E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 149 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2003 No. 146 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m. and was we were able to reach an agreement ity leader his plans for the conference. called to order by the President pro which has put us in a position to finish Obviously, I have noted, both to him tempore (Mr. STEVENS). this bill today. Following the early se- personally as well as publicly, that be- quence of votes, the chairman will be fore we are able to go to conference, we PRAYER working on either clearing or sched- need to have assurances that the The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- uling for votes the other pending Democrats will be at the table and that fered the following prayer: amendments. we will be working in conference, un- Let us pray. In addition, under the order there are like what is now happening on energy O God, our rock, our fortress, and our a few other amendments that may yet as well as prescription drugs and other deliverer, the author and fountain of be offered. I ask those Senators who bills. So I will talk with him through all truth, Your name is holy and You still intend to offer amendments to today on that and hope to reach some are worthy of our praise. Thank You share those amendments with both accommodation with regard to the im- for Your love and power. You have been sides so they can be reviewed. This will portance of having a full conference on better to us, Lord, than we deserve. We be helpful and allow us to schedule any this bill, given the differences that now thank You for unmerited mercies that necessary debate and votes in a timely exist between the Senate and House are new each day. You have kept us way today. versions of the legislation. from falling and our enemies have not The Senate will finish the bill today. I look forward to the votes ahead and prevailed. Purify not only our words We will remain in session until it is appreciate everybody’s help. but our thoughts, that our lives will be complete. A busy session is expected, f acceptable to You. and I ask for Members’ patience as we Bless our Senators as they labor for approach the final hours of this bill. I RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME liberty. May they remember to call on remind my colleagues they should re- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. TAL- Your name during moments of per- main close to the Chamber throughout ENT). Under the previous order, the plexity. Give them Your wisdom, and today’s session to allow us to finish at leadership time is reserved. make them fruitful in their efforts to the earliest hour. f do Your will. And, Lord, sustain our During this morning’s series of votes, military people who are in harm’s way. all votes after the first will be 10 min- EMERGENCY SUPPLEMENTAL AP- We pray this in Your holy name. utes in length. We will be closing these PROPRIATIONS FOR IRAQ AND Amen. votes quickly, and it is imperative that AFGHANISTAN SECURITY AND Members remain in or around the Sen- RECONSTRUCTION ACT, 2004 f ate Chamber to avoid missing a vote. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Having said that, I believe we are the previous order, the Senate will re- The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the ready to begin, and I thank Members sume consideration of S. 1689, which Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: for their patience and cooperation dur- the clerk will report. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ing this busy morning. The legislative clerk read as follows: United States of America, and to the Repub- f A bill (S. 1689) making emergency supple- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY mental appropriations for Iraq and Afghani- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. stan security and reconstruction for the fis- LEADER f cal year ending September 30, 2004, and for The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The other purposes. RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY minority leader is recognized. Pending: LEADER Mr. DASCHLE. Mr. President, I Byrd/Durbin amendment No. 1819, to pro- The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The thank everyone who has worked with hibit the use of Iraq Relief and Reconstruc- majority leader is recognized. us to get to this point. We have had a tion Funds for low-priority activities that f very good debate. We have many should not be the responsibility of United amendments to be considered today. I States taxpayers, and shift $600 million from SCHEDULE hope we can have a good debate on the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund to Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, this morn- those that are yet to be offered. Defense Operations and Maintenance, Army, for significantly improving efforts to secure ing we will be proceeding immediately We have tried to protect Senators and destroy conventional weapons, such as to a series of stacked votes on some of who have indicated a desire yet to offer bombs, bomb materials, small arms, rocket- the pending amendments to the Iraq- amendments following the stacked propelled grenades, and shoulder-launched Afghanistan supplemental. Last night, votes. I need to discuss with the major- missiles, in Iraq. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S12769 . VerDate jul 14 2003 03:29 Oct 18, 2003 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A17OC6.000 S17PT1 S12770 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 17, 2003 Bond/Mikulski amendment No. 1825, to pro- tween their pay as activated members NAYS—3 vide additional VA Medical Care Funds for of the military and what they would Inhofe Kyl Nickles the Department of Veterans Affairs. have earned with the Federal Govern- NOT VOTING—1 Durbin amendment No. 1837, to ensure that ment. a Federal employee who takes leave without Lieberman We know we are asking the Guard pay in order to perform certain service as a The amendment (No. 1837) was agreed member of the uniformed services or member and Reserve to accept greater and of the National Guard shall continue to re- longer responsibilities, with more hard- to. ceive pay in an amount which, when taken ship for their families. I would like to Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, I move together with the pay and allowances such make it clear with a record vote this to reconsider the vote and to lay that individual is receiving for such service, will morning that we want the Federal Gov- motion on the table. be no less than the basic pay such individual ernment to serve as an example for The motion to lay on the table was would then be receiving if no interruption in agreed to. employment had occurred. governments across America to stand behind the men and women in uniform, Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask Daschle amendment No. 1854, to achieve unanimous consent that Senator SAR- the most effective means of reconstructing to make up their difference in pay, BANES be added as a cosponsor of my Iraq and to reduce the future costs to the stand by their families, as they risk American taxpayer of such reconstruction by their lives to serve our country. amendment. ensuring broad-based international coopera- I urge my colleagues to give this a The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without tion for this effort. strong, overwhelming vote so the con- objection, it is so ordered. Reid (for Landrieu) amendment No. 1859, to ference will stand behind it and this AMENDMENT NO. 1854 promote the establishment of an Iraq Recon- will become the law of the land. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under struction Finance Authority and the use of the previous order, there are now 2 Iraqi oil revenues to pay for reconstruction Mr. STEVENS. Have the yeas and in Iraq. nays been requested? minutes evenly divided on the Daschle Boxer modified amendment No. 1843, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. The yeas amendment No. 1854. make retroactive the relief of hospitalized and nays have not been requested. Mr. STEVENS. Mr. President, this members of the uniformed services from the Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I ask for amendment will cap future funds for obligation to pay for food and subsistence the yeas and nays. reconstruction unless the President while hospitalized. certifies that additional funds are Reid (for Chafee/Leahy) modified amend- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there a sufficient second? ‘‘equal to or exceeded by’’ an amount ment No. 1807, to provide for humanitarian contributed by members of the inter- assistance and reconstruction in Liberia. There appears to be a sufficient sec- Durbin amendment No. 1879, to provide ond. national community. The President funds for the prevention, treatment, and con- The yeas and nays were ordered. may waive the requirement if he deems trol of, and research on HIV/AIDS. Mr. STEVENS. I call to the attention it in the interest of national security. Corzine amendment No. 1882, to establish a of the Senate there will be a normal But part of this money is money for re- National Commission on the Development construction and development of Iraq. and Use of Intelligence Related to Iraq. time limit on this amendment. All amendments thereafter will be limited The amendment will potentially im- AMENDMENT NO. 1837 to 10 minutes, with 2 minutes equally pact on the momentum for reconstruc- The PRESIDING OFFICER.
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