Martin de Porres THE VOICE 6301 Biscayne Blvd. Miami 38, Fla. Proclaimed Saint Return Requested (See Editorial on Page 6; other stories and pic- ' ^VOICE tures on Pages 10 and 11.) Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VATICAN CITY (NO — Forty thousand people, including the Pope and 38 cardinals, knelt in St. Peter's Basilica to pay reverence to a mulatto Dominican lay brother as he was formally VOL. IV, NO. 8 MAY 11, 1962 declared to" be St. Martin de Porres. BUILT WITH two DONATIONS TO DEVELOPMENT FUND centuries after his death. But / 'Ion to him lapsed shortly 6 ward. It was only with the revival of public devotion to Diocese Dedicates New Children's Home him by U. S. Dominicans a gen- eration ago that his cause be- PERRINE — The institution- Msgr. Raymond Gallagher property adjoining Holy Ros- to repudiate institutions as a sible room for improvement in came espoused in all parts of al care of children under reli- addressed his remarks to ary parish with funds donated great and unjust affliction foist- the world. day by day institutional care. gious auspices offers an essen- some 300 religious and laity by the faithful of South Flor- ed upon children," Monsignor This sort of limited value pre- The cause for his canoniza- tial service to dependent youth, who attended the ceremonies ida to the Diocesan Develop- Gallagher declared. vails in many of the devices tion came to an end Sunday, the executive secretary of the of blessing at which Bishop ment Fund. > MONSIGNOR SPEAKS for professional social work serv- May 6 in St. Peter's Basilica National Conference of Catholic Coleman F. Carroll officiat- "There are those within the "Recognizing that there are ice as a substitute for institu- as Pope John XXIII pro- Charities, said during the dedi- ed. Facilities for 32 boys and social service profession who, I imperfect conditions to a de- tional care. As long as we are nounced the ritual words: cation of the new Catholic Home girls are provided in the new 1 "We declare and define am sure, were motivated by gree in any of life's processes, dealing with the unpredictable for Children. buildings recently erected on Blessed Martin de Porres, worthwhile concerns, who seem we can be realistic about pos- human equation, there will al- Confessor, to be a saint and ways be this need for constant to be inscribed in the list of improvement. saints . ." "We in Catholic Charities Speaking at the ceremonies, accept and use to a pheno- Pope John said that in helping 'Whatsoever You Do To One Of These, My Least Brethren...' menal degree the foster home his neighbor, St. Martin "fol- method of caring for children. lowed a road and methods that We are unwilling, however," were completely new in his age Monsignor Gallagher pointed and which heralded those of our out, "to be condemned as times." The Pope said it was broadly as some professionals for this reason that Pope Pius would do for a fruitful, posi- XII had proclaimed him patron tive, profitable use of institu- of Peru's social institutions. tional care for children. PROPER RESPECT "This holy man," continued "Let us hope that your ef- Pope John, "who through his fort here will contribute to the work, his example and his vir- balanced thinking of the social tues brought religion to others, work profession so that it might can still today, three centuries outgrow its youthful impetuous- after his death, raise our souls ness and reach quickly the point in a marvelous way to heaven- of mature judgment." ly things. Unfortunately, not ev- Commending Bishop Carroll, eryone understands these super- the clergy, and the faithful of natural gifts as he should. Not the Diocese of Miami for their everyone pays them the proper sacrifices in erecting the new respect. home which is staffed by the "Indeed, many people, dedi- Sisters of St. Joseph of St. Au- cated to sensual enjoyment, do gustine, Monsignor Gallagher not attach importance to them; said, "Your efforts have con- they are annoyed by them and tributed mightily to the move- neglect them. May the example ment of cooperative activity of Martin de Porres teach the between government and priv- majority of people in a ^salu- ate efforts. tary manner how to follow in OUTDOOR ALTAR erected before the dormitory wing of the ciated last Sunday. Msgr. Raymond Gallagher, executive secre- "You have helped us prove the footsteps of Jesus Christ and new Catholic Home for Children in Perrlne was the center of tary of the National Conference of Catholic Charities is shown that the traditional partner- (Continued on Page 10) dedication ceremonies at which Bishop Coleman F. Carroll offi- speaking to the more than 30frpersons who attended the blessing. continued on Page 16) REQUIEM SUNG IN KEY WEST FOR 2 Nuns Killed In Auto Crash :t KEY WEST — Solemn Re- Bishop Carroll was accom- chartered plane from Miami. quiem Mass for two Sisters of panied by more than 40 Mon- Among those present were the Holy Names of Jesus and signori, priests, Sisters and Msgr. William Barry, P. A., Mary who were killed Saturday Brothers who flew to Key pastor, St. Patrick parish, when their station wagon plung- West for the funeral aboard a (Continued on Page 2) •}• ed into the Tamiami Canal 40 miles west of Miami, was sung in St. Mary Star of the Sea Bishop Carroll On NCWC Church Tuesday morning. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll Latin America Committee presided at the Mass offered m by Father Joseph Beaver, S.J. WASHINGTON (NO — J. Primeau of Manchester, N. pastor, and gave the final Bishop Coleman F. Carroll of H.; Bishop John P. Treacy of absolution at the funeral of Miami is among six prelates LaCrosse and Auxiliary Bish- t> Sister Rose Rita, 47, superior added to the Episcopal Com- op Martin W. Stanton of New- at Mary Immaculate Convent mittee for Latin America of the ark, N. J. ,t here and Sister Georgette, 75, National Catholic Welfare Con- The committee of U.S. Bish- a member of the faculty at ference. ops serves with members of the San Pablo School, Marathon. The committee was enlarged Canadian and Latin American 3 from its original seven mem- hierarchies to form the Inter- Father Bernard Hickey, bers because of the great vol- American Episcopal Conference. pastor, San Pablo parish, ume of work that has come The conference works with the Marathon, was deacon of the before it. Richard Cardinal Pontifical Latin American Com- Mass; Father Charles Mallen, Cushing, of Boston, is chairman. mission in Rome for the solu- •i C.SS.R., assistant pastor, Our Other new members are tion of problems facing the Cath- Voice Photos Lady of Perpetual Help par- Archbishop Paul J. Hallinan olic Church in Latin America. MASS OF ST. MARTIN de Porres was sung Rome by Pope John XXIII. Father John Mon- ish, Opa Locka, subdeacon; of Atlanta; Bishop James A. NCWC also announced the for- Sunday in Corpus Christi Church just a few roe, O.P. of Barry College, was the celebrant and Father Neil J. Flemming, McNulty of Paterson, N. J., mation of an Episcopal Com- hours after the Peruvian saint was canonized ia assisted by Spanish Dominican priests. master of ceremonies. vice chairman; Bishop Ernest mittee for. Vocations, 'IfBfRTH CALLED AIM 'Council No Summit Meeting' OTTAWA, Ont. (NO — Cath- ern world, the Bishops say: comes the council not only ol olics should not look upon the the faithful but also of all men "The Church needs to de- coming Second Vatican Council who belive in humanity and in fine the attitudes and the as a "summit conference" the spiritual values that con- means by which she intends but as a means for the in- stitute its dignity." that Christian principles may terior rebirth of the Church, the LIVING PRINCIPLES administrative board of the Ca- be established among men in all aspects of their lives — The duty of Christians with nadian Catholic Conference said regard to the council, the Bish- here. familial, civic, economic, po- litical and social. It is her ops declare, is "to strive to know more about it by learning The 10 members of the mission to make clear where about the preparations and hierarchy composing the she finds the necessary means y about accustomed council pro- board stated that- Christian to accomplish her work of re- cedures" through consultation unity will undoubtedly be an demption in a world that of pertinent books and periodi- important concern of the claims to be self-sufficient in cals. council. But they stressed that its technical progress and the the council must first consid- enjoyment of worldly goods. "Finally, the best preparation er a preliminary question, for the council, as well as the "the interior renewal of the "Such is the great and tragic simplest and at the same time Church." problem for which the Church the most difficult," the Bishops seeks a solution," the Bishops conclude, "consists in living In the" council opening Oct. point out. "In the context of the from now on with deeper con- Voice Fhotoa 11, the statement said, "the drama of contemporary man- victions in accordance with the ONE DOZEN Cuban refugees recently resettled bers of one family. Augustine Enriquez counts Church will consider its own kind, the council takes on un- demands of Christian princi- in Portland, Oregon by the Miami agency of heads of his 10 children to be sure all are image, reaffirm its faith, and expected dimensions. It be- ples." Catholic Relief Services — NCWC are all mem- present before leaving Miami by air.
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