CONTENTS. P*ge M embers of the Council from 1st January, 1913, to 20th F ebruary, 1914 ... v I ndex ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... xi P roceedings on B ills introduced in th e C ouncil ... ... ... ... xxxix M inutes of the P roceedings ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 S u bjict-M atter of Q uestions asked by H onorable M embers ... ... ... 141 A cts assented to after the F inal A djournment of both H ouses of P arliament AND JiEFORE THE PROROGATION ... ... ... ... ••• 1^3 P roclamation P roroguing the P arliament of V ictoria ... ... ... ... 145 S elect Committees ... ... ... ... ... ••• ••• ••• 147 D ivisions in Committee of the W hole Council ... ... ... ... ••• 151 R eturn to a n Order of the Council— Cl. Closer Settlement—Return to an Order of the Legislative Council dated 8th October, 1913 R eports from S elect Committees— D l. Elections and Qualifications (Recount of Votes) ... D2. Housing of the People in the Metropolis (Joint)—Progress Report ... a z MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. DURING THE PERIOD FROM 1s t JANUARY, 1913, TO 20t h FEBRUARY, 1914, INCLUSIVE. Elected at— Names of Provinces and Members. Dates of Retirement. Remarks. Nomination. Polling. ------ —-------------------- --------------------- 1------------------------ --------------------~--------- ------ Each Province returns two Members. METROPOLITAN. EAST YARRA: 23,973 Electors j ^ aies1? 18’8*2* The Honorables— ’ ( Females, 5,131. Robert Beckett 6 June, 1913 .. 1919 Elected in place of Hon. E. Miller, who retired by rotation. James Kerr Merritt •• 19 Sept., 1913 1916 Elected in place of Hon. James Balfour, deceased. MELBOURNE: iQ 4 tini7 i 4. /Males, 13,921. The Honorables— 18.460 Electors j FemajeS) ^ John Mark Davies 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired b^rotation and re-elected. Re-electedPresident 2 July, 1913. John McWhae 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Elected in place of Hon. W. Cain, who retired by rotation. MELBOURNE EAST : 17,332 Electors {M a K es>13:980. The Honorables— j 29 May, 1913 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Adam McLellan } 1919 j 1 17 Dec., 1913 Vacated seat by accepting office of Commissioner of Public Works ; re-elected. John Percy Jones 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Elected in place of Hon. W. Pitt, who retired by rotation. MELBOURNE NORTH: ^o,o0193 501 Electors jI Femalegj■^•a^es’ 20,096. 3 4Q5> The Honorables— 6 June, 1913 .. Retired by rotation and re-elected. William John Evans | 1919 | { 17 Dec., 1913 Vacated seat by accepting office of Attorney-General and Solicitor- General; re-elected. Donald Melville 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. MELBOURNE SOUTH : 2 1 ,4 6 2 Electors j The Honorables— Arthur Robinson 29 May, 1913 .. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Thomas Henry Payne 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. MELBOURNE WEST: Males, 17,847. 21,463 Electors The Honorables— Females, 3,616. William Harris Fielding .. 6 June, 1913 .. 1919 Elected in place of Hon. W. H. Edgar, who retired by rotation. John George Aikman 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Retired bv rotation and re-elected. COUNTRY. BENDIGO : 11 a-cm 4. f Males, 8,460. 11,070 Electors j Femalegj 2610> The Honorables— Alfred Hicks 29 May, 1913 .. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Joseph Sternberg 24 May, 1910 .. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. GIPPSLAND : 12,867can Electorsm 4. j (Femaies Males, 10,421.^ 446 The Honorables— William Pearson 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Edward Jolley Crooke 24 May, 1910.. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. NELSON: 1A.00 w . (Males, 8,281. 10,783 Electors j Femalegj 2 502 The Honorables— f 29 May, 1913 Retired by rotation and re-elected. James Drysdale Brown | 1919 j \ 30 Dec., 1913 Vacated seat by accepting office of Minister of Mines ; re-elected. Theodore Beggs .. 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Elected in place of Hon. T. C. Miners, who retired by rotation. Members of the Legislative Council— continued. Elected at— Names of Provinces and Members. Dates of Remarks. Retirement. Nomination. Polling. Each Province returns two Members. COUNTRY—continued. NORTHERN: i o one vi + / Males, 9,757. The Honorables— 12,226 Electors j FemaH2j469 Franks Grenville Clarke .. .. 6 June, 1913 .. 1919 Elected in place of Hon. R. H. S. Abbott, who retired by rotation. William Lawrence Baillieu 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. NORTH-EASTERN : .. m , j Males,. 9,670. The Honorables— 12,439 Electors j Femaies, 2,769. Willis Little 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Arthur Otto Sachse 24 May, 1910.. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Appointed Chairman of Com­ mittees, 3 July, 1912. NORTH-WESTERN : i k oo a vi 4. 1 Males, 12,665. The Honorables— ^ IS,224 Electors j Femajes> 2;559 f 29 May, 1913 Retired by rotation and re-elected. j 30 June, 1913 1 1 Vacated seat by accepting office 1 i I of Minister of Public Health ; F rederick William Hagel thorn Y 1919 re-elected/ 1 30 Dec., 1913 1 1 Vacated seat by accepting office 1 1 1 of Commissioner of Public L J I Works ; re-elected. Richard Bloomfield Rees .. 24 May, 1910.. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. SOUTHERN: 13,034 Electors The Honorables— j William Lionel Russell Clarke 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. William Charles Angliss .. 21 June, 1912 1916 Elected in place of Hon. Dr. W. H. Embling, deceased. SOUTH-EASTERN : iQ18,496 A(\e Electorsvi 4. {1 Fema;es Males, 3;52014,976. The Honorables— Duncan Elphinstone McBryde 6 June, 1913 .. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. William Addison Adamson 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Elected in place of Hon. J. C. Campbell, who retired by rota­ tion. SOUTH-WESTERN : 14,593i/i noa Electorsvi 4. < I ™Males, , 11,812.0 „01 The Honorables— ’ j Females, 2,781. Austin Albert Austin 29 May, 1913. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Horace Frank Richardson 24 May, 1912.. 1910 Elected in place of Hon. T. C. Harwood, deceased. WELLINGTON . 10 °°0 Electors \ ^a^es’ 8,207. The Honorables— 10,-a) Electors j FemaleSj 2,073. John Young McDonald 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Frederick William Brawn .. 2 June, 1910 .. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. WESTERN : iq a a c vi 4. I Males, 10,527. The Honorables— 13,006 Electors ( Females> 2,479. Edward James White 29 May, 1913.. 1919 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Walter Synnot Manifold .. 24 May, 1910.. 1916 Retired by rotation and re-elected. Total No. of Elec- (Males, 216,219. tors,* 270,209 \Females,53,990. * Including 222 males and 99 females respectively—Non-ratcpaying electors. R W. V.' McCALL, Qlerk oi the Legislative Council. Legislative Council, Melbourne, 20th February, 1914, ALPHABETICAL LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL DURING THE PERIOD FROM 1 s t JANUARY, 1913, TO 20t h FEBRUARY, 1914, INCLUSIVE. Member. Province. 1. ADAMSON, The Honorable William Addison South-Eastern. 2. AIKMAN, The Honorable John George Melbourne West. 3. ANGLISS, The Honorable William Charles Southern. 4. AUSTIN, The Honorable Austin Albert South-Western. 5. BAILLIEU, The Honorable William Lawrence Northern. 6. BECKETT, The Honorable Robert ... East Yarra. (Elected in place of Hon. PL Miller, who retired by rotation.) 7. BEGGS, The Honorable Theodore Nelson. 8. BRAWN, The Honorable Frederick William ... Wellington. 9. BROWN, The Honorable James Drysdale Nelson. 10. CLARKE, The Honorable Francis Grenville ... Northern. (Elected in place of Hon. R, H. S. Abbott, who retired by rotation. 11. CLARKE, The Honorable William Lionel Russell Southern. 12. CROOKE, The Honorable Edward Jolley Gippsland. 13. DAVIES; The Honorable John Mark (President) Melbourne. 14. EVANS, The Honorable William John Melbourne North. 15. FIELDING, The Honorable William Harris ... Melbourne West. (Elected in place of Hon. W. H. Edgar, who retired by rotation.) 16. HAGELTHORN, The Honorable Frederick William North-Western. 17. HICKS, The Honorable Alfred Bendigo. 18. JONES, The Honorable John Percy ... Melbourne East. 19. LITTLE, The Honorable Willis North-Eastern. 20. MANIFOLD, The Honorable Walter Synnot ... Western. 21. McBRYDE, The Honorable Duncan E1 phinstone South-Eastern. 22. McDONALD, The Plonorable John Young Wellington. 23. McLELLAN, The Honorable Adam ... Melbourne East. 24. McWHAE, The Honorable John Melbourne. 25. MELVILLE, The Honorable Donald ... Melbourne North. 26. MERRITT, The Honorable James Kerr East Yarra. (Elected in place of Hon. James Balfour, deceased.) 27. PAYNE, Tli'e Honorable Thomas Henry Melbourne South. 28. PEARSON, The Honorable William Gippsland. 29. REES, The Honorable Richard Bloomfield N orth- Western. 30. RICHARDSON, The Honorable Horace Frank South-Western. 31. ROBINSON, The Honorable Arthur Melbourne South. 32. SACHSE, The Honorable Arthur Otto (Chairman of Committees) ... North-Eastern. 33. STERNBERG, The Honorable Joseph Bendigo. 34. W HITE, The Honorable Edward James Western. Legislative Council, Melbourne, 20th February, 1914. 1913- 14. LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OF VICTORIA. THIRD SESSION OF THE TWENTY-THIRD PARLIAMENT. INDE X. N otes.— (1) For details as to the Proceedings on Bills, subsequent to their initiation, see 'pages xxxix to li. (2) To facilitate reference to any Paper ordered to be printed, the Cypher (as Cl) at the bottom of the title-page of each Paper is shown in this Index. Papers Minutes of 'g Printed Presented to Proceedings <6 Papers. Parliament. Vol. 1 VoL2. Page. Page. Page. Page. ABSENCE, Leave of. See under “ Council—Members.” Acts, Assent to. See under “ Message from His Excellency the Governor,” “ Messages from His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor,” and page 143 Addresses— To His Excellency the Governor (Sir John Michael Fleetwood Fuller, Baronet, K.C.M.G., &c., &c., &c.)— In reply to Speech on Opening of Parliament 14 His Excellency’s answer thereto reported 23 To His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor (the Honorable Sir John Madden, G.C.M.G., LL.D., Chief Justice)— Praying that Courts of General Sessions of the Peace may be held at Bright, Dunolly, Inglewood, and Wodonga 85 Adjournment of the Council.
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