• • , • • • • • • , NEWS Dancing Out. 72 Theory and Practice 10 Bar Guide 73 Notes From Home 12 Community Directory 75 News 14 Classifieds 79 Eye Spy 14 Personals 87 > Queer Planet.. 16 ARTS Rim Shots ; .20 , Film: Truth or Dare May:!r Rus man.ds at theBaIgirI. •• 52 DEPARTMEN:TS EXPOSED . ' - , .- Manica Dorenkamp watches a Outspoken .t~,':~.4'•world of m;srepresentation. ••• :54 'Letters , 5 ~ 1; .. BOOKS: Essex Hemphill Stonewall Riots 5 Michael S. Smith talks to the Blurt Out ~.. 6 poet/editor •................... 55 Sotomayor , .. 8 , BOOKS: Brother to Brother , - Jennifer Camper · 8 Jim Marks on the hotly awilited Stomping Out. ; 9 anthology ....••..•••...•...••. 56 " Insider Trading .•....... ",..:26 MUSIC: A Month at the Opera AIDS This Week :,.:28 Bruce-Michael Gelbert spends Milestones ~.~30 one. ~.••.•..•. e••••••••••••••• 57 Look Out.. :.44 SIT AND SPIN Gossi p Watch '::46 New York:SMark Cicero ..... 58 Gaydar ,: 47 LIP SERVICE Field Tripping •.......... : .. 50 Daddy Kane update, the Center Out on the Town 51 Library, the New Festival ••••• 59 Going Out. 67 POETRY:This Dark Apartment Tuning In 71 James Schuyler •••.•..•••••• 60 FEATURES Keep Your Cool , Michael Wakefield documents queer summer fantasies. ••••••••••••••••••••• 34 - , • Cove...·Photo: Michael Wakefield • C9ver model: Heather Murray " OutWeek (lSSN 1047-34421 is published weekly (51 iss~1 by OutWeek Publishing Corporation. 159 Wm 25th St. New Yor!r. N.Y. 10001 (2121337·1200. AppliCation to mall at $8COnd class postage rates is pending at New YorIc; N.Y. Subscription prices: $69.95 per year. ' Postmaster send change of address to OutWeek Magazine. 159 West 25 Street. 7th Floor. New YorlcNY 10001 The entil8 contents of OutWeek al8 copyright«l1!l91 by OutWeek Publishing Corporation. and may not be rapro- duced in ~ny !"l"nner. either in whole or in part.without writ1Bn parmi~~ ~ the ptt!'lisher. All ri~tsreserved. 'l'ubliCatlOn of the name or photogl8ph of any person. group or Of98"izatiCIl appeanng or adwrtising in OutWeek mtIf rot be taken as an indication of the sexual orientation of such person. group or organization unless specifICally stated. The opinions of OutWeek are expressed only in our editorials. Oth~r opinions al8 those of the writers and artists and do not necessarily represent the opinions of OutWeek or its publISher. To subscribe call 1·800·0utWeek • OUIBIDleD • EDITOR IN CHIEF GABRIEL ROTELLO NEWS EDITOR ANDREW MILLER ARTS EDITOR SARAH PETT1T FEAlURES EDITOR VICTORIA STARR STAFF REPORTER NINA REYES March on Hollywood DESIGN MARIA C. PEREZ EDITOR AT LARGE MICHELANGELO SIGNORILE Ever since Vito Russo deconstructed Hollywood homopho- CONTRIBUTING EDITORS bia in his seminal 1981 book, The Celluloid Closet, lesbians and AIDS, PAUL RYKOFF COLEMAN; POETRY, DAVID TRINIDAD; gays have slowly come to recognize the enormous culpability of LISTINGS, DALE PECK filllll?in fostering anti-gay attitudes. Unfortunately, awareness of CONTRIBUTING REPORTERS the damage imparted by queer-bashing movies has never been Janis AWlr del Valle, Laura Briggs, Vidoria A Brownwor1h, Mark ChesooI, Joe ' CIa/t(, loweD B. Den~ III,Scoll Hamil, Artlnr S.leonard, Avril McDonald, high in our community. Karen Ocamb, DIIlCiIIl Osborne, Rachel Peppar, Dell Rkhards, Rayroond Rogers. African Americans long ago dealt with a similar filmic bias Maer Roshan, James Waller, Allen Wilie, CaRie Wolford by organizing protests and boycotts and loudly demanding NEWS WIRE SERVICES change. They were often led by Black actors, whose anger was Cliff O'Neill, Rex Wockner, John Zeh .-" . sharply focused from having been forced to portray the very CONTRIBUTING WRITERS stereotypes which so grossly offended th~ir people. Bradley BaI, Mike Barr, Greg Baysalll, Jay BJotcher, Peter Bowen. Max Cavich, Sarah Chiln, AnllKhrislile d'Mesky, Susie Day, Kathleen Joan DeBold, Risa Denenberg. Perhaps because, unlike Blacks, lesbian and gay actors are John Donahue, Morim Dorenkamp, Tom Eubanks, Dawn Falai, David ltinberg, not limited to playing lesbian and gay roles, there has been .inFoIJ3I, Bsmc Gae. ~ Gellert, WllIII Gtf, JeweIe Ganez, Jon Greenberg. much less leadership in our community to fight Tinseltown's NoeIe Hanrahan, Ernest twit!, Mark Harrington, Joe E. Jeffreys,l.arTy Kramer, Gerard Mackey, Mlria Maggenti, ..1m Marb, Michael Paler, SycDy Pommy, John PresIon, phobic depictions. And within our political leadership, there • Jim ProWIIllIOO, Klit B. Reley, Allen Roskoff, Anne Rubenstei1, SRI Sch~man, often seems to be a feeling that the focus of liberation lies only Ira SMrberg, Karl Soehnlein, James St. James, WtcI<ie Stamps, Bruce C. Steele, in the White House or the State House, never on the film set. Otis StIDrt, liz Tr.r;ey, JoM Wasser, John Wng, Madam X. Eva YaaA!aJiewaa.liIda YabJonskaty'a That's a serious mistake. Whatever the cause of our relative ILLUSTRATORS AND CARTOONISTS apathy, the depressingly constant stream of negative film depic- Alison Bechdel, Mark Burdell, JennWer Camper, Tom Kalin, tions has lately turned into a torrent. It's next to impossible to Kris Kovick, Andrea Natalie, Daniel Sotomayor, Zanne find well-adjusted gay characters anywhere in Hollywood's CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS vision, where we're seemingly all mass murderers and psy- Bill Bytsura,Greg Clark. Desi Del Valle, lisa Ebrigh~ Charles Fowler, Marc Geller, chotics, criminals and suicides. Such depictions have as much Efrain J. Gonzalez, Morgan Gwenwald, Marilyn Humphries, Teru Kuwayama, Andrew lichtenstein, lL UtI, Patsy lynch, Jim Marks, Tom McGovern, Tom McKitterick, impact on society as any law or Supreme Court decision. Myrna Morales, Scoll Morgan, Ellen B. Neipris, Rink, lisa Romerein, lee SniderJPIJoto Ironically, a large number of those responsible for this sony Images, Ben ThomberT)', Theresa C. Thadani, Michael Wakefield, C.T. Wemple state are queer producers, directors, screenwriters, agents and PRODUCTION MANAGER DIANA OSTERFELD actors who willingly participate in projects that trash their own PRODUCTION EDITOR JAMES CONRAD community. A larg~r number are cynical or homophobic straights COPY CHIEF WAlTER ARMSTRONG who foster this drek. And, as Russo used to tirelessly point out, GRAPHIC ARTISTS YVEm ROBINSON PAUL V. LEONE the largest number are the millions of lesbians and gays nation- CAMERA TECHNICIAN SALVADOR MENDEZ, JR. wide who willingly troop to such films, pay their money and INTERNS John Campanelli, Ann Conner, don't make a peep. Drew Lee, Sara Simmons A call has now been made in these pages for a national PUBLISHER STEVEN POLAKOFF march on Hollywood, to put the film industry on notice that • ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER GABRIEL ROTELLO we're no longer going to take this travesty lying down. It has SALES DIRECTOR BART CHURCH received a favorable reception in California, where demos are ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES already rocking the set of a new, grossly anti-lesbian film, and VEllA CORNEll US, JACK HOFFMANN, EVA LEONARD, COLLEEN the actual planning of such a national march has begun. Out- MANGAN, TROY MASTERS, ARMANDA C. SQUADRllll, DOROTHY DERINGER; (CALIFORNIA) MICHAEL CROSS, (415)861-3142; Week strongly supports such organizing. (NEW ENGLAND) RICHARD DRINKWATER (617)389·5076 , ' ,InaTwilight Zone-like reaction, some gay journalists, partic- CLASSIRED SALES ROGELIO A. PARRIS ularly at the sadly ossified Village Voice, have accused us of cen- RAYMOND P. LEWIS ADVERTISING COORDINATOR MATTHEW DAVIS sorship, even "Stalinism," in protesting Hollywood homophobia. CIRCULATION DIRECTOR GRANT LUKENBILL Thankfully, such self-denigrating dimwittedness is being ignored GENERAL COUNSEL MICHAEL CARVER by progressive lesbians and gays, who will continue fighting and TREASURER LAWRENCE BASILE organizing undeterred by the regressive rationalizations of time- COMPTROLLER AJIT PHILLIPS SYSTEMS DIRECTOR VON DORA CORZEN warped Voice hippies and closet-cases. CREDIT MANAGER KATRINA SIMPSON PUBLISHER'S ASSISTANT DARLA FJELD The bottom line is this: Hollywood homophobes indeed ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT JAY BYRD have a .First Amendment right to make their drek. And queers OFFICE ASSISTANT MISAEL MALDONADO have a First Amendment right to call it that and to march, picket PRESIDENT KENDALL MORRISON and boycott to bring it to an end. I 159 W. 25th St, 7th Roor, New York. NY 10001 Get ready for your close-ups. And see you on the set. (212) 337·1200 FAX: (212) 337·1220 , • LlZA WITH A WHAT? "Queer Curse" issue and the Pet Shop Boys are the Liberaces might anger or alienate some of Remember Dusty Spring- "Why Won't the Pet Shop Boys of tOday-blatantly obvious her fans. Until then, I'd urge peo- field?, She's the British female Come Out" issue [no. 97, May 8] queers who refuse to say so out ple to pick up a copy of Dusty singer who first brought us "I are closely linked in that both are of fear of losing the devotional Springfield's greatest hits the Only Want to Be With You" (no, cases of entertainers not wanting love of their fans. next time they go to the record 12 in 1964). More recently she to be perceived as queer. Cleatly, Sorry Mathew Davis....You store and pass up the likes of sang a duet with the Pet Shop in all industry 75 percent queer, can keep on staring at your large closet cases like the Pet Shop Boys called "What Have I Done the "real-life" queers are terrified glamorous posters of this talented Boys and safe, non-alienating to Deserve This?" which reached that the public will find out. and caring woman, but as far as Liza. Dusty's music is a lot more no. 1 in 1987. In her biography Entertainment-industry people I'm concemed, if she really loved fun anyway. Dusty, by Lucy O'Brien (1989 TonyArena Sedgewick and Jackson Publish- Manhattan ing) Dusty Springfield, the god- srONEWAtt RIOrS BY ANDREA NATALIE dess of '60s mod culture came "Liza with a a"? Liza with a out as a bisexual. She also spoke C is more like it-"e" as in col- out on the hypocricy in the DI C K- Ole 1(- laborator! It's a shame that music industry and in Hollywood Mathew Davis did not ask Liza in this way: FREE PL liS why she sang at Ronald Rea- "I'm in a business where at gan's birthday party.
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