www.dacoromanica.ro INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE LIBRARY www.dacoromanica.ro HIS MAJESTY KING CAROL II www.dacoromanica.ro INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE LIBRARY POLITICS AN D POLITICAL PARTIES IN ROUMANIA WITH 20 PHOTOGRAPHS AND A GENEALOGICAL TREE 1936 INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE LIBRARY PUBIIISHING Co. LONDON www.dacoromanica.ro ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COPYRIGHT 1936 BY INTERNATIONAL REFERENCE LIBRARY PUBLISHING COMPANY www.dacoromanica.ro PREFACE The International Reference Library who have set them- selves the aim of publishing, on the policy and economy of all countries, easily read, detailed impartial and dependable handbooks, which in accordance with its name shall furnish precise reference, have continually borne these principles in mind in the drawing up of the present book. Since this book is the first to go thoroughly into the !his- tory of Roumanian politics and the Roumanian Parties, and to give their history in a concentrated form together with the first political Roumanian Who's Who, we believe that in publishing it we are serving the great public. The different articles on the Parties have been placed at our disposal by the Parties themselves. Their order has been arranged by us according to the number of their deputies in the Chamber of 1936. The biographies published are based on authentic and authorised data. Whenever it has been im- possible, for any reason, to obtain such data, we had prd- [erred to leave out the biography in question completely, o Some few omissions are to be ascribed to this circumstance. THE EDITOR July 1, 1936. www.dacoromanica.ro THE CONSTITUTION www.dacoromanica.ro THE CONSTITUTION The new constitution, which became necessary through the annexation of the new provinces to Roumania, was com- piled by lone! I. C. Bratianu's Government with the coope- ration of two or three eminent jurists, and was passed through the House on the 26 th March, through the Senate on the 26 th and was published in the official gazette, the Moni- torul Oficial.' on the 29th March 1923. We give below the important points concerning the constitution. CONCERNING THE TERRITORY OF ROUMANIA. The Roumanian Kingdom is a single and indivisible na- tional State. The territory of Roumania is inalienable. The frontiers of the State cannot be changed or rectified other than by virtue of a law. The territory of Roumania may not be colonized by a people of foreign race. CONCERNING THE RIGHTS OF ROUMANIANS. Roumanians, without distinction of ethnic origin, of lan- guage or of religion, shall enjoy liberty of conscience and liberty of the press, liberty of meetings, liberty of associations and all liberties and rights as established by law. The present. Constitution and other laws regarding political rights shall determine which, other than the quality of being a Rouma- nian, are the conditions necessary for the exercise of these rights. 9 www.dacoromanica.ro Special laws, passed with a two-thirds majority, shall de- termine the conditions under which women may exercise po- litical rights. Women's civil rights shall be established on the basis of full equality of the two sexes. Differences of religious and confessional belief, of eth- nic origin and of language, shall not constitute ahindrance in Roumania to the acquiring and exercising of civilrights. Only naturalization shall place a foreigner on an equal footing with a Roumanian as concerns the exercising of po- litical rights. Naturalization shall be granted individually by the Council of Ministers. No distinction of birth or of social class shall be permitted in the State. All Roumanians, without distinction of ethnic origin, of language or of religion, are equal before the law and shall be liable, without distinction, to contribute to pu- blic taxes and charges. They alone are eligible for public, civil and military appointments anddignities.Foreigners may not be admitted to public appointments exceptin ex- ceptional cases and as established by law. All foreigners on Roumanian soil enjoy the general protection given by the law both as regards person and property. All privileges of whatsoever nature and class exemptions and monopolies are abolished in perpetuity in the Roumanian State. Foreign decorations may be worn by Roumanians only with the Royal assent. Individual liberty is guaranteed. Nobody may be prose- cuted or searched except in those cases and in accordance with the formalities provided by law. Nobody may be de- tained or arrested other than under a judicial warrant, the terms of which must be communicated to him at the time of arrest or latest within 24 hours of detention or arrest. In a case of manifest guilt, detention or arrest maybe carried out immediately, and the warrant shall be issued within24 10 www.dacoromanica.ro hours and shall be communicated to the prisoner in accor- dance with the preceding paragraph. Nobody may be re- moved against his will from the judicature to which he is entitled by law. The domicile is inviolable. No domiciliary visit may be carried out except by the competent authorities, in those cases provided by the law and in accordance with the formalities which it prescribes. No law may establish the punishment of confiscation of property. The death penalty shall not be re-established except in the cases laid down in the military penal code for time of war. Property of every nature as well as debts due by the State are guaranteed. Only Roumanians and naturalized Roumanians may ac- quire title to and own rural real estate in Roumania. Fo- reigners shall only have the right to the revenues from such real estate. Mineral deposits as well the riches of every description of the subsoil are the property of the State. Masses of common rock and quarries of materials suitable for constructional use are excepted, this, however, without prejudice to rights ac- quired by the State by virtue of previous laws A special mining law shall establish the manner and conditions for the exploitation of these subsoil deposits, shall fix the royalties of the owners of the surface land and shall at the same time state the possibility and measure in which the latter shall par- ticipate in the exploitation of these riches. Rights already acquired shall be taken into consideration provided they are in conformity with the exploitation of the subsoil, and shall be subject to certain distinctions which will be drawn in the speciallaw. Mining exploitation concessions instituted or granted in accordance with the laws to-day in force shall be 11 www.dacoromanica.ro respected for the period for which they have been granted, whilst extant mining exploitations, granted by owners, shall be respected so long as exploitation shall continue. No con- cessions in perpetuity may be made. All concessions and ex- ploitations referred to in the preceding paragraph roust, how- ever, conform to the regulations which shall be laid down by law, and which shall also provide the maximum duration for such concessions and exploitations, and which shall not exceed fifty years from the promulgation of this Constitution. Roads of communication, atmospheric space and navi- gable and floatable waters are for the common public use. Waters capable of producing motive power and those which can be used for the common good are public property. All productive agencies shall enjoy an equal measure of protec- tion. By means of laws the State may intervene in the rela- tions between such agencies in order to prevent economic or social disputes. The right to work shall be protected. Social insurance of the workers shall be regulated by law for cases of sickness, accident and other eventualities. There shall be absolute liberty of conscience. The State guarantees to all cults a special liberty and protection so long as their exercise shall in no way encroach upon public order, good morals and the laws concerning the organization of the State. The Christian Orthodox Church and the Greek- C atholic Church are Roumanian Churches. The Roumanian Orthodox Church being the religion of the great majority of Roumanians is the dominant Church of the Roumanian State; whilst the Greek-Catholic Church takes precedence of all other cults. The Roumanian Orthodox Church is and shall remain independent of any foreign hierarchy, but chall main- tain its unity with the ecumenic Church of the E.n.st as con cerns its dogmas or beliefs. The relations between the va- rious cults and the State shall be established by 3aw. 12 www.dacoromanica.ro Documents relating tothe civil state areattributes of the civil law. Education is free in the conditions established by special laws and in so far as it shall not be contrary to good morals and public order. Primary education is compulsory. This edu- cation shall be provided free in the State schools. The State, districts and towns shall provide assistance and facilities to pupils wihout means in all grades of education to the extent and in the manner prescribed by law. The Constitution guarantees to everybody the right to com- municate and publish their ideas and opinions by word of mouth, in writing and through the press, each individual be;ng answerable for abuse of this right in cases set out in the penal code, but which may in no case restrict or limit the right itself. No exceptional law may be enacted in this con- nection. Neither censorship nor other preventive measure against the publication, sale or distribution of any publication may be introduced. No preliminary authorization from any au- thority is required for the appearance of any publication. No caution money shall be demanded from journalists, writers, editors, printers or lithographers. The press shall never be placed under a cautionary regime. No newspaper or publica tion may be suspended or suppressed. Every periodical pu- blication of whatsoever nature must have a responsible di- rector.
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