. I don’t want to ap¬ The eastern film men left at 3:15 of in the vaudeville houses controlled vv'hyte; David Horsley, Centaur Film- pear to be here as an interloper, or a Sunday afternoon for New York. An by this company.” Co.; Mark M. Ditzenfass, Champion spy. If you want me to leave the effort was made to win J. W. Morgan Film Co. (formerly Actophone); L. room I will do so.” over, and he was assured that if he went back with them they could show CORT AND SHUBERT Prieur, Lux and Le Lion; George Mr. McMahon then took exception them the justice of their position. ; BUY MID-WEST CIRCUIT. Magie, Kinograph Co.; Arthur Mc¬ to a vulgar remark which Robert Millan, Actophone Co.; and I. W. Bachman had made to him, and said Mr. Morgan said he was from Mis¬ ft John Cort and J. J. Shubert pur¬ Ullman, Columbia Film Co. The he would repeat the statement he souri—a product of Joplin—and was chased a one-half _ interest in the Great Northern Film Co. and the had made at the time to Mr. Bach¬ willing to be shown, so he accom¬ Chamberlain, Harrington and Kindt Motograph Cp. were represented by man, that if there was anybody who panied them. circuit last Saturday for a considera¬ proxies. thought they could make him do Mr. Morgan said: “This proposition tion which is said to have been $500,- Representatives of film exchanges what the president of the Alliance is a serious thing.
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