12/5/13 Preservaon & Access of user-generated Media from Social Movements Preservaon & Access of user-generated Media from Social Movements • Why look at Occupy? • Projects from Ac-vist Archivists Howard Besser, NYU • Projects from NYU’s Tamiment Library/ hp://besser.tsoa.nyu.edu/howard Archive hFp://ac-vist-archivists.org/ Newseum 12/5/2013 1 Newseum 12/5/2013 2 We all remember Occupy Wall Street (10/17/11) the “Occupy Movement” Newseum 12/5/2013 3 Newseum 12/5/2013 4 Occupy Times Square (10/15/11) Occupy Wall Street (10/11/11) Newseum 12/5/2013 5 Newseum 12/5/2013 6 1 12/5/13 Occupy Wall Street (10/11/11) Occupy Wall Street (10/11/11) Newseum 12/5/2013 7 Newseum 12/5/2013 8 Occupy Dallas (1/21/12) Occupy DC (12/12/11) Newseum 12/5/2013 9 Newseum 12/5/2013 10 Occupy Dallas (1/20/12) Occupy Harvard (1/10/12) Newseum 12/5/2013 11 Newseum 12/5/2013 12 2 12/5/13 Occupy Finsbury Square (12/9/11) Occupy St Paul Church (12/9/11) Newseum 12/5/2013 13 Newseum 12/5/2013 14 Occupy Bristol (12/6/11) Occupy Rio (11/14/11) Newseum 12/5/2013 15 Newseum 12/5/2013 16 March 24, 2012 Flickr stats But w/all these photos & videos (just 6 months aer start of movement) floang around the Web: • “#Occupy” 632,089 • How do we know which was taken when? • “Occupy Wall Street” 164,304 • How do we find the media taken before a • “Occupy Protest” 179,454 par-cular crackdown (at that site or another)? • “Occupy Movement” 40,572 • How do we know if it’s okay to re-use one of • “#OWS” 113,904 these posted photos or videos (or even to migrate it for preservaon purposes)? • “Occupy Oakland” 27,202 • “Zuco Park” 9,164 Newseum 12/5/2013 17 Newseum 12/5/2013 18 3 12/5/13 Study of metadata loss through To try to address these ques-ons uploading to services • we formed the group “Ac-vist Archivists” • and tried to address issues of preservaon & access to these works Newseum 12/5/2013 19 Newseum 12/5/2013 20 Aber establishing that many social Ac-vist Archivists hFp://ac-vist-archivists.org/ media sites stripped out metadata: • MIAP students and grads originally working on • We decided to focus on trying to affect the archiving media from the Occupy movement prac-ces of the photographers and videographers • Guidelines for recorders to make their works • This was consistent with the findings of prior more easily preservable: make notes, turn on projects I had been involved in (InterPARES, GPS, upload to service that doesn’t strip out PDPTV) metadata, keep raw footage, don’t compress – Digital works are more likely preservable if an • For mee-ng recordings, have them read a archivist can modify the workflows in the creaon stage (WorldFocus) script at start of the recording Newseum 12/5/2013 21 Newseum 12/5/2013 Ac-vist Archivist Website Newseum 12/5/2013 23 Newseum 12/5/2013 24 4 12/5/13 Ac-vist Archivists Projects- • Study of metadata loss through uploading to services • “Why Archive” postcard & video • 7 Tips to Ensure Your Video Is Usable in the Long Term • Best Prac-ces for Creators/Collectors • “Toolkit” for Occupy archiving • Coordinang discussions among various groups archiving different parts of Occupy • Exploring methods for obscuring iden--es Newseum 12/5/2013 25 Newseum 12/5/2013 26 “Why Archive” video “Why Archive” postcard • ACCOUNTABILITY. Archives collect evidence that can hold those in power accountable. • SELF-DETERMINATION. We define our own movement. We need to create and maintain our own historical record. • SHARE. Archives are a point of entry to our movement’s rich record. We can use them to ensure transparency, generate discussion, and enable direct ac-on. • EDUCATE. Today’s videos, flyers, web-pages, and signs are material for tomorrow’s skill-shares, classes, and mobilizaons. • CONTINUITY. Just as past movements inspire us, new ac-vists will learn from the experiences we document. • R E C O R D & C O L L E C T what’s happening around you. • P R E S E R V E the record. Newseum 12/5/2013 27 Newseum 12/5/2013 28 Why Archive Postcard 7 Tips to Ensure Your Video Is Usable in the Long Term • Collect details while filming • Keep your original raw footage, unaltered • Make your video discoverable • Contextualize it • Make it verifiable • Allow others to collect and archive • Or archive it yourself Newseum 12/5/2013 29 Newseum 12/5/2013 30 5 12/5/13 Best Prac-ces for Content Collectors Best Prac-ces for Content Creators • Security • Security – Sensi-ve material – Hidden camera laws, par-es’ consent laws – Scraping for content • Capturing Content • Content Search – Highest quality, set date and -me-stamps, note locaon – Internet Archive, Archive-It, YouTube, Vimeo, Bit-Torrent • Offloading Content • Receiving Content – Raw files directly onto computer, keep material organized • Metadata Extrac-on • Uploading Content • Copyright – Importance of tagging, review of diff services • Deposi-ng with an Archive • Copyright Newseum 12/5/2013 31 Newseum 12/5/2013 32 OWS Self-help ac-vi-es: Occupy Archiving Kit Skill-shares for Occupiers • Why Archive? • What is an “archive”? How do I create an archive? • Creang archiving-friendly content • How can I collect materials for the archive? • What should I save? • How should I organize my materials? How do I get it into the archive? • Descrip-on/Metadata • Media Management • Storage & Preservaon • Access • Exhibi-on and Presentaon/Outreach • Rights and Re-Use Newseum 12/5/2013 33 Newseum 12/5/2013 34 OWS Self-help ac-vi-es: Downloaded FLICKR image Creave Commons Guidance • Creave Commons lets you mix-and-match four different condions: – Aribu-on: You let others copy, re-use and distribute your video, but they must credit you. – Share-Alike: You let others copy, re-use and distribute your video, only if they do the same with the work they create. – Non-Commercial: You let others copy, re-use and distribute your video for non-commercial purposes only. – No Derivave Works: You let others copy and distribute your video, but not to create new works using it. • You can use these condi-ons in different combinaons to share your work in a controlled way. Creave Commons licenses are legal tools that depend on pre-exis-ng copyright laws. Having a Creave Commons license on your work may give you legal recourse, but it may not actually prevent people from downloading and re-using your video illegally. Newseum 12/5/2013 35 Newseum 12/5/2013 36 6 12/5/13 Marking Creave Commons licenses Promo-ng ObscuraCam • There are a few ways to mark your video with a Creave Commons • “ license. One way is to include a Creave Commons “bumper” or text card ObscuraCam is a visual privacy app for photo in your video. Creave Commons has created some with graphics that you and video, that gives you the power to beFer can download from their website. This method is useful if your video is going to be shared offline (e.g. on DVD, live screenings), as the license protect the iden-ty of those captures in your informaon is aached to the video itself. photos, before you post them online” • Another way to mark your video with a Creave Commons license is to publish your video on plaorms that are Creave Commons-enabled, such • Developed by Guardian Project in conjunc-on as YouTube, Vimeo, or Internet Archive. These plaorms allow you to easily select a license during the upload process. This method is useful w/Human Rights group WITNESS- because the license is machine-readable. A search engine, for example, can detect the license. Newseum 12/5/2013 37 Newseum 12/5/2013 38 ObscuraCam ObscuraCam Newseum 12/5/2013 39 Newseum 12/5/2013 40 Occupy’s Media Working Group— Ac-vist Archivist Collaboraons- Streaming Services (1/3) • With Occupy Wall Street groups • livestream, ustream—almost impossible to – Helping store and manage Media Working hack into downloads Group’s media streams • One of Occupy Oakland’s streamers uses the • With Tamiment Collec-on streaming service as his fileserver. – Methods for extrac-ng metadata from recordings – does no recording onto local media (to avoid – Methods for collaborave selec-on of YouTube confiscaon of equipment) videos – when he wants to edit, he downloads from streaming service, edits, then uploads it back – trusts the streaming service, and thinks that it will be around forever Newseum 12/5/2013 41 Newseum 12/5/2013 42 7 12/5/13 Occupy’s Media Working Group— Cataloging GA/Spokescouncil mini-DVs Streaming Services (2/3) • OWS keeps masters for their streams and other media locally, and as numbers grow, they’re having trouble with managing the files and storage and want a DAM, but… – Ac-vist Archivists (AA) brokered a deal to put copies of their content on a reliable archival service – AA helped them select open source tool to use for cataloging (Omeka), and AA volunteer is currently cataloging their mini DV collec-on of footage from all General Assemblies and Spokes Councils from September 17th to date-- Newseum 12/5/2013 43 Newseum 12/5/2013 44 Occupy’s Media Working Group— AA Collaboraon with Tamiment Streaming Services (3/3) on Collec-ng OWS Content- • Worked on plan to turn over the Global • Think Tank mee-ng recordings Revolu-on streaming collec-on to NYU’s • YouTube videos Tamiment • Other Tamiment OWS ac-vi-es – OWS would NOT sign a donor agreement, as they – Websites see that as conferring exclusivity to a bureaucrac organizaon – Mee-ng notes – Instead, many in OWS were willing to execute a – Ephemera Creave Commons license leng anyone else use – Oral/video history the material, and AA volunteers would make sure – Google, Facebook groups that the corpus is transferred to NYU- Newseum 12/5/2013 45 Newseum 12/5/2013 46 Collec-ng – Think Tank Collec-ng – Think Tank • Daily, 2 hours • Audio capture hardware provided by NYU library (Zoom-H2n) • Bi-weekly digital file transfers Newseum 12/5/2013 47 Newseum 12/5/2013 48 8 12/5/13 Think Tank metadata redundancies Think Tank Guidelines • Guidelines s-pulate that person holding recording device will check to see that -me and date stamp are correct before beginning recording (mostly didn’t happen) • Guidelines s-pulate that a script be read verbam at the beginning of the recording, with date, -me, proposed subject, etc.
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