Contributed Paper Differential Host Susceptibility to Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, an Emerging Amphibian Pathogen C. 1. SEARLE,*§ S. S. GERVASI,* ].HUA,#]. I. HAl\1MOND,# R.A. REL YRA..,# D. H. OLSON,t A.c�D A.R. BLAUSTEIN* *Depart.'1lent of Zoology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A. #Department of Biological Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, U.S.A. tUnited States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Corvallis, OR 97331, U.S.A. Abstract: The amphibian fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) has received considerable attention due to its role in amphibian population declines worldwide. Although many amphibian species appear to be affected by Bd, there is little information on species-specific dijJerences in susceptibility to this pathogen. We used a comparative experimental approach to examine Bd susceptibility in 6 amphibian species from the United States. We exposed postmetamorphic animals to Bd for 30 days and monitored mortality, feeding rates, and infection levels. In all species tested, Ed-exposed animals had higher rates of mortality than unexposed (control) animals. However, we found dijJerences in mortality rates among species even though the amount of Ed detected on the dijJerent species' bodies did not dijJer. Of the species tested, southern toads (Anaxyrusterrestris) and wood frogs (lithobates sylvaticus) had the highest rates of Ed-related mortality. Within species, we detected lower levels of Ed on individuals that survived longer and found that the relationship between body size and infection levels dijJered among species. Our results indicate that, even under identical conditions, amphibian species dijJer in susceptibility to Ed. This study represents a step toward identifying and understanding species variation in disease susceptibility, which can be used to optimize conservation strategies. Ke'ywords: amphibian population declines, Anaxyrus, chytridiomycosis, Hyla, Lithobates, Pseudacris, Rana Susceptibilidad Diferencial de Huespedes a Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, un Pat6geno de A..flfibios Emergente Resumen: El pat6geno fungico de anfibios Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Ed) ha recibido considerable atenci6n debido a su papel en fa declinaci6n de poblaciones de anfibios en todo el mundo. Aunque parece que muchas especies de anfibios son afectadas por Ed, existe poca informaci6n sobre diferencias especificas en fa susceptibilidad a este pat6geno. Utilizamos un metodo experimental comparativo para examinar fa susceptibilidad a Ed en 6 especies anfibios de los Estados Unidos. Expusimos a animates postmetam6rficos a Ed durante 30 dias y monitoreamos las tasas de mortalidad y de alimentaci6n, asi como los niveles de infecci6n. En todas las especies probadas, los animates expuestos a Ed tuvieron mayores tasas de mortalidad entre especies aunque fa cantidad de Bd detectada sobre los cuerpos de las diferentes especies no difiri6. De las especies probadas, Anaxyrus terrestris y Lithobates sylvaticus tuvieron las mayores tasas de mortali­ dad relacionada con Bd. Entre especies, detectamos niveles menores sobre indviduos que sobrevivieron mas tiempo y encontramos que la relaci6n entre el tamano del cuerpo y los niveles de infeccion difiri6 entre especies. Nuestros resultados indican que, aunque bajo condiciones identicas, las especies de anfibios di­ fieren en susceptibilidad a Ed y representan un paso hacia fa identificaci6n y comprensi6n de la variaci6n §email [email protected] Paper submitted September 13, 2010; revised manuscript accepted February 12, �OlL" 965 COl1�,en}ation Biology, Volume 25, No. 5, 965-974 ©2011 Society fer Conservation Biology DOl: lO.11l1lj.152H739.201101708.x entre especies de la susceptibilidad a enfermedades, que pueden ser utilizados para optimizar estrategias de conservaci6n. Palabras Clave: Anaxyrus, declinaciones de poblaciones de anfibios, Hyla, Lithobates, Pseudacris, quitrid­ iomicosis, Rana Introduction et aL 2005) and some species in Queensland (Kriger & Hero 2006), populations appear to be persisting in the Understanding patterns of host-pathogen dynamics is es­ presence of Bd. sential for mitigating the negative effectsof infectious dis­ Differential susceptibility to Bd observed in the field eases. In many cases, infectious diseases are studied in a may be due to multiple independent or interacting fac­ one-pathogen, one-host system, and little attention is paid tors, including host physiology, host life history, envi­ to how pathogens may affect different hosts. However, ronmental conditions, and community structure. For ex­ most pathogens can infect more than one species(Wool­ ample, in organisms other than amphibians, body size house et al. 2001), and hosts may differ in susceptibility has a large influence on pathogen prevalence and diver­ to a given pathogen. Differencesin host susceptibility can sity in hosts. Larger animals are predicted to have higher drive ecological phenomena such as pathogen dilution or pathogen loads because they provide more space for a pathogen amplification(Schmidt & Ostfeld 2001; LoGiu­ pathogen to colonize and usually are older and have had dice et al. 2003; Keesing et al. 2006). Additionally, some more time to acquire pathogens(Kuris et al. 1980; Poulin hosts may act as reservoirs for a disease. In the absence of 1995). In amphibians, smaller postmetamorphic animals a reservoir host, direct transmission of pathogens is gen­ can have higher levels of Bd than larger animals(Kriger erally density dependent(Nokes 1992). Reservoir hosts, et a1. 2007), but the opposite relation was found in lar­ however, allow a pathogen to persist even when the den­ vae in 2 studies(Smith et al. 2007; Symonds et al. 2007). sity of susceptible hosts is low, exacerbating the severity Seasonal changes in temperature can alter growth rates of disease epidemics(Haydon et al. 2002). Thus, under­ of pathogens and host responses, creating cyclical pat­ standing how different host species respond to infection terns in pathogen prevalence(Dowell 2001; Raffel et al. by a pathogen is essential for predicting its effects. It 2006). This may be particularly relevant for Bd because is clear that disease poses a substantial threat to some it is a cold-associated pathogen (Longcore et al. 1999; taxonomic groups as exemplified by global declines in Piotrowski et al. 2004). In the field, there is a greater in­ amphibian populations(Stuart et al. 2004). cidence of Bd in winter months compared with summer Global declines of amphibian populations have been months, and experimentally infecting ani..'llals at colder attributed to multiple factors, including infectious dis­ temperatures increases the negative effects of Bd(Berger eases(Houlahan et al. 2000; Blaustehl. & Kiesecker 2002; et aL 2004). Stuart et al. 2004). In particular, the emerging fungal Certain life-history strategies may increase rates of pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is as­ pathogen transmission or growth. In a fieldsurvey, Kriger sociated with amphibian population declines worldwide and Hero (2007) found that stream-breeding amphibians (e.g., Lips et al. 2006; Skerratt et al. 2007; Vredenburg are more likely to be Lrliectedwith Bd than pond-breeders et al. 2010). This fungus i!'J'ects over 400 species (Aa­ and almost all infected animals occur in permanent wa­ nensen & Fisher 2011). Batrachochytrium dendroba­ ter bodies. Bielby et al. (2008) analyzed correlates of Bd­ tidis infects keratinized structures of amphibians such associated declines and found that high-elevation species that mouthparts of larvae are infected, but postmetamor­ with restricted ranges are most likely to experience Bd­ phic amphibians can be infected over their entire epider­ related declines. These patterns provide valuable infor­ mis(Marantelli et al. 2004; Berger et al. 2005). Therefore, mation for predicting future declines, but it is difficult rates of mortalityfrom Bd appear to be more pronounced to consider all factors in one study. In a laboratory ex­ at the postmetamorphic stage (parris & Cornelius 2004; periment, we investigated the degree to which species Berger et al. 2005; Carey et al. 2006), when Bd disrupts of amphibians were negatively affected by Ed, which al­ various physiological functions(Voyles et al. 2009). The lowed us to address causation in addition to correlation. effects of Ed on amphibian populations in the wild ap­ The few researchers who have tested amphibian sus­ pear to vary among species and locations. For example, ceptibilic), to Bd have done so with few species or with mass die-offs associated with Bd have occurred in Califor­ larval animals. Larvae of 4 species of anurans(frogs and nia and Colorado(U.S.A.) (Muths et al. 2003; Vredenburg toads) exposed to Bd had different levels of mortality and et al. 2010), Queensland, Australia (Berger et al. 1998), mouthpart pigmentation(Blaustein et aL 2005). Suscep­ and throughout Panama CLips et al. 2006). In contrast, in tibility of juvenile or adult amphibians to Bd has been other locations including South Carolina(U.S.A.) (Daszak examined in 3 or fewer species at a time (Nichols et al. Conservation Biology Vciume 25, No.5, 2011 Searleet al. 967 2001; Daszak et al. 2004; Garcia et al. 2006). We tested crickets that we based on the average size of the species the susceptibility to Bd of 6 anuran species shortly after (1 cricket/O.l g body mass). Due to differences in breed­ metamorphosis. We monitored mortality, infection lev­ ing phenology,
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