Pavel V. Lukin Moscow lukinpavel@yandex.ru NARRATION ON THE VARANGIAN MARTYRS IN THE PRIMARY CHRONICLE AND IN THE SYNAXARION (PROLOGUE)* A narration on the Kievan Varangian martyrs known in two ver- sions, the chronicle and the Synaxarion (Prologue), has been a racting the a ention of researchers for a long time, since it tells about the fi rst Russian saints. This short but very interesting narration, although, has not been studied enough. Furthermore, it contains information not only on the Christian deeds of the Varangian martyrs but important data on re- ligious practices and customary law of pre-Christian Russia as well. Before we ask and try to solve historical questions, however, it is nec- essary to clear up as much as possible some source issues, which are inevitable because there are two versions of the narration. Here are both of them: Летописная повесть Проложное житие о варягах-мучениках варягов-мучеников Chronicle narration on the Varangian Synaxarion Life of the Varangian martyrs (further — L) martyrs (further — P) М(ѣся)ца [т]ого же (июля. — П. Л.) вь 12 д(е)нь прѣблаженоу моученику, вар#га и с(ы)на его [И]вана [оу]биеную вь Кыевѣ. In the [s]ame month (of July — P. L.) on the 12 day, [the celebrat- ion] of the most blessed martyrs, the Varangian and his son [I]van murdered in Kyev. 1 (*) I would like to thank everybody who took part in the discussion of the text, especially: А. А. Gippius, V. А. Kuchkin, S. М. Mikheev, P. S. Stefanovich, А. Yu. Vinogradov, А. М. Vvedensky, М. К. Yurasov; also I thank for their help in searching for publications of diffi cult access: Stephan Lehr (Münster, Ger- 259 Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 11:21:43PM via free access 260 Scrinium VΙI–VIII.2 (2011–2012). Ars Christiana Иде Володимеръ на Явт#ги, и Владимирь великы ~ще погань побѣд[и] Явт#ги, и вз# землю их. сы, побѣди Ятьвѣгы. Volodimer went to the Jatvingians Vladimir the Great, still pagan, and conquered the Jatvingians conquered the Jatvingians. and took their land. И иде Киеву, и твор#ше потребу И пришедь в Кыевь, и творѣше кумиромъ с людьми своими. жртвоу идоломь сь бояры о побѣди. And he went to Kiev and off ered a And he came to Kyev and off ered sacrifi ce to idols together with his a sacrifi ce to idols together with men. Boyars for his victory. И рѣша старци и бол#ре: Рѣш# стар[ц]и: «мечамь жраби «м[е]чем жребии1 на wтрока и на с(ы)ны и на дщери наш#, да дѣвицю; на него же падеть, того изрѣжемъ б(ог)омь нашимь». зарѣжемъ б(ого)мъ». And the elders and Boyars said: The elders said: “let’s throw lots “let’s throw lots1 on a youth and among our sons and daughters, a maiden; on whom it falls, they and make a slaughter for our will be slaughtered for the gods”. gods”. Б#ше Вар#гъ единъ, и бѣ И бѣше нѣхто ч(е)л(овѣ)кь дворъ его, идеже есть церки Б(ожи)и именемь,2 Вар#гь святая Богородица, юже сдѣла родомь, Володимеръ. There was one Varangian, his There was a man of God by name,2 household was at the place of the Varangian by kin. church of the Holy Mother of God created by Volodimer. 2 many), S. М. Mikheev, А. G. Plakhonin (Kiev), and for consultations: D. D. Iol- shin, D. V. Kashtanov, К. А. Mikhailov, А. А. Turilov, F. B. Uspensky. Also I am grateful to А. G. Plakhonin for the excursion to ancient Kiev (November 2009). Research for this article was supported in part by the Special and Extension Programs of Central European University (“CEU”). The opinions expressed herein are the author’s own and do not necessarily express the views of CEU. The Primary Chronicle means here the Tale of Bygone Years and hypothetical earlier compilations. (1) In the Laurentian chronicle (further — Lavr.) the words “let’s throw lots” are repeated (Полное собрание русских летописей [Complete Collection of Russian Chronicles], further — ПСРЛ (Москва, 1997), vol. 1. 81–80, notes). (2) In the younger copies the name of the older Varangian, Feodor, is in- cluded here. Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 11:21:43PM via free access Pavel V. Lukin 261 3 Бѣ жа /sic!/ Вар#гъ то пришелъ пришел бѣ ись Ц(еса)раграда из Грекъ, [и] держаше [в таинѣ — [c] с(ы)номь своимь Иваномь, НПЛ, Ип.] вѣру х(р)ес(ть)яньску; с#д#ше вь Кы~вѣ, дрьж# вѣроу и бѣ оу него сынъ красенъ крьстьяньскую. лицемъ3 и д(у)шею, на сего паде жребии по зависти дьяволи. The Varangian came from the He came from Ts(esa)regrad [with] Greeks [and] kept [in secret — NPL, his son Ivan, he se led in Kyev Hypathian chronicle, further — and kept his Christian faith. Ip.] his Christian faith; and he had a son handsome in face3 and soul, and the lot fell on him because of the envy of the devil. Не терп#шеть бо дьяволъ, власть И сего не трьпѣше дьяволь, имы надо всѣми, и се б#шеть власть бо имѣяше надь вс#ми, ему аки тернъ въ с(е)р(д)ци; [и] а се ~моу бѣше яко ор#жие тьщашеся потребити wканьныи, в с(ер)дци, не могы ему що и наоусти люд(и). створити, наоучи на нь луди. Because the devil could not The devil could not stand it, stand it, possessing authority possessing authority over every- over everybody, and so he was body, and so it was as a weapon as a thorn in his heart; [and] the in his heart; as he could not do damned one tried to destroy (the anything to him; he taught people Varangian. — P. L.) and stirred up to do so. people (against him. — P. L.). [И] рѣша пришедше послании И рѣш# при(ше)дьше к немоу к нему, яко «паде жребии послани: «паде жрѣби на с(ы)нь на с(ы)нъ твои, изволиша бо твои, вьзлубиша бо б(о)зи наши, и б(о)зи собѣ, да створимъ да его створимь трѣбубоу /sic!/ потребу б(ого)мъ». б(ог)омь нашимь». [And] those who were sent to him And those who were sent to him said that “the lot has fallen on said: “the lot has fallen on your your son, the gods want him for son, our gods have chosen him, themselves, let’s make a sacrifi ce let’s make a sacrifi ce to our gods”. to the gods”. И реч(е) Вар#гъ: «не суть бо Wнь же реч(е): «не суть б(о)зи, б(о)зи, на /sic!/ древо; дн(е)сь н# дрѣво истесано безд(у)шно, есть, а оутро изъгнееть; не яд#ть и по малѣ сгниеть, не яд#ть бо, бо, ни пиют, ни молв#т, но ни пи#ть, ни мльвить; Бо(г) бо (3) In the Troitsky copy of the Novgorod First Chronicle, younger recension (further — NPL ml.): тѣлом — in body (ПСРЛ, vol. 3 (Москва, 2000) 529). Downloaded from Brill.com09/28/2021 11:21:43PM via free access 262 Scrinium VΙI–VIII.2 (2011–2012). Ars Christiana суть дѣлани руками в деревѣ ~ди[н] есть на небесехь, ~моуже [секирою и ножемъ — НПЛ, слоуж#ть Гр(е)ци, вь имя Ип.]; а Б(ог)ъ есть единъ, емуже Г(оспод)а И(су)са Х(рист)а служат Грьци и клан#ются, крещ(е)на есвѣ, ты бо створи иже створилъ н(е)бо и землю небо и зем#лю, а ваши бози [и] звѣзды, и луну и с(о)лнце и что створиш#, н# сами вами ч(е)л(о)в(ѣ)ка, [и] далъ есть ему с#дѣлани суть, не дамь бѣсомь жiти на земли; а си б(о)зи что с(ы)на своего». сдѣлаша; сами дѣлани суть. Не дамъ с(ы)на своего бѣсомъ». And the Varangian said: “they But he said: “they are not gods, are not gods, but wood; today but wood carved without soul, they exist, while tomorrow they and soon will rot, they do not eat, will rot; they do not eat, do not do not drink, do not speak; there is drink, do not speak, but they are one God in the heavens, whom the made by hands from wood [with Greeks serve, we are baptized in an axe and a knife — NPL, Ip.]; the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, while God is one and the Greeks who created the heavens and the serve him and worship him who earth; while your gods — what created the heavens and the earth have they created, they themselves [and] stars and the Moon and the were made by you. I shall not give Sun and man, and he made him my son to demons”. to live on the earth; while these gods — what have they done, they themselves were made. I shall not give my son to demons”. Wни же, шедше, повѣдаше лю- И ти шедше, повѣдаш# людемь, демъ; wни же, вземше wружье, и вьземьше оружие, и придош# поидоша на нь и розъяша дворъ на нь. wколо его. They went and told people; and They went and told people; and they took weapons and went they took weapons and went against him and demolished his against him. household by him. Wнъ же стояше на сѣнех съ И р#шь: «даи с(ы)на твоего на с(ы)номъ своимъ, рѣша ему: тр#бц# б(ог)омь». «вдаи с(ы)на своего, да вдамы б(ого)мъ [его]».
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