~ FLIGHT COMMENT I MAY " JUNE " 1969 _J Introducing , our new "INf0" series of bulletins - another way of keeping you in the picture. db r CANADIAN FORCES DIRECTORATE OF i HEADQUARTERS FLIGHT SAFETY ( The Flight Safety Committee minutes for the cold COL R. D. SCHUITZ weather period last winter testified to an epidemic of DIRECTQR OF FLIGHT SAFETY flying clothing delays and shortages . This perenniol W. GARNER LCOI H. E. BJORNESTAD pipe- MAJ W The final review of the 1968 accident'incident analysis has just nuisance seems to stem from either end of the FLIGHT SAFETY INVESTIGATION A line . Your job is to give the system time enough to been completed and we are ogain forcibly reminded that people are respond to requests ; the "other end" might well look SHIFT still the main area of concern . We have continued to make headway into a condition which has apparently confounded IN in reducin 9 the number of accident causes attributed to materiel and military supply experts since at least, the Crimean environmental deficiencies but we have made no headway whatsoever War . EMPHASIS in reducing the number of instances where personnel error results in (Spectrometric Oil Analysi s Program) paid off SOAP resource losses . This Is most Important slnce In 1968 human failing recently when a CH112 engine was removed as 2 NDT at the crossroads directed by the SOAP officer . After iron and alumi- is present in 66 0 of the air accidents, and in 65°i; of the ground num traces in the oi I were detected, the engine was accidents and incidents . The fact that this situation has remained examined and found to have a cracked crankcase at 4 PEOPLE '69 relatively constant for several years demands that we do something the centre main bearing . The oil pump housing was about it now . Some of the obvious questions we must ask ourselves : gouged and the scavenge gears were deeply nicked . b Good Show The upper end of several outer valve spnngs were " In what areas do we err most often, and why? heavily worn, and six piston pin plugs were worn " Do we onalyze our errors carefully enough, and is coordinated tapered . In its low-level role this is one aircraft 8 the right (wrong) runway.. action taken to correct or compensate for known weaknesses? where an engine failure could have disastrous con- " Do we re 9 ularl Y review the action taken to ensure that it is sequences . (NDT is examined elsewhere in this issue in "NDT at the Crossroads" .) 10 gettingthemostfromaWEATHERBRIEFING still applicable? " Do we hesitate to tackle the human error aspect because it is At 120`'F a jet engine produces only four fifths as 12 MARSHALLING SIGNALS too com P lex - or worse, do we accept the old clich~ "to err is much power as at 60` . Here's a few rounded-off human"? figures for safe summer flying: altitude I am sure that man Y of us will have difficulty in answering these Compressor I~let Temp(F) °o Thrust Available at 100°o RPM 14 Dental problems at q uestions to our own satisfaction since the record clearly Indicates 120 81 .6°~a loo ss.9~% 16 a pilot's signature ... that we continue to make the some or similar mistakes over and 80 92.9~0 over again . T0 96 .3°0 We are examining the broad aspects on patterns of human be- 59 100 .0°0 17 On the Dials haviour in an attempt to establish more clearly why people make mistakes in and around aircraft . This is a long-term study involving The statistics section came up with a very thought- 18 fire and fuel many agencles and cannot, in the foreseeable future, be expected provoking item the other day . In the periods ending 15 Jan we lost 17 CF104 aircraft every two years 21 Gen from 210 to provide answers to our everyday problems. for 1963-64, 19b5-66, and 1967-68 . This figure came The annual review enables us to assess general problem areas; to light during the preparation of a progress report! similarly, everyone associated with aircraft operations should 24 Comments to the Editor continually assess his job . After all, it's you the individual - as Exposure to excessive doses of sunlight during the well as the Canadian Forces' operational capability - that suffers day means less-than-good night vision that night. If you're scheduled to night-fly wear protective when an aircraft accident occurs. glosses and preserve that extra margin of acuity which may come in handy . It's a good thing to keep in mind thi s summer . Editor Capt J. T. Richards Art and Layout CFHQ Graphic Arts 425 AW(F) Alouette Squodron, CFB 8agotville, pfans a combined reunion and sap-sucking spree for the weekend of 20-22 June . AIf former squadron members Flight Comment is produced by the CFHQ Dir~ ectorate of flight Safety . The contents do not are invited md urged to attend. In order to aid the necessarily reflect official policy and unless planning committee in the preparation of invitation otherwise staled should not be construed as lists, etc, all interested former members are asked to regulalions, orders or directives. Contributions, contact Cc~t Keith Bottoms, 8ox 406, CFB Bagot- comments and criticisms are welcome ; the pro~ ville, Que, statinq period attached io 425 Squodron motion of flight sofety is best served by disse- and present address. Please pass this information fv minating ideas and on-the-job experience . Send submissions to : Editor, Flight Comment, CFH~ ;' ony former members. Personal invitotions and schedule COL R. D. SCHULTZ DFS, Ottawa 4, Ontario . S~bscriplions available of events wifl be mailed to all known 425 Alumni . from Queen's Printer, Hull, P .Q, Annual sub- DIRECTOR OF FLIGHT SAFETY scription rate is ~1 .50 for Conada and USA. :a110 00-1(1-l~l, ;lircraft $pectrometric C)il :lnalvsis measurement of the element5 prcsent in the oil . Pro ram (S0 :'1Pl t~~as Frublished i n .auK ] 9 6h~ to desrribc Thc bcncGts to he derivcd from this techniquc : the p ro Kram and re c,>ulate its i mE~l emcntdti~ - 'r ~n . b) cctro- ~ :1 useful diaKrtostir aid for t:arl~~ dctcction nf metric oil anal~~sis mcans the determination of aircraft inci p ient fail,;rc - ~c :,i=>ir~f'c~. , i . n i. t~~> ntrih >.~~ion r' tu com p onent wear condition h~~, accuratel~~, meas u r'tng t h e ' i ~ht safet~ . mctallic elements contained in used-oil samples . :a ~ Reduction of o~~er!~,~u' and rc~air1" cost~ . NDT definite corrclation exi ;ts bet«~een the metallic ron- ~ I alid maintenanre yualitc control data . taminants in alubricatin~ oil and thc mcchanical condition ~ ~'alid informatic~n to de~id~ extension or redu~tion of thc mechanism w~hich this oil serl~es . SOA is ba5ed ~~f oti~erhaul life. , at c)n t}~ese tivell- p roven fact 5 .~ ~ llata on ne~,~ scstem, unctcr dc~~clo;~ment, test sn~l o :111 elements have a characteristic spectrum which r~aluation . allrn~ti their unmistakable identifiration . ~ ( ;uide to maintenance trouhleshootin~. the 0 The composition of the ntatc~rials used for en~ine, llere's ho~c tl-ie p ro x ram has p ro ~ rcssc-d . ..1 .ti 0 ..1 transmission ~om P onent~ are kno«~n and indi~~idual laboratorv ~~'as added last C)ctoher to the aircraft 11ain- metallic elements cxpected in ~aear fiv-products can tenance I)evelo p ment ~ 'nit's \1)' I Centre, to complemer,t crossroads hc cstablished . existinK ~DT resourres . This laboraror~~ ran anal~~ze up 0 11~~~~inK rontact produces wear particles and their to ?00 sam p les p er dav; , and is the forerunncr o f s', imilar' rate of P roduction ran he classified as normal or installations at other hases as thc pro~ram expand~ . abnorn~al . This c-quipment is alread~~ or i~ill soon be rnonitorcd h~ o Technolo~,ry ltas ilevcloped instroments whirh are ~0:1 : ;9 ~~ C :I~I ;, I ~~~ (~ :1\~0 , CTh ~ -~~0-.. l, C 11,~ . Maj. M. Chamberland 5imple to opcrate and capable of yuick accurate mc~in transn~ission, [ l'll-1N en ;rinc and transn;i :, ;i~~n . CFNQ Directorate of Aerospace Engineering 'I'he impact of 50~11' on fli~ht safetv and maintenance p ractices r~~ill bc in dirc ct p ro~or1 tt'o n ~to, thc suppurt- it recci~cs from the field. To quotc from a previous artirlc on S() IP, "the attitude of persons at the unit to~~ards the proKram is thc decisive factor detf rrninin~ its surcess Tv~o 1'eature articles ~lithin the realm of Nc~n-Dcs- hecausc thc unit is re, p onsihlc~ for , and Ita ; control o~~er, kev factors in the prn~ tructive Testing aprearcd in Flight Comment during ;rarn" . In rlosin~ this re~~ietiti~ c~f tlcc p,t~t, I m~, :~t ~tre :;s thc~ 1967 : effectivc contribution made hv other titicll-kno~a~n methodti ~ Speetrom~tric Oil Analysis Nrogram in Air Div such as radio>ra p,,hv ultrasonir , eddv-current. and dve-. ~ Nt~n Destructive Testing for ,qircraft !19ainten- Pcnetrant in providin,t; solutinns to scriotis in-ser~~ice anc:~ }~roblems : craekin ~> of the J,"~ IG1' , rra~ kin ~~ of thc "tIt tor spar attachment point ancl corrosion in t}7e rudder hin~e :'11rnn-st t~~o vears ha~'e ela, sed sinre thcsc articles hrarket of thc ('aribou . Past arhirvcmcnts mav be a sourre of ~atisfaction a lE> >cared .
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