WaFAC library by author Call NumberCall No bCall NoAuthor c Title Publisher Date 30.3 I191i An Idea Takes Root (pamphlet) 0 Begin to Knit: All the Basic Stitches; Easy Novelty Stitches; Quick Things to American Thread Co. 41.2 B394b Make Star Book 201 0 9.22 C522c Cherry Blossoms; Traditional Patterns in Japanese Design PIE Books 2009 41.31 F853f Freedom Sincere; 100% Organic Cotton Twilleys of Stamford 2008 41.2 H228s Harmony Guide to Knitting Stitches, vol. 3 Lyric Books Limited 1990 41.2 H228t Harmony Guide to Knitting Techniques Lyric Books Limited 1990 41.1 K178k Knitting Samples; Looseleaf Notebook 0 51.2 K964k Kumihimo (pink cover, in Japanese) 0 36.71 S974s Swedish Rag Rugs; 35 New Designs Forlags AB Vavhasten 2004 35.3 T193 Tartan Design 0 9.22 W355w Wave, Cloud, Pine; Traditional Patterns in Japanese Design PIE Books 2008 37 V391w Weaver's Delight VavMagasinet 1989 0.1 W363w Weaver's Super Index 2000; for Weavers and PWV 1981-2000 XRX 2000 10 A243n Adrosko, Rita J. Natural Dyes and Home Dyeing Dover 1971 11 A243n Adrosko, Rita J. Natural Dyes in the United States Smithsonian 1968 5.1 A332i Albers, Jjsef Interaction of Color: Unabridged Text and Selected Plates Yale Univ. Press 1975 36.1 A361m Alderman, Sharon Mastering Weave Structures Interweave 2004 36.71 A425w Allen, Heather L. Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs 36.71 A425w c.2 Allen, Heather L. Weaving Contemporary Rag Rugs Lark Books 1998 Wrap Style: Innovative to Traditional, 24 inspiritional shawls, ponchos, 41.31 A425w Allen, Pam and capelets Interweave Press 2005 American Federation Threads of History; An Education Exhibit Organized and Circulated by the American Federation of 8 A512t of Arts Decorative Arts Arts 1965 American Handweaving Museum & Thousand Islands American Handweaving 30 A512a Craft School American Handweaving Museum Museum 2000 American Tapestry American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 8 Alliance American Tapestry Biennial Eight Alliance 2010 American Tapestry American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 5 Alliance American Tapestry Biennial Five 2004/2005 Alliance 2004 American Tapestry American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 1 Alliance American Tapestry Biennial I Alliance 1996 American Tapestry American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 7 Alliance American Tapestry Biennial Seven Alliance 2008 American Tapestry Harmony Interpretations of Nature in Contemporary Tapestryl; American American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 2 Alliance Tapestry Biennial II Alliance 1998 American Tapestry Amercian Tapestry 36.721 A512p Alliance Panorama of Tapestry; a Tribute to Jean Lurcat Alliance 1986 American Tapestry American Tapestry 36.721 A512a v. 3 Alliance Thread by Thread; American Tapestry Biennial III - 2000 Alliance 2000 31.6 A528n Amsden, Charles Avery Navaho Weaving: Its Technic and History Rio Grande Press 1934 30.2 A545b Anderson, Clarita Biederwand Clarita Anderson 1982 30.2 A545w Anderson, Clarita Weave Structures Used in North American Coverlets Clarita Anderson 1979 30.2 A545w c. 2 Anderson, Clarita Weave Structures Used in North American Coverlets Clarita Anderson 1979 Jacob Angstadt His Weaver's Patron Book Replica of 18th Century 36.1 A593h Angstadt, Jacob Manuscript Book Ruth Holroyd 1976 Jacob Angstadt His Weaver's Patron Book Replica of 18th Century 36.1 A593h c.2 Angstadt, Jacob Manuscript Book Ruth Holroyd 1976 36.1 A593d Angstadt, Jacob Jacob Angstadt Designs Drawn from His Weaver's Patron Book Ruth Holroyd 1976 Jacob Angstadt Designs His Weaver's Patron Book Replica of 18th Century 36.1 A593d c.2 Angstadt, Jacob Manuscript Book Ruth Holroyd 1976 36.43 A742d Arn-Grischott Doubleweave of Four to Eight Shafts Interweave Press 1999 53.2 A813b Ascher, Shirley Beginner's Guide to Feltmaking Search Press 2006 9.53 A887g Atwater, Mary M. Gautemala Revisited: Shuttle Craft Guild Monograph 15 Shuttle Craft Guild 1965 31 A887b c.3 Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Handweaving Macmillan 1954 31 A887b c.1 Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Handweaving Macmillan 1954 31 A887b c.2 Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Handweaving Macmillan 1954 31 A887b c.5 Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Handweaving Macmillan 1954 31 A887b c.4 Atwater, Mary Meigs Byways in Handweaving Macmillan 1954 35 A887d Atwater, Mary Meigs Design and the Handweaver (Shuttlecraft Monograph #3) Shuttlecraft 1961 35 A887d c.2 Atwater, Mary Meigs Design and the Handweaver (Shuttlecraft Monograph #3) Shuttlecraft 1961 36.1 A887r Atwater, Mary Meigs Recipe Book- Patterns for Handweavers Wheelwright 1969 30 A887s Atwater, Mary Meigs Shuttle-Craft Book of American Hand-Weaving, The Macmillan 1941 34.1 B164f Baizerman, Suzanne Finishes in the Ethnic Tradition Dos Tejedoras 1978 36.62 B274b Barrett, Clotilde Boundweave Arana Press 1987 36.62 B274b c. 2 Barrett, Clotilde Boundweave Arana Press 1987 36.4 B274d Barrett, Clotilde Double Two-Tie Unit Weaves Weavers Journal 1983 36.4 B274d c.2 Barrett, Clotilde Double Two-Tie Unit Weaves Weavers Journal 1983 36.42 B274s Barrett, Clotilde Summer and Winter and Beyond The Weaver's Journal 1979 36.5 B277k Barron, Birgit Olson Knitting on the Loom irgit Olson Barron 1988 12.1 B282c Barsky, Naomi Complete Guide to Silk Painting; The New Grapevine IVY Crafts Imports 1989 2 F44f v. 5 Batchelder, Jan Fiberarts Design Book Five Lark Books 1995 36.41 B328b Bateman, William G. Bateman Blend Weaves Shuttle Craft Guild 1982 36.3 B328e Bateman, William G. Extended Divided Twill Weaves Shuttle Craft Guild 1988 Extended Manifold Twill Weaves; Based on Dr. William G. Bateman's 36.3 B328ex Bateman, William G. Manuscript Shuttle Craft Guild 1989 36.41 B328m Bateman, William G. Multiple Tabby Weaves Shuttle Craft Guild 1981 36.41 B328m c.2 Bateman, William G. Multiple Tabby Weaves Shuttle Craft Guild 1981 36.3 B328p Bateman, William G. Park Weaves; Based on Dr. William G. Bateman's Manuscript Shuttle Craft Guild 1984 37.6 B329w Bateson, Vivienne Woven Fashion Van Nostrand 1984 BC Tapestry on the Canadian Council for the 36.721 B36w Edge Weaving Between the Lines Arts 2000 37.6 B368f Beard, Betty Fashions from the Loom Interweave 1980 36.1 B395p Becker, John Pattern and Loom Rhodes 1987 36.1 B395p Supp Becker, John Pattern and Loom- Supplement: Enlarged Weaving Drafts Rhodes 1987 31.6 B471d Bennett, Noel Designing with the Wool: Advanced Techniques in Navajo Weaving Northland Press 1979 31.6 B471n Bennett, Noel Navajo Weaving Way; The Path from Fleece to Rug Interweave 1997 31.6 B471w Bennett, Noel Working with Wool: How to Weave a Navaho Rug Northland Press 1983 33 B511h Beriau, Oscar Home Weaving, Arts and Crafts 1947 51.2 B471s Berlin, Shirley Sixty Sensational Samples: A Kumihimo Collection Shirley Berlin 2004 35.1 B534t Berry, E.B. Textile Designing- Pure and Applied University of North 1964 36.4 B561d Best, Eleanor Donat's Weaving Patterns for Color; Two to Twenty-four Harnesses Bestudio 1994 j02 B563w Betlinski, Caren World of Fibers- Improving Academics through Creative Learning BOCES 1 1985 j02 B563s Betlinski, Caren World of Fibers- Improving Academics through Creative Learning BOCES 1 1985 j02 B563t Betlinski, Caren World of Fibers- Improving Academics through Creative Learning BOCES 1 1985 36.72 B567t Beutlich, Tadek Technique of Woven Tapestry BT Batesford 1979 36.72 B567t c. 2 Beutlich, Tadek Technique of Woven Tapestry BT Batesford 1979 5.1 B619t Birren, Faber Textile Colorist Van Nostrand Reinhold 1980 33 B627k 1949 Black, Mary E. Key to Weaving Macmillan 1949 33 B627k 1980 Black, Mary E. Key to Weaving Macmillan 1980 33 B627n 1957 c.1Black, Mary E. New Key to Weaving Macmillan 1957 35.3 B627s Black, Mary E. Sett and Weave of Tartans, The 0 51.1 B642k Blanford, Percy Knots and Splices Bell Publishers 1965 41.32 B649b Bliss, Debbie Bright Knits for Kids Trafalgar Square 1996 41.3 B649c Bliss, Debbie Country Knits: With over 30 Glorious Designs Trafalgar Square 2001 41.3 B649d Bliss, Debbie Debbie Bliss Number Two; 10 Designs for Adults and Children Designer Yarns, Ltd. 2001 30 B658l Blum, Herman Loom Has a Brain, The 1973 30 B658a Blumenau, Lili Art of Hand Weaving Crown Publishers 1955 37.7 B658c Blumenau, Lili Creative Designs in Wall Hangings Crown Publishers 1967 32 B662l Boalt, Eivor Lands Vav-Skola LTs Farlag 1978 41.6 B791i Boye Needle Co. I Taught Myself to Crochet Boye 1975 Surface Designer's Handbook: Dyeing, Printing, Painting, and Creating 12 B797s Brackman, Holly Resists on Fabric Interweave 2006 30.2 B754c Bress, Helene Coverlet Book Flower Valley Press 2003 36.1 B843w Bress, Helene Weaving Book Patterns and Ideas Charles Scribners 1981 36.1 B843w c.2 Bress, Helene Weaving Book Patterns and Ideas Charles Scribners 1981 36.1 B843w c. 3 Bress, Helene Weaving Book Patterns and Ideas Charles Scribners 1981 36.71 B864t Broden, Marta Trasmattor 0 30 B869e Bronson, J and R Early American Weaving and Dyeing Dover 1977 Brooklyn Botanic brooklyn Botanic 11 B885d Garden Record Dye Plants and Dyeing; a Handbook Garden 1964 36.43 B874d Brostoff, Laya Double Weave: Theory & Practice Interweave Press 1979 36.72 B874w Brostoff, Laya Weaving A Tapestry Interweave 1982 Book of Looms; a History of the Handloom from Ancient Times to the 32 B875b Broudy, Eric Present Brown University Press 1979 12.1 B875t Broughton, Kate Textile Dyeing Rockport Publishers 1995 33 B877h Brown, Harriette J. Hand Weaving for Pleasure and Profit- A Guide to Two Harness Weaving Harper 1952 33 B877w c.1 Brown, Rachel Weaving, Spinning and Dyeing Book, The Knopf 1980 11 B918d Buchanan, Rita Dyer's Garden: From Plant to Pot: Growing Dyes for Natural Fibers Interweave Press 1995 11 B918w Buchanan, Rita Weaver's Garden Interweave Press 1987 41.31 B927t Budd, Ann Top-Down Sweaters Interweave Press 2012 11 B955h Burgess, Rebecca Harvesting Color; How to Find and Make Natural Dyes Artisan 2011 41.3 B964p Burnett, Sarah Passion For Color; Designer Knitting With Natural Dyes Conron Octopus 1990 30 B966u Burnham, Dorothy K.
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