VII 15 Tuesday, December 6, 1977 Agrahanaya 15, 1899 (Saka) ThirdF)3=>7;9F VII 1 !% F*F*&+&,F $-F!F CONTENTS No. 15, Tuesday, December 6, igrp/Agrahayana 15,1899 (Saha) T>ral Answers to Questions : C o l u m n s ♦Starred Questions Nos. 285,286,288 to 290,295 and 296 . 1— 30 Short Notice Question No. 4 30— 36 Written Answers to Questions : Starred Questions Nos. 2£7,29110294 29710 304. 36—47 Unstarred Questions Nos. 2669 to 2810 and 2812 to 2867 47— 260 Papers Laid on the Table 260— 64 Message from Rajya Sabha . 265 Re. Matters under Rule 377 . 265-66 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Reported explosion in the Heavy Water Plant in Baroda 266— 75 Shri Anant Dave 266-67, 268 Shri Morarji Desai . 267-68,270, 272-73,274—75 Shri Saugata Roy . 268— 70 Shri G. M . Banatwala 270-71 Shri Vayalar Ravi 273-74 Announcement re. Calling Attention Notices . 275— 78 Public Accounts Committee— Thirty-fifth Report . 278 Statement re. Restructuring of Oil and Natural Gas Commission— Shri H. N. Bahuguna 279— 81 Statement re. Restructuring of Railway Board— Prof. Madhu Dandavate . 281— 84 ♦The sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. Co lu mn s Matters under Rule 377— (i) Reported failure of Karnataka Government to maintain law and order in the S t a t e ............................................................ 285— 88 (ii) Appointment of a Judicial Commission by U . P. Government to inquire into riots in V a r a n a s i ........................................ 288— 89 (iii) Publication of Books on Pandit Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi and attempts at denigrating the leaders.......................................290— 301 Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill— Motion to c o n s i d e r .................................................. 301— 307 Shri Brij Bhushan Tiwari .... 301— 304 Shri Saugata R o y .................................................. 305— 307 Motions re. Recent Cyclones and Floods in the Southern States— W i t h d r a w a l ................................................................................307—406 Shri Chitta Basu . 307— 13 Shri P. K . Kodiyan . 315— 18 Dr. Karan Singh .... 319— 26 Shri Vijay Kumar Malhotra . 326— 32 Shri K . Suryanarayana 332— 39 Shri Sarat Kar . 339— 40 Shri V. Arunachalam . 341— 46 1 Shri R. Venkataraman............................................................ 346—51 Shri Ganga Singh............................................................ 352— 54 Shri M . Kalyanasundaram .... 354—59 Dr. Henry Austin . ................................................... 359— 66 Shrimati Ahilya P. Rangnekar „ 366— 71 Shri P. M. Sayeed......................................................................371—76 Shri K. Raghu Ramaiah............................................................ 376—79 Shri Kumari Ananthan . 379— 81 Shri C. Subramaniam . 3®1—*5 Shri Nageswara Rao Meduri 385— 87 Shri C. N . Visvanathan . 3*7— 89 Shri N. Kudanthai Ramalingam 3*9— 92 Shri Surjit Singh Bamala 392— 403 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 LOK SABHA *fk *rk snfcft 3r sWf 3r fe^ ^rftr i Tuesday9 December 6, 1977/Agra- hayana 15, 1899 (Saka) )NGC Survey in the off shore Region of Kerala + 4The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Clock ♦285. SHRI P. K. KODIYAN: SHRI GEORGE MATHEW: [Mr. Speaker in the Chfi,ir] Will the Minister of PETROLEUM ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS AND CHEMICALS AND FERTILI- ZERS be pleased to state: h ih 5^ •* szniprr (a) whether the Oil and Natural Gas Commission has made any survey in the off shore region of Kerala to ^ i i2^r i find out oil deposits; and Tnnft hut : frrr (b) if so, the results thereof? ®f>i ^ ^ ft* ^ THE MINISTER OF PETROLEUM SR9fT ^ 'jft 3RR AND CHEMICALS AND FERTILI- ZERS (SHRI H. N. BAHUGUNA): h ( ht =5rr%T i ifn Rrifisd <h m ^fo (a) and (b). Broad reconnaissance surveys of the Continental shelf in the 4063 %itK Arabian sea including portions of Ke- wfijd *rr, t o r ^ rala coast were conducted in 1964 and ^ srfcft H fen f, * 1973. Seismic surveys were carried out by Oil and Natural Gas Commis- - i*refrsft sion in Kerala off-shore off Kasargod ifan 4212 *TT *Hf4V fe n tr early this year. During the last two months reconnaissance surveys have *r ^ ferr | i ^ ^ ^ been carried out in Kerala off-shore 5TFT #5?n 4214 *nfafr *t continental shelf adjoining Cape Como- feTT | I 557 ^TR rin to Calicut. A regional seismic pro- file connecting these two areas has >w 41«m sre % ^ *ft 3r s iw also been carried out. Preliminary in- ^ I ^TP-TT *idM4 *ft % Ru1. terpretation of seismic data collected ^ftrfeT t ^ ^ ^ SFT 742 ^rT off Kasargod has just been completed. s r tc *r ?rraT fip^t *t ^ SHRI P. K. KODIYAN: I want to know from the Hon. Minister whether srrm i w t % zr^t % he is in a position to indicate the *ft urm t i s r fernr ^r *r | i <fr possibility of oil being found in this %<0’ Pl'Kn ^ fa» *ft Wsfl vftlf area from the preliminary interpreta- tion of seismic survey that has al- ^ ^ T^TT ready been completed. ftp JT?t fW tfifrft ^ ?T^f I I SHRI H. N. BAHUGUNA: It is in 5 ^ f^St ^Rcf SfTOt 5TPRT that hope that we propose to have | sWr *nroff *x fw r seme locational drillings and also a 2856—LS—1 3 Oral Answers DECEMBER 6, 1977 Oral Answers 4 deeper seismic survey of this particular SHRI GEORGE MATHEW: You area. conducted the seismic survey in 1963 and then in 1973. How many vessels SH»RI P. K. KODIYAN: Sir, the re- have we got to conduct seismic survey connaissance survey was conducted as and deep drilling? As the foreign ex- early as 1964. Now, the Minister has change position is good, why should said: Seismic surveys were carried out you not buy more equipment from out- by Oil and Natural Gas Commission side? in Kerala utf-shore off Kasargod early this year. Sir, a scheme which began SHRI H. N. BAHUGUNA: We have in 1064 is being dragged. Government one ship owned by ONGC which is has taken so much time e^en to under- doing deep study of the Bombay off- take the surveys to find out oil in the shore area where there are already off-shore area. I would like to know proven possibilities of both oil and from the hon’ble Minister how long gas. Therefore, we are trying to ex will the Government take to complete haust the whole area to find out if this study particularly in view of the more structures carry more oil so thatT huge foreign exchange being spent on we do not have to go back to Bombay the import of crude. In view of the High area later on'. Therefore, our urgency of thisjnatter, will the Gov- ‘Nation* is busy on that side. Hence ernment expedite the programme of the need for chartering the ship and surveys and how long will it take to the priorities that the- Government complete drilling in the Kasargod off- gives to final determination about the shore area? When is the drilling ex- Kerala off-coast necessitated the char- pected to start? tering of the shit>. SHRI II. N. BAHUGUNA: Sir, all I said was that the Government by due MR, SPEAKER: Will you have one processes have prima facie come to the more? This is what he is asking. conclusion that there could be location- al facilities available for drilling if at SHRI H. N. BAHUGUNA: No, ‘ He any time the final view on the seismic asked whether we wpuld be abl$ to survey was to that effect. It is true purchase one more. We will not have that this particular enquiry goes one more ship; that i& not needed: But way back to 1963-64 but in the ques- we have easily ship6 available which tion of search for oil, Kerala West can be chartered and do the job for Coast has been given a privileged us. We propose to charter one ship. treatment. Sir, in-between a German ONGC does not propose to acquire expert came who rejected the possi- any more. Presently there is no more bility of any oil either in the continental immediate possibility of such a ship shelf or in the inland areas. Moreover being purchased by ONGC. the Government intention is not to drag its feet but be dragged with the SHRI C. N. VISVANATHAN: Sir, emotion and possibility that Kerala in the Kaveri delta areas of Tamil coast perhaps has and, therefore, we Nadu a seismic survey had been con- are charter-hiring a ship to do deep ducted by the ONGC in 1973-74. They seismic work. In between it does not had also made a number of drillings mean that a day has been lost. A num- there. What is the result of these sur- ber of attempts have been made. But veys and drillings in those areas? Whe- till now no absolute reply has come ther the Government has taken any from the data available. Therefore, steps to undertake further drilling, in one more effort is being made by char- those areas? ter hiring seismic survey ship to find out whether further work using this SHRI H. N. > BAHUGUNA: Though location for drilling and other things the question is not dijectly related to are at all necessary and possible. the present question, 1 would say that 5 Oral Answers AGRAHAYANA 15, 1899 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 the result is so far nil. But we have (ix) To keep a careful watch on not lost hope. We are proposing that the quality of production and this particular chartered hired ship prevent adulteration and mal- will also do seismic surveys in the practices.
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