Dorm 16 Update Senate Platforms 111 The best of both worlds. Vote on April 4" and 5 in the Rotunda. BRVANT COLLEGE BOX 1 SMITHfiELD. R.I. 0291l VOLUME Sl NUMBER l Directo of Senate Votes Residence Down Ri 9 Lif opo al Drew Polinsky Therefore it was agreed upon 10 Archway SlaJfWritt r leave the newspaper vending machines alone. Announced The student senate voted down a In response to Jostens request as proposal this past Wednesday, by to be the offICial Bryant College Milre Chagros an 18 to 3 margin, that would have ring dealer, Franks stated the Archway SlajJWriler allowed JOSlens and Artcarved to following: "It would be possible if havea one week sale in theROlunda. that's what students wanted. But After conducting a nationwide search. a college At the last senate meeting, a they would have to go through a search committee has announced that RobertE. Sloss, representative from the Iostens ring bidding process." i assistant director ofresidence life, willreplaceBemard corporation ~uested that she be Before the senators voted on the cB Blumenthal as the director ofresidence life. Blumenthal allowed to sell nngs in the Rotunda. issue, an Artcarved representative :~ resigned in January to go into private business. Sloss, She initiated the issue by claiming indicated the following: "We are ~ the assistant director inc August of 1985, has been that Jostens ring sales have nm here to have warwith each other ~ the acting director since Bernie left Sloss was chosen plummeted due to the booksrore or to beal each other op.ifyou want t oul of 80 appiicants. He bad worked previously as a location in the Bryant Center. to bave a one weeksale, that's more residence director atboth The Rhode Island School of "Oneofthe reasons fDI' the BryanL than adequately fair." A Jostens Design and Keene Stale College in Keene. NH. The Center being built, was 10 move representative was unavailable to ""­ -­ - -­ .........----­ ____---1 <f search commil1ee hopes to fill the assistant director sales and anything that was comment. position as soon as po ible. disruftive to the academic campus, The Artcarvedrepresentad told out 0 the Uni truCIlJre and into the the senate thal he didn't ha e any SlUdentCenter,nsaidHarryF(3J1 s, problem wilh ludenl homoresenalor. I . n. "It really '1 mrenliy, vendorsaren'tallowed whereyou are on campus, as long as • to sell goods in the Rotunda. The you are not in the Utility Room,"he senate questioned to why the said. • bagel wagon and newspaper The majority of the senators machines are allowed to sell goods agreed that if they allowed a one in the Rotunda. week sale in the Rotunda. other org r g Franks indicated that ARA has a organizations would request the contract with the school which same treabnenL The vote put that By Bob Shaw and James Tobi1l rulings nowrequire colleges to treat The boy stole money from her permits such trade. He also stated issue to res·L Artcarved and Jostens Gannett News Serviu students as adults responsible for before her reassurances began to that teachers felt that students will continue to sell rings in the their own actions. wear thin, and treatment began. weren't educated as to what was Bryant Center. Though many Americans fear In spite of those rulings, colleges "Injectable drugs will frighten going on outsideofBryanl College. the rismg use ofcrack, drug experts bave been Ifying 10 crack down on parents into hysteria. Butlhosedrugs are concerned WI publicity drinking for several years but it has are not as available as alcohol, and surrounding the cocaine derivative been to little avail. more expensive. A drug is a drug is is diverting attention from the A nationwide survey by the adrug," Corwin said. nation' drug of choice-alcohol. Institute for Social Research at the Skepticism IOward warnings "You don't have bartenders on Urn ersity ofMichigan shows that about alcohol come from familiarity the treets wilh AK-47s blasting while college studen 'regular use and the knowledge most people will people oot of the way. Butthe toD is ofiUicit drugs has dropped from 38 never have a serious alcohol Spri 9 ahead much greater from alcohol." said percent in 1980 to 22 percent in probJem. But experts say alcohol's Ed Virant, administrator of Our 1987, regular alcohol use has stayed effect on society is wide~ ranging. Daylight-saving time takes Primary Purpose in Des Moines, relatively steady, at about 80 According to Mothers Against Iowa, a program that treats percent. Drunk Driving. 51 percent of those effect at 2 a.m. Sunday. Be eddictions to all drugs, including Most troubling, the researchers killed in 1987 traffic accidents died sure to set your clocks alcohol. "Any way you look at this, said, is uheavyparty drinking among in alcohol-related crashes. The a1coholis still our biggest problem." males," 54 percent of whom National Institute on Drug Abuse ahead 1 hour before going The danger, experts say, is that reported having five or more drinks said reduced worker productivity to bed Saturday night. too many people believe alcohol is at least once in the twoweeks before due 10 alcohol abuse in 1983 cost a benign way to have fun. This is the survey. the nation's businesses nearly $66 especially true on college campuses Both male and female students billion. The combined total for where many students believe getting are more likely togetdrunkreguJarly productivity loss for workers using drunk is expected behavior. than people their age who don't go all other drugs was around $33 "Higher education has a big to college, the study showed. billion. monkey on its back, and that's Frequent binges pose immediate­ Alcohol, absorbed into the a1cohol.abuse," said Teresa Herzog, and long-tenn risks to students' bloodstream, acts as a depressant substance abuse education health, school officials said. Heavy­ on the central nervous system. It coordinator at the University of drinking students alsosuffer in class, can lead to depression, nutrition­ Michigan. ''TItey have got to look at interfere with other students' related diseases, brain disorders, itanddeal with it more effectively." studying, damage property on and cirrhosis and binh defccts. The problem of illicit drug use, off caml?us, and are more likely to But many parents offer alcohol especially marijuana, has declined. become Involved insexual assaults, to their children, believing that will Alcohol to heavy doses is DOW by either as perpetrator or victim. help their children handle it beua' fartbe mostpopu1ardrug on campus, One of the problems, school outside the home. brin~g wilh it related lrOubles officialssay,isthatstudenasalready "I challenge you to give a Valinm rangmg from sexual misconduct to have established drinking habits by (tranq~r) to a kid at home so interference with academics. the time they arrive on college he'll know how to handle it on the This isn't just the 19808 version campuses. street,.. said Linda Whitebead, who of the old college beer bust, school For Marilyn Corwin of works for an towa substance abuse officials say . It' s worse,and it grows Urbandale, Iowa. signs pointing to ~gram . "Would a parent say, out of several ilew ciIcumstances. the fact lhather lS-year-old son bad Here's some cocaine. It's OK to Among them is the decline in the begmt drinking were nOl particularly use it as long as it doesn't get out of 1960sand '70s of"in locoparenlis," aianning. control?' .. the traditional notion that colleges "I thought. kids will be kids. At Copy,igIrl 1989. USA TODAY/Apple assumed parenl3lresponsibililics for least it's not coke. At least it's nol Colleg#! Inf()rmDlioon N6WOri. their students. A series of court CJllCk,OJ Corwin said. 2 THE ARCHWAY OPINION/LE\TTERS FRIDAY, MARCH 31,1989 The Impact of lew President on Bryant Within the next few weeks, the Presidential will be a drastic or subtle change. With the leader. To some extent, the president is a role Search Committee will be announcing the passage of time, we will be able to tell if it's a model. A leader who is unable to be an Dame of the new president. This will be an positive change. Hopefully, it will be. Either individual isn't a true leader. important moment in the college's history. way, exposure to a different leadership style will The search committee will be making its Suddenly the college will be under a new help prepare students for the "real world." recommendations to the Board of Trustees very leader. What will that mean to the Bryant Bryant is undergoing several changes right shortly. The trustees will then evaluate each community in general, and to students in now. Accreditation, international awareness, and candidate. Both the committee and the board particular? expan'sion are just a few of these. President deserve recognition for their time and effort. At various receptions, students (and the rest O'Hara has been the catalyst for these changes. There are many uncertainties regarding the new of the Bryant community) have had the chance The new president will pick up where Dr. president. Soon these questions and concerns will to meet all five candidates: Marvin Feldman, O'Hara has left off. How he does his job will be answered. We hope that the decision they Stephen Feldman, Robert E. Holmes, Robert detennine the effect of these changes on Bryant. make will prove beneficial to the college. L. Taylor, and William E. Trueheart. Students The new president will have his own ideas, have also been able to review the candidates' along with some changes he would like to make. resumes and fill out evaluation sheets.
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