TOWARDS A SWIMMABLE YARRA swimmable adjective swim·ma·ble \ˈswi-mə-bəl Definition : that can be swum USER NEEDS ANALYSIS – STAGE 1 – INSIGHTS REPORT ABORIGINAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT Yarra Pools proudly acknowledges Victoria's We acknowledge the ongoing contribution this Aboriginal communities and their rich culture and makes to the Yarra River (Birrarung) river and its pays respect to their Elders past and present. We waters, catchment and landscape. acknowledge Aboriginal people as Australia's first peoples and as the Traditional Owners and We support the need for genuine and lasting custodian of the land and water on which we rely. partnerships with Traditional Owners to understand their culture and connections to We recognise the intrinsic connection of Country in the way we plan for and manage the Traditional Owners to Country and value their Yarra Pools project all while ensuring the contribution to managing the land, water, natural proposed site’s history as a meeting place for the and built landscapes. Kulin nation is recognised. BUILDING ON AN EXISTING LEGACY Over many decades countless individuals and organisations have From the source of city’s water in our world-class drinking water worked tirelessly to return the river to the state we find it in today catchments to Australia’s largest container port, the Yarra is literally beginning a long-term process of reversing years of neglect. the lifeblood of Melbourne. The Yarra’s current state has been delivered via literally hundreds if As the river enters its next stage of life and Melbourne grows now is not thousands of individual projects, partnerships and programs. an opportune time to consider how the river is not just managed but Reversing its decline has not been an easy task and is a credit to all how the people of Melbourne and those that visit here want it to be involved who have worked to address challenges such as water in the future. We are encouraged by the Victorian Government’s quality, litter, connectivity, improved environmental flows, habitat recent and indeed historic moves towards managing the river and biodiversity, flooding, water supply and waste management and cooperatively with the meaningful involvement of community and planning along the river’s banks to ensure amenity is maintained Aboriginal groups all based around managing the river as a single and improved. living entity connected to and impacted by its catchment. For us a living river is a swimmable river – simple. A B O U T YARRA POOLS Perhaps nothing defines Melbourne and its people more than the The global movement towards reviving urban river swimming and Yarra River (Birrarung). the growing demand for healthy waterways have gone hand-in- hand. Cities around the world are re-connecting with their rivers and Inspired by successful urban river swimming projects globally and harbours and it’s the people driving change. here at home, Yarra Pools is a community led proposal to re- introduce recreation and water-play to the lower Yarra and, in doing Yarra Pools aims to bring people back to the river by advocating a so, to transform an under used section of the iconic river's northern swimmable and therefore healthy waterway all while celebrating a bank into a thriving community facility. unique site’s cultural history by incorporating community involvement through design and ongoing operation. This riverside precinct will be active and vibrant and accessible to all. Bringing people a perspective of the river not seen since the Produced by a small team of passionate Melburnians. Yarra Pools middle of last century. is seeking support to advance the project through a community-led, multi-staged design and construction process. This will ensure we deliver a facility by Melbourne for Melbourne. W H Y A POOL AND WHY NOW? The Yarra river is millions of years old. People have lived in its meaningfully tackle the issue of diffuse source stormwater pollution. catchment for well over 40,000 years. We haven't been able to By providing Melburnians a simple and tangible benefit from the safely swim in its CBD reaches for about 50 years. outcomes of investment in improvements to the Yarra and its catchment we can drive positive changes in the way our city looks The Yarra Pools concept is a not-for-profit proposal to reinstate and feels. This justification for investment will be the link that finally bathing within the city reaches of our river. The idea of drives the widespread uptake of green infrastructure and water reinstatement is important, swimming and bathing in the river were sensitive urban design principles - everything from urban forests, to commonplace until pollution issues rendered it unsafe. grassed tram tracks, green roofs, passively watered street trees, rainwater tanks, floating wetlands, rain gardens and stormwater Through swimming the founders of Yarra Pools believe we can harvesting. reframe the conversation around the Yarra and its wider catchment and show people what’s possible if we put our collective minds to it. The pool is a symbol for what’s possible and is separated from surrounding polluted river water but longer term as water quality By working to return swimming to the city reaches of the Yarra we improves the pool connects directly to the river itself. can commence a serious discussion about water quality and DESIGN PRINCIPLES Health Place Sustainability, and and environment wellbeing community and heritage Economy, jobs and Strategic innovation alignment Activity diversity Community safety Education Health Equity and accessibility and Health improvement wellbeing Identity Respect HEALTH AND WELLBEING Theme Number Activity diversity H1 Accommodate a substantial and diverse range of formal and informal in-water sports, on-water sports and recreational activities within the site boundaries. Community safety H2 Improve perceived and actual safety in the vicinity of Enterprize Park, including through passive surveillance effects from increased site use, and enhanced pedestrian and cyclist connectivity. Education H3 Make formal and informal learning experiences available for diverse user groups, from community groups to individuals. Offer a place for learning about Indigenous culture, social inclusion, health and wellbeing, water safety, environmental improvement and Melbourne’s diverse heritage. Equity and H4 Promote health equity and achieve universal accessibility by considering all potential users through the accessibility application of the Design for Everyone Guide (Sport and Recreation Victoria). Health H5 Be a destination for physical and mental rejuvenation. A place where local community members, CBD improvement workers and visitors can improve their health and wellbeing through an array of passive and active recreational activities. Identity H6 Become a fundamental component of the city, a much-loved place which is recognised and appreciated as a world-class asset for all Victorians. Its iconic identity will be deeply linked to the history and the future of the Yarra River (Birrarung). Respect H7 Respect the needs of existing Yarra River, Enterprize Park and surrounding users, enhancing their experience where possible and utilising their knowledge during the design phase. Activation Comfort Connectivity Enhancement Food and beverage Global standing Legacy, quality and longevity Meeting place Open space Place and Staging Urban amenity community Visual appeal Water sensitive urban design PLACE AND COMMUNITY Theme Number Incorporate program and design elements that activate the site day and night, aligning to the City of Melbourne’s strategy Activation P1 to become a 24hr city. Respond to climatic conditions throughout the year, maximising comfort and enjoyment for patrons. This includes factors Comfort P2 such as water temperature, air temperature, wind conditions, shading and overshadowing from adjacent buildings and structures. Maximise safe and simple active transport connectivity to the site and improve connectivity along the Yarra’s northern Connectivity P3 bank. Ensure the project is designed and delivered in synergy with the broader vision for the Yarra River Precinct within the CBD and leverages existing and planned activities on-site and in the immediate surrounds. These include the planned Enhancement P4 ‘highlining of Sandridge bridge’, pedestrianisation of Market St, upgrades to City Road, Queensbridge Square, Southbank Promenade, South Bank Boulevard and Elizabeth St, changes to Rebecca Walk (Batman Park) and improved access to Flinders St Station. Incorporate high-quality food and beverage offerings which contribute to the sites attraction, amenity and identity. Food and beverage P5 Hospitality venues will reference the site’s on and by water location and provide user enjoyment throughout the day and night. Contribute strongly to Victoria’s liveability and Melbourne’s global reputation in terms of world class design and public Global standing P6 realm, sport and recreation, major events and urban waterway management. Legacy, Provide ongoing community benefit through excellent design, amenity, access and place-making, a quality venue of state P7 quality and longevity significance that ages gracefully and remains adaptable, ensuring longevity. Become an iconic, enjoyable meeting place which draws people to the Yarra’s northern bank, providing the city with Meeting place P8 additional green space. Embrace Shane Gould’s ‘pond in a park’ principle which recognises that pools are meeting places for the community and that only 1% of time is spent swimming in the
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