CHARLES CHRISTIAN’s LEGAL TECHNOLOGY iNSIDER THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO WHAT’S HOT (AND WHAT’S NOT) IN LAW OFFICE SYSTEMS ➦ workgroup friendly office automation WORDPERFECT suite that should find a ready place in SET FOR JUNE law firm and IT suppliers’ fee earner desk- top development strategies. COMEBACK For advanced users, the suite has The legal world’s favourite word- Internet and multimedia enhancements. processing software WordPerfect is While more traditional wordprocessor scheduled to make its comeback in users should find the new “as you go” June with the launch of the new 32- features in WordPerfect 7 improve pro- IN THIS bit Windows 95 compliant Version 7.0. ductivity by allowing greater flexibility EDITIONÉ At the same time WordPerfect’s new over checking spelling, reformatting docu- owners Corel will also be launching ments and changing numbering. Microsoft to PerfectOffice 7.0, the latest upgrade In addition, the suite contains a Exchange Mail… 2 to the company’s all-in-one office copy of IBM’s VoiceType Control software automation suite. so users can actually control applications Shakespeare LEGAL TECHNOLOGY iNSIDER has by spoken commands, such as “open file”, looking for recently been looking at the pre-release “print document” etc. co-authors… 3 Beta 2 version of the software and while there remains the possibility of further ☞ Comment… A lot can happen in the LOTIES awards changes being made to the final version, two months between now and the provi- latest… 4 it is clear Corel is pulling out all the stops sional 6th June launch date but on first to ensure WordPerfect’s second coming impressions it seems Corel has devised a Roll your own returns the product to its former glory as wordprocessing/office suite that is more accounts with a market leader. than a match for Microsoft’s Word for Access… 5 LTi has the Professional edition of Windows 95 and Office 95 offerings. PerfectOffice 7.0. Along with WordPerfect Pricing policy will be important. Uniplex get 7.0, this includes new versions of the Can Corel get PerfectOffice 7.0 bundled in smart… 6 Quattro Pro spreadsheet, Presentations with sales of new PC hardware – a tactic graphics package (Corel’s answer to both Microsoft and Lotus with its Smart- Wandsworth put PowerPoint), InfoCentral personal infor- Suite product are benefiting from. And, planning mation manager (PIM), Paradox relational what sort of upgrade deal can be offered applications database and Envoy workgroup and In- to existing WordPerfect users given the on the Web… 7 ternet publishing tool (Corel’s answer to “recommended” hardware specification for Lotus Notes). The suite also includes the new software is a 486 processor Netscape’s Internet browser and a client running at 66MHz with 16Mb of RAM. licence for Novell’s GroupWise email and The Internet integration will scheduling system for networks. attract some users and the GroupWise The Standard version comes link is also likely to be a strong selling minus GroupWise and Paradox, while point for firms with Novell networks. Professional also includes a PerfectOffice However, given the legal profession’s software developers kit (using Delphi fascination with speech recognition tech- rather than Visual Basic or C++). All this nology, the inclusion of the VoiceType adds up to an attractive network and ➥ software could be an inspired move. ❐ Issue No 12 ❶ 8 April 1996 LEGAL TECHNOLOGY iNSIDER NEWS ➧ VIEWS ➧ MOVES ➧ DEALS ➧ DATA MICROSOFT BEAVER SUES MILES Debt collection software specialist The EXCHANGE NOW Beaver Corporation has taken out a High AVAILABLE Court writ against another legal systems After two years of testing, Microsoft supplier for unpaid bills relating to the last week announced the availability supply of software and services to two of its new Microsoft Exchange Server solicitors practices – Lightfoots and KEEPING system – its replacement for the old Travell Horner – in 1994 and 1995. TIME UNDER MS Mail messaging product, as well as The defendant named in the writ CONTROL its answer to the Novell GroupWise and (1996 B-No.662, dated 2nd April) is Software house Lotus Notes groupware systems. Milesco 1 Ltd (company no. 1276966) PMD Technology Reflecting the changes in techno- which is part of the Miles 33 group. The Services (☎ 01462 logy during the intervening period, as well sum claimed is £12,215.30 plus contract- 480297) has as containing email and groupware ual interest of £2,228.69. ❐ launched a new facilities such as scheduling, discussion project manage- databases and document sharing, the ment program new system also provides full Internet MOUNTAIN CELEBRATES which it says is mail connectivity with MIME and UUEN- 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS suitable for all CODE support for attachments and an Grantham-based Mountain Software (☎ professionals and electronic forms design application. 01476 73718) this year celebrates its consultants who Exchange Server is part of Micro- twentieth anniversary in the legal IT charge on the basis soft’s BackOffice family of applications systems market. of time plus and although based on the Windows NT Mountain director Steve Kendrick disbursements. platform, the system will support a variety says one of the major enhancements to of 16-bit and 32-bit operating systems – the company’s software over the last 12 Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups months has been the introduction of an 3.1.1, Windows 95, Windows NT Work- extended client/matter database. station and MS-DOS – for mixed environ- Features include: an email facility, ments. Clients for these are already avail- a fee earner desktop and calendar, links able while a Macintosh client is currently to Laserforms and Microsoft Word (in undergoing beta testing and scheduled for addition to DOS and Windows versions EAGLE TURNS release this summer. of WordPerfect), default legal aid charge TURKEY Microsoft is also providing special out rates, a telephone auto-dialler plus With only £300 in tools to help customers migrate to extra database fields for separate billing cash at the bank Exchange Server from other messaging addresses, “corporate entertainment” and debts in excess systems, such as Lotus cc:Mail, Microsoft records, client biographical notes and of £500,000, Mail, IBM Profs, and DEC All-in-1. partnership/sole trader client details. ❐ Stratton Publica- The basic Microsoft Exchange tions, publishers of Server (messaging server with integrated The Eagle legal groupware and 5 client access licences) STRIKE SET TO CONTINUE magazine, have will sell for approximately £820. A single Staff at the Courts Agency Computer commenced a client access licence (which provides Centre in Northampton, who began creditors voluntary email and group scheduling) costs £60. industrial action on 21st March over liquidation. The full-featured Microsoft Exchange plans for privatisation, have announced Server Enterprise Edition (which also they are extending their strike action by includes X.400 and Internet mail connec- another fortnight until 23rd April. tors, as well as 25 client access licences) The Northampton facility houses costs approximately £3,325. Microsoft the County Court Bulk Centre which also offers upgrades discounts for normally processes around 50% of the customers migrating from Microsoft Mail debt recovery summonses for England & for PC and AppleTalk networks. ❐ Wales at an average rate of 5000 a day. ❐ Issue No 12 ❷ 8 April 1996 LEGAL TECHNOLOGY iNSIDER NEWS ➧ VIEWS ➧ MOVES ➧ DEALS ➧ DATA SOS SIGNAL 15 WINS SHAKESPEARE LOOKING FOR CO-AUTHORS FROM 15 PITCHES Voice technology specialists Shakespeare On 1st December 1995 Solicitors Own SpeechWriter UK are looking for law firms Software Ltd (SOS) formerly began who will collaborate with them on the shipping its new all-Windows accounts development of special dictionaries – and time recording system. In the called VocabSets – of words and phrases following 16 weeks the company won that could then be used by other 15 new orders. members of the legal profession working COSTS According to SOS sales director with the company’s OfficeSpeak speech SOFTWARE David McNamara, the software has a recognition system. ENHANCED number of attractions to buyers: it is an The deal Shakespeare are offering Wordwright all-new Windows system. (☞ As distinct is a 35% discount off the usual RRP of Associates (☎ from being a Windows front end bolted £399 for the OfficeSpeak software plus a 01473 212752) has onto older technology …Ed.) It contains royalty of 20% of the net RRP of any announced major advanced features such as a Fee Earner subsequent sales if Shakespeare decide to enhancements to Desktop and an executive information market the VocabSet the lawyer helped its Costs Plus system (EIS) that are only available as develop. So, if a Wills VocabSet were to software for hand- extras on other systems. And, the joint sell for £100 + VAT, the lawyer would ling legal costing. development project with Solicitec means receive a £20 royalty on each sale. The latest version – users have the option of adding a fully Shakespeare marketing manager Level 3 – now integrated Windows case management Clara Stafford has already identified: compiles taxation system. litigation, company/commercial, wills, bills automatically According to McNamara, the 15 conveyancing, probate, divorce and family from data files. The new orders were all won as a result of law as areas of practice where VocabSets DOS software will presentations in competition with other could be useful and is willing to discuss run on most PCs, suppliers. other ideas with prospective “Professional can be used in all SOS (☎ 01225 448664) is now Shakespeare Developers”. areas of civil expanding its installation and training To qualify, the professional must litigation and teams “to cope with demand” as well as have been in practice for at least two Wordwright say its beefing up the support department “in years and Shakespeare envisage the ease of use means order to maintain a high level support-to- average VocabSet containing 40 separate it can be operated user ratio”.
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