Salford Quays MILESTONESThe story of Salford Quays Contents Foreword page 1 Manchester Docks before 1985 2 The Salford Quays Development Plan 1985-1990 4 A cultural fl agship 1990-1996 6 Developments of the New Millennium 1996-2005 8 Greater Manchester’s waterfront - A destination 14 Greater Manchester’s waterfront - Viability 18 Prospects for the next 10 years 2005-2015 20 Quays location 22 Salford Quays Milestones 23 Acknowledgements Foreword In 2002, Salford Quays was one of the most outstanding venues for Commonwealth Games events in Greater Manchester. 2005 will be an exciting year for Salford, as the new “Central Salford” Urban Regeneration Company gets going and progress is made on Housing Market Renewal. These efforts build on a solid and successful record of regeneration in the City - and nowhere is that achievement more visible than at Salford Quays. Much has been written about the vision of Salford Quays and its evolution. The story of Salford Quays is based on a long term commitment to regeneration supported throughout the community of Salford for over 20 years. This brief review outlines the milestones of regeneration including the investment and employment generated. The review updates what has happened since the last review in 1996 and looks forward to the next 10 years. Salford Quays Milestones . 1 Queen Victoria opened the Manchester Docks in 1894. Manchester Docks before 1985 Manchester Ship Canal The Enterprise Zone Council, interest from the private sector for the fi rst phase of development was The Salford /Trafford Enterprise and The Docks eventually found. The city council made Zone, including part of the docks, The Manchester Ship Canal was a an agreement with Urban Waterside was designated in August 1981 for pioneering idea to link Manchester Ltd to transfer dock 6 on condition that 10 years. Prospects for development to the sea, and an enormous feat of further private investment was secured. were enhanced as they were exempt planning and construction on the scale from development land tax and rates; of the Panama Canal. The docks were 100% capital allowances were available, A development framework originally opened by Queen Victoria and planning controls were simplifi ed. to world acclaim in 1894. Confi rming The city council recognised the need Between 1981 and 1985 over 300 new and securing Manchester’s economic for a development plan to provide businesses located in the Enterprise position,position, tthehe docksdocks becamebecame Britain’sBritain’s reassurancereassurance fforor bbothoth publicpublic andand pprivaterivate Zone in Salford, with a range of third largest port. The Ship Canal is once sector long-term investors, and to distribution, light engineering and again undergoing a transformation that provide the framework for environmental commercial offi ce space. will ensure it continues to play major improvement, economic development roles both in the heritage and the new and employment. The government economy of the area. Partnerships agreed in principle to the city council leading the docks’ regeneration, Between 1983 and 1984 the whole future providing a unique rolling programme In the 1970s the docks rapidly declined of the Ship Canal was being reviewed. of derelict land and urban programme due to containerisation and the The Manchester Docks were purchased funding, on condition that the fi rst phase increasing size of ships. This was using derelict land grant by Salford City of development was successful. compounded by the shifts in trade Council from the Ship Canal Company. patterns away from North America, Following the risk taken by the City towards the east and Europe. Over 3000 Front cover of original Salford Docks/Trafford Park people in the docks lost their jobs, and Enterprise Zones Document “The Birthplace of Enterprise”. the area became derelict. In 1982 the remaining docks were closed. Salford Quays Milestones . 3 TheThe SalfordSalford QQuaysuays DDevelopmentevelopment PPlanlan The visionary masterplan sought to and vistas through the prospective DevelopmentDevelopment mixmix Project Management - create a new quarter of the city with a development and along the proposed TheThe planplan proposedproposed a fl exibleexible mixedmixed unique character derived from the way canals. They included:- making it happen developmentdevelopment andand suggestedsuggested thatthat thethe in which all parts of the development Skilled project management was a key sitesite wouldwould bebe mademade uupp ofof aapproximatelypproximately are related to water; and where people Water - newnew canals,canals, promenades,promenades, wwaterater factor in the long-term success of the 1/31/3 commercialcommercial offioffi ces,ces, 11/3/3 residentialresidential would be encouraged to work, live and quality improvements and an inland Salford Quays development. andand 1/31/3 leisure.leisure. ToTo maintainmaintain thethe play in a high quality environment. waterway. developmentdevelopment planplan andand itsits urbanurban A permanent dedicated multi disciplinary designdesign principles,principles, ddevelopmentevelopment landland A clear framework was created in the Roads and Services - two new loop roads Salford Quays Project Team was parcelsparcels werewere identifiidentifi eded aandnd released,released, original development plan proposed to provide access new development sites. appointed in 1986 to manage the project, programmedprogrammed inin partnershippartnership withwith thethe by Shepheard Epstein and Hunter and coordinate development. Reporting publicpublic infrastructure,infrastructure, usingusing designdesign bbriefsriefs architects, town planners and landscape Public Access and Landscape - public to the City Council and Department of and competitions. architects working with the city council. waterfront promenades all around the the Environment, the small project team, The plan was published in May 1985. site. comprising Salford city council, Ove Arup FrameworkFramework fforor and Partners, and Shepheard Epstein Reclamation strategy Development framework infrastructure and Hunter was located on site, to be accessible to the public, developers, The plan set out the reclamation strategy The future development of Salford TheThe infrastructureinfrastructure fframeworkramework waswas tthehe funders and investors. for water, roads and services. These Quays and its implementation were plan’splan’s foundation,foundation, actingacting asas a guideguide would combine to achieve new axes set out in the mix of development and settingsetting qualityquality standardsstandards forfor newnew ccanals,anals, infrastructure framework. bridgesbridges andand roads,roads, creatingcreating ddevelopmentevelopment sitessites andand a newnew ppublicublic rrealmealm bbenchmark.enchmark. ThisThis helpedhelped toto setset futurefuture standards.standards. 4 . Salford Quays Milestones TheThe SalfordSalford QQuaysuays DDevelopmentevelopment PPlanlan 1985 - 1990 Infrastructure programme and the whole frontage renewed. High Early developments Milestones of achievement quality granite and brick fi nishes were Early recognition of the Salford 1986 to 1990 used along the canals, to echo the 1986 to 1990 Quays development was presented in The water quality improvement original port heritage. Following the pioneering developments government publications such as ‘Action programme and creation of an inland by Urban Waterside Ltd of the Copthorne for Cities’. Jobs being created began waterway network were established Waterfront promenades using hard Hotel, a multiplex cinema and private to bring new employment back to the from the mid 1980s. The polluted water landscaping and tree planting were housing, high specifi cation offi ces docks on a scale not seen for around 20 from the Ship Canal was separated off constructed creating over four miles of and leisure were developed on piers years. By 1990 there were more than by bunds across the docks and a helixor safe accessible public walkways. Low 5 and 6. Later, on pier 7, by the new 1,000 permanent jobs on site. Signifi cant mixing system was installed to improve jetties were created, to bring people to Chandlers Canal, extensive high-tech benchmarks were recorded by a series the water quality. This was monitored the waterside for boat moorings and offi ce development, Waterfront 2000 was of civic events and key visitors, including by APEM (Manchester University Aquatic watersports. developed by local company Fearnley. HRH Duke of Edinburgh, Prime Minister Pollution and Environmental Monitoring More extensive residential areas were Margaret Thatcher and government Unit). Fish stocking took place. Two Maritime artifacts, including two developed on pier 8 by national company ministers, such as The Secretary of new canals and a lock entrance were small cargo cranes, were retained and Lovells Urban Renewal on Grain Wharf, State for the Environment Kenneth constructed for boats to navigate. relocated as two distinct landmarks at next to the newly built Mariners Canal. Baker, who formally launched the the head of Ontario Basin. The railway Thus a new high quality quarter of the Quays redevelopment in 1986, the Rt Two new loop roads with services were swing bridge originally reaching from city was being established. Hon Michael Heseltine and John Tavare, designed to create access around the Salford to Trafford, was relocated in a Chairman of the Mersey Basin Campaign. site. High quality infrastructure was also prime position to provide a promenade Investment fundamental to the success of this part across Huron
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